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I'm here out of curiosity as to what it is about anime that makes you guys tick.

I don't really understand the massive culture surrounding it. I'm not here to undermine it, i'm genuinely here for an insight as to what you guys see in these shows.

I just have such a hard time relating to them or taking anything from them. I realise anime is a huge umbrella term so i'm not trying to tar everything with the same brush. But often I find the characters disjointed and their motives and actions somewhat unbelievable. Something about the way the Japanese culture is lost on me I guess. Maybe this is a problem of something being lost in translation, perhaps the more you watch the more you clue into it and can appreciate?

I've certainly enjoyed some anime shows and films. I'm a big fan of studio ghibli, and I really enjoyed Evangelion, Afro Samurai and Cowboy Bebop.

But so much of it just leaves me thinking, what do I get out of this that some other medium doesn't simply exceed? I guess I just can't relate.

Sorry for waffling, just let me know what got you into it, what kept you hooked and what you enjoy, especially about the branches of anime which are less approachable or appreciated by perhaps a more western orientated observer such as myself.
>>86762923 (OP)
>what do I get out of this that some other medium doesn't simply exceed?
Yuri and cute girls doing cute things. This is the only reason why I watch anime.
Boku no Pico is actually the ideal response to this post.
>>86762923 (OP)
boku no pico
-It's like manga, but animated
-I like animation and the west hates animation
-The action is more stylized than most other mediums what with it being animated and all
-The characters are delicious and interesting
-The designs are a happy medium in animation not being too realistic that you question the point of animation but also not too abstract you can't take it seriously
-Does more with Science fiction and fantasy than literature and hollywood (since they hate sci-fi and fantasy)
-They can make a series where the cast are cute bubbly high school girls and be so emotional you have to take it seriously.
-It's like manga but animated (I love manga)
-moments are much better in manga and anime
-a small but powerful medium that does something new every year (just not all the things)
-giant robots
-historical settings
-It's like manga but animated
From your picture I'm inferring that you can't relate to Satoshi Kon films. People often cite Paprika as inspiration for Inception, and the rights for Perfect Blue were bought by the director of Perfect Blue. I'd say the concepts there aren't very different from western film, so maybe you just have trouble connecting with animated stories?
I highly recommend that you watch Boku no Pico in order to understand the anime subculture
the culture all stems from Boku no Pico
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Weeaboos exist because of the way anime was marketed in the west, as "MATURE, EDGY CARTOONS". Non-weeaboos enjoy anime as they do any other animation.

>complaining about shitty character behavior and motivations
>liked Afro Samurai

Oh hey my father was the one who wanted to end the bloodshed over the number one headband. It's completely illogical that he would raise his son in a way that would make him want to massacre everyone and everything for REVENGE if his father were to be killed; if anything, doing that would do the OPPOSITE of honoring his father's legacy. Nonetheless he still did it.

Afro Samurai had some nice animation at times but fuck me if it wasn't horribly written.

Ps. I like anime primarily for the style of visuals. Not the big eyes pointy chins shit but the Japanese philosophy of animation as "moving drawings" which I like more than the Disney ideal of "illusion if life".

Ps. watch Ashita no Joe OP
Think of video game culture and the early days. Now think of anime like video game culture in its early days. Anime is well known but there is always the stigma, just as video games were well known long ago but there was a massive stigma. Same with computer culture and internet culture in general. Now its becoming mainstream due to aging population. Anime too will explode into mainstream discussion soon.
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>>86762923 (OP)
I can masterbate to young girls without having the federal police coming through my front door. And every now and again a reasonably well written show actually pops up as well.
>googles Boku no Pico


I love animation, enjoy a lot of anime visually and enjoy a lot of western animations. Something about the conventions in anime is what I can't into.

I was actually going to use paprika as an example, but I decided against it as I haven't watched it in years and when I did watch it I was only semi-conscious. Regardless, I enjoyed it very much for the sheer visual treat.

For the purpose of this thread i'm using anime as a kind of catch all phrase, including manga.
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>using anime as a kind of catch all phrase, including manga.
Some people enjoy shitty B-movies, others enjoy anime. It's not hard to understand. I doubt many people here think that anime is a serious medium for mature people.

Oh don't get me wrong, i'm not professing Samurai Champloo as some triumph of story telling haha. It was just very pretty and fun.

