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  • Blotter updated: 07/19/08

  • File :1222736314.jpg-(123 KB, 594x568, anatomy_of_a_scout.jpg)
    123 KB Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)20:58 No.1332085  
    So with Halloween a month away I'm planning on getting together a TF2 themed costume. Since scout seems the easiest, he'll be my main goal. Just wondering /cgl/, Could you give me any tips on places to check for things to perfect the costume?
    Also got a friend who's ambitious enough to attempt Pyro so he's definitely gonna need some guidance in that.

    ITT tips for TF2 cosplay.
    Pic related, but not me.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)21:03 No.1332098
    Obviously you're going to have to make the headset. Modify Adidas Sambas. Messenger Bag is the tricky.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)21:06 No.1332109
    Yeah I'm concerned about the messenger bag, I'm thinking of getting a cheap quiver and modifying it a little to hold a bat. I'm price checking radio headsets but these puppies are pricey for what I'm gonna do with 'em so making one'd prolly be the best option after all >.>;
    >> Oongawasquid !!lQmaQSDzUA2 09/29/08(Mon)21:26 No.1332142
    Oongawasquid here, to let you know that there is a whole place devoted to TF2 cosplay at TF2chan.
    Although if I do recognize that picture and it's not just the mercury poisoning, you already know.
    And for your Pyro friend, Voss brand water bottles make for excellent grenades.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)21:42 No.1332156
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)21:52 No.1332173
    soo tempted to piss away 200$ just to mod this into a scatter gun...
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)22:20 No.1332244
    Check out google or hardware stores for ear protectors for the headset. They tend to be the right shape/size/color by default, so not much modding needed there. For the mike, you could attach your own or fake it from scratch. I made mine with some really thick wire and a clump of model magic :B If you've got the means for a nice mike, though, go for it. It's a fairly generic look, though, so won't have to go through hell to pull it off.

    Belt might be hard to find, depending on stuff. I got mine from a generic clothing store (Ross, Mervyn's, whatever they have in your area), but you might have to hunt for it a bit. THey're uncommon, but not HOLYSHIT rare or anything.

    Spraypaint a bat. Over on TF2chan, they say that Scout's bat's proportions are similar to those of a tire checker/tire thumper (?) bat, so if you can find that cheap somewhere, awesome.

    I hear yoga bags being used for the bag a lot. Some people make their own, but have trouble keeping the damn thing propped up/not saggy. In that case, I'd say fill it with batting or something (If you're not actually going to use it) or use interfacing/starch to help the fabric keep its shape. Fairly simple pattern. Rectangle with two circles for either end. Size is up to you, since they should be based on your proportions.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)22:22 No.1332252
    Going for perfection I'd say:

    -instead of those pants get baseball pants, u can find them at sporting goods stores for a reasonable price (I think around 30).

    -go to an army/navy surplus store and get a black military/Fidel cap; Scout's cap is flat on the top

    -look for headphones from for construction or something; they're usually that kind of yellow and just rip one ear off and attach the headset to it

    hope this helps
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)22:28 No.1332268
    To add to the headset thing- be careful when ripping off one of the ear muff things. A lot of ear protectors are meant to be really durable, so they'll be made of metal and someshit. If you're not careful, you could end up with a raw metal edge where the other muff used to be, and putting that thing on and taking it off can be a bitch if you're careless. If you can snap the raw edge off or dull it somehow, awesome.

    I've got scratches on my face from my ear protector thing. It's fucking beautiful. :']
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)22:40 No.1332288
         File :1222742446.jpg-(360 KB, 800x600, 121847024498.jpg)
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    Just inputting what I did for my Scout (sage of selfpost, BLU Scout in the middle):

    -Hat: As stated previously, a military surplus store would work. I got mine off of Amazon, two kinda acutally but the one I have doesn't fit.

    -Bag: Yoga bags tend to work best due to the smaller size compared to real baseball bags. However, the draw back is all the zippers and shit which draws the route to make one's own. Really all people will see is the strap, but you can use the bag to carry shit around with you if you happen to take it to a con. IIRC, there /is/ a pattern someone posted on coscom...

    -Headset: Take a pair of earmuffs, pull one off, paint it (Acrylic paint is best since I used spray paint and caused more trouble than what it was worth). There's a small black rotator type thing on the side used to pull the mic up and down, as seen in the Meet the Scout video. I've seen way too many people leave out this detail. But, going the cheap way, grabbed a bottle cap, painted it and bought a detachable mic and used a power drill so it would fit in. Gluing a piece of wood in the cap to drill a screw on the inside of the headset to secure it in place.

    -T-shirt: If you can't help yourself on this one...ugh...I need a lighter one myself.

    -Pants: Being cheapo again, khakis for me. Rolled them up to about knee length. Baseball pants would probably work better.

    -Socks: Soccer socks, I can't seem to find a decent pair myself.

    -Shoes: I got a pair of Adias which seem pretty accurate. However, 3 stripes, Scout has two. Needs modification. In the pic, at Otakon, I didn't have said shoes at the time so tried to pick the next best thing I could at the time.

    -Bat: Spray paint a plastic one. I was lucky enough mine already had a black "handle".

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