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For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two Contests—one for new Rotating Banners, and the other for our House Ads.

Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners!

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Why is this so good?
Why will we probably never get a second season?
Why isn't there more like this out there?
Why can't I stop listening to the ending?

TL;dr Jinrui thread
>>88044098 (OP)

Just like Yahari SNAFU, no more LN content to adapt
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le no sales face
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You think so?
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Shit sales, just like any other anime that isn't something we've seen a million times before.
Anyone have a good translation of the LNs? I've only seen chapter one so far. Or does nobody give a shit about them?
On the other hand there are some dedicated translators for Sasami.
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>there are some dedicated translators for Sasami.
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I came for the fairies and stayed for the perfect waifu.
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>Implying this isn't your new desktop background
She will never leglock you and force you to cum inside
May I ask where you happened to get that Image?

IQDB didn't give me a thing.
Also, that image very well could be.
>implying it wasn't already
You take the words right out of my mouth, Sir.
The anime had a hardly comprehensible and understandable plot. I don't know how the novels are. Maybe they're good? Maybe I'll read some tomorrow.
And it has been for months.

Mah niggas.
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I just happened to see it in another Jinrui thread,
Sorry Anon.
If it makes you feel better I can dump what else I've got


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