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Why does /a/ hate this?
It was shit.
>hurr durr /a/ is a hivemind

Kill yourself.
Very disappointing movie that ruined a lot of characters.
>>90497201 (OP)

Why do you like it?

Let's start there
I would say "because it's bad" but that never stopped /a/ from liking something before
I thought it was pretty good, personally. Not as good as 2.22 though.

Automatically shit.
I liked it. I've stopped paying attention to other people's taste a long time ago.
>>90497201 (OP)
It's no cannon Evangelion.
>>90497201 (OP)
I love it, therefore /a/ loves it, therefore your post doesn't make any sense.

People hate it for the some reason they hated eoe when it first came out: they didn't understand it and were not expecting it at all.

Anno said he made Rebuild to destroy eva. 3.33 gets straight to that point.
Eva a shit.
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Timeskip erases character development from the last movies and sends us off with completely new characters the movie doesn't bother to shed any light on, instead we about an hour worth of fights. Then fujoshi fanservice. Every character but Shinji is a boring one-dimensional idiot.

We get barely any worldbuilding aside from a short tour of Nerv. Bunch of characters die off screen. Characters continue to be shallow, Mari still pointless and they still are introducing new characters like Rei Q and the Wille crew. No information on what happened during the timeskip. They rectonned the damage made during 3rd impact last movie. Every character acts retarded to move the clumsy plot along. 3.0 was a boring waste of time and now dooms 4.0 to be shit when it needs to cover to much ground 3.0 didn't touch with the character and plot.
Mr. Anno's wild ride never ends
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It's easily one of the most beautiful things in the entire franchise. Pretty much the only thing in eva to approach the surreal.
Because it was bad. Like Rebuild in general. People made countless threads and posts about why already, goddamn.
Everyone is a dumbass and the only reason the plot still exists is because nobody will fucking sit down and EXPLAIN things to Shinji.

The whole movie I'm tearing my hair out because whenever something bad happens, it's because someone fails to explain what happened.

Or when they do, it's vague. Or they get pissed at him for doing what he's told, get mad when he does what he's not told to do... it's so fucking contrived I can't wrap my head around all the illogical happenings.
Jesus Christ
Let's get this fucking straight
Contrary to popular belief THERE IS NO /a/ COLLECTIVE, there isn't any opinion that could be universally agreed upon unless it's kirino being a shit
stop doing this
I know it's an excuse for discussion but it's lame
>>90497201 (OP)
Why are you asking why people don't like a bad movie?
But /a/ as a whole dislikes 3.33
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Why did the Wille people wake up Shinji if they were gonna do nothing with him and treat him like shit?
Because it's shit. Didn't we go through this already?
You're months late to the party, and /a/ is not the collective.

I myself didn't like it because it was a pointless, plotless, CGI filled mess that didn't advance any story or characters. We're as lost as Shinji is, which might be the point, but it still doesn't make for a good story.
>>90497201 (OP)

We at /a/ all agree, and will always agree, that Evangelion 3.33 sucked because there wasn't enough AsukaxShinji interaction. I addition, the homosexual undertones were not appreciated. We at /a/ believe that men and women were created to procreate and anything outside of those parameters constitute a capital offense. The punishment of committing such a heinous crime is 20 years of tickle torture, and nightly viewings of Boku no Pico for life.
That's wrong.
We don't know what they were going to do with him. He gets kidnapped like half an hour after he gets woken up.
>sit down and EXPLAIN things to Shinji
I don't think you understand how deeply in denial Shinji is
Even if the folks on WILLE did somehow put aside their anger at Shinji and explain things to him, he'd probably have run away with Rei anyways
Also, they don't trust him, so why should they tell him anything?

There are plenty of shows with idiotplots, but this wasn't one of them. The characters' reactions to seeing Shinji again were probably the best part of 3.33
I thought they just wanted the eva, and just kicked him out
I personally don't like it. All there is to it. I'm sure many others love it.
I thought he just woke up naturally.
Action wise and ''WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON'' wise, it was great.

