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  • Blotter updated: 07/19/08

  • File :1222232294.jpg-(963 KB, 1664x958, 1207201172991.jpg)
    963 KB Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)00:58 No.1319397  
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)00:59 No.1319399
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:07 No.1319421
    I do not disagree with the choice for NJ. Kind of expected Soni and Umi for NY though.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:10 No.1319425
    so what the fuck happened to alaska and hawaii
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 09/24/08(Wed)01:12 No.1319427
    that is because the map is in serious need of being updated.

    I love Erika Door, but she no longer cosplays as far as I know...so we need a new person to represent Iowa. I would also like to see multiple people represent California, since there is such a shit load of great cosplayers from there. The same goes for Texas...since it is such a huge state.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:15 No.1319435
    >>1319427 I love Erika Door, but she no longer cosplays as far as I know...so we need a new person to represent Iowa.

    Assassins Inc too
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:18 No.1319439

    I live in Iowa, but there's no way I could take her place. I'd just leave her there.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:19 No.1319441
    good to know only two cosplayers live in Iowa?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:21 No.1319445

    Don't YOU live in Iowa?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:22 No.1319447

    I'm not saying that. I just don't know of any good ones.
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 09/24/08(Wed)01:24 No.1319454
    yeah I do.

    Stripper Vash lives in Iowa. Why not put him in?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:25 No.1319459
    In case you didn't notice, this was a female only thing.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:26 No.1319462

    I thought he moved to Chicago?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:26 No.1319465

    Look at Washington.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:27 No.1319467
    In case you didn't notice, there's males in that pic up thar in OP
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:28 No.1319470
    successful troll is successful
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:30 No.1319478
    Find a better picture of SpaceInvader, that pic of her isn't very good.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:30 No.1319480
    nice try
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:32 No.1319485

    I'm serious. She looks old in that pic.
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 09/24/08(Wed)01:32 No.1319492
    As far as I know, he lives in Iowa but commutes to Illinois to see his gf.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:33 No.1319496
    >>1319485looks old
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:34 No.1319498

    I see.

    I still think I'd rather see you on there.
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 09/24/08(Wed)01:35 No.1319503
    BAHAHA...yeah right. How about in a couple of years when I actually have some decent cosplays behind my belt.

    but of course, by then I will be "too old" by /cgl/'s standards.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:36 No.1319505
    Awww shit! Someone's gettin some mad cosplay e-pussy tonite!
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:37 No.1319511
    Hotties on my left, hotties on my right...
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:38 No.1319514
    huh for some reason i thought bev was an east coaster
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:38 No.1319515
    Oh hush.

    I dunno, Zack just doesn't seem best suited, but whatever float everyone's boat.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:39 No.1319522
    Who the fuck is Oregon.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:42 No.1319530
    Who the hell is that in Indiana? I have never even heard of Sakaki.
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 09/24/08(Wed)01:43 No.1319532
    there are good cosplayers from Iowa, but they are relatively unknown.

    Zack though is well known for the most part and has good costumes.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:45 No.1319543
    Next, someone make one of Cali and New York individually showing the best of each county, then city, then block. GO!
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:45 No.1319545

    Okay, okay, fine. Put'im on up.

    Well, I'm off to go do things now. Ciao.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)01:54 No.1319574
    north south east west
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:20 No.1319636
    Make me lulz cause it's wrong on so many states.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:33 No.1319686
    I live in Ohio and I have no idea who the chick is that's representing us either.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)02:41 No.1319708
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:08 No.1319785
    Same here
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:14 No.1319795
    Wait, do my eyes deceive me? No, they don't. Thats really Jekka up there for Maine.

    Dude, that's fucking awesome!
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:27 No.1319805
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:35 No.1319823
    Texas is wrong. This girl should be Texas http://lisacosplay.com/
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:46 No.1319838
    Arizona has little else I fear.

