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Scarlet Blade


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so Impacts are cause by Angels coming into contact with Lilith

Shinji did not come into contact with Lilith, yet somehow started the third impact in a limited area

Kaworu an angel did come into contact with Lilith

why is shinji blamed for the earth being almost destroyed and how was an impact triggered without lilith shouldn't it have been instrumentality?
The old rules don't apply because we don't know what the hell Shinji actually is now.
>>84857404 (OP)
Asuka is fucking hot.
Shinji is a god like being either that or he's normal and it's unit 01 that's the god like being which would explain how wunder works by harvesting it's power

so Shinji is normal
also, after re-watching 3.33 ayanami is referred to as an Adam's vessel, rather than being a Lilith vessel?

Who the fuck knows what's going on anymore
>>84857404 (OP)
Rei is Lilith. He made contact with her soul, which is Lilith.
Unit 01 is made from Lilith.
but rei is lilith?
so lilith coming into contact with lilith can start an impact?
Thus Soul+Body+Shinji, is really all you need for an Impact. Sort of.
The Evangelion movies aren't meant to make sense.

Their purpose is to make money and sell new merchandise.
It's been implied the Four Pilots are each an Adam's vessel at this point, since they've all gone past safe plug depth.

And yeah, throw all the old rules out, things have changed.
>>84857404 (OP)
The way I got it was that Unit 01 transcended everything and was powered by the lives of all living things and was doing the same thing Seele wanted to do with Kaworu and Unit 06 which is become God

So Shinji's resolve just powered Unit 01 to beyond Lilith levels causing the third impact and Yui to awaken inside of 01

had he not been stopped Shinji would have been God and able to recreate the world however he had seen fit
>>84857404 (OP)
can you post more asuka like this?
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why would I do that?
Zuerel (angel) absorbs Unit 00 (made from Adam) + Rei (lilith's soul)
Awakened Unit 01 (made from Lilith) absorbs Zuerel's core combining Angel and whole Lilith
Don't forget trolling.
I think trolling is Anno's primary goal; he's so loaded now that more money is meaningless.
Why would anyone want more out of character Asuka?
>explain how wunder works
Didn't 01 take in an S2 engine in 2.22?
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Despite everyone on /a/ learning to be retarded with this movie, I managed to watch it after being in the hundreds of hype threads and nothing really shocked me. Its a paradigm shift, the characters are playing the same parts to different situations, a dur.
This, however, I don't have an answer for. In NGE, Kaworu specifically says he is Adam, but in this one he says 1st to last, and seeing how its not really about getting to the last angel anymore, who fucking knows.
It absorbed Zeruel, so it's possible.
Because she's really good looking?
i meant with some skin shown but not nude and actually decent.
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Yeah, the role of Adam and Lilith has changed, and Kaworu is apparently just a normal Angel in this. Actually, so is Adam since "Adams" -note the plural- keep being mentioned.

Same deal with Rei- her links to Lilith may or may not be the same as in NGE. In fact, there's suggestions that all four of the pilots might correspond with the Four Adams that appear during Impact in some way.

Also the Adams are Ultramen
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here you go
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>28 years old
>still acting just as she did pre-timeskip
Asuka is practically Misato's age when the movies started now, I really hope she doesn't act exactly the fucking same throughout the next movies.
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I have a feeling that the identities of the Ultramen will seal Anno's fate in /a/'s collective consciousness, because I can see it going either worse than "Congratulations" more wtf than vagina face Rei in space.
3.33 left me so confused... i still dont know if it's the real thing or if someone invested millions of dollars simply to troll me.
you can (not) understand it anon?
It's a metaphor referencing Anno's insecurity with the size of Japanese penises.
The Mark 09 is an "Adam's Vessel" not Rei herself
Sorry if this isnt the right question for this thread, butI just finished the series and EoE.

Is the whole Rebuild stuff worth watching? I mean at least for the action? I was quite disappointed with the small amount of fights.
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>the next movies
But there's only one more movie and the new series in 2015.
As a Reifag I have a hope....kinda thing.

Rei is now four different beings, in a way. One is many, and many is one. Rei is many.

In that shot you see there, it's supposed to be 4 Rei's according to the storyboard. Red herring, I don't know, but still.

There's four coffins open prior to Kaworu, SEELE's children. Could some of these be Rei Ayanami's facets?

I hope 4.0 is Rei heavy - I mean, 4.0, 4 Rei's....

We'll see. The multiplying Rei's too mentioned by Megumi to be "shocking" or something might be interesting too. We'll see.

One thing is for sure, something Rei has to happen now.
Didn't mean to make that plural.
Since I brought up the Ultramen, who wants to see an Ultraman Parody Gainax made before it was Gainax?

Anno stars as Ultraman and beats up a big rubber monster.
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You will take your ReiQ ending and like it. 4.0 is Mari time.
Mari is working for Seele more than likely, she'll kill Auska and attempt to restart the world with shinji, but she'll get tanged and we'll get EoE ending
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best OTP
>>84857404 (OP)

Impacts are caused by the union of adam and lilith; fruit of life meets fruit of knowledge.

>shinji did not contact lilith
eva-01 is actually lilith-based. During the zeruel fight it absorbed a fruit of life and rei, therefore unit-01 had the ingredients for impact: lilith's body (eva-01, sort of), lilith's soul (within rei) and an adam-based life form.