Eva wise and actually making sense wise, it was pretty fucking disappointing.

So, if you turn off your brain you'll enjoy it.
If I want to turn off my brain, I'd watch Bayformers or something like that
He's right.
Sorry you didn't get the 20 minute shoehorned expository dialogue that takes you through every detail of the universe, all of the characters and all of their motivations like every other shitty anime. God forbid you have to try and put some of the pieces together yourself.
The only people that didn't like it were butthurt Reifags. The movie was fine.
He's wrong!
It isn't hard to understand at all. I understood is fine, however it was still terrible in the character department(everyone is shallow and boring) and story department(how am I supposed to give a fuck about these characters when we barely know anything about them or the world the things they've been through etc?). Only good thing was the music. But that's how I always felt about Rebuild.
So is Rei II still out there somewhere?

Also what were people calling Rei Q when it first came out? Shininami Rei or something awesome like that, right?
The reason I'm not a huge fan was that is was just a poorly made film. The structure, pacing, character arcs, nothing made any sense. The plot was relatively simple, but it was made artificially complex because everything was put together so fucking poorly.

Having said that, it was fun to eva in space with advanced effects in battles, and some new characters alongside the changed old characters
1.11 = literally NGE
2.22 = literally TTGL
3.33 = metaphorically EoE
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The only people that didn't like it were people who actually like Eva and are not shallow idiots like yourself that drool over flashy CG fights and "badass" characters. You'd have to be a Kaworufag if you liked this turd since they didn't deliver anything good with Shikinami yet. She's still a one-dimensional action girl that doesn't hold a candle to Soryu.
Why is it that everyone's reason for not liking this film are that the film is bad? Are you people incapable of having opinions based on specific aspects of reality instead of a reality that arbitrarily validates your opinion?
3.33 had an hour long fight at the end with A.T field lasers, giant battleships and cat Evas and started with a goddamn CG battle. It's far closer to TTGL than 2.0. Doesn't not compare at all to EoE.
No you dipshit, 2.22 was TTGL-tier because shinji went full shonen-mode at the end, and it was literally the worst thing Anno has ever made.

When I say making sense I mean the fact that they pulled shit out of their ass with curse of eva bullshit and the fact that they were complete dicks before even trying to explain what the fuck had actually happened to Shinji, which made him go ''FUCK YOU MISATO YOU AIN'T THE BOSS OF ME'' and caused the entire fucking issue.

But I guess reading comprehension isn't one of your strong points.
>autism the thread

You spergs only hate it because it's popular. God this place is a shithole.

>peoples excuse for thinking a film is bad is because a film is bad.

Genius, never would have realized it myself.
>you'd have to be an xfag to like this film

omedetou, you've reached the final stages of internet forum induced vegetation and are now completely incapable of convincingly elaborating upon an opinion without relying on meaningless qualifiers and insults.
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I liked it.

Why? If I wanted old Evangelion uncut then I'd watch the original. 3.33 is new content, and thus better than any fanfic because it's it's actually part of the EVA universe and not just some guys spinoff. It presents something different, and was it bad? Well there were moments it was stupid (curse of EVA) and it wont be properly fleshed out like the original series was, but honestly, we already know about Misato being a slut, Gendo being an obsessed dickhead, Asuka being the best girl, etc.

Why would I like repetition? It's been nearly TWO decades since EVA aired. New content? Yes please and thank you.

Don't like it? Just watch the original
You only like it because it's not popular.
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>You spergs only hate it because it's popular

>waaah you guys don't like it because it's popular
>literally everyone gave their own reason.

