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  • Blotter updated: 10/01/08

  • File :1224082850.jpg-(333 KB, 500x752, 11.jpg)
    333 KB Help Me Help You Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)11:00 No.1363119  
    Okay /cgl/ I’ve noticed how happy everyone here gets when people are actually helpful, posting tutorials and character sheets. Over the past several months I have been collecting everything I could that I thought could be seen as helpful towards completing a costume, and now I plan on creating a searchable database where any cosplayer can find what they need in one place without having to jump everywhere praying to find the right tutorial. This Database will consist of character turnaround sheets for reference, costume, prop, and wig tutorials, and links to reliable commissioners and sources to purchase your cosplay supplies. An example of how the site would work is:
    A cosplayer wants to do a Yoko costume, so she comes to the website and simply types in Yoko, Gurren Lagann or any other keywords associated with the character then clicks “search”. A results page will list a wig tutorial for Yoko’s hair, a molding tutorial for her hairpin, a character sheet for full turnaround reference and even a tutorial for making the rifle.
    I will also be offering a listing of reliable commissioners, and a possible forum. Membership will be completely free, and members will be allowed and encouraged to submit content to the database in order to help it grow. I am willing to start this out of my pocket, and am positive I can fund the hosting and bandwidth off of cosplay related banner ads, but alas, I am stuck on a name for the website! So /cgl/ Help me help you, I need an easy to remember domain name that is available for use. Thanks ahead of time, you won’t be disappointed.

    In return have some awesome Umi
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)11:09 No.1363126
    >> RandomCosplayer 10/15/08(Wed)11:15 No.1363132

    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)11:15 No.1363133
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)11:27 No.1363151
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)11:34 No.1363165
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)11:39 No.1363180
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)11:40 No.1363182
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)11:44 No.1363192
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    That hasn't been funny in forever.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)12:00 No.1363211
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)12:04 No.1363212
    I like cosplaymanual.com
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)12:06 No.1363213
    I like the sound of cosplaymanual.com

    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)12:07 No.1363214
    Oh wow, hivemind.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)12:32 No.1363240
    Cosplay Manual seems to be winning so far. Does ANON have any suggestions to features they'd like to see implemented?
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)12:38 No.1363246
    The big thing I'd like to see is when you search for a character, you can select either reference sheets, or for tutorials/patterns, so that you don't have to dig through a bunch of refs just to get the wig help you want.

    The other stuff I was going to suggest is all pretty much assumed in any sort of search engine website, so it's a moot point suggesting any of it. But yeah, I really like this idea.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 10/15/08(Wed)12:42 No.1363250
    Sounds good anon.

    If you need any webspace/help, hit me up, I have more bandwidth and space than I need.
    >> OP !066D5/1Jo2 10/15/08(Wed)12:48 No.1363259
    So you would like to use an "advanced search" feature?

    Thanks for the offer, I have a hosting situation all taken care of, but would possibly be looking for moderators and other various help site wise.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 10/15/08(Wed)12:52 No.1363263
    Sure. Thought about how your going to set it up? Only because if you're going to have a lot of content you're probably going to need a CMS; Drupal is nice.

    If you wanted something more blogging tool, wordpress is nice and something I use a lot.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)12:57 No.1363272
    An organized data base of reliable online stores to purchase materials would be nice. I.e Denver Fabrics, Fabrics.com etc, dickblick.com, etc.
    >> OP !066D5/1Jo2 10/15/08(Wed)12:58 No.1363274
    Got it all figured out ^_^
    My biggest issue is going to be content, which I will ask for the help of the members of the site.
    a Member may submit content, then a moderator will approve and keyword the content based on if it fits the specifications of content requirements, and if it is not a duplicate item.

    My overall goal is to create an easy to use site where cosplayers can find everything they need in one stop.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)13:04 No.1363282
    Wouldn't something like a wiki page work? I want to say that I've seen a cosplay site like this before that had some tutorials. The layout was good but it was severely lacking in the content department.

