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  • Blotter updated: 07/19/08

  • File :1222666982.png-(477 KB, 600x450, Picture-562.png)
    477 KB NYAF Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)01:43 No.1330330  
    Remember us?
    We miss you.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)01:45 No.1330334
    Go back to your mother's basement faggots.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)01:47 No.1330339
    You are the cancer that is killing EVERYTHING.
    >> faux !Gaimx7WoNU 09/29/08(Mon)03:00 No.1330504
    Everyone there hated you. Shit is old and underageb& cancer etc etc
    >> Chiri-chan <3 !!JjUYoBiCht7 09/29/08(Mon)03:03 No.1330506
    Let's face it, I wasn't even there but I already get bad /b/tard rage from this.

    Sorry guys, but you need to move on.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)03:15 No.1330530

    Isn't that the point...also, this cancer shit...lame. Just give it up...
    >> Masa D. Luffy !pjAXKingaM 09/29/08(Mon)03:15 No.1330532


    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)03:23 No.1330550
    Oh Anon, my endless source of moral-less entertainment
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)03:29 No.1330571
    nobody's going to believe that
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)04:12 No.1330666
    It would have been lulz if you had masked the statue and moved on. /b/ used to understand subtlety and humor.

    At AX, I remember someone adding // to ballroom b. That was funny. You guys are just cancer.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)13:16 No.1331262
    everyone actually loved us
    we started a caramelldansen and raided gaia
    it doesn't matter if you hate us
    you weren't there
    >> The Truth 09/29/08(Mon)13:20 No.1331269
    I saw some of you leaving Subway... one of you had a stereo with Fresh Prince theme looping continuously.

    I think I saw Blackula in there too, but he didn't leave with the anons.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)13:22 No.1331270
    Do people ACTUALLY still consider this clever and funny? I mean .. really. This shit was over before it even started.
    >> Oldfag '03 09/29/08(Mon)13:29 No.1331280
    No one loved you but other failures like yourself. People on here who were there already said they hated you. I believe them.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)13:34 No.1331291
         File :1222709662.png-(353 KB, 600x450, _1.png)
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    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 09/29/08(Mon)13:37 No.1331295
    That one dansen started Saturday near the D drawing, you assholes were in my way. Thus I personally say, fuck you guys.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)13:37 No.1331296
    ROFL so basically you were perpetuating old memes all over the place?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)13:42 No.1331301
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    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)17:39 No.1331597
    Ah yes, the one in the Akatsuki cloak gave me a marriage proposal. Of course I remember.
    >> z !!1pnEuEH5CNi 09/29/08(Mon)17:42 No.1331604

    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)17:55 No.1331627
         File :1222725305.png-(354 KB, 600x450, l_8578a9dfc41344c898e8289303c7(...).png)
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    I used to have the girl in OP friended on MySpace. Used to. You were cool when I used to RP with you, but upon seeing you upload these pictures, all of that went out the window.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)18:02 No.1331643
    I don't understand why most of you were black and over weight...
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)18:11 No.1331666
    I say this is a nice project - de-Anonymize Anonymous until they learn the art of subtlety.
    >> Grebbin !!M4ehTJKOnNf 09/29/08(Mon)18:12 No.1331668
    Because she licked the inside of the mask?
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)18:18 No.1331683
    ROFL, I was actually there on Sunday to tell you the truth. So which one of you within the group ran from the bisexuality that was taking place in that circle? Optimus, I'm looking for you, here.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)18:30 No.1331721
    Actually Anon, security got a number of complaints about you.
    >> Anonymous 09/29/08(Mon)18:58 No.1331804
    Ah yes, this picture. ITT Anonymous fails at 1 and 2, at being funny, and at proper bathing. The group was made of a narutofag, a bleachfag, spics and niggers, and the fem-anons were all lolis, which I suppose was appropriate. They tried to spam some fail memes (caramelldansen, bel-air, rick rolling gaia).

    This is the goddamn cancer, made real.

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