I don't know if you noticed, I assume you did cause you must have super ultra masterful "reading comprehension", but the crew of the wunder had a couple of things to deal with before going over the last 14 years of apocalypse caused by the already scarred mind of a newly alive and massively ignorant 14 year old child. You and everybody else who makes this complaint are just angry because you were expecting exposition for the new rules in place and didn't get it.
Why was Asuka wearing an eyepatch?
Yeah, pretty much.

It's just like a fanfic or doujin or any other spinoff, you didn't get mad when you thought they were crap. You just not watched it.
Bardiel incident.
No, that'd be 3.33. Shinji still went full shounen retard AGAIN in 3.33 in addition to being even a worse movie than the 2nd with even longer CG fights and this time with fujoshi fanservice instead of otaku fanservice.
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"It's none of your business."

Bardiel infection most likely. It has angel sealing glyphs in it.
I hate the entire series of Eva remake/reboot/rewhatevers because they feel like ultra high budget fanfiction. The only true Eva is the original series + EoE.
If you think what happened in 3.33 was him going "shounen retard" like in 2.22 you didn't understand the scene. He was having a breakdown.
NGE2 is good for it's continuity supplements.

What about the manga?

Are you implying they didn't have enough time to explain what the fuck was going on? They sure did have time to strap a bomb on his neck and give him a fucking tape player, how hard is it to say ''Hey Shinji we're doing all this shit because you fucked up, badly'' instead of just being mad at him for no apparent reason.

And I'm not bad at the movie, hell, I just said I enjoyed it because I ignored all the stupid shit and just pretended it wasn't an Eva movie.
It must be hard being mentally deficient enough to like this film.
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Fucking this. You can't top the original series.
Except their reactions were kind of stupid. Shinji had no idea what he was doing, and they knew that because none of them told him anything about what was really going on. Misato fucking egged him on.

Seriously, they gave a fourteen-year-old kid the keys to a superweapon that could destroy the planet, didn't give him a manual, and didn't tell him what it was capable of. What the fuck did they think was going to happen?

Mind you, it's possible that none of them knew it would happen either, since there was absolutely no foreshadowing for what happened at the end of 2.22.
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The entirety of Rebuild is new and shallow content. If you liked Eva why would you like a version of it where everyone is shallow fanservice bait that exists only for pandering?
Actually, most of the old Kaworufags hated what they did with him.
Now he's dead and completely wasted.
> If you liked Eva why would you like a version of it where everyone is shallow fanservice bait that exists only for pandering?
Why do people fap to doujins?
It's the same fucking thing. The same shit happens except now in 3.33 it's even more over the top with more stupid looking Evas and action. Both instances were Shinji being delusional and selfish.
3.33 is even more Shounen retard. The first power-battle, then flying battleships, then more battles with nuances of hotblood and shit everywhere. Because one kid gets sad or fucked up (happened in 2.0 and 1.0 as well), doesn't remove the majority of the movie.

3.33 is so much TTGL it hurts.

You have black spiral Rei, you have spiral king Gendo, broken down shinji-simon because kaworu-kamina died, you've got leeron-ritsuko, yoko-asuka, the fucking dai-gurren brigade AKA WILLE, and the thing that comes out of the ground from NERV's base looks exactly like the Teppelin belonging to the Spiral king if you flip it upright.

Don't give me that "hurr 2.0 is shounen because Shinji's EVA went berserk in the ending", have a look at 3.33. Do you seriously not think even shounen shows feature breakdowns? Deaths? EVA is fucking light on the casualties so far, it's only "implied" deaths.
>Mind you, it's possible that none of them knew it would happen either
Ritsuko would've been the most knowledgeable (bar Gendo, SEELE), but the worst she could think of was Shinji being unable to return to human form. Not the risk of impact until after it started.
1) Some people take Evangelion too seriously
2) /a/ can't appreciate a good anime when it sees one
You guys looking forward to 4.0 after seeing 3?
On-topic, friend. I only spoke on 3.33 and I enjoyed it purely because it was new content. Characters are more or less the same but in a different situation.