    And having reference pictures would be fantastic. I'd love to help out by taking screenshots or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)13:09 No.1363292
    Yeah, an advanced search. So people can get REALLY specific about what they're looking for. I'm really glad you're making a cosplay database, this should be great if it works out. If you need anyone to help out with content, I'd definitely be willing to pitch in once the site is up.
    >> OP !066D5/1Jo2 10/15/08(Wed)13:10 No.1363295
    I thought about having a Wiki, but the OMG WALL OF TEXT seems to be intimidating sometimes when in all honesty you're just looking for a short tutorial or a quick character sheet.
    I would love for as much help as possible though, once I get the site built and hosted I'll be looking for moderators. I'll also open submissions from members, so submit away!
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)13:40 No.1363352
    Im giving another vote to CosplayManual.com
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 10/15/08(Wed)14:12 No.1363409
    What system were you thinking of using? :>
    >> OP !066D5/1Jo2 10/15/08(Wed)14:19 No.1363419
    Joomla seems to have the best support as far as extensions and community features are concerned, and they have a large selection of themes. So I'm going with that.
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 10/15/08(Wed)14:20 No.1363423
    Drupal is the shit. I highly recommend using this as a CMS, especially if you want to really organize your tutorials by taxonomy/category. It has a slight learning curve, but is much more adaptable and modifiable than a lot of other CMSes out there (I'm looking at you OS-Commerce). If you want an example of Drupal, the website/business that I run is PostYourTest.com, and its primarily for university students and professors.
    Make sure you get something LAMP (Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP) based, any hosting service should have it readily available these days.
    *My vote goes for CosplayTutorials.com.
    If you need any help with the development, http://www.myspace.com/demiroral is my myspace, though I think ai-honey (and hell, maybe even /g/ might be able to help) has you covered too.
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 10/15/08(Wed)14:24 No.1363429
    PS: OP, buy up your domain name before you announce which one you decide upon. Some jackass anon/namefag/tripfag might decide to do it and sell it back to you for a substantial increase in price...
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)14:25 No.1363432

    Also, I'd like to see lots of broad tutorials, since a lot of people I know just learned to sew by reading a couple books and trial and error.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 10/15/08(Wed)14:25 No.1363433
    I have to agree with Sagey (also a believe he does this shit for a living whilst I'm a total amateur), Drupal > every other CMS I've tried out. However if you already know how to use Joomla /well/ it may be worth sticking with it. However, Drupal has so many win modules you can add you can get away with minimal customisation and still have a kickass site.

    I kinda like cosplaymanual.com better ;p but cosplaytutorials.com is a close 2nd.
    >> OP !066D5/1Jo2 10/15/08(Wed)14:27 No.1363435
    I've read about Drupal, and yea it seems rather awesome. I will be running it on an Apache server so don't worry on that end. I appreciate all of the advice, seems like with the support of the community this will become a truly beneficial site to all cosplayers.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)14:29 No.1363437
    oh shit I heard about you and your site on the news about a month ago!!!
    ...someone famous lurks /cgl/?
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 10/15/08(Wed)14:30 No.1363443
    THIS would be a great idea, a lot of cosplayers could benefit from knowing regular sewing techniques as well as more specific cosplay ones.

    np my friends site (cosplayisland.co.uk) is built around drupal and they've done well with it. Only thing about drupal is the standard forum is UGLY but there's plenty of mods for other forums available.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)14:33 No.1363450
    call it poopfist
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 10/15/08(Wed)14:33 No.1363451
    The community supported modules are great, and typically very easy to install (you might have to run a SQL script, but thats typically about the hardest it is going to get).
    I'd suggest picking up a book on Drupal by David Mercer. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1904811809 I think this one is about Drupal 4.6 and later (Drupal's latest distributions are 5.11 and 6.5), but it is still relevant enough to give you an idea of what you're headed for.
    I am by no means famous, but my site has picked up some controversy. Thanks for visiting anon!!!
    >> Caitlin 10/15/08(Wed)14:36 No.1363455
    I think Cosguide or Cosplay Guide...

    Maybe (The) Cosplay(ers) Handbook.
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 10/15/08(Wed)14:39 No.1363459
    Does anyone own the black book "The Pocket Ref"? It essentially features little facts that can be useful in various situations ranging from the mundane everyday to various laws in Physics. Your vote reminds me of that name.
    >> OP !066D5/1Jo2 10/15/08(Wed)14:42 No.1363468
    sofar we have:
    Cosplay Manual
    Cosplay Guide