>kaworu contacted lilith
he didn't, it was mark 06 possessed by the 12th angel

>why shinji was blamed
he was scapegoated by wille to rally the masses against gendo. Everyone now thinks he did it on purpose and he's in cahoots with his dad
Reifags will fall in love with Rei Q, and then Rei Q will be replaced again before the second half of 4.0.

It's a curse
>It's been implied the Four Pilots are each an Adam's vessel at this point, since they've all gone past safe plug depth.

but Auska is partially contaminated and thus clearly wasn't safe past that depth. It's that glow we see from under her eyepatch it's the same color as the angel contamination
I've seen it, and its one of the only live action anythings from Japan I enjoy.
I've already sent my money to Anno's PayPal. Accept defeat, and cry yourself to sleep while cuddling volumes of Sadamoto's manga
Rebuild 1 is hd recap of first 3 angels. However the Ramiel fight alone makes it worth downloading

Rebuild 2 is the most fist-pumping action you'll get out of Evangelion, download it.

Rebuild 3 has a fuckton of controversy, speculah around it, download it and look at the shitstorms to truly enjoy the Eva experience.
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Rei II will devour Rei Q and the other three Adams Asuka, Kaworu, Toji to begin Final Impact.
Mark my words.
Third Impact :
Kaworu brings Unit 06 down to Dogma
Unit 06 turns into an angel
the angel touches Lilith's body and tries to fuse
Unit 06 Angel becomes a temporary God, and tries to reshape humanity in its image, creating the Unit 06 look a likes reaching out to touch their God
However, the spears of Longinus don't like that, and spears the fuck out of the fusion since Lilith's soul didn't give the OK for it
Gendo and team quickly tears Lilith's head so Gendo can fap to it in private
Near Third Impact:
Unit 01 meets all the requirements for causing an Impact, and begins to do so, but Kaworu stops it before anything can happen
they all blame Shinji for Third Impact because when True Third Impact was going down, he was still trapped in Unit 01 and couldn't stop Kaworu from entering Dogma and letting all that shit happen
You can't say that she acts the same. So far we only saw her with Shinji.
One can begin to like Rei Q, but nah.

Original Rei >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rebuild Rei

In 3.0 they could have made something out of Rebuild Rei like they did with Asuka, but instead we got something so much worse.

I can only hope 4.0 is good for Rei.
This please.
She's a dumb bitch. Can't tell the difference.
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Ok thanks.

I dont even get what peoples problem was with the last two episodes of the series. I mean they had a conclusion on the only thing that mattered the entire time and thats the main character.
Anyone else think Toji is still alive?

It's that, or Nerv has no pilots now.
The 2.35:1 screen shape was really dumb for 3.33. Your series is about half-mile-high robots you clowns.
And then instead of switching to Kaworu, it switches to giant naked Toji saying "Don't be such a dofus".
What about the dummy plugs?
Rei 2 will return gloriously from the beyond, and crush everything before her.
I think that's what he's saying.
the only pilot left is Gendo
time for daddy issues to get resolved
It's a "artistic decision", you "pleb"

whole movie is crap, and THAT's what you nitpick?
Enokido a shit.
Star Driver ending?

Gendo enter Unit 14 Giant space battle, Shinji punches Gendo in the face and destroys it

the end?
>An adult
>piloting an Eva

Maybe in one of the shitty spin-off material.
Toji is still alive, somehow, somewhere. That's why Sakura was somewhat kinder to Shinji, because her brother told her that Shinji was a good person.

They only had his shirt because it was NERV property from the start. All the students in the school were pilot candidates.
>Gendo Piloting an eva
That'd be like Yoda fighting with a lightsaber.
Gendo is Shinji.
Shinji is his own father.
Gendo is his own son.

Shinji bones Rei, who gives birth to another Shinji, who grows up clones Rei and has his son bone her, and on and on and on......

It's a circle with no beginning and no end.
Asuka and Mari aren't really kids either.
Beyond? She's seen in 3.33. Its implied she is still alive both there and in Anno's testament to why 2.22 changed the outcome of Rei II.
> Shinji punches Gendo in the face
I want this so bad.Gendo's motivation is stupid.He's a bigger coward than Shinji.
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>mental ages

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Oh fuck, don't get me wrong, I could write a 10-page essay on just how much of a failure this piece of shit is. But I still can't get over how stupid it was to pick that aspect ratio in friggin' Eva of all things.
There comes a point where a director needs to put down his vision and listen to his fans for once. Tv end was not the conclusion Evangelion deserved.

If I had finished Eva before EoE was made, I would have joined the shitstorm too.
You mean the vision? From wherever that is, is the beyond.
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>Punches Gendo in the face
>Knocks the visor off his face
>He can't control the punch dimension

Shit gets real in 4.0
You honestly believe that, don't you?
>Shinji merges with 01 to be with his mom
>Gendo becomes the new pilot for 01
somebody should do this with kaworu telling shinji about the spears

I finally get this comic
If you're going to give me a line of reasoning that leads to one of the greatest animated masterpieces not being made, I'll just stop reading here and be content with my opinion.