I'll give that anime you recommended a google.
Ok I said "watch Ashita no Joe" but recommending a super cheaply animated 70s anime to a newbie might not be the best choice so I dunno.

I used to hate anime and think it was weird and stupid but what eased me into it when I was 14 years old was

-Mind Game
-One Piece (if you want a big long running fighting shonen)

If you like animation you need to watch Mind Game
It's just like any other popular medium, there is a hell of a lot of stuff that follows fairly dull and conventional tropes while there are other works which are clearly of a higher quality with some artistic integrity.
This guy is pretty much correct except for

>I like animation and the west hates animation.

Western animation techniques are mostly superior to Japanese techniques because the Japanese save money and time with using cheaper methods to "animate" their programs. When the Japanese to take the time and spend the money to actually animate something, they manage it brilliantly and only Disney movies can compare to it. All other Western animation is left in the dust.

>It's like manga but animated

Some people were into anime before manga, so you really can't use this as a catch all reason for why anime is so good for some.
boku no pico
To me, it seems that no other culture takes advantage of the animated medium like Japan does with anime. There are virtually no restrictions to the way you tell your story in anime, and it allows for huge amounts of experimentation. Not everything takes advantage of that freedom, but those shows that do tend to be incredible.
>I doubt many people here think that anime is a serious medium for mature people.
There are some idiots like that here though, besides a limited number of shows everything about the industry is far from mature. I've also had idiots try and argue that the writing in Light Novels and VN's is even comparable to quality western literature.
Typical /v/eekend thread.
>I doubt many people here think that anime is a serious medium for mature people.

Unfortunately you are incorrect. Of course, the people who take anime as a serious medium for mature people are incorrect as well.

At the end of the day, the majority of this stuff that we enjoy is for those who have not yet reached high school age.
ok I'm sorry, see >>86763502

I'm not sure, maybe the cheap 70s animation would drive you off. Regardless I think FLCL and Mind Game are a better starting point for someone who wants to get into anime but thinks it's weird and 'off' based on the stuff random internet anime fans like.

On the other hand they're both wacky and trippy so it depends on whether you like that. Man I dunno, I want to shape people after my own taste, but maybe it's not a good idea.
Because pandering.
Because I like cute girls, creative animation and large, expanded universes.

With various combinations of the above, anime offers me what I want.
>Not everything takes advantage of that freedom, but those shows that do tend to be incredible.

Some of those shows wind up being incredible. The rest are forgettable regardless of how awesome they were at first glance. Gin-Iro is a perfect example.

I would love to remind people that Japanese animation is not the end all, be all of the medium and not everything that they produce glistens like gold.
Are you talking about samurai champloo or cowboy bebop? One of these is quite good, the other not so much
>I've also had idiots try and argue that the writing in Light Novels and VN's is even comparable to quality western literature.

These people are some of the most embarrassing types I've come across.
>the majority of this stuff that we enjoy is for those who have not yet reached high school age
top lel
>I would love to remind people that Japanese animation is not the end all, be all of the medium and not everything that they produce glistens like gold.
Of course not, I don't think anyone here is implying that. It's just that there are a notable amount of Japanese works that take advantage of the medium, such as the works of Satoshi Kon or Masaaki Yuasa.
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But Western stuff tends to be Korea-outsourced shit with a lot of frames but poor timing, weight etc. Making more drawings doesn't mean it'll look better.

Tatami Galaxy was cheaply animated and fuck me was it great. The Simpsons movie has more frames but it looks like putrid shit.
>There are virtually no restrictions to the way you tell your story in anime, and it allows for huge amounts of experimentation.
LOL I love it when people say this.