    Everyone, Thanks so much for the support, its a great moral booster to make all this happen. I'm not going to say which domain I choose, but I will be purchasing it tonight, I wanna give others who work a fair chance to submit ideas. I'll build the site when I have free time from my job, but it shouldn't take more than a month. I may be looking for moderators to help out before the site launches.
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 10/15/08(Wed)14:42 No.1363469
    So on a whim I decided to do a domain search, and poopfist.com is already taken. Sorry anon.
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 10/15/08(Wed)14:43 No.1363472
    I'd love to be a moderator if you wouldn't mind it! Send me a myspace message and/or add me as a friend please!
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)14:46 No.1363480
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    >> OP !066D5/1Jo2 10/15/08(Wed)14:49 No.1363490
    I'll put up an application once I get everything set in stone. The base job of the moderator will be to approve and organize content submitted by members. Bring in new content, and moderate the forums of course.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)14:50 No.1363491
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)14:51 No.1363492
    unfortunately its taken :(
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)14:54 No.1363496
    Shit, that would have been perfect!
    >> OP !066D5/1Jo2 10/15/08(Wed)14:59 No.1363504
    Yea, I tried that one too, I would also have liked Cosplaysource.com
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 10/15/08(Wed)15:00 No.1363505
    Not necessarily, I think the first thing someone would search for is "cosplay tutorials" or "cosplay help", so the first thing to come up would probably not be cospedia.com. Even though that domain sounds really good, it sounds like a much more general site name (though if OP wanted to, in the future expand and compete with cosplay.com, its a great domain name have).
    PS: OP, you might want to see if you can RSS some stuff in from Instructables.com. That site is phenomenal for tutorials of all kinds.
    >> OP !066D5/1Jo2 10/15/08(Wed)15:04 No.1363516
    Actually CosplayManual, while it is winning in votes, isn't really correct terminology for what I would like to make. Im looking not to just have tutorials, but source images, links to places to purchase supplies, and forums as well. More of an Omnibus or Collection of cosplay resources. All of your suggestions are great though, please keep them coming!
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)15:38 No.1363563
    then why not cosplayresources.com
    >> OP !066D5/1Jo2 10/15/08(Wed)15:50 No.1363576
    haha I dunno, it just sounded... off?
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)15:53 No.1363579
    Cospaylibrary? Cosplaysauce? :P
    >> Iggy !wlKSIkOzHo 10/15/08(Wed)15:56 No.1363588
    Cosplay Shed or CosShed

    Oh hey btw if you don't have anyone to do it, I occasionally do web logos/etc. Only thing is If you want a vector I haven't moved into that yet.
    >> OP !066D5/1Jo2 10/15/08(Wed)15:58 No.1363590
    Haha, CosplaySauce! I like that

    I may hold a contest for the logo if I don't have time to do one myself.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)15:59 No.1363594
    Hee, Cosauce
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)16:04 No.1363602
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)16:11 No.1363608
    OP has a brilliant idea. Kudos!

    cosplaybible.com ?
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)16:12 No.1363611
    I like this. :3
    >> Iggy !wlKSIkOzHo 10/15/08(Wed)16:18 No.1363623


    >> athena !.hZ1JFfak2 10/15/08(Wed)16:18 No.1363624
    The complete idiots guide to Cosplay....

    ok so that's a bit long. I like Cosplay Bible though. Kinda like the EGL bible.
    >> OP !066D5/1Jo2 10/15/08(Wed)16:19 No.1363626
    Thank you, I'm just trying to start a service that will benefit the community as a whole, and hopefully bring a more helpful tone to everyone.
    I would much rather see someone offer help and advice than call someones costume fail. We've all been in that place when we started, where we wanted to rip our eyes out because we couldn't find that reference art or we couldn't get that wig right. Here, cosplayers can come for help, and not worry about harsh and rude criticism.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)16:29 No.1363645

    CMS systems are for people who can't write their own stuff, and is fine with their websites looking like complete ass.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)18:08 No.1363773
    I could go about writing my own sites no problem, but Content Management Systems allow me to set up a site within hours versus months. If they're free, they also keep your operating costs very low, and since there is a community around them, they're generally bug-free and run smoothly.
    >> OP !!Ip5sBQcRRnw 10/15/08(Wed)18:54 No.1363881
    So, I've decided on CosplayManual.com I'll get to work on it tonight, and should be looking for Moderators and any help I can get soon.
    For now, If anyone has any tutorials, or character sheets they want to donate to the initial build I would be extremely grateful

    also Tripcode changed cause im now home from work
    >> athena !.hZ1JFfak2 10/15/08(Wed)19:24 No.1363949

    hey set up a gmail and I'll zip what I have and send it to you.

