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  • Blotter updated: 07/19/08

  • File :1221772472.jpg-(107 KB, 400x400, OBvscgl.jpg)
    107 KB Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)17:14 No.1306867  
    Pic totally related.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)17:20 No.1306895

    Get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)17:21 No.1306896
    At least they're being honest and saying OB is more of a cesspool than /cgl/.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)17:22 No.1306901
    otakubooty = circlejerk
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)17:22 No.1306905
    >>Where smart, sexy nerds are making /cgl/ look better everyday
    >>Some arrogant pricks fagging up this board
    double fixxed.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)17:23 No.1306907
    are there ANY women who use otakubooty? None of them who live near me have logged on in forever, I live in southern california
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)17:25 No.1306916

    plenty of female cosplayers are on Otakubooty

    but they mostly have boyfriends

    then again, no one ACTUALLY uses Otakubooty for dating, do they?
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 09/18/08(Thu)17:33 No.1306943
    Not really anymore, some do though. I've been on OB for a while now but have recently started to get into it again. Nothing too serious, but some of their threads are interesting reads.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)17:34 No.1306948
    There are a few women who have found boyfriends on there.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)17:35 No.1306953
    Probably ugly skanks who couldn't find real boyfriends around their area because nobody would touch 'em.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)17:37 No.1306960
    And that's fucking sad.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)17:40 No.1306971
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    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)18:54 No.1307100
    OB is like cgl, except you actually get the HIV.
    >> An OB mod 09/18/08(Thu)22:35 No.1307653
    Anyone who uses OB as a dating site is fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)22:55 No.1307699
    There are no women on OB, actually. All a bunch of hairy dudes.

    >> Kasai !mdPEhUqv3k 09/18/08(Thu)22:59 No.1307704

    FYI, /cgl/, several "A-list" cosplayers you dudes drool over daily are consistent and well-known OB members. Lord Masamune, Lindze, Miyu, etc. Just sayin'.

    If you're just browsing profiles going "THIS SITE IS DUMB DOESN'T WORK" without ever having touched the forums, you're doing it wrong. OB is amazing.
    >> Kasai !mdPEhUqv3k 09/18/08(Thu)22:59 No.1307706
    oh god I hate myself for forgetting my sage.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)23:15 No.1307754
    Matt made some videos for OB didn't he?
    >> Shin-1chi !3GqYIJ3Obs 09/18/08(Thu)23:22 No.1307764
    something about paying to lurk there helps me feel like I've got money to burn ...
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)23:31 No.1307779
    Nope. Nothin but a bunch of hairy-dicked dudes. Go on over, they're waitin for you.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !pjAXKingaM 09/18/08(Thu)23:39 No.1307795
    Protip: OB is the popular kids you guys wished you could be.
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 09/18/08(Thu)23:40 No.1307797

    LOL WUT?!
    >> frances 09/18/08(Thu)23:40 No.1307799
    oh sweet, that must mean you're not on there! :D
    >> Masa D. Luffy !pjAXKingaM 09/18/08(Thu)23:41 No.1307802

    liek, ur not pawpyoular dewd, liek omg get ovar it, whatevaaaaar
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)23:45 No.1307813
    Masa bought time on OB just to see PamelaNeko's tits. Then she blocked him.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)23:46 No.1307820
    I don't think there's anything in existance that actually looks worse than what /cgl/ has turned into with the influx of cos.commers.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)23:47 No.1307824
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 09/18/08(Thu)23:48 No.1307825
    He's really not. (Is he?)

