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09/17/08(Wed)02:03 No.1319397 File :1221631416.jpg-(35 KB, 640x480, hisui_41.jpg)
never had any good relationships with people. My batshit crazy
religious parents physically and emotionally abused me as a kid, I
became socially awkward as a result (doesn't help that I was one of the
few Asians in a predominantly white area) and pretty much abandoned all
hope of assimilating during sophomore year of high school. Philosophy,
religion, hard drugs, alcohol, "acquaintances" and even music never
really helped ease the pain of loneliness I felt inside of me. Life
pretty much became a game of seeing how long it would take me before I
killed myself.
Then Hisui came into my life. She represents
everything that I've been desperately missing. She's calm yet
emotional, caring, tender, kind, and of course, moe^11 power. I've
gotten to the point where I don't give a shit about what people think
anymore, so I have no qualms about being thoroughly enamored over a
fictional character in some psuedo-philosopher's eroge. I dream about
her, write sappy fan-fiction and music for her, talk to her (myself).
Hell, it wouldn't be too much of an exaggeration to say that Hisui's
the reason why I haven't offed myself yet. Even after a year and a half
I've stayed loyal to her; it's gotten to the point where I couldn't
detach myself even if I tried. I've found happiness in delusions and
dreams that will never be realized, but I wouldn't hesitate for a
moment to endure anything short of eternal torture to make her real.
Why'd I type out this blog entry when nobody gives a shit, I have no fucking idea. |