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First screen of the new Madoka movie!

PV soon!
>>88736917 (OP)
Her soul gem is on the back of her hand, why would do that?
Silly Homu. You're not a Persona.
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holy shit!
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>>88736917 (OP)
She's just using the gun to scratch an itch.
>be meguca
>shoot self in head
>doesn't work
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>they turn purple
>>88736917 (OP)
Donald Duck?
Jotaro did it first :)
>>88736917 (OP)

>brb summoning my persona
Fuck off.
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No need to make angry faces, dude.
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This. I was instantly reminded of P3
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>>88736917 (OP)
Homu you baka, that's not going to do shit.
>We want the Fatlus audience
I swear to god you people are the worst


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I'd shoot myself too if it was 33 degrees
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Late October confirmed?
This is the final feature animation for the Madoka franchise right?
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Madoka and Homu confirmed for midgets

They changed QB?
Nah, but it will be the final feature of the Homu Saga
What are you scandinavian?
>>88736917 (OP)
Walpurgis Night=Nyx Madoka confirmed for door.
Can't wait
What's wrong with 33? It's 36 outside right now.
Can't wait to see how pulling that trigger will go.
>>88736917 (OP)

>next is our weather forecast, with Homuhomu. Hows it lookin out there, Homu?

>madoka is dead I fucking loved her I cant live in this world any longer...

...Partly cloudy.

>Hahaha, thanks Homu, it's always a great day with you around!
SALLAKA IS ALIVE? Holy shit i don't know what the fuck is waiting for us
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Kyouko in a school uniform?


The fuck is going on?
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You see, even if it's ironic, stop it.
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This girl here becoming a mahou shoujo and more QB bullshit
>>88736917 (OP)

This will turn into a 4chan classic or?
>>88736917 (OP)
Is that Yuno in the background at 2:21?
Schoolgirl Anko is best Anko.
Quick, let's look up flower symbolism and speculate some inane shit.
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Does that mean we'll get good-quality subs for it in two years?
Daffodils? Lilies?
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/a/ is creatively dead

No chance.
Flowers means virginity.
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Just for you buddy
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Yeah Kyoko in schoolgiel uniform spotted
same anime studio...
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Well the lilly flowers obviously symbolize the yuri love between Homura and Madoka.

Purple is one of Homura's colors so that must mean the lillies are becoming closer to Homura, meaning her love for Madoka is reaching a high plane. Or it could mean Madoka's love for Homura is ending.
did the BD's for the first 2 movies ever come out?
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well, we know this since the very first PV.


Should go to Las Vegas. Roughly 44 for the last few days.
soon this month normally
The Blu-ray release date of the two Madoka Magica movies "Hajimari no Monogatari" and "Eihen no Monogatari" has been announced to be July 24th.
in two weeks or something.
Certainly couldn't be symbolic of grief seeds.
20 days.
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No shit.
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Homu no ;_;
>reminder that the PV is more than 9 months old.

all scenes should have completly new backgrounds now!
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Please hold me
They're going to be happy, right?
My heart won't be crushed again, right?
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Damn, waiting is kinda painful. hopefully it'll shed some speculation on the third movie.

Bittersweet at best anon.
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>They're going to be happy, right?
>happy end
Did a lot better than me.

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>bringing happiness
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We flashback now
>two soul gems
That's cheating.
>>88736917 (OP)
>People first though i Homu going Persona
>Not Jotaro in jail

You disgrace me
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Homu either dies painfully after a long struggle and is reunited with Madoka, or survives and never meets her again.
Persona did it better
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>post Madoka-Sacrifice world is Psycho Pass world
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>implying Homerun isn't so much of a human bean she needs two
>chamber dead
>hideauze alive
>happy end
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>33 degrees
I don't like gay men, sorry.
glorious Shaft city!
This is seriously looking like an even a bigger Homuthon than before.