    Also /r/ the Fail Cosplayer version of the map.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:52 No.1319844
    I agree 100%. Space Invader = rich bitch.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)03:59 No.1319859
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    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)04:02 No.1319863
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    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)04:05 No.1319868
    Never heard of her. What about Kyandi
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)04:08 No.1319874
    Care to divulge your or your friend's handle then? A link to more pictures would be appriciated as well.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)04:09 No.1319875

    when was the last time kyandi actually finished something remotely impressive
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)04:12 No.1319878
    I live on PL's masculine jawline. I this awesome y/n?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)04:14 No.1319881
    That is Honey Bunny
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)04:21 No.1319896
         File :1222244500.jpg-(79 KB, 600x450, 436-128783.jpg)
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    Lillyxandra still living in Texas?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)04:22 No.1319897
    She lives in Cali with Matt Miller. Their going to get married.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)04:23 No.1319899
    Since when did she live in Arizona? This ignorant Anon is likely ignorant but I sure as hell haven't heard of her living here.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)04:23 No.1319901

    their what is going to get married?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)04:30 No.1319910
    Both cosplay.com and cosplaylab say she lives in Tempe, Arizona
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)04:32 No.1319915
    Not this stupid shit again.

    Yeah, 6 months ago some fuck made a jpeg with random photos of cosplayers from their cosplay folder and pretended it was a senate delegation. Congrats on digging it up again and chuckling to yourself.

    Now lets all go ahead and do the same old shit of 200+ replies of women promoting their own unwarranted cosplayer fixations. Get this shit over with so we can move on.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)04:34 No.1319930
    Obviously mad not selected for their state
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)04:35 No.1319932
    >baww I'm not on there bawwww
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)04:38 No.1319938
    What, not going to pull out the oh-so-clever "UR JUST JEALOUZ" reply? If you can't come up with a valid statement then don't bother trying to make a retort. It just makes you look like even more of an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)05:44 No.1319982
         File :1222249468.jpg-(142 KB, 550x805, tekkoshocon2007-tnsse-kh2-007.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)05:50 No.1319986
    Where the fuck is Hawaii you dipshit!!
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)05:51 No.1319987

    Nevermind Alaska.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)05:56 No.1319992
         File :1222250209.jpg-(24 KB, 299x450, image.jpg)
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    I got ya covered. Best Ice Climbers cosplay ever.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)06:02 No.1320000

    I don't see Guam or the US Trust Territories.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)06:05 No.1320004

    Shut up. We don't want to be part of the dramuu.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)07:45 No.1320051

    Oh that's right, 99.999% of Hawaii cosplay is FAIL!!!


    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)10:19 No.1320263
    can we get a world map version of this?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)10:26 No.1320271
    A. PL for California, really? She's great and all but I don't know if she's the BEST to put on that state.
    B. Zack has lived in both Illinois and Iowa and does in fact currently reside in Iowa and see his GF in Illinois.
    C. Erika Door really doesn't cosplay and lives in Illinois anyway, she used to live in Iowa with her ex boyfriend.
    D. As far as I know, Matt and JoEllen aren't engaged but yes, they live together in California.
    E. I have no idea who the fuck that is in Indiana either, and that's where I'm from, even though I moved.
    F. This is silly.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)10:35 No.1320284
    PS its spelled Zach.
    >> LoranBasaraEvin !aTurnA/alk 09/24/08(Wed)10:36 No.1320291
    Are you sure you wanna see what African cosplayers look like? It'd be the first time the phrase "EAT A SAMMICH" had any actual meaning.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)10:43 No.1320305

    Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm tired and someone else posted it that way and I really don't care enough to correct myself.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)10:56 No.1320313
    No, but just because she moved to Cali for her bf does not make her a Cali cosplayer. She still a Texan.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)10:59 No.1320315
    I nominate Heza for Ohio.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)11:37 No.1320349
    she doesn't live in Ohio anymore though.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)12:05 No.1320378
    Cool concept... but I don't agree with most of those.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)12:49 No.1320460
    don't be hatin
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)12:52 No.1320464
    It's hilarious to see the shitstorms whenever this gets posted. I'm English so I don't give a shit about any of these people, but it's just too funny to see everyone get their knickers in a twist over it. Keep it up!
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)12:55 No.1320466
         File :1222275314.jpg-(80 KB, 425x640, sonic-he-she-cosplay.jpg)
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    the best uk has to offer
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)13:05 No.1320478
    That's probably because it's just a troll post. A silent way of saying "look at all these dumb random cosplayers, dey are UR GODZ LULZ".