    I can also mod if you need mods. This is a fantastic idea.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)19:31 No.1363958
    Fffff this is an awesome idea and you should feel motherfucking awesome.
    >> OP !!Ip5sBQcRRnw 10/15/08(Wed)19:35 No.1363967
    Thanks Athena, I will be setting up an e-mail with the domain tonight or tomorrow, and writing an application form for moderators to apply. I'll most likely post here, in this thread with links to both.
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 10/15/08(Wed)19:51 No.1363998
    I'm way late on this thread, but I have to say I absolutely love where this is going. Let me know how I can help, and I absolutely will. I would love to contribute some good content as well.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)20:02 No.1364014
    Shame you don't have any good material
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 10/15/08(Wed)20:13 No.1364032

    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)20:24 No.1364042
    Would it be helpful to post things like character design sheets in a separate thread to help out?
    >> Anonymous 10/15/08(Wed)20:30 No.1364050
    Actually Best bet would be to wait until I have the database ready, and simply submit the files. Or when I post the e-mail you can send them there Thanks!
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)02:33 No.1364669
    This is a seriously awesome idea, OP. You deserve an entire pack of corgis for this one. I can't wait until you get it set up! I'll contribute what I can, if I have anything to offer.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)03:02 No.1364703
    OP, you're awesome. Once you have an email set up, I'll send you my whole cosplay help folder.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)03:14 No.1364715
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)03:16 No.1364722
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    here. now shut up.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)03:40 No.1364751
    I hate to say it, but I agree with this idea.
    >> Sieg !VhSiegR26w 10/16/08(Thu)03:44 No.1364754

    >> OP !066D5/1Jo2 10/16/08(Thu)12:08 No.1365320
    Alright everyone, I purchased the domain, and will begin work shortly. I have put up the moderator application at
    http://www.cosplaymanual.com Thanks for all of the suggestions and support, I promise I will do my best to build the prefect cosplay resource site.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)12:10 No.1365322

    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)12:13 No.1365326
    Sorry if this has been asked/answered already, but will it be, like, we can make usernames and upload tutorials and stuff, or would one person upload everything as a whole?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)12:23 No.1365338
    Potential epic is potentially epic.
    >> OP !066D5/1Jo2 10/16/08(Thu)12:26 No.1365340
    It will be open for membership, which will be free. In order to submit content, and post on the forums you will have to have a membership. However simply searching for items will be open without membership

    Once an item is submitted by a user, a moderator will then check if it meets the standards of the site, and if so will tag it with the proper keywords, and publish it.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)12:28 No.1365342
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    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)12:47 No.1365360
    Cant wait for this
    >> Krizalid !!d8yGuJYDV40 10/16/08(Thu)13:01 No.1365375
    I am sensing a great potential on this.

    I'll be watching this.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)13:46 No.1365477
    I applied ^_^
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)13:56 No.1365499
    So did I! I'm so excited for this site.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)14:17 No.1365550
    I love you for this! I'll contribute as much as I can. :D
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)15:06 No.1365667
    This is so cool!
    I'll bookmark the site as soon as I get home.
    (4chan at work...heh....)
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)15:32 No.1365734
    So OP when do you plan on launching?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)15:39 No.1365762
    This is a great idea, but should be a sister site, so as to avoid confusion.
    >> OP !066D5/1Jo2 10/16/08(Thu)15:52 No.1365806
    I agree That is a great Idea! If another anon creates it I would gladly link between the two

    Hopefully by mid November.
    >> Iggy !wlKSIkOzHo 10/16/08(Thu)20:03 No.1366248
    Damn, I was at work all day today and had an awesome idea for a name. Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)20:12 No.1366268
    Oh wow, how did i not notice this before? This is a great idea. I fully endorse this and am willing to contribute once it's up and running.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)20:40 No.1366343
    Here's a quick idea op.
    It might be cool to have a kind of advice or "words of wisdom" page where members could submit well drafted essays/articles about things they have discovered through trial and error. Topics could be something like complex materials (like fiberglass), drafting a custom pattern, or where to start from scratch. I've made many a thing following tutorials and wished I had some expert tips and tricks to keep me from making stupid mistakes and to make the prop that much better.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/08(Fri)01:08 No.1367162
    I do believe a site like this has been attempted before. The failed attempt is called Coswiki and contains maybe 10 tutorials.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/08(Fri)03:19 No.1367534
    Hey op, obviously you crop your photo to take out the watermark but out of curiosity where did you get that picture from?
    >> OP !066D5/1Jo2 10/17/08(Fri)09:05 No.1367792
    Thats actually a good idea. I've also been toying with the idea of offering exclusive progress blogs to some of the top notch cosplayers and prop makers so people can watch step by step on how people do things, and perhaps pick up some techniques.

    I honestly have no clue where I got it, It was the 3rd pic in my cosplay folder (3 being my lucky number) Ontop of that Umi is one awesome cosplayer!

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