Manga is the more mainstream industry with more variety. Despite this, manga is heavily censored and involves a lot of executive meddling. There was an interview involving the Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga authors and the Scott Pilgrim author where they said that it's unlikely that a manga publisher would have accepted the idea of Scott cheating on, and eventually dumping, Knives, as it was portrayed in the story. They would have been forced to make her 'evil' in some form to make Scott's actions 'just'.
basically people think anime has more freedom in general because Japan gets away with more gore and sex in cartoons. this is silly.
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I wish /a/ wasn't full of people who think things like Only Yesterday are shitty B-mivies
I think its more because you can draw a spaceship or a talking apple alot easier than you can get one that looks acceptable in live action.
>They would have been forced to make her 'evil' in some form to make Scott's actions
Unfortunately this is a biproduct of Japans backwards mentality of relationships and women. It would be nice if a lot of the idiots over there would pull them selves into the 21st century

Only yesterday isn't a shitty B movie...redline for example is a high budget B movie. Do you evne know what B movies are?
but the same applies to animation as a whole, not just anime.

generally in Japan, the stuff that's not made for otaku (and very extremely limited as far as creative freedom goes) is made for the same audience that US cartoons are, kids and general family audiences.
>B movies
Apparently you don't as being low budget is part of the definiton.
>>86762923 (OP)
>But often I find the characters disjointed and their motives and actions somewhat unbelievable. Something about the way the Japanese culture is lost on me I guess.
What would be an example of incomprehensible character behavior?

>But so much of it just leaves me thinking, what do I get out of this that some other medium doesn't simply exceed?
Most anime is something that can't be found anywhere else, aside from manga and Japanese live action adaptations. For example, where's the Western version of Azumanga or Haruhi?

>Sorry for waffling, just let me know what got you into it, what kept you hooked?
I dunno. I just like it. I've always liked anything Japanese.
>A B movie is a low-budget commercial motion picture that is not definitively an arthouse or pornographic film.
>high budget B movie
>>86762923 (OP)
I like it because it tells stories, use settings, themes and characters that I can't get anywhere else. Of course there's and endless amount of shit and you have to be dedicated and watch a lot of crap to find the things that are really, really good.
But those good shows? They are above and beyond their equivalents in other media.

That is my opinion
also Redline is pretty 'art house' given that it was not made for commercial success.

I hate shitty pretentious terms like this but it fits the definition .
I don't know about that. I've read manga where the MC cheated.
I'm not saying there aren't exceptions, but it's certainly a problem if two knowledgeable manga authors who made a parody book back in the 80s that STILL APPLIES TO THE INDUSTRY EVEN TODAY took note of it and think of it as a problem.
School Days
oops, I was talking about Afro Samurai. Dont know how that happened.
>Scott cheating on, and eventually dumping, Knives, as it was portrayed in the story.
So this Scott Pilgrim doesn't know what NTR is
Because escapism, happy colors and weeaboo.
>>86762923 (OP)
No other medium has cute 2d girls who speak japanese.
>Of course, the people who take anime as a serious medium for mature people are incorrect as well.
What is immature and not serious about, say, Tatami Galaxy?
the Even A Monkey Can Draw Manga people said that, not the Scott Pilgrim author. they're Japanese manga authors and they acknowledge this as a problem. a porn genre does not mean that a story concept is accepted by manga authors in general.
The majority of any medium is shit.
well it's a comedic anime, so it's not totally serious. but it is 'serious' in that it is a good work worthy of praise from anyone who enjoys visual storytelling.
But this is a movie. People from /a/ are mostly obsessed with very mediocre/bad TV shows. And yes, they are exactly like B-movies.
Anime as a whole isn't a serious medium. There are exceptions of course, like everywhere.
Now you're just making gross generalization because most of what is discussed on /a/ is currently airing anime. Go into a 3x3 thread to judge /a/'s tastes.
Yeah and I dislike that.
>Go into a 3x3 thread to judge /a/'s tastes.
Ew. No one with any sense of taste goes in to those.
And? Those are exceptions.
Well, for one, people tend to say that Japanese society is oppressive of individuals and demands uniformity like clockwork, but the exact same thing is what prevents creativity as seen in anime, manga, VN, etc.. from being widely accepted in the west.

The west is just as bad in its own way.
>Cartoon are only for children
>Men shouldn't watch cartoons
>Sexuality is WRONG WRONG WRONG but violence is A-OK.
>You should be outgoing, nerds are just weirdos that we laugh at for comedic effect (Nothing like Yahari, WataMote, NHK,etc... would ever get popular)
>Girls must all be strong independent women who don't need no man. No room for cuteness or frilly shit.
>Afro samurai

only normalfags and fucking retards think that that show is anime.
It would definitely give you a different sense of what people on /a/ generally enjoy.