    Women on this board are way to prone to worship everything they see.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)13:15 No.1320497
    I've trolled with this image before, but not to say "hurrhurr look at these cosplayers." I don't care about the people on it. Rather, it's like tossing a steak into a group of dogs and watching them topple over each other for it. Fucking priceless.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)13:15 No.1320498

    >Women on this board are way to prone to worship everything they see.

    Oh WOW. Did you read that before you posted it?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)13:18 No.1320505
    Hilary doesn't live in Wisconsin anymore. But Heza does
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)13:40 No.1320554
    good job on not understanding the statement you tried to reply to.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)14:00 No.1320588
    Ahhhh sweet, delicious dramu. This isn't even the Map of Bad/Infamous Cosplayers by State either.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)14:07 No.1320592
    Update: Ambrosia actually lives in Philly now, so she can no longer be counted for NJ. I think Twilitesea should replace her for NJ, and Ambrosia should take Pennsylvania.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)14:08 No.1320595
         File :1222279701.jpg-(181 KB, 600x800, ebk6081200.jpg)
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    >>1320592 ???
    >> LoranBasaraEvin !aTurnA/alk 09/24/08(Wed)14:09 No.1320596
    I don't think Saki_b lives in Rhode Island anymore. Last I checked, she lives like 20 minutes from me in Massachusetts.

    ...what? I saw her Otakubooty profile...
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)14:10 No.1320598
    Tristen lives in TX now
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)14:11 No.1320599
    I did, I just made a tangential post. Who cares?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)14:12 No.1320600
    O SHI - a shitty EBK picture! That really proves your point. Except not at all.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)14:14 No.1320601
    Who ARE these people!?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)14:15 No.1320603
    I think it show the craftsmanship of the costume pretty well
    there are way better cosplayers for both states
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)14:23 No.1320618
    What about Masayume for Indiana? Her craftsmanship is really good. And for Ohio, the twins are good, but in terms of craftsmanship I think DejikoCharat/Sugar is actually a bit better. Definitely Heza for Wisconsin!
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)14:27 No.1320623
    >>1320618 Masayume

    Recently moved to Virginia.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)14:45 No.1320662

    You are correct, it's MN now.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)14:51 No.1320685
    I hope that Xygue faggot don't live in Butte. Cosplay faggots get beat in this town.

    He probably lives in Bozeman with the rest of the Californian yuppie scum.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)14:55 No.1320691

    Who the fuck is Xygue and what the fuck is Butte?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)15:35 No.1320757
         File :1222284958.jpg-(73 KB, 720x540, 1194561897143.jpg)
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    >>1320691 and what the fuck is Butte?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)15:39 No.1320760
    I'll come to your town and beat the living dogshit out of everyone in it.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)16:02 No.1320797
    iawtc actually.
    >> !cB7kETemLU 09/24/08(Wed)16:14 No.1320835
    soni and umister for ny
    soni and umister for ny
    soni and umister for ny
    soni and umister for ny
    soni and umister for ny
    soni and umister for ny
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)17:58 No.1321208
    Who the fuck is Monoyasha and what is it doing in my state?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)18:44 No.1321309
         File :1222296263.jpg-(21 KB, 360x240, 1333314.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)18:51 No.1321324
    I agree with your choice for WAshington.