    However, his statement is completely false; if someone like me is a mod there...
    Man, what a bunch of losers.
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)23:50 No.1307833
    >> Masa D. Luffy !pjAXKingaM 09/18/08(Thu)23:54 No.1307849

    and nothing of value was lost

    ...Is what I'd say if I were rude. :D
    >> UsaKou !HQzP8/WlXU 09/18/08(Thu)23:55 No.1307854
    Place has some smexy men :3 I would know.....
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)23:55 No.1307856
    'cept u are
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)23:56 No.1307857
    why, did you blow them all?
    >> Anonymous 09/18/08(Thu)23:56 No.1307858

    but you have low standars of what is "hot"
    >> UsaKou !HQzP8/WlXU 09/18/08(Thu)23:58 No.1307865
    Yes I did. LOLZ

    Mah man is hot niggah.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !pjAXKingaM 09/19/08(Fri)00:00 No.1307871



    >Mah man is hot niggah.
    >hot niggah.

    wow, do yourself a favor and quit the internet forever. :/
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:00 No.1307872
    low standards are low
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:00 No.1307875

    quit life
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:01 No.1307877

    give yourself low standards for what you think is hot

    they have even lower ones than you for actually going out with or fucking you
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:02 No.1307881
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:03 No.1307882
    That's probably the best site on the internet right now.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:05 No.1307895
    There are two words to sum up OB.

    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:06 No.1307898

    ass ass
    titties titties
    ass and titties
    >> StuntCock 09/19/08(Fri)00:08 No.1307905
    Shit's gay
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:09 No.1307910
    so cash
    >> Masa D. Luffy !pjAXKingaM 09/19/08(Fri)00:11 No.1307916
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    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:13 No.1307928
    enjoy ur report on spam, masafag
    >> Masa D. Luffy !pjAXKingaM 09/19/08(Fri)00:13 No.1307929
         File :1221797587.jpg-(37 KB, 426x340, FEMALES CALL.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:13 No.1307930
    awww skeet skeet mother fukka
    >> UsaKou !HQzP8/WlXU 09/19/08(Fri)00:15 No.1307942
         File :1221797729.jpg-(48 KB, 200x288, mmmmmmm.jpg)
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    Clearly. Ugly. XD

    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:15 No.1307946
    That's more of a spoiler than a protip.

    Plus who wants to pay read your fagmo ramblings on the internet? We can do that for free right here anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:16 No.1307950

    lol paperbag
    >> Masa D. Luffy !pjAXKingaM 09/19/08(Fri)00:17 No.1307954

    >Clearly. Ugly. XD

    Well, shit. Straight from the herpes ridden horse's mouth.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:17 No.1307956

    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:17 No.1307959

    Is Masa even on OB?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:18 No.1307963
    do you not know how to fucking read?
    >> YawningGlory !pwFT01FCm. 09/19/08(Fri)00:19 No.1307970
    Why hallo chaps, I heard we were having a discussion of the popular top anime dating website, Booty of Otakus? Is there any way one might procure a place in this rag-tag community of miscreants, Oshi? 8D
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:20 No.1307975
    shut up urkel
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:23 No.1307989
    >> YawningGlory !pwFT01FCm. 09/19/08(Fri)00:24 No.1307995

    I find myself aghast at your roguish manner of insulting someone such as myself? I do believe I'll be taking my Internets and going home!
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:25 No.1308002
    PROTIP: Snacks and moot are both OB members.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:27 No.1308007
    PROTIP: still not giving a fuck
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:27 No.1308010
    "Quality control"

    ...Well it worked at first.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:28 No.1308013
    All I hear in my mind is MAD tv's "Lowered Expectations"
    >> YawningGlory !pwFT01FCm. 09/19/08(Fri)00:30 No.1308026

    Thank you for describing the thoughts of most unwanted people that come to OB upon finding out that it is a (que dramatic music) pay site! That's my $15 at work.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:31 No.1308034

    Fuck off I don't who the hell this stupid Masa person is.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:32 No.1308037


    >> YawningGlory 09/19/08(Fri)00:33 No.1308042

    Disregard that CHAPS, I suck COCKS
    >> UsaKou !HQzP8/WlXU 09/19/08(Fri)00:33 No.1308044
    Not at all, you guys just don't get the sexy face. :3 Teehhheeee.