No, they aren't. There are plenty of quality shows and movies that /a/ generally appreciates that don't get a lot of threads because they're old and have been discussed to death already.
>no cute or frilly shit
That's only because such things are, again, reserved for children's shows that girls are expected to outgrow and men are not supposed to judge women based on.
>It would definitely give you a different sense of what people on /a/ generally enjoy.

Yeah, shit made within the past 6yrs. Why we tolerate gaia posters but shitpost about /v/ or reddit will never make any sense.
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Even though they're billed as 'obscure and artsy,' most of these are pretty good.
Wait, was this not a well-disguised recommendation thread?
Anime are made to tell a story (and/or push merchandise), they are not written to be cancelled as soon as the ratings drop, or to extend the show beyond its logical ending point because ratings and sales are climbing.
You know that you are getting a beginning, a middle and an end. 12 and 24 episodes are not a great time investment so you can watch them with leisure and at your own pace. You can watch a whole show over the course of a day if you want. You can spread it out over a weekend or watch a few episodes after work and then it's over.

This is a big point for me. I can follow an airing show and know that no investor or board meetings are going to fuck it up. There will be times where terrible second seasons (DtB) will be made but I don't have to watch those.
How is Fumiko's confession obscure and artsy?
I think a big part of the appeal of some of the things that are considered less digestible in the west is that the Japanese at large are a society with a limited sense of cynicism. Emotional displays in anime often seem fake and cheesy to a typical western viewer because no attempt is made to protect the scenes from such a notion by injecting cynicism. At large all emotions are expected to be interpreted as genuine. So for a lot of people, even if the scenes are flat out unrealistic or silly, the attempt at true completely un-cynical displays is always appealing.

I guess what i'm trying to say is, the scenarios might seem absurd, the characters unrealistic and the drama entirely forced but it will always have a certain appeal because it will almost never be cynical. More than any other medium i think you can lose yourself in something that would be considered utterly moronic and have to mock itself to death to get anybody to watch it in the west. Nobody monologues in the west, nobody believes in the power of friendship in the west, nobody just wants to stay by the protagonist's side in the west, nobody wants to be a hero in the west, and nobody just wants to sit around eating cake and drinking tea in the west.
Oh come on. Look at charts. What do you see? I see young girls and young boys. Everything is unrealistic and colorful and the most common setting is high school.
Now compare it with serious films:

>The story of a young lesbian couple's beginning, middle and possible end.
>A singer/song-writer navigates New York's folk music scene during the 1960s.
>An aging, booze-addled father makes the trip from Montana to Nebraska with his estranged son in order to claim a million dollar Mega Sweepstakes Marketing prize.
>An Iranian man deserts his French wife and two children to return to his homeland. Meanwhile, his wife starts up a new relationship, a reality her husband confronts upon his wife's request for a divorce.

See this? How many anime like that even exist? This is what is mature. Not your cute girls or super powers.
And those are just few films from one festival. You can't seriously compare anime to movies. Anime IS childish.
What do you call it when someone breaks one comparative down to its basics then trumps up another. I totally forgot.
Being a faggot.
>Anime IS childish.
No, it's your mentality that's childish.
Real maturity doesn't mean pigeonholing things into "childish" and "adult" themes. This is the western mentality restricting creativity to explosions, sex, edgy, dark, and slapstick humor/sarcasm. Nearly every single exception is a one shot, got cancelled, or otherwise very rare.
Cherry picking at its finest.
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Look at American movie charts, what do you see? Tons of blockbuster action flicks and bastardizations of old works. The mainstream of any form of media is generally shit, you have to seek out the good ones.
And yes, there are plenty of mature anime shows and movies.
I'm here out of curiosity as to what it is about books that makes you guys tick.

I don't really understand the massive culture surrounding it. I'm not here to undermine it, i'm genuinely here for an insight as to what you guys see in these books.

I just have such a hard time relating to them or taking anything from them. I realise books are a huge umbrella term so i'm not trying to tar everything with the same brush. But often I find the characters disjointed and their motives and actions somewhat unbelievable. Something about the way the Western culture is lost on me I guess. Maybe this is a problem of something being lost in translation, perhaps the more you watch the more you clue into it and can appreciate?

I've certainly enjoyed some anime shows and films. I'm a big fan of J. R. R. Tolkien, and I really enjoyed Hunger Games, The Hobbit and Harry Potter.