Good day.
Since 3.33 relieved me of my desire to give a flying fuck about the story, I'd love if 4.0 was a Rocky 3-esque revenge story. Shinji and Unit 1 get their washed-up asses beat down by Unit 13, then get their eye of the tiger on.
Are we going to see Gendo get eaten and denied again for being the worst dad in the world?
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>New series in 2015
Wait what?
Why did I miss that?
4.0 will be about an adult shinji with children and take you through his daily life for 2 hours while meeting the characters who were still alive at the end of 3.33. Gendo and Yui baby sits as Shinji's kids he goes to work as the head of Nerv

A TV series to fill in what happened between 3.33 and 4.0 will be announced
I was thinking 4.0 should be something like Heavy Metal or Mad Max, with awesome guitar solo's and Rei 2 having lived as a desert punk for 14 years in hiding.
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It's already been done.
I opened that image right when those lines on Komm, Susser Todd came up.
The world really needs more Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff edits.

Webcomic of the year, all years.
3.33 was the first time I think I actually sort of empathized with Shinji for the most part, well up until the spears part.
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>MFW the final battle of Rebuild is Unit 01 vs Gendo's Eva
Oh god why does hand drawn look so much better.
Did they ran out of clones?
agreed. no one bothered explaining shit to him and kept blaming him for things he didn't understand .

I mean shinji at the end of 2.22 was fucking great and I loved the character. But then he reverts and people just start kicking him around again
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I used to be a Shinji apologist but the spears part.

>Gendo's Eva
>Not Gendo himself
Because it is. 'Tis a shame that its probably a dying art these days.
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They're pretty hit or miss for me.

Human error

The beauty of imperfection
Alright guys..Why dont Shinji just wait until the next time loop, and then go and destroy lillith or adam himself?
Up until the spears I was thinking to myself this is the first time I have never said "god dammit, Shinji". Then about 5 minutes I yelled it out.
You just watched macross 7 didn't you?
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Now call me crazy, but given the evidence presented in 3.0 Impact began when Mark06 Infected by an Angel merged with Lilith.

So what is Shinjis stake in all of this exactly?

Hyouge Mono
I think Shinji+teh rei began tanging people, but Kaworu+Mark 6 turned everyone that had been Tanged into Mark 6 esque life forms
If Shinji hadn't attempted to save Rei, he wouldn't have gotten speared and stayed dormant for 14 years, he would have gone full episode 24 and stopped kaworu from completely entering Dogma and starting Third Impact
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Something about him opening the gate to save Rei or some shit. I really don't fucking know.
No Shinji stop! Those aren't the spears we came for!
We gotta stop him and have fun doing it!

fourth impact.
Wrong place, wrong time, doesn't know shit. Welcome to Shinji's world.
He started the 3rd impact, then maybe Lilith got jelly she didn't get to start it, went funky and they had to send Mark06 to merge with her and double spear her and itself.
Nah man, Asuka being dominated by that bitch?
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Sometimes I wonder who is worse.

Shinji from 3.33 or this guy at the end of Unicorn 4
Anime is still hand drawn you retards.

They just paint it digitally. It still all starts as pencil on paper.

All the crucial parts are still hand drawn.
That wouldn't have happened if Misato cared to explain Shinji what the fuck was going on!
I can understand him ignoring the bitches, but why in the fuck did he ignore his husbundo?
More like

No Shinji stop! Those aren't the spears we came for!
We gotta stop him and have fun doing it!

The fuck are you people talking about? This is the only way to save the world. Get back, I'ma handle this.
Why not both?

I'd kill for some BananaxShinji pics.
Mechs look better in 3D anyway, and as long as they fit in the image with proper cel shading, it's all good.

For me at least.
He wanted to fix the world.
Forget about "being mean" everyone was an idiot with no common sense.
Mari "has her own goals".
silly shinji he should know he can't redo
Because he's desperate.

Spears = fix the world

Alternative is do nothing. He wants to be liked again. He wants to fix everything. That can't be done by doing nothing.
He already got into the Eva because the spears would fix everything.
He also screamed he's doing this for the sake of everyone and for Misato to forgive him.
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>He's a bigger coward than Shinji.
That's the point. At the end of the day, father and son are actually very much alike, only that Shinji is big on selfpity whereas Gendo is embittered and spiteful. A point Shinji hasn't reached to the same extent as Gendo. Yet.

>Captcha: wangesti after
How fitting.
Reasonable people like you are sadly a minority around these parts.
Did the fourth impact even fucking do anything other than exposing Central Dogma? not that it matters since all the angels are dead
I wanted to strangle/kill everyone in the movie except shinji (up to the spears part, that's a new record) and Kaworu. I spent roughly 76% of the movie without wanting to murder shinji in cold blood. That's a first.
I too find myself not wanting to change plans when I already have some, even if I know it's probably better to change them.

I guess it's a common human flaw.
Evangelion 3.33
>You Can (not) Explain
>Scenes Actually (not) from the Trailer
Pretty much, but even then it would take Kaworu like 5 seconds to stop Shinji by saying "stop and listen, we are being tricked, DON'T touch the spears!"
Rebuild previews never used actual movie footage.

