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Would you a Tomoko?
Yes, but only if she didn't shower a week prior.
As long as she doesnt put her hair up
>>89862615 (OP)
Emotionally manipulate her into degrading sex? Hell yes I would.
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Yes I would make her take a shower then lovingly brush her hair afterward.
it would probably be really awkward
and there'd be a lot of weird silence, and her heavy breathing kind of nasaly

but yes
>implying she'd mind or feel degraded
Yes but it would be the most awkward thing ever and I don't know what would happen afterwards.
Watamote is so unrealistic.

Nobody that quirky and moe is devoid of friends.

Unless Japan is really more horrible than I ever thought it could be.

only because she would embarrass herself due to making a massive deal about not being a virgin anymore

I don't think she would have much friends IRL either.
She's a complete bitch with an unhygienic body.
Even if you are quirky and moe you still need the social skills of talking to others to get friends. Also hygiene.
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We'd both be incredibly awkward but fuck yes.

People in a lot of asian countries are competing for universities or colleges as soon as they enter school I'm sure not being sociable is way more common.I believe this is based on the writers life so there must be some level of truth.
She's unattractive and also FILTHY. Bathe her and then I'll consider it.
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>those feet
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Fuck I liked that picture, what have you done!
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I just want to hug her and whisper in her ear that it will all be okay.
>>89862615 (OP)
Is it strange that I want to eat her out? I want her to pull on my hair while im doing this.
I bet she has extremly depraved and dirty expectations of sex, just like she expected an orgy when the other studeents in her class went to karaoke.
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So do I. Right before I fuck her all night.
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>5 toes
>4 toes
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You mean her cute Twin Tails? That + Glasses is mandatory.
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>Nobody that quirky and moe is devoid of friends.
Most people think this in Watamote, too.
I want to take care of her like a pet, with a collar and everything; I'd keep her inside and facilitate her otaku ways until she's completely dependent on me.
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I would first become her friend and help her stay out of trouble. Then I would see how things go further from there.
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>>89862615 (OP)
Without hesitation.
She's into yandere boy CDs, so I'm sure a bit of light loving SM play is fine with her, especially as you make her promise to stay true and that she's lucky just to have you as she begs for your cock.
Will she clean up and put on some nice clothes first?
>>89862615 (OP)
The only thing that makes her look unattractive is the exaggerated bags under her eyes.
That's a yes.
Do you even anxiety?
>not her greasy hair

Her eyes wouldn't be an issue if she slept more.
It's not about being moe, that makes you either a social being or not, of course it does help to have looks, but mostly it's how you act and wether or not you actually interact with people.
The worst is being extroverted and never interact with people your whole life.

You want to talk to people but you just don't have the words because you don't have the vocabulary for it or don't recognise the social rules due to lack of experience with talking with someone.

Being social really demands a lot from you.
Well, that is the exact problem with Tomoko. She's cute and she's quite smart, I think, she's also quite nice, but she just doesn't know the simplest of things when it comes to socializing.
Though I sometimes know her pain.
>Can't talk to people
>Goes days without showering
>Masturbates all day every day
>Probably doesn't clean off her girl jizz when she's finished

No I wouldn't, to let yourself go like that you have to be repugnant on the inside too. I don't even know how she let herself go like that she goes to school and has a family at least Hikikoromi's have an excuse when they're shut ins.
No one really lives like that, people pull themselves up by the bootstraps before it gets that bad I doubt anyone here hasn't showered for days or hasn't bothered to wipe their cum off
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Preferably clothes that'll show off that slim little body of hers.
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As a last resort, possibly
I would consider men before her though
Oh god i love that outfit of her.
Only as a rescue case
She's too pathetic to have a serious relationship with, it would be very creepy. I'd try to befriend her for the sake of convincing her to bathe however.
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Fuck you, I'd date her in a heart beat.
And you'd grow to hate it
She'd cling to you and never get better at anything
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>doubt anyone here hasn't showered for days or hasn't bothered to wipe their cum off

>implying she wouldn't get better at sucking dicks

She's what girls refer to as ''a project''.

All she needs is that first spark from someone to give her attention so she can come out of her shell.

Once she gets support and love, only then will she be a girl worthy or attention and respect.
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Huh, that sounds exactly like me.
Except I have less anxiety.
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>I doubt anyone here hasn't showered for days or hasn't bothered to wipe their cum off

About that...
>I doubt anyone here hasn't showered for days or hasn't bothered to wipe their cum off
I haven't showered in months.