    Where the fuck is Alaska and Hawaii though?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)18:53 No.1321328
    Um, does anyone know any cosplayers from Alaska and Hawaii?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)18:54 No.1321329
    /r/ing every province of Canada next plox.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)18:54 No.1321332
         File :1222296889.jpg-(96 KB, 366x500, 542389855_811a187e7b.jpg)
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    >> Masa D. Luffy !pjAXKingaM 09/24/08(Wed)19:01 No.1321370

    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)19:19 No.1321459
    Good old Maine... they cosplay up there?
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 09/24/08(Wed)19:26 No.1321475
         File :1222298795.jpg-(48 KB, 480x349, ak-mel.jpg)
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    Monoyasha lives in MD now. I... can't think of any other DE cosplayers... Reiko quit I think...

    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)19:40 No.1321532
    well done.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)19:43 No.1321544

    The only ones your gonna find for Hawaii is anything from Kawaii-Kon. Outside of that, unless you count Lahaina Halloween as a cosplay venue, then no "famous" Hawaiian Cosplayers.

    Plus we have like the biggest Micronesian ratio in the nation. Fat the Fuka's.
    >> etaru !a/R1fpdHPA 09/24/08(Wed)19:44 No.1321545

    ZOMFG Butte...meth capital of Montana XD
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)19:53 No.1321565
    Pretty sure TiraMisuSH lives in DE.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)20:25 No.1321650
    but that's not a costume!
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)20:29 No.1321661
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)20:49 No.1321692
    Fuck NO
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)20:49 No.1321695
    No what?
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 09/24/08(Wed)21:17 No.1321732
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)21:44 No.1321776
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)21:51 No.1321781
    A hot girl for Texas. Yes make it so.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)22:01 No.1321792
    Hilary is actually back in WI, so either state would work
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)22:26 No.1321836
    a lot of people disagree with the choices. I propose we nominate the top 10 for each state.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)22:30 No.1321846
    Some of the larger states like Texas and California could do top 3 but top 10?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)22:41 No.1321874
    Top 3 is good
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)22:44 No.1321878
    Georgia Needs a new person because she doesn't cosplay anymore either
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)22:50 No.1321886
    good point, Anon.

    Top 3 per state.
    Let's see them!
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)22:51 No.1321889
    Lil Krn Yuna?

    Seriously. She's won at AWA Masq 4 times in a row.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)22:51 No.1321890
    just pick a winner from awa this year, most of them were from georgia
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)22:53 No.1321895
    PockyPrincessDarcy should be NH
    >> ☣ Rip Van Winkle ☣ 09/24/08(Wed)22:54 No.1321897
    /r/ Miyu
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)22:58 No.1321902
    I second this for the state of Georgia
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)22:59 No.1321903
    Certain states could really be split up due to how different they may be, and population variance... West/East PA, North/South NJ, NYC/Rest of state... Nor/So Cal...
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)23:00 No.1321907
    I have no clue who half of these people are, and I've been around for a bit. If anons are going to post this shit, it needs to at least be current.
    >> faux !Gaimx7WoNU 09/24/08(Wed)23:02 No.1321909
    Not arguing the vast difference and need for secession between north and south jersey... but who the hell even cosplays in south j besides me and my boyfriend?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)23:13 No.1321940
    Will someone finally put up a cosplayer who has cosplayed within the last 5 years down for Louisiana?

    Sheesh, other good cosplayers do exist here.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)23:15 No.1321942
    pikminlink is fucking gay

    also why is there a Sora tripfag ?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)23:16 No.1321944

    Our state never gets any good representation :l
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)23:19 No.1321952
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)23:23 No.1321961
    yesod and gamergirlx?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)23:24 No.1321966
    Someone upload a newer, updated map plz?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)23:28 No.1321981
    Who? Selfpost?
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)23:31 No.1321989

    QFT. There are several great cosplayers in LA.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)23:35 No.1322004
    New Mexico
    North Dakota
    South Carolina