Previews are produced as part of the previous movie.
I still prefer hand-inked to digitally painting things. Just an aesthetic preference I have, I guess.
They were separated by the entry plugs, I don't think Kaworu could slap his husbando even if he wanted to.
that feel when your friends head explodes for a decision you made.
Shinji at the end of EoE surpasses Gendo and himself.
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Shinji Ikari, worse than 100 Hitlers.
No need for slapping, just being loud and clear.
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Hey, What if..just What if..Gendo is actually shinji from a previous loop, and he's his own father
Also the girl is a clone of his mom.
He just keeps letting me down.
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And Fuyutsuki is actually the Gendo from that previous loop and therefore Shinji from 2 loops prior and his own grandfather.
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Would you pull the spears if a reliable source said you could go live with your waifu by doing it?

Even if everyone else told you to stop?
not going to lie I'd do the same to save a girl I'm in love with
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I love that picture.
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PLEASE, can someone fucking explain what these pillars/rods we always see DO?
>being in love with your mom.

Don't they suppress Angels?
isn't that what Gendou is trying to do?
those are anti-angel pillars. How they work depends on what anno feels like.
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holds the platform up?

The ride never ends!
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At least his motivations are better.
Get this kid for live action jojo.
They probably either lower the AT field's effectiveness or confuse Angels so they're easier to work with.

Kinda like kryptonite, only it barely does anything but annoy Angels.
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mooore rods
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Now I am not saying Albino Space Jesus is lying

But I think I need a better explanation, then what he gave.
The 2 spears don't look like the 4 they showed from Second Impact
they look like NGE and EoE spears, and Kaworu can tell from a distance that they aren't the 4 Adams spears
they even form into the shape of EoE's spear once pulled out of Lilith's corpse
I smell loop trickery going on here
I'd do it for a 2nd season of Baccano.
I'm thinking that the spears speared Lilith on their own, like how in EoE the spear dislodged from the moon and almost pierced through shinji.
Who knows where they came from, though.
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So is there anyone who doesn't want to fuck Shinji?

Pen pen?
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Silly Kids going around in their occult military gear committing acts of atrocities.
omg thank you.

I just splooged so fucking hard.

She stopped aging, though. There's no reason to think her mental development didn't halt along with her physical.
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Gendo. I hope.
Shinji started the third impact, Kaworu stopped it mid way and made contact with lilith bringing back people in a different form
Just read the novels

Yeah no I think I will need a bit more concrete evidence for that claim.
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Oh Anno...
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I like you son.
obviously since the choker has the seals, it was made to seal/kill an angel during impact, but only Shinji would have worn it
which implies that Shinji is either a potential Angel or people turn into Angels during impact
Like father like son huh?
For some reason I was creeped out by the flashback showing Yui's final moments.
Gendo King of the lilim.
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>there are 17 Angels in NGE
>there are 13 Angels in Rebuild + 4 pilots that could be angels

Oh Anno-san you big fat piece of shit.
Gendo clones.
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Just as you'd expect
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DBZ reference?
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God damn it. I knew it looked off when I saw them lowering the pods into 13.
How lewd
It was pretty horrifying.

The tv series and manga implied an experimental accident. In 3.33 it looked like a one of those rituals where young willing virgins get thrown into volcanoes to appease the mountain.
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But there's a scene in the series where she discusses her plan with Fuyutsuki.
"For the sake of my child's future.", or something.

It was an "accident".
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>plugs touching
well at least the spears weren't
it's not gay as long as the pilots don't touch.

I will be sorely disappointed if 4.0 isn't a 3 hour acid trip about Anno's psychophilosophical ramblings with inserted live action shots of japanese audiences watching 3.0 and line drawings that ends with everyone saying "Congratulations!" to Shinji masturbating over his father's comatose body.
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But they did.
Did Anno get any death threats for 3.0 yet?
I'm sure he gets those every day.
The question is: did he get more or less after Q.
everybody that hated it is either in prison for plotting an assassination or on suicide watch.
Bethany base in Antartica? That sure looks like a sphere/egg of Adam/Lilith.
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Why didn't WILLE tell him there was an Impact?
Why didn't the Wunder join the attack on Terminal Dogma?
Why did Shinji suddenly learn to play piano in less than minute?
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because anno stopped caring.
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Too small, considering Lilith's Black Moon is huge.

Plus it looked human built from the inside.
Is there any glorious asuka fanservice in 3.33?
>Why did Shinji suddenly learn to play piano in less than minute?
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Because plot.

Why did Seele launch Shinji into orbit together with Eva01 if he was their back-up?
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Eva Unit 01 can now
>Lift up a huge as fuck ship and its satellite ships
>Shoots laser beams
>Impact whenever it feels like
>hold Rei captive until Shinji decides to find the zero of Rei's polynomial by counting the sign changes
What can't Yui do?
Make her son happy
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There's barely any fanservice in 3.33.

The new suits look a bit more lewd than the standard ones, that's about it.
>What can't Yui do?

Be a good mother
Make Shinji happy.
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Timeskip shenanigans fucking where
>Why did Shinji suddenly learn to play piano in less than minute?
Nigga, didn't you see Shinji play that big thing in NGE? And pretty much every classicaly trained musician knows how to play the piano. He has some serious skill, he was just shy for his husbando.
>find the zero of Rei's polynomial by counting the sign changes
speaking of that, would Shinji giving Rei his spear of longinus count as incest?
Why is slav asuka so much better?