But so much of it just leaves me thinking, what do I get out of this that some other medium doesn't simply exceed? I guess I just can't relate.

Sorry for waffling, just let me know what got you into it, what kept you hooked and what you enjoy, especially about the branches of books which are less approachable or appreciated by perhaps a more western orientated observer such as myself.

>This is how you sound.
You just came here to stir shit up.
And? Film is not only Hollywood, you know? How many mature anime aired this year? Can you name at least ten?
I'm here out of curiosity as to what it is about movies that makes you guys tick.

I don't really understand the massive culture surrounding it. I'm not here to undermine it, i'm genuinely here for an insight as to what you guys see in these movies.

I just have such a hard time relating to them or taking anything from them. I realise movies are a huge umbrella term so i'm not trying to tar everything with the same brush. But often I find the characters disjointed and their motives and actions somewhat unbelievable. Something about the way the Movie culture is lost on me I guess. Maybe this is a problem of something being lost in translation, perhaps the more you watch the more you clue into it and can appreciate?

I've certainly enjoyed some anime shows and films. I'm a big fan of Quentin Tarinto, and I really enjoyed A Clockwork Orange, The Dark Knight and Avatar.

But so much of it just leaves me thinking, what do I get out of this that some other medium doesn't simply exceed? I guess I just can't relate.

Sorry for waffling, just let me know what got you into it, what kept you hooked and what you enjoy, especially about the branches of movies which are less approachable or appreciated by perhaps a more reading orientated observer such as myself.

>hurf durf
Do we really need this thread every month?
You are focusing on setting and theme. No settings amd themes are inherently mature or immature. The plot, the writing style and character portrayals can be or not be mature.

Hansaku Iroha: A highschool girl with a horrible home situation, forced to feed and care for her irresponsible mother since entering first grade, is forced to move to her grandmother's hot springs hotel because said mother elopes with a man just for kicks and abandons her own daughter.
The grandmother in question barely recognizes Iroha as a person and is forced to work for her stay. From five in the morning until school then work until late in the evening when she gets back. If this was a western production it would be considered child abuse. In Japan, it's a story about growing up and learning to take responsibility and is in no way childish or immature despite the story is revolving around a juvenile girl.

Also let's just point at Monster if you want something Mature like your western examples.
>How many mature anime aired this year?
What the fuck does "mature anime" mean? You mean mature art for mature viewers such as yourself?

Shut the fuck up.
First season hasn't even finished airing so no.
>This is the western mentality restricting creativity to explosions, sex, edgy, dark, and slapstick humor/sarcasm.
Nope. There is a reason why animated TV shows rarely win any awards.
Hush, this is a good exercise.
>.....have to mock itself to death to get anybody to watch it in the west. Nobody monologues in the west, nobody believes in the power of friendship in the west, nobody just wants to stay by the protagonist's side in the west, nobody wants to be a hero in the west, and nobody just wants to sit around eating cake and drinking tea in the west.

I think you give way too much credit to these Japanese "ideals" that are portrayed in anime and not enough credit to Western ways of thought that are actually positive and intellectual.

>emotional displays in anime often seem fake and cheesy

Because most of the time they ARE. You can make all of the excuses you want for it. I've watched plenty of anime, as much as my partner and over the top emotional displays will still get a snicker or two from the both of us. It's got nothing to do with cynicism either.

Mind, I'm not trying to bash your opinion completely. I just want to add that.
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Animation has some advantages over live action.Everything in it is equally unreal but also equally real, e.g. Paprika isn't any more or less real than Only Yesterday, and everything is seamlessly part of the same whole. There is no difference between a story set in 19th century Europe and one set in 21st century Tokyo. Every pixel on the screen was deliberately placed there by an artist, and there are no limitations imposed by things like sets, locations, props or wardrobe. Characters aren't played by actors the way they are in live action, they are simply themselves, free from any real world associations (unless you're really into voice actors).

Western animation does very little to utilize these advantages, which makes anime unique. You just won't see it anywhere else.