    Who the hell ARE these people?
    >> InkyLink 09/24/08(Wed)23:37 No.1322009
    I didn't know Heza or Hil-Hil lived in Wisconsin. I thought I knew almost all the cosplayers here! lol
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)23:38 No.1322013
    fail cosplayers from fail states. Fail breeds fail.
    >> Anonymous 09/24/08(Wed)23:39 No.1322018
    Please stop being a jealous fatty. Make something other than 2 pver-done costumes, and you'll get recognized too.
    >> etaru !a/R1fpdHPA 09/24/08(Wed)23:52 No.1322057
    Not to be self centered, but I think I knew only one cosplayer from MT aside from myself...and she retired a year or two ago O_o Who's Xygue?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)00:20 No.1322128
    Ohio has a few good cosplayers as does Montana. A lot of well known cosplayers are from Montana or the surrounding states actually.
    Does she live in Texas? I always thought she lived somewhere in the northwest.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)00:45 No.1322246
    she was still in bum fuck RI
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)00:45 No.1322250
    Hil-Hil lives in MN now, but Heza is still in WI afaik
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)00:46 No.1322254
    replace Natalie in PA with Oshi.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)02:24 No.1322794
    seriously... name 3 in MT
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)02:34 No.1322838

    name some ohioans? I never see anything from that state
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)02:36 No.1322847
    I live in Utah, but I don't know who MrsKittyBallard is. I tried searching her on cos.com, but I couldn't find her. Anyone have a link?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)02:39 No.1322860
         File :1222324797.jpg-(79 KB, 479x640, 1341032.jpg)
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    Zoroko and Jing both live in Ohio.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)05:24 No.1323235
         File :1222334648.jpg-(84 KB, 479x640, 742002.jpg)
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    Sugar is also from Ohio
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)05:41 No.1323258
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)09:07 No.1323358
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)09:58 No.1323389
    FUCK. Get Limebarb out of my IL NOW. There are tons more superior cosplayers with better personalities to represent the state. Jia, Yui, Saeru for instance. Hell, I'd even settle for Cardcaptor Will's dramafucked ass up there more than Limebarb.

    Shit people. Shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)10:01 No.1323391
    Exactly who the fuck is the butterface they chose for Ohio?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)10:02 No.1323393
         File :1222351337.gif-(415 KB, 130x124, 1220981945737.gif)
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    I agree with this anon's rage! There are better cosplayers up in my Illinois. Yui, for instance, has more talent in her baby finger than Limebarb has in her head.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)10:03 No.1323394

    There's nothing wrong with Barb's personality you fucking troll. Like someone else better, that's fine, but you just come off as someone who feels they got snubbed.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)10:04 No.1323395

    Also, just because you like Yui's SC sword doesn't make her SO AWESOME. Bleh.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)10:07 No.1323398
    Miyabi, LittleVicious, Zell_chan, Animeisha, TheLoneWolf, LazyPhilosopher, Asuka_Chan, Sugaru, Blood_Sorbet, are some of the cosplayers I'm friends with, to name a few.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)10:21 No.1323410
    Nah, Barb's craftsmanship is pretty top notch. Jia's getting better, but it's Barb who helped her in the first place. Yui is good though.
    >> Darkain !DK4ml2r/JE 09/25/08(Thu)15:31 No.1323418
         File :1222371104.jpg-(547 KB, 1054x713, deviantArt-1228.jpg)
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    Personal bias on my part, no lie...