Almost as good as kuronami.
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>you will never wake up next to asuka


It never gets old
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Whatever else you may say, scene where Wunder starts is awesome... and if you've ever watched Nadia, you'll find that Shiro Sagisu likes to reuse old pieces... and make them even more awesome than they were!
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And if you are not a giant pleb like this guy you will know who they are actually referencing with the scene
get the hell out of here at least get a screen from SDF
For a second there I thought Misati lost an eye.
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>yfw Mari is actually an angel and essentially Rei from EoE
>yfw Mari is true beginning and the end
>yfw instead of people turning into Tang, they all turn into super ~~~kawaii~~~ cat people just like how Mari wants them to be
>yfw there's just a clip of Anno in a Gendo pose at the end credits and ends up explaining the true meaning of EoE, which instead, is just a picture of a sandwich
>/a/'s face when
what the fuck is that pyramid thing??
>4.0 is just a jar of mayonnaise on screen for 3 hours
You're being overly stupid.

Anno adores animation and fancy visuals. He has all the money in the world now. He's not gonna be trite about it. He'll make it very pretty.
It's NERV Headquarters
Mari is to lilith what Kaworu is to adam.
Adam = white = Kaworu is grey tinted.
Lilith = purple mask = Mari's hair is purple, lilith = woman = mari is pink tinted.
All of her dialogue shows she knows what's going on more than others, and every dialog referring to anything Adam-related it's almost like she's his belligerent ex-girlfriend.
The Holy Grail
Cup Of Jesusu
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>Mari - EVA pilot from Nerv USA. A girl who is at the same age as Rei No Six. She was created by US from merger of various animal genes and she has cat's ears (nekomimi) under her headset (she still has human ears too). Occasionally she shows inexplicable behavior like saying she is together with a group of creatures that are merged together. Rei No Six, who loves animals, commented "I envy her."

Stop with the fucking Anima shit Anno
But that was destroyed in 2.0 wasn't it?
The yiddish cup.
Core of an apple.
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Here, bakas.
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Black moon.
Why is she yuring with Rei when she's supposed to yuri with Asuka?
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Chill you fucks its just the Teppelin
Yeah, I noticed that too.
Why do people even like Evangelion?

My tastes are far from being properly evolved but I just don't understand.

Moeblob shit seems more appealing than this.
>they failed to become infinity
I don't understand this line either.
world is interesting. At least until Anno destroyed Tokyo 3.
Pseudo-evolved humans who were trying to reach Lilith but failed, dear Samefag.
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They failed to unite with Lilith and evolve because the impact was stopped.

Remember those red eva things crawling toward Lilith's head?
but how were they pseudo-evolved?
What is a pseudo-evolved human? A human's original form is just a hivemind.
Which impact, shinji's 2.22 or the one that is theorized between 2.22 and 3.33?
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So the dynamic duo have just been hanging out up there for 14 years waiting for Shinji to screw up again and to be stopped?
The third impact was going to evolve humans into the form their new god: An EVA.

Not sure, though probably the one between 2.22 and 3.33.
Wait, there's a different impact than Shinji's?


Why would Lilin evolve into a form that resembles Adam....
I wonder why it got stripped of most of its mass
Lilith was hungry.
In 3.33, it's made clear that there was a Stockton of destruction from an Impact. There's no way Eva 01's evolution caused that. Kaworu stopped it and everyone that was right next to it survived.
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They missed.
Shinji have seal on chocker too.
He is the angel, just like Asuka.
fuckton, top lel autocorrect
Kinda, or at least a direct continuation of that one that Shinji started.
What do you mean? It was much smaller (13km diameter) in NGE, this one has approximate 20-30km diameter.
When the Angel in Unit 06 merged with Rei, it evolved into almost a God, being able to control life and death on a global scale (like EoE)
vainly, it seemed to want to make creatures in its own image, not unlike Lilith that which made man in its own image
Those Unit 06 are people mutated into a new species, and they reached for that apex of evolution, that infinity, until it got double penetrated and died
>>84857404 (OP)
eva 01 is adam, rei is lilith
So how was Shinji getting to the library and shit?
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As a matter of fact why do the human-eva things have armor?

The armor is not part of the Eva it is created and grafted onto them by humans.
They've always done that.
Remember the swimming red things in EOE?
but this time it's not even a "moon", only the 2 poles of it look anything moonish, the rest of it looks artificially stripped down
I'm pretty sure moons don't look like TIE fighters
maybe there was already a library was already in NERV HQ.
Anno forgot.
Is this actually confirmed or is it just a guesstimate?
The library is right there, in the broken down, abandoned NERV part of the base.
They wouldn't be recognizable as Evas if they didn't have armor.
Damn, that makes sense.
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The 13km figure is official from NGE geofront specs.

The 20-30km is approximation, based on >>84865643 and this.