    You said it mah niggah. :D
    >> UsaKou 09/19/08(Fri)00:36 No.1308057

    Disregard that, I'm killing myself now
    >> UsaKou !HQzP8/WlXU 09/19/08(Fri)00:43 No.1308090
    Nah, just chillin :D
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:45 No.1308101

    >> UsaKou 09/19/08(Fri)00:45 No.1308105
    oh yes, sprite bottles in my clit!!
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:51 No.1308125
    Thankfully Masa doesn't actually post on the site.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:51 No.1308126

    That made me smile. Now I'll go back to frowning...
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:52 No.1308132

    That made me smile.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !pjAXKingaM 09/19/08(Fri)00:54 No.1308139

    >> Kasai !mdPEhUqv3k 09/19/08(Fri)00:57 No.1308149
    Stop sending me your dick pictures, Sean. Shit's gay.

    Yeah, for real. OB would hate Masa instantly and shut him up better than /cgl/ will ever be able to. His bullshit would not fly there.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:57 No.1308152
    >>1308139'CAUSE I GET B& HEEEEERE! :)
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:58 No.1308157

    I wish you would stop.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !pjAXKingaM 09/19/08(Fri)00:59 No.1308159

    I wouldn't bullshit because people aren't stupid there, smartgirl.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)00:59 No.1308161
    >>1308159I am bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)01:03 No.1308174
    We get ALL U CAN EET ANUS a few years ago, and now this is all you guys can crank out? You could've at least filled the white parts in the text with the background color. Come on.
    >> Kasai !mdPEhUqv3k 09/19/08(Fri)01:04 No.1308183
         File :1221800696.jpg-(8 KB, 400x259, facepalm.jpg)
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    So you're claiming you have a personality and an existence outside of INTERNET KING MASA that you play here. If so, why do you insist on being so obnoxious on /cgl/ all the time?


    I still want to know who made all u can eet anus, oh my god. My favorite image ever.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !pjAXKingaM 09/19/08(Fri)01:07 No.1308189

    I'm friends with some of your friends. You ought to ask them about that.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)01:10 No.1308193
    I can answer the first one.

    Because it's /cgl/ and he/we can get away with it, you fat, unattractive, jealous, closet lesbian fangirl!
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)01:11 No.1308196
    Just because you randomly PM people and sometimes they reply back, it doesn't mean that they want you as friends.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !pjAXKingaM 09/19/08(Fri)01:13 No.1308198

    Yeah, basically. Read my mind verbatim, phew.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)01:24 No.1308250
    The site's alright for a while but the circlejerk gets boring even to the people who ARE relatively popular. Trust me.
    >> Kasai !mdPEhUqv3k 09/19/08(Fri)01:38 No.1308292
    WELP, that sure answers my question! Thanks, buddy. Also I'm not going to get into how amusing your assessment of me is, ahaha.

    I can see how some aspects of OB can seem circlejerky. Unfortunately I think for the most part, it's just genuine internet and non-internet friendship between a large group of like-minded people that's misinterpreted as a circlejerk. Of course there's going to be an upper tier of members, like the people who've been around longest and see each other in real life and etc. But if you've got an attitude that appeals to the general OB populous, you're just as likely to be welcomed and appreciated, even if you're brand-new.

    ...Basically, it's not an EXCLUSIVE circle-jerk. If you're cool and you've got a sense of humor that fits well on OB, we'll give you a nice HJ too if you want.

    ..I will never know why I always try to defend OB from people that probably wouldn't be liked on OB anyway. It is a mystery.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !pjAXKingaM 09/19/08(Fri)01:40 No.1308296

    bawwww i didn't get pmed bawwwwww
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)01:42 No.1308300
    Protip: She's an actual lesbian.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)01:53 No.1308323
    "you know, a real one."
    >> Anonymous 09/19/08(Fri)03:11 No.1308487
    Woman, I'm a mod there and I just stopped giving a shit about that site because I can't fucking take the influx of overly whiny butthurt people who get SO SRS BZNAAAS now that didn't take shit like that before.

    I'm also on your journal friends list.

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