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well, this is weird


>We came up with an idea that I actually thought was really cool; I don’t know if it survived into future versions. It’s not New Manhattan—because that was the [initial] idea, right? They moved it in to New Manhattan. I said, ‘it’s not New Manhattan, it’s still New Tokyo but—this is going to sound weird—it’s actually in Manhattan.’

this guy is a genius
>development hell
>>86648464 (OP)
>What we did was, the idea is that there’d been a massive economic crash in the United States and in our desperation, we sold Manhattan Island to the Japanese, who were becoming a very powerful economic force, and they were having an overpopulation problem, because Japan is a series of islands, it can only accommodate so many people. So they just bought Manhattan Island, and it became the fifth island of Japan, and they populated it.
>>86648464 (OP)
wait the new Akira movie is still alive?
>we sold Manhattan to the Jap

Best idea ever: let's do it right now
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>>86648464 (OP)
>it’s actually in Manhattan
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Well this explains everything.

The dude is a massive faggot. Just look at him.
>It became New Tokyo, and it was just off the coast of the United States. So it was Japanese territory, it wasn’t New Tokyo, but there were Americans who kind of lived in little Americanized quarters of it. I felt it was a way to do a kind of cool Western-Eastern fusion of the two ideas; not fully Japanese, not fully westernized. Whether or not you’ll ever see that version, I don’t know, but I thought that was kind of a cool solution to that problem of westernization of a Japanese concept.”
Americans in ghetto,slave of the Japanese
this will be the best movie ever
Does anyone have the gif of the asian guy miming jacking off and tossing it into the wind? Because that is exactly what is going on here.
So, anime adaptations are going to be the new cashcow for Hollywood once the superhero movie craze dies?
Eh. I could accept the justification behind it, but I don't like it.
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Just kidding. This is fanart
This sounds so nuts I actually like it.
>buying fucking New York City
>buying anything
Does anyone even want to fund this movie anymore? del toro cant do it all himself
Even better idea- give them Detroit.
See if they can do anything productive with the place.
You'd think the other way around would be more likely; America annexes Japan amidst the throes of WWIII or something.
pv of the movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jafd97yJFOI
They will turn the auto industry into a giant robot industry.
Why don't they just adapt Rose Gun Days?
I wonder if other countries have America Towns like we have China Towns?
>It became New Tokyo
>it wasn't New Tokyo
I'm a little confused here.
>implying God-fearing American armed with guns(guaranteed from blessed Second Amendment) won't rebel

Go on, try to take MY island you slanty eyed gooks, let see you try.

I bet Obama is the one that sell sovereign American territory.
it means it's not the original in Kanto but it's still New Tokyo
americans aren't poor immigrants when they expatriate.
I know a guy, got a nice house in one of those Italian city states, he is quite well off there.
>What's the matter, anon-koon? Too deep for you?
The first wave off the production lines had better be kill-bots.
>implying there are places available in tuscany
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>>86648464 (OP)
I'm completely stunned at /a/'s reaction and that nobody has asked this yet so let me be the first one.
Why can't they just faithfully adapt the manga? Why change the setting in such a radical way when it's not necessary and actually hurts the adaptation? why why why?
What a fucking clown.
Because everyone here realized it's impossible to do an American movie with a Japanese cast or even a Japanese location.
American audiences are unable to connect with any kind of fiction if the setting is alien to them.
No one wants to fund it anymore (development hell) so they have to change it enough so they wont have to pay royalties.

Can't let American watch something so oriental.

But more nigger shit is good.
They need flags and clapping in background
Didn't even Kanye West oppose this movie being made?
so what will be the name of the new american version?
Quick, someone send message to Robin Williams
asa akira
A Killer.
Marin escape of Manhattan.
Carrie 3: Son of Carrie


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