This is scaled on the inverted NERV pyramid (460m) rather than Mount Fuji (~3.7km)
Because 06 had armor and they're made in his image.
stole the words right out of my keyboard
Nice desu ne

That makes no sense, its like saying a clone of you would be born with your cloths

The armor is not part of the Eva
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and here are the old geofront dimensions from NGE.
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It looked cracked and crystalized in most shots, so it's clearly partially organic and just there because they were trying to look identical to their god.
see >>84867729
It's the third impact, it ain't gotta 'splain shit.
Besides, the armor looks like it's made of bone or crystal.
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Asuka's an Eva now, but I suppose that with the amount of wut that goes on in Anima right now a 6 year old catgirl homolusting it up with pic related isn't too out of place. Anyone know how the series ends, actually?
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>loli Mari x loli Rei yuri
At least post this version.
>She was created by US from merger of various animal genes and she has cat's ears (nekomimi) under her headset (she still has human ears too).

I loved her nyan nyan song.
I want to get off.

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Meh not into loli
>Brown nurples
Now that's just awful.
>Ein Sof, or Ayn Sof, (Hebrew אין סוף), in Kabbalah, is understood as God prior to His self-manifestation in the production of any spiritual Realm, probably derived from Ibn Gabirol's term, "the Endless One" (she-en lo tiklah). Ein Sof may be translated as "no end", "unending", "there is no end", or infinite.
You both seem to be gay, maybe you two should hook up or something.
You will never get off
Does she have a hole for an entry plug?
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Meaning of BM-03, anybody?
Third child?
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My interests lie someplace else
Buster Machine?
WILLE built a buster machines in the timeskip and was meant to pilot the third one.
03 is probably a reference to the third child. BM is probably something about blood type blue or something because his other foot says "S. Ikari ??" meaning they don't know what the fuck he is
The third.
He's the third attempt at retrieving Shinji.
Shinji confirmed for Bruce Wayne.

Gendo confirmed for zombie.
There are 3 souls in Unit 01 - Yui, Shinji, and Rei
They weren't sure that just because he looked like Shinji he was Shinji, he could have the soul of someone else from inside Unit 01
they probably confirmed that Yui was inside Unit 01 when it started to generate power, and Rei may have escaped during the timeskip and became that purple-eyed Rei in the preview, so he's the third one to come out of Unit 01
reference to third child, obviously. that phrase may have more significance than we know from NGE.
>still caring about this piece of shit

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synthetic man? The clone?
counter sage :)
Excellent, -3 posts to autosage.
Bowel Movement
shinji a shit
>>84857404 (OP)
>just finished NGE for the first time
>watching The End of Evangelion
>2 minutes in
I didn't expect this to happen at all.

So, anyway, what is worth watching and what isn't?
anon pls

we're talking about restoring a human that has been absorbed into an eva back to physical form.
it's still obviously a fucking EXPERIMENTAL procedure
>worth watching
Death And Rebirth Death is series in a recap and Rebirth is a unfinished EOE
semi-remake does it own thing from the half-way point of 2.22
>not worth
puchi eva and Re-Take
Watch everything except Death and Rebirth. That is not needed. You can skip the manga too

Depends what are you shipping and who is your waifu
the eva fandom has enough shipper as it is.
I think we have enough to start a decent fleet.
isn't re-take just some porn
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It's also one of the most important pieces of fanfiction ever written, rumored to have influence Anno's decision to make rebuild.
....so isn't Kaworu the bad guy then?

Yeah its fan-made

Then again the sheer fact people are alerting you to not read something that is fan-made is intriguing isn't it?
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Do you recognize this frame bitch? I bet you not!
And do you know why? Because you did not fucking view D&R.
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yes, but there is a version without it. In the end it's just asuka-oriented fanfiction.
I liked it but most people hate it.
>asuka centered
>inspired rebuild
he is the Angel of Betrayal
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Kaworu is always the bad guy. Only heretic xeno-lovers say otherwise. And you don't want to be a heretic do you?
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DnR has some nice bits in it
I do recommend watching Death, if only for a few new songs and the recital scenes that you can't find anywhere else, including the directors cut of the series.

But don't watch Rebirth, its just the unfinished version of the End of Evangelion.
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It's like the second part of Don Quixote.

Rebuild was a direct reaction to Retake.

what about the ending of 2.22?
People only hate it because Asukafags like you keep pushing it like it's something important to the franchise.
So what exactly is contamination?

becoming an angel?

if that's the case Auska will be responsible for 5th impact
You've never read the second part of Don Quixote, have you?

It's anti-fanfic (yes, people wrote fanfiction for Don Quixote)
It's more that Rebuild seems to have taken some of the broad plot points from ReTake, especially the part about time loops. Kaworu is even a looper in Re-Take, if I remember right.

Are you me?
of course he was, he was the last person there.

I couldn't resist
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watch it a few weeks after you finish the TV series.
It's a recap for the most part.
>did not read my post
I,m not a Asuka fag. I enjoyed reading but I,m in no way saying that it's canon or good.
time looping was brought up in the TV series (genki rei world)
Time looping was not brought up during that alternate world.

That was an illusion shown to Shinji via instrumentality.

