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  • File :1221789123.jpg-(79 KB, 650x599, 1221763725046.jpg)
    79 KB Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)21:52 No.1331235  
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)21:53 No.1331244
    I am NEET.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)21:54 No.1331247
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)21:54 No.1331249
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)21:55 No.1331254
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)21:56 No.1331258
    NEET born in UK.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)21:59 No.1331269
    In 1171 AD there were not many neets. But in 2201 AD there will be many neets.
    >> Anonymous Jones ‮[8-FTU] ‪‪‪‬ ‪‬ ‭‬ !TapsqdZp4A 09/18/08(Thu)22:00 No.1331273
         File :1221789613.jpg-(6 KB, 182x126, shimbun neet.jpg)
    6 KB
    It's like they're implying that being a ronery loser is a direct result of not being in education, employment, or training. I'm here on /jp/ despite being in education and employment.

    Quit discriminating! ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)22:01 No.1331279

    War was beginning.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)22:01 No.1331280
    anybody want to translate this
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)22:02 No.1331283
         File :1221789777.gif-(92 KB, 582x433, ronery.gif)
    92 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)22:13 No.1331313
    I am a loner but I am not a loser.

    I am bright and have fairly good grades in school. But I avoid social interactions because everyone around me are idiots and religious dumbfucks. They do not share my passion for maths and history.

    I don't have girlfriends not because I am ugly. It's because THEY are ugly. On top of that they are hypersocial idiots and supersitituous nuts.

    I stay inside my room not because people hate me. It's because I hate people. However I am living on my own now. I rarely ask my parents for money.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)22:20 No.1331351
    In other words you're just as bad as the people you hate.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)22:24 No.1331364
    Maybe I am but hey at least I don't fucking worship a meteorite rock in Mecca.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)22:25 No.1331370

    Sounds like me.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)22:28 No.1331381
    what does it say?
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)22:39 No.1331411
         File :1221791993.jpg-(3 KB, 92x117, concernedcat.jpg)
    3 KB
    >> Anonymous Jones ‮[8-FTU] ‪‪‪‬ ‪‬ ‭‬ !TapsqdZp4A 09/18/08(Thu)22:42 No.1331419
    . . .
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)22:52 No.1331462
    what is a 完全失業者?
    (yes I know it means a completely unemployed person, but why is it in the 労働力人口 staple?)
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)22:53 No.1331464
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)23:12 No.1331553
    what does he mean by 2 GET?
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)23:21 No.1331594
    Think about it for a bit and I'm sure it'll come to you.

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