Chamber will sacrifice himself for Madoka while revealing that Saber discovered that human brains in jars were behind Kyubeys plan and then they all get nuked

The End
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Embrace it anon
>Tasteless faggot.
>He doesn't have 45 degrees errday
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Sure looks happy.
As expected of the master.
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>If I fire them both at the same time they'll stop each other and I'll be fine!
Was that Aoki Ume?
And then Saya turns everybody left standing into eldritch abominations things like her.
I don't think such a place exists on Earth
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I want a 24 episode series where Madoka, Saber, Akane, and Ledo get trashed and crash other people's parties
As if having two soul gems would be the unfair part, she has two fucking time machines.
Poor Ume. ;_;
Where the fuck did that rock come from?
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>Q. What happens when Homura dies in the new world?
>A. Homura cannot die. As her wish was to protect Madoka in the first place. As long as Madoka is alive, Homura is somewhat an immortal. As Madoka became completely eternal, thus, Homura is as eternal and part of the cosmos, as much as Madoka is.

>Q. The meaning of the last epilogue scene.
>A1. It may be a prolonged fact that eventually Puella Magi will loose their magic, and get taken away by Madoka. If Homura dies during that last scene due to running too low on magic and despair, then she will finally reunite with Madoka. If she wins, then her reunion with Madoka will forever become far away.

>-as some think, but Homura is eternal, considering Madoka is eternal as well. Consider her somewhat similar to Viral from Gurren Lagann. She cannot die no matter what the circumstance is, as long is what she protects remains within the cycle of the Torus. “Do your best.” Can be thought out as perhaps Madoka’s last words before Homura dies, when she really meant was “Do your best, I’ll be back soon.” in a sense -which is one theory. OR it can mean that “I’m back.” Since Homura gave a confident smile. It can be misleading to some that She will only retunite upon death, and those encouraging words were Madoka’s last words to Homura before she dies in her last battle
Define happy.
I don't see how two will be better than one.
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I'm waiting to see Meguca Hitomi
Double the suffering!
Being Homura is sure suffering
It's >40C where I am pretty much every day through summer. It was 48C a few days ago.
I think this is like the first time we saw parts of the Shaft studio

Doesn't look like an opium den...
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Shaft is the poorest

>Bu...But Monogatari and Madoka money!!
All going to Aniplex

>Gee Homu, how come your kyubey lets you have TWO soul gems?
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Hey kid, let me in.
I'm a fairy.

They talked about Ume though for a short moment.
>implying Rebuild of Madoka won't be shit and ruin the original series

It looks pretty normal. The Shaft building is even one of teh bigger anime studio buildings in Tokyo.
madoka gets depressed because her outfit is too lewd
Madoka movie will be the 3.33 of Evangelion
Why didn't Homerun have Dokes wish for there to be no more QB clones then kill him?
>>88736917 (OP)
I find very STRANGE, how come Homura has her SHIELD and why not she has the BOW. Maybe it's a flashback or shit like that.
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She'd still transform into Gremschkin or whatever the fuck it was sooner or later.
>Jojofag can't check for samefag
They keep that in the back where Shinbo's throne (shaped like a giant tilted head) is.
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Man, I just don't know what to feel about all these pictures of Homura with suicidal imagery.
>not being able to check for samefag
Stay mad jojofag
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>Shaft is the poorest
>not gainax
We Lars Von Trier now
>not rolling in the old EVA dosh and not giving a fuck about anything
someone post that picture of the hope/despair cycle of homura where it's 4 arrows going round in a circle. because it's basically true
No really, Shinbo is Madoka and Bakemono producer afterall
They changed QB...

Mental Ill Incubator confirmed?
No big deal

Call me when she aims for the soul gem
>yfw Homura tries to kill herself every day to get to Madoka but it never works
I have no good answer.
Of course. Why would they mention something like that so casually and not have it be a major plot point later on?
He is the director and so part of the production commitee. Not much
Summer doesn't count as "every day"
>tfw Homura will shoot herself in the head and leave a bullet inside without being able to die and having to live with it
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pls no
>shaft employees
>two women

This destroys my image of pervert old men animate whatever they want.
He is co-producer of both shows
Kyouko is school uniform. IT'S NOT flashback.
If were talking about the poorest we all know its GONZO
Yeah, and he funded the anime and the movie with the money he made with drug dealing
GONZO is just shit. Nothing more.

Silver Link is pretty poor.
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wait i found it but not the translated version because danbooru are too elitist for english text
>not flashback
What does it say?
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Open your heart and let it be healed.
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>Normal Incubator
>Wicked sick Incubator
It can be just scene from opening. Moemura is possible in new world, but kyouko in school uniform is not.
Purple often represents suicide, hence flowers turning to purple and Homura pointing her gun to herself might mean she'll actually die.

City looks like if it was out of Star Trek.
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