Well people just found it interesting the "twist" of Re-Take could be used in Rebuild.
No, that was a straight up AU/illusion, but you're right. Post-Instrumentality Lilith Rei briefly loops back to episode one, and is the ghost Rei that Shinji sees in the very beginning of Evangelion.
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>My shitty OC that I made ages ago

Wow. That comma is killing me.
bleh alternate in-instrumentality universes.
rebuild is one
puchi eva is one
re-take is one
they are non-canon and canon at the same time.
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>genki rei world

Its called Angelic Days
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Mary, Mother of God...
if Yui is still alive where did Rei come from?
I haven't read Angelic days but it kinda bothers me considering she's Yui's clone.
Shes supposed to be Shinji's cousin or something
He is the angel of free will you fucking faggot.

She is still a clone. Maybe even still a clone of Yui. She is made as an experimental Eva pilot.
you mean the entry plug depth?
The deeper you go, the more in synch with the Eva you are, but that goes both ways and you risk the eva becoming a part of you and influencing your actions (ie. when they go berserk). Contamination is if the Eva and pilot meld together to the point that the pilot loses sense of self. In the Eva-verse, this is serious because your sense of self defines your AT field, and the AT field defines your form. Without it, you turn into base genetic code bio mass goo. Or LCL. This happened in the original series and it's likely what happened to Rei 2 at the end of 2.0
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He betrayed the Angles faglord
no, you stupid faggot. he was talking about asuka's angel contamination from bardiel.
It is. I don't understand why some people are trying to take it serious.
>The Newtype Evangelion Filmbook Remix Vol. II states that while Tabrith is the name of the Angel of Free Will, Kaworu/Kaoru is also that of the Angel of Betrayal.

I love how a single frame in D&R is the single reason why Rei I wants to shag Kaworu in every other piece of media she appears in.
rabid Asuka fags?
I really don't see why anybody should take fanfics serious.
wouldn't that cause Third Impact?

You Can (Not) Get Off.

That's why she's after him, forbidden unions and shit. Too bad there's only one man in his heart.
>wouldn't that cause Third Impact?

This is the reasons threesome between Kaworu, Shinji and Rei is extremly differet. If Kaworu trusts his spear into the wrong Core, there goes the world
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>Anno sees Asukatards fucking up shit so Shinji and Asuka can be together

>Anno makes film series where he fucks up shit so Shinji and Kaworu can be together

Am I doing it right?

As already said, its a doujin based on the premise that Shinji remade the world after EoE with elements from the original "leaking" into his world. In the end he has to accept the choices he made and live in the real-world or base-reality however you want to call it.

Then we get Rebuild and the loop + sequel theory. People got intrigued.

And then you got Evageeks, which were and are a pretty influential Eva community to this day, which is full on LAS and considered Re-Take the holy grail.
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>Asuka Langley Soryu
>Asuka Shikinami Langley

Did everyone forget?
How about you shove that shit up your asshole you fucking nignog
just bringing back Kaworu in the form of a clone would be enough to do that. Maybe he can do something interesting like character development this time around.
>original TV
>kaworu gets introduced
>acts like Jesus
well maybe he gets a bit better in re-
>only plays piano
>has the survival instinct of a suicidal lemming
>"Shinji would you kindly not pull out those spears?"
>dies again
well fuck
>Do not open this before watching the movie
Rebuild fucked over all the characters except Asuka and Kaworu at this point.
Damn, that suit is tight.
>not fucked over

Asuka's character is pretty much the same as always, isn't it?
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You know if the loop is confirmed Kaworu as a character becomes really fucking morbid.

Seriously consider this. He is jumping universes to fuck an alternate-reality Shinji because he could never get together with the original Shinji. And if he can actually choose to incarnate into a universe then he is fucking up millions of lives, including Shinji's just to fulfil his desire.
No? Asuka is a lot better now. I remember in the original she was likened to a worthless cunt
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This one is so much better.

I can't see any changes. She even told Shinji that he didn't help her just like in EoE.
For anyone to realize how insane it is, they would have to not be blinded by Kawoshin. That isn't happening. I think even the author is blinded by it.

I don't think she got fucked over either. She was made a lot stronger, mentally and physically. For a vapid remake like Rebuild it's the best you can hope for.
>>84857404 (OP)
>so Impacts are cause by Angels coming into contact with Lilith


Impacts are now caused by an Impact Trigger. One is Shinji and the other one is the 13th Angel (what Kaworu becomes in the end of 3.33) who are in an Adam (Eva).

You'll notice a lack of Impact after Kaworu and Shinji are dead or out the Awakened Eva.
I don't think Kaworu is like that. His actions where caused by shitty writing.
How was Adam able to open the Doors of Guf by himself and deploy an anti-AT field to trigger Second Impact?

Pay attention, OP: Second, Third and Fourth. The giant of light. They need a trigger to 'awake' them.

Its fucking weird. In 2.0 he character is almost the complete opposite of Soryu

In 3.0 its just sad to see that after 14 years spent in that world she became so bitter and heartless.
>runes on the floor
Shit son.

But he's following Shinji's wish.

Angels can still cause Impacts in Rebuild

Kaworu morphing into the 13th Started the Impact
Actually, that is one of the themes if you take into consideration Gendou's brilliant plan, Shinji's occasional bursts of 'I'll protect you' and self-sacrifice of some other characters like Touji (for his sister), Misato, Ritsuko etc
Kaworu's supposedly the first angel -> Adam -> who ended up as the original male at the end of EoE?

He also called Gendo "father".
>So let’s make a wish.
>"Please let me redo again."
>No matter how many times
>"Thank you" and "Goodbye"
>Wishing for reunion and leaving.