I mostly just get wet from the rain whenever I need to get groceries.

At some point, you can just smell the reek out of armpits but I really don't care.
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>I doubt anyone here hasn't showered for days or hasn't bothered to wipe their cum off
I don't wipe my own cum off immediatly after either. I mostly wait a day before I watch it off from my belly/cheek. When I'm at my "grossest" I eat the dried crust from my body or put cum on my toothbrush just because I can. This is still far more healthy then smoking or drinking so compared to those kind of people I can clearly say I'm almost sterile in that aspect.

And I shower 3 times a week because more or less seems unhealthy.

Bro, do you even hiki?
To be fair that masturbation part is quite normal for teenagers.
she should wear it more often. if she slept more and had more confidence she would be cute to no end.
I am starting to think about how it would be to make her give you a blowjob. I bet she takes your cock stuttering and trembling in her mouth and slowly nudges on it.
she'd probably use teeth like some sorta fool
Why would she me?
you are the only one who wants to give her the D in her life.
Well I supposed I would if she wanted it.
Never deny a girl the D.
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>I doubt anyone here hasn't showered for days or hasn't bothered to wipe their cum off
Are you lost?
I'm moderately disgusted by the amount of people admitting that they don't shower and leave crusty jizz all over themselves.

This combined with the thread 10 mins ago about /a/ being fat as fuck is making feel like I fit in less and less.
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Fucking Idiot.

I bet you joined as late as 2009 or something and yet can't even grasp of what /a/ is.

Maybe you belong to the hater crowd. If you are not sure, go to >>>/v/ for training.

Come back after 5 years.
You're the fucking idiot if you think everybody should be as disgusting as you.
Go back to reddit faggot.
Which group for subs?
HS and FTW are good, though HS doesn't have chapters and karaoke.
Commie is shit, as usual
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Just because I don't shower daily and leave jizz all over my battlestation or sometimes myself doesn't mean that I'm fat.
That's even worse than being fat
Well, I never said I was proud of myself.
I can't believe all those stupid girls fall for the things in these trashy magazines. Let me do just that!
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So plump.
Just wash face, pits, and nether regions after you poop and you can go far longer without taking a full shower.
I wanna sniff it.
I think the eyes are a genetic thing, her brother has the same problem.
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unrealistic? hmm no
there are pervert mean girls that are very shy
also tomoko takes baths
your being trolled by the author because u will never see the bath scene
Stop typing like you're from tumblr
what would it smell like?
I'm not sure, but I assume it would be very musky.
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im not from the land of the land whales
i was born from a random irc chat good sir
now lets enjoy some tomoko
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>not posting the better version
>>89862615 (OP)
would i beat her up in a fighting game?
Hell yeah i would
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best watamote
i wonder how good is tomoko at gaming

i wanna play The king of fighter with her
God, I know where this is going.
How is she spinning?
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by being best
Obviously she threw herself at the chair at the right angle, and started spinning. We're just seeing what happened after the first few seconds of almost falling down from spinning too fast.
I can't get the thought of how 3DPD she'd actually look if she wasn't drawn in 'moe' style out of my head.

So probably no. I'd probably try to become friends with her though.
>No one really lives like that, people pull themselves up by the bootstraps before it gets that bad I doubt anyone here hasn't showered for days or hasn't bothered to wipe their cum off

You are so naive, Anon. Do you know where you are?
Time to leave /a/ and never come back.
And nothing of value was lost.
You don't need to fit in, you just need to blend in and not make yourself sound like you're still wet behind the ears.
What the fuck are you doing calling people disgusting anyways? You should know where you are and how it works.
>leave crusty jizz all over themselves

my groin inches for doing that

give me a solution /a/
>I'd probably try to become friends with her though.

really ?

even knowing she has an awfull personality
No she doesn't why do people keep saying that.

1.get sharp edge. (hamburg or accelerator acceptable)
2.shave off crust and pubes that collect crust
Because the writer specifically gave her an awful personality?

She hates anyone with more friends than her. She fantasized about killing her brother once she found out he acts like a loner but actually has friends.

She plays card games with little kids but cheats, she lies about herself to anyone who'll believe her.