Then there's of course the fact that it comes from quite a different culture, which further adds to its uniqueness.
>Now compare it with serious films:
>Comicbook Rehash #143943
>Not Another Teen Movie #1392
>Shit Blows Up: The Explodening #39439

Sweet list bro
Anime is a much smaller medium that film and has been around for a significantly shorter amount of time. Also, the social stigmas surrounding animation as a medium are much more negative than those surrounding film. Regardless, there are still a respectable amount of anime works that are respectable and move against the mainstream.
Monster isn't mature.
Hanasaku Iroha wasn't even good.

>Also let's just point at Monster if you want something Mature like your western examples.
Except Monster isn't even similar to my examples.
Stop trying to understand and get out.
Bawling your eyes out and embarrassing, "touching" speeches ARE fake and cheesy. That's a given.
What makes these good or bad is how the rest of the cast reacts to them and if they were appropriate and the build-up was well executed. Was the emotional barrage warranted? Did it make sense in context?
>Anime is a much smaller medium
Of course. And most of it is for kids or immature adults.
Report and ignore.
>Monster isn't mature
Are you serious?
What's Mature to you then? Something filled with hardships and depression that you can relate to?
This too, it's much easier to accept that the characters are real people in real situations. Not actors doing their job. It's easier to feel involved once you've 'clicked' with the medium.
Mainstream anime tends to be sort of shallow but there's a sort of fun in that and for most people they are guilty pleasures or just shit they happen to dig.

Anime doesn't need to have an oscar bait award plot summary in order to be something profound and life changing. Shit some of my favorite anime/manga have been things that take a couple of explanations to really nail down the plot of the show and though many view that as a strike against it i like to think that its only hard to sum up because there is so much to it.

So while I can't say any anime will ever be summed up as:
>Deep profound indie movie about gay teen suffering from terminal rectal tearing finds new life working on the streets as a baker and finds family and love working in a small community.

I can say that most anime I watched have cared more about having fun and making you care before worrying about the amount of accolades it can rake in.

TL;DR version: Anime doesn't try to make oscar bait series/movies
Yes, we should go back to arguing about which girl is the best, and telling each other to go back to /v/.
>And most of it is for kids or immature adults.
Yes, but that doesn't invalidate any of the great works that do otherwise. Animation as a medium has more potential than live action film, which is what makes it so worthwhile when a creator succeeds at creating something unique.
He is not going to admit anything that you bring up as being mature because it wouldn't suit his argument.
Yes, this is just "my hobby is better than yours" "nu-huh" "uh-huh".
Monster is basically a silly spy series with tons of ridiculous plot twists. How is this mature? Even something cartoonish like Silent of the Lambs is more mature than Monster.
I guess you can say this thread is the reason that I like anime.

Just taking a glance at it, you can see how terrible westerners are at accepting that what they enjoy isn't something isn't DEEP, ARTISTICALLY EXUBERANT, or OTHERWISE OBJECTIVELY GOOD.

What -I-, pretentious middle class first worlder consume, must by definition be of objective good taste. What -I- consume must be award winning, highly acclaimed, a sign of intelligence and status. -I- am special, -I- have good taste, everything -I- do is sophisticated.

I'm not a fan of that. I like sitting back and just enjoying my Kamichu, Chu2, Hunter x Hunter, or whatever without worrying about whether what I'm enjoying right now is good enough to make me feel superior to others.
Wolfen crest bro
Love me how mature and and srs it is
>>86762923 (OP)
I have a few reasons.

>Cute girls doing cute things
>Animation that isn't 3DPD Pixar garbage or flash shit
>Interesting settings and stories, notably Sci-Fi which Hollywood can't do for shit
>Cute girls doing cute things. Seriously, every other medium is missing out on the beauty of cute girls doing cute things
People want to feel superior. That was always the case, it will always be.
>>86762923 (OP)
I got into it through a mix of childhood anime and a friend getting me into it later on in life. Up until around the age of 12-13 I loved Dragonball Z and some others that popped up on Toonami; I then moved onto finding more anime after being recommended some to watched and from there on out I just kept finding my own anime to watch and in the process I began watching seasonal anime.

I got hooked on anime mainly because I like the art/animation styles that are used, of course I love a good story to go with it all in balance. Anime provides a wider range of entertainment for me than most western films/series that air; it generally looks a lot cleaner, better OSTs, more enjoyable stories, a good variety of different characters and stereotypes. It also means I don't have to watch shitty western acting.