    OR should be pencil

    MT should be Etaru (pic related)

    IL should be Rynn

    CA should be changed to Lionel just for the LULz of him wearing his cosplayer's outfits all the time

    NV should be changed to WindoftheStars after winning the Gurren Lagann contest
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)15:32 No.1323420
    They might be someone or a friend of someone who got ripped off by her back in the day. I know I still have a mild vendetta about the time she fucked me over on a commission.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)15:42 No.1323429
    Alli should replace JJ for MA. Are there even any other cosplayers IN that state?
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 09/25/08(Thu)15:44 No.1323431
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)15:48 No.1323437
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    blood_sorbet just commissions her shit (and wears it poorly) or borrows it from her hero cloakedschemer (and wears it poorly), she shouldn't be put in a list like this.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)16:02 No.1323461

    Who's JJ cosplaying as in MA?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)16:09 No.1323469
    Not to mention heidi to. But yeah, barb needs to GTFO.
    >> SlowMope 09/25/08(Thu)16:09 No.1323470
    Every time this thing gets posted and even when it was being made I kept saying that the person they have for Wyoming DOES NOT LIVE IN WYOMING!
    she did at one point but that was years and years ago.

    she lives in Idaho, she's my friend, I can walk to her house! I would know if we were in Wyoming.
    she just hasn't updated her CosplayLab account is all.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)16:21 No.1323487
    I say Lillyxandra for California, Miyu for Texas, Heidi for Illinois and Stendex for Washington.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)16:24 No.1323489
    Miyu is barely a cosplayer. If she lived in, like, Alaska or something, then maybe she'd be a reasonable choice, but there are MUCH BETTER cosplayers than her in Texas.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)16:26 No.1323491
    or heck, someone who got ripped off by her recently. she's still late on orders, just better at shutting people up now with refunds.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 09/25/08(Thu)16:47 No.1323511
    You forgot Washington, DC.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 09/25/08(Thu)16:55 No.1323521
    That's as much a state as Puerto Rico is.

    Meaning it's not!
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)17:05 No.1323524
    oh Fuck you Barb, you know you've got the nastiest personality this side of a sewage dump.
    No, I didn't get ripped off by her, but I've stood by and watched as she OMFG DRAMU'D WAAH WAAH GTFO CUZ UR TAKING MY SPOTLIGHT'd every single person close to her.
    She's a fucking cunt, and if you're not Barb, take your fucking whiteknighting back to Miyu.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)17:07 No.1323526
    Obviously Barb can't see Yui's work past the sword. -tsk tsk- A crying shame, it's all top-notch. She's just not "OMFG LOOKATME LOOKATME" like Barb is.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)17:15 No.1323532
    Unfortunately, neither could escape doing an ugly as shit Amano-esque costume. I guess everyone has their downfalls.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)17:17 No.1323533

    I'm not Barb at all. I just think that Yui's good with armor and props, okay, but she's not as overall talented as Barb - nor do I really ever want to have to look at Yui's face (thank you for keeping the masks on most of the time).


    And you pretty much come off as someone who's mad they don't get as much attention or recognition as Barb.

    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)17:27 No.1323539
    I wish they'd both cover their face. >>1323524 is right. Many midwest congoers have witnessed Barb throwing hissy fits when friends around her get asked for pictures and not her. It usually involves her huffing to the nearest seat and collapsing into a self-pity ball until someone comforts her. Happens all the time.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)17:43 No.1323552
    I had no idea who Yui was until this thread, and looking looking her up now HOLY FUCK. That woman is amazing. She is way more talented than Barb.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)17:52 No.1323569
    link plz
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)17:53 No.1323575
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:16 No.1323603
    >Please stop being a jealous fatty. Make something other than 2 pver-done costumes, and you'll get recognized too.
    Yeah, because saying Miisha shouldn't represent Louisiana because she hasn't made a thing in years makes me a jealous fatty. I've cosplayed since 2000, and not at all ghetto. Yeah, I'm a jealous fatty with two costumes.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:22 No.1323609
    Nice dramatizing. I've never seen Barb get irritated by being stop for pictures, but I'm sure it's happened. In fact, all of /cgl/ is guilty of this. How many times have you been taking a lunch break in costume and someone's asked for your photo? It's a really irritating experience and a pain in the ass to deal with.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:27 No.1323614
    Sounds like you read that wrong. Anon was saying she gets pissy when she doesn't get stopped for pictures. Not when she does.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)18:56 No.1323662
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)19:06 No.1323676

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