Shinji is the source of this shit.

Good thing that is taken from a book that has no bearing on Rebuild as of this time.
>In 2.0 he character is almost the complete opposite of Soryu
How so? She is tsun-tsun for Shinji like always. She spent a night with Shinji just like in TV, bit in a bit different way. There's no Kaiji so she fell for Shinji a bit quicker after he shown her his manliness while dealing with Sahaquiel. What exactly is different?

Wait people believe that shit? Anno wrote about loops and time diver Kaworu with Shinji vs Gendo (and Eva 01 vs Eva 01 "copy") in a SRW Eva scenario.

He's basing Rebuild on that shit.
how did mark 06 end up getting impaled by a spear? i thought unit01 was supposed to get stabbed to stop the 3rd impact.
so what was the whole scene with mark 06 floating above impaled unit01 moments after 3rd impact?

She became an introvert that plays with a doll

Its almost a completely different character.
He's basing Rebuild off of his hunger for money and his thirst for tears.

With influences from shitty fanfictions and spinoffs.

The official book published by Khara suggested as reading material to understand Kaworu in Rebuild.

It has more bearing than /a/ silly theorys. In particular when Shinji's greatest wish been portrayed since NGE 2 onwards (the time Anno decided he wanted to make an Eva sequel) to be reunited with him.

What I'm saying Rebuild is very similar to that scenario ANNO wrote years ago. We even have an Eva 01 clone now (13). Shinji there acts closer to his Rebuild characterization.

Kaworu WAS an Angel beforehand, he didn't become 'more angelic' or anything. What changed is that he became a Trigger.
Kaworu was piloting it, he stopped Shinji, but given all those Rei's shown in the preview we can assume tang began

He went down to terminal dogma in angel mode piloting 06, they synch unit 06 becomes an angel as well. Begin enacting Seeles plan, which turns all of those Rei's into Unit 06's and they no longer tanging people but getting rid of them.

Mari grabs spear, descends into terminal dogma and impales Unit 06

Unit 1 having lost power assimilates Teh Rei

Kaworu goes to report to Seele and is assigned to work at NERV
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They did something with an 06 and Lilith.
This is what made the 3rd impact resume, probably.

I have a feeling half of 4.0 will be about what happened there as Shinji is told everything before he makes the final decision in Rebuild.
Probably a SEELE takeover like EoE.

Oh yeah, Anno wanted to make an Eva sequel since 2002.

What changes is that he became THE 13TH ANGEL
I hope they use this in the next movie to subvert 3.0.

>I don't think Kaworu is like that. His actions where caused by shitty writing.
that's the same thing

Willingly letting bad stuff happen.
That plus he's fucking fourteen and still has an unstable mental state of a kid just entering puberty with parental abandonment issues in a new and harsh environment where everyone who remotely cared about him is now his enemy.

He's confused as fuck, desperate, terrified, depressed, and the very chance those spears could fix all that sets his mind into "FUCKING DO IT NOW" mode.

it's the same kind of thought backing that you get when you want something for a long ass time and find out it's going to be shit but you still go for it anyway, it's often confused with hope but it's actually a chemical reaction related to adrenalin pushing when you're in a panicked flee or fight situation.

This was confirmed back in thread 120 of the Eva generals, in an interview with Ishida. Guy got seriously infodumped by Anno, apparently.

––With all those complicated feelings about it, you must have really been looking forward to [getting it over with], Mr. Ishida.

It's less a 'looking forward' to it kind of thing and more a 'man, that was hard!'* As I'm sure you all know, I didn't really appear much in 1.0, but after recording, Mr. Anno came up to me and told me, 'We've got a lot to talk about what comes next now.' Though, I guess if we're gonna open that can of worms, I didn't appear much in 2.0 either, did I? (lol) So when I went in to record for Q, I was all tense, it finally felt like the 'real thing.' To no one's surprise, started speaking more and talked about things no one would have expected up until now. Of course, I'd expected it to go off the established "Eva" course. Even if they talk about different things, the feelings Kaworu has for Ikari Shinji… they won't change. I knew the world was different this time, but, on top of that, I was worried about how to best approach Ikari Shinji this time so that everyone would understand that. That was a high hurdle. I was thinking about how to handle it from the very beginning. How should Nagisa Kaworu be after he's accumulated several different cycles in his past? And Eva itself has a very precise strike-zone, to get it just like it should be. I couldn't lose sight of that.

*- he's punning 待望 (taibou/long-awaited) and 大変 (taihen/hard)

He very distinctly describes Kaworu's past as an accumulation of different cycles though. I'm confident in that part at least.

Mark 06 is an autonomous unit.
No, he meant that Kaworu morphed from the 1st Angel in the Rebuild continuity to becoming the 13th-and last- Angel. (Rebuild only has 13 Angels, and two of them are Kaworu) In this form as 13th Angel, Kaworu became a trigger.

Also- first and last Angel. Alpha and Omega. Gay Space Jesus.

From being the FIRST ANGEL.

The Angel part doesn't fucking matter.
It was made autonomous after Kaworu used it in 2.22, or that how I understood it.
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then why was kaworu inside of it?

Scarlet Blade

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