Of course this is just my opinion, anime is just one form of entertainment for me that I enjoy.
Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Both Westerners and fans of anime enjoy crap. Do you think those deep, creative and fascinating movies are popular? Look at box office.
>I'm not a fan of that. I like sitting back and just enjoying my Kamichu, Chu2, Hunter x Hunter, or whatever without worrying about whether what I'm enjoying right now is good enough to make me feel superior to others.

...and then you feel superior for not needing to feel superior.
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Well, if you're talking about what makes animation distinctive, it's the ability to create cohesive, visually stylized worlds. You have complete control over your visuals, at the price of less delicacy and subtlety. You can make character designs, lighting, environments, etc, all fit the narrative you're trying to tell. That's pretty unique in art.

If you're talking about particular tropes in anime, it's cute girls.

This is how I sound to idiots who want to pigeon hole people on the internet, which is exactly what I am not doing.
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>Plot twists
You know what, I'm not going to bother. Believe whatever you want, I don't care.
Wouldn't want someone like you in this medium, so go ahead and keep watching your movies. You clearly enjoy them more, so just stay in your comfort zone.
>Yes, but that doesn't invalidate any of the great works that do otherwise.
Did I say that? And I'm not talking about animation, I'm talking about TV anime. Which is vastly inferior to film industry.
>Animation as a medium has more potential than live action film
Nah, I enjoy both. But I don't treat anime seriously. It's mostly just shallow entertainment.
Just look at this entire thread. Nothing but mud slinging. What you enjoy is bad. What you enjoy is inferior to what I enjoy. I'm better than you because I realize that what we enjoy is inferior to these other superior mediums. I'm better than you because I've gone even further in realizing that you're stuck in a rut. And so on and so forth for eternity.

You're right in saying that critically acclaimed movies may not necessarily be the best. But don't tell me you don't see retards all saying they love "X HIGHLY ACCLAIMED MOVIE" to make themselves look more sophisticated. How many people claim to like Clockwork Orange or Pulp fiction just because it makes them look cool?
The animated medium allows you to do virtually anything you can draw. Live action film is limited to what you can portray in real life, maybe with some special effects and CG. There are more possibilities in the former.
The thing about your post is that it oozes of superiority, the one thing that you claim that you are trying to not be associated with.

>Just taking a glance at it, you can see how terrible westerners are at accepting that what they enjoy isn't something isn't DEEP, ARTISTICALLY EXUBERANT, or OTHERWISE OBJECTIVELY GOOD.

So you speak for all westerners now and you know exactly what they are thinking when it comes to what they personally enjoy? Interesting.

Anon needs to read this one repeatedly.

Man I was so pleased with the open minded nature with which this thread started. People actually willing to have a critical discussion about anime.

And then there's you.
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>What -I-, pretentious middle class first worlder consume, must by definition be of objective good taste. What -I- consume must be award winning, highly acclaimed, a sign of intelligence and status. -I- am special, -I- have good taste, everything -I- do is sophisticated.
And the joke is that these people don't even think about what they're watching. It's enough that some critic said it was all deep and shit.
>it oozes of superiority
Anon, he stated he feels superior in the last line.
>There is a reason why animated TV shows rarely win any awards.
Yeah, the reason is that awards are a reflection of the mentality of those organising the contest.
I don't watch a lot of TV shows but I don't think there's anime that is objectively worse than crap like Ugly Betty and Gossip Girl
Except everything is more simplistic because animation and drawing can't be as realistic as real world and real actors. Because of this acting in animation doesn't exist, it's harder to take it seriously and is predominately for younger audience.
So what if It makes me feel superior. To be honest, yes. Flipping shit over whether what you consume is good enough to brag about makes me feel like you're retarded. Got a problem with that?

I'm gonna enjoy my "shit" whether it's highly acclaimed, "mediocre," or "piss." I'm gonna enjoy what I enjoy, fuck your ego and taste police.
I like animation and how fast new IPs are generated.
In the west shows run for too long, its done on the basis of creating something that they want to run for 8 seasons.
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>this thread
It's that sort of thinking that robs you of any sort of experiences you can possibly have following a show. If you treat it like some featherweight medium that can't possibly be something life changing or unforgettable simply because it's foreign or strange then yes its going to seem shallow simply because you walked in with that bias in the back of your mind.
>Gossip Girl
Get the fuck outta here.


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