Do you want to watch a cut down version of EVA all over again? It wasn't bad (nothing we haven't seen save for a few important changes) I enjoyed 1.11 and 2.22 (it had me going, I thought Rei was gonna win this time) but 3.33 changed it all.
Because if they had said that he would have wanted to know how, and then they would have had to explain the entire sequence of events to him, and he probably would have gone more insane than he did when Kaworu gave him the glossed over version. The choker was to prevent another impact, giving him the cassette took like 5 seconds.
The great mystery of life.
you fucking dipshits

2.22 was shonen because shinji went full B-BUT MUH WAIFU IMMA SAVE REI WITH DA POWER OF MUH INNER SHONEN XD

3.33 was seinen because it was "Everything is fucked, fuck you, you caused this, you are literally worse than hitler, you fucking nigger"
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What's this character's appeal?
otakubait - the character archetype
she's kawaii~

Hell yea, when I finished 2.22 I couldn't wait for 3.33

>Anno will make everything right, don't worry
>Characters are more or less the same but in a different situation.
Except their not.
All the characters have been completely changed and givennew (and as of now mostly unkown) backgrounds and histories.

>not affected by her mothers suicide or being strangled, playing with dolls confirms this
>Kaji was not her caretaker either
>She is no described as an introvert instead of an extrovert
>We have NO idea of her backstory beyond a single title of captain.
No it's not, at all. He was delusional during the scene in 3.33, disconnected from reality and incapable of even understanding what Kaworu was trying to say. In 2.22 he was just determined and irreverent. There's a big fucking difference.
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>What's this character's appeal?
You can order them in bulk
Holy fuck how do you people even read books. It's like you saw the film in 3 minute chunks, each sealed in vacuum.
economy of scale
Don't forget the timeskip.

>Gendo/Spiral King
Gendo is now the King of the Lilim, leads an army of beastmen/eva's that aren't human. (No souls/spiral power). His daughter is Nia/Rei, who both betray/abandon him but not without remembering him fondly.

The gay science character. Ritsuko even has a matching outfit.

>Dai-Gurren/AAA Wunder
Prior enemy battleship stolen/converted for use by our heroes. Can fly after the main mech upgrades it. (EVA01, Gurren Lagann)
Battles on the sea as well.

Kinda crazy but lovable character that "ends up" up Yoko/Asuka.

>Teppelin/Black Moon remant
The Spiral King/Gendo's set of power. They have roughly the same shape.

The setting takes place in a post-apocalyptic desert landscape.

The Moon has also moved closer to earth, though in Rebuild the effects are unknown.

Rebuild went full TTGL with 3.33.

I know what the choker was, giving him the tape player took a lot more than 5 seconds, hell, it included putting him in a god damn ''safe'' room and having Asuka punch the living shit out of the glass.
And there isn't much to be said about what happened. ''Oh yeah Shinji you remember that one time where you tried to save Rei? Pretty cool moment right? Yeah well it caused Third Impact and you almost wiped us all off the face of the Earth''
What do books have to do with this?
>>90497201 (OP)
no one explains a damn thing to the obviously confused person
yells at him for acting on the limited information he knows
Blames him for the third impact but we all saw Kaworu end it so either a retcon or something that greatly needed explaining
Rei Q is a shit character and Mari is annoying
>Characters are more or less the same but in a different situation.

No, they are not. Jesus christ I am now convinced the only people who enjoy Rebuld either hated the original series or didn't understand the characters at all and like them as shallow otaku/fujoshi bait.
He wasn't put in quarantine to deliver him the player. How would you even reach that conclusion? And there's a ton left unsaid about what happens, Kaworu's little speech barely touches it, which is why you're capable of complaining about how different and incomprehensible the world in 3.33 is, jesus.
>>90497201 (OP)
Well, what do I tell you? It's crap, really.
Granted the animation and soundtrack is nice, save for some usages, but it's passable. There's a lot more crappy 3DCG, but that too can be "passable" for the most of the time. Still worse than the predecessors, and worse is that they've made no serious leap in tech since then. But this is the good part of the movie. The bad part is the rest.

