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Why not?
Why is Miku so fat?
Because they're in the Manga Club, of course.
You know, that Hatsune Miku manga is pretty good
Isn't that Hatsunee Meeku the grill from Domino's Pizza?
How can you cosplay as Luka with such small oppai?
Those smuggy bitches are the smuggest bitches that I've ever seen
Fuck that girl on the right. If she doesn't even bother to dye her hair she shouldn't cosplay as Len.
Miku and Luka's cosplayers should switch.
could those girls be any more fucking smug looking.
you should have just did the poster.
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Those are the kind of girls who do gangbangs at conventions.

Confectionary Club > Manga Society
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Pure maidens of the Karuta Club.
They entire point is that they're entry level plebs who are unjustly persecuting the much cuter and superior Mayaka.
to make them inherently dislikable
fiction does this all the time making villains look gay or jewish or fat.
vocaloid fandom deserves this treatment though.
Is confectionary club literally a club about eating cake with other cute girls?
No, they RESEARCH it.
I imagine a lot of the girls in the cake eating club aren't exactly cute.

Buy cakes. Make cakes. Research and science.
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Pretty much all the girls in KyoAni shows are cute except for the one fat girl in K-ON! and the one with the really weird head in Tamako.
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Best girl, best club.
Would have consensual sex in the tent with.
That's all the same girl right? Because it sure as fuck looks like it.
gud 1
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That's racist.
What were they in the original novel? Surely not Vocaloids, the thing is from like 2001 isn't it?
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>>86935598 (OP)
Life is bitter, anon. You need to get used to it.
>>86935598 (OP)
Takemoto said;
During preproduction, he thought what the character never got old-fashoined a year later, then he came up with using Vocaloids.
At the time, he forgot they were heel.
I thought it was pretty clever actually. Vocaloids are perfect cosplay choices for jerky attention whores.
>were heel
Mayaka deserves it. She's an obnoxious, pretentious DEEPfag who can't let others enjoy what they enjoy.
I want to date miku, fuck her, then move on to the next going through the whole manga club till all of them resent each other.
>>86935598 (OP)
Vocaloids are cool
Satoshi pls
There is one, you know.
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why not?
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Good thing you're not one of those, huh ?

>Self-Loathing intensifies.jpg
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>>86935598 (OP)
I bet Miku cam whores and takes pictures to boost her self esteem from being healthy.
>Look at that bitch Mayaka, she can't draw as good as us and she can't even cosplay a non-80s anime character what a piece of shit

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I saw Miku in my show.
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>Patty's English voice
Holy fuck, she has some ridiculously long QUALITY arms...

Seriously, look at that. Is there any other explanation?
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Smugi wills it
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>Lucky Staar
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Why didn't you give her more time Kyoani ;_;
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I want to know everything about the 4 big families and all of the side characters and their clubs.
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Quality nihongo art.
Why is smugi so cute, /a/?
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It's the power of GodAni
>Tsutomu Nihei approves
wait what?
can someone explain?
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Unlike "Average Grades" Mayaka.
>can draw good
Unlike "Moeshit" Mayaka.
>nice figure
Unlike "Washbord preschooler" Mayaka.
>independent female
Unlike "Cock hungry" Mayaka
>does good cosplay
Unlike "The Transvestite Cosplayer" Mayaka
>puts angry elitist midgets in their place
The midget is Mayaka.
wtf is this weeaboo bullshit
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Read some of his manga and you'll get the joke.
>can draw good
We only saw her coloring though, not her drawing?
You make good points.
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Mayaka had 2 favorite manga.
The second best was drawn by Ayako.

Holy fuck. I just realize it's Mordin. Didn't see you for a while..
The funniest thing about mayaka is that the man she love will soon realize he likes dressing as a girl.
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That just means they can share their wardrobes
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Meanwhile NTR in progress.
Man that show sucked.
"OK he's a detective and we spend 15-20 minutes following clues, but then he just summons his infallible magic spirit guardian to solve the crime on a hunch!"
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Middle school Mayaka da best.

She'll pierce the heaven with her chocolates.

I'd pierce her heavens with my chocolate if you know what I mean.
Yeah. I know exactly what you mean.
You have shit taste.
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But I'm not Mayaka.
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Read it, it's kind of ehhmmm disjointed. Like a fanfiction?


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