And she tries to fuck her brother all the time.

If you think about it, Tomoko's pretty fucking crazy
an action pact trip to mexico?
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By shifting her hips to keep the momentum.
Requesting a gif of her playing Pop'n. I need it for reasons.
>>89862615 (OP)

That's disgusting.
Holy fuck... How can /a/ stomach this garbage? This shit is so painful to watch.
>>89862615 (OP)
Probably, maybe if i wasn't so beta.

But she requires some care too, she's too skinny, she's vomiting all the time because she doesn't ever eat enough.
you guys are what's wrong with /a/ - fatasses are /v/ermin and so are you.

A true /a/non would be skinny as fuck or at most skinnyfat
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Most of the fat people on /a/ are spics or narutards - mostly both
Are you sure you know how to read?
Do I even want to know what your opinion is on muscularity by that mindset?
If you workout and have muscles good for you, if you're doing it for 3dpd then leave - if you're doing it for your own health and well being so you may live longer then good for you.
>fat people on my /a/
> Deats by Bre
They must have massive beds in japan.
Are you a troll?

If a troll means "person who made me laugh" then you surely are a good one.
fatty detected
All the better.
Means she requires less bullshitting around before we get into bed
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You sure showed me bro.
Or she is a anorexic girl under 5' tall
Her pillow can feel her armpit stink.
Well, maybe if she ate anything besides Wcdonalds and ramen.
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I remember having a person similar to her in my grade during high school. She wasn't attractive in the slightest bit though.
What do Tomoko's panties smell like /a/?
Crushed dreams and misery
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A girl's privates.
Have you ever drunken Starbucks coffee and then taken a piss afterward? Yeah, that smell.
She's got vaginal infection then?
>people not showering

Fuck people, I shower 3 times a day, how can you fucking live with your smell

although I do smell like shit if I don't shower, being excessively seaty and shit
Smelly perspiration from sitting in an improperly ventilated chair for too long.
3 times a day is too much, not getting the precious oils, dude. 2 max. I do once a day and have a day off now and again if I'm lazy.
Imagine the smell of unwashed vag juice that has been building up in the cusion of that chair.
>3 times a day
What the fuck
I see no reason to do more than once a day
>Stressful job
>Work out
>Generally just hot out
Stop moving
Problem solved
Fuck normals, I swear
a few things, I wake up at around 8, it's hot as fuck out (heat wave just went through)
It's about 35C the afternoon where I live, I shower once every 2 days, I don't need more since I don't start stinking before 3 or so
>And she tries to fuck her brother all the time

You know, if I was her brother I wouldn't even be that mad from the attempted incest stuff, but that one fucking panel where Tomoko leaves her underwear in her brothers room would piss me off so fucking much.
hand soap
what does a girl's privates smell like?
It doesn't smell good, anon.
The taste is pretty OK, though.

I want to sniff her underwear
I don't believe you. Besides you'd probably get hair on your tongue. Yuck.
I bet Tomoko's vagina tastes like sweet honey.
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Dig your finger in your belly button then smell it.
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>Dem legs
What the fuck?
It tastes like salad dressing
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just rub baking soda on your smelly parts, unless you actually get dirt on yourself, taking a bath after sweating isnt making you cleaner
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she wears her skirt in a weird way
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>would you a disgusting smelly fujoshi

Lick the back of your hand. Let it dry for 10 seconds, then smell.
Dude he's right. That is what it smells like.
they aren't overstated, i look like i have eye shadow or some shit on my face all the time
Yes, I would. Every day.
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Anorexic as fuck.
All Japanese wear their clothes high up their waists.
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I feel like she's more like a daughter than a love interest, but if she threw herself at me like she does her brother I don't think I would resist.
i'd hug her right in her house, then i'd lick her spoon. (for the yoghurt)
She's fucking ugly. I deserve someone better looking than this. I'd fuck her & dump her at worst
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Is there an android app that has music visualizations like this?

We're the kind that eats ramen at every meal. fat fucks eating doritos and drinkign mountain dew all the day can fuck off back to /v/.

how do you get fat anyways?
That is if you could even get someone like her in the first place.

Tomoko wanted the fat manga club guys dick after that drawing I think an anon would be able to get her.

Like everybody who's socially inept, being nice to her will make her think you're attracted to her.
Even the fat fuck is more desirable than an anon.

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