I'm actually convinced that it's the extreme pandering that's going wild that's killing it, and it's definitely the Kawoshin/Fujoshi pandering that is mostly to blame. It's the only answer that's reasonable I can bring up given the various interviews given by the staff.
The moronic Curse of Eva aside, it all goes back to one thing: creating an atmosphere where Kawoshin will work. Shinji has to be abandoned, friendless, sad, and be alone with Shinji so Kaworu will be there to take advantage of the situation. This will replicate the situation in NGE and virtually every other time Kaworu shows up.
How to continue this from 2.0? Very hard, considering Shinji is OK mentally, and he's got support in the form of Rei and Misato. So these people have to be removed from him somehow, and they're even competition if you want to do Kawoshin!

The result and answer was to introduce a timeskip, which gave them carte blanche to do whatever they wanted. They had the characters act like retards without having to justify it, so that it can all achieve the predictable end goal: a repeat of ep 23 and 24.

Result is, Rei is ruined beyond repair, Misato is dumb as hell, and we've got so much silly shit instead of the actual characterization and development EVA is known for.
But for what? Kaworu wasn't even better than the original, in fact he was worse. So the only part of him left is the Kawoshin, and the true reason for the movie having problems.

In shounen a hero doesn't usually get punished for acting hotblooded and shit. In 3.33 Shinji's decision bites him in the ass and by acting like a hotblooded mecha pilot he only makes everything worse.
Attention span. The ability to link sequential pieces of information. Pattern recognition. You know, things like that.

It's actually interesting that despite everything you mentioned Asuka is still Asuka.
Seriously. I can't believe it's not obvious.


>"Things like the story of Asuka’s relationship with her mother, or the somewhat adult episodes between Misato and Kaji, were revised or eliminated at the stage when the storyboards were being brought together."
>"As I thought that fans from the original work would probably not expect changes to the extent that Asuka’s name would be changed, I wondered if the sense that, Ah, this is different than before could be conveyed in a shocking and easy-to-understand way"
>"Asuka in particular changed from her [original] character settei."
The amount of idiocy and delusion in this post is astounding. Even if you want to be ironic by typing like that it's incredibly annoying. There's is nothing about Q's narrative that is mature, your post demonstrates that even. All of it is the same basic crap.
Good job not understanding basic movie storytelling, and using buzzwords to defend your argument. Good job accomplishing nothing.

Word by word, sentence by sentence.

Ritsuko has the haircut too. SHE HAS THE FUCKIGN HAIRCUT.

>In shounen a hero doesn't usually get punished for acting hotblooded and shit
>doesn't usually
Good job defeating your own argument. Try again with this extremely dumb "it's shonen xD" crap elsewhere, the ONLY thing it achieves is outing you as a retard who can't discuss movies or anime properly because you're stuck at the fucking MAL-stage of "lol it's SHONEN xD".
Get the fuck out my /a/.
I would bet that the fanbase who prefers 2.22 to 3.33 reads more long books, actually. They can tell that 3.33 was poorly put together.
Deeeep criticism man. I'm sure you convinced him how right you are.
Not really.

Was hyped for 3.33, but since 3.33 was so bad it can only lead to a lackluster 4.0.

The design and relative freshness of the character, according to Japan. Plus she's cute.
..and where's your argument? Nowhere. It's only butthurt insults because you got showed up.
Reaction to 3.33 will be like the reaction to eoe. People will begin to understand it and its purpose 5 years from now.

Typical /a/utist behavior.
Not him, but aren't you the same? If not even worse?
A couple of posts above the one you quoted, actually. I am literally one of the only people in this thread who has managed to quell my petty manchild urge to insult someone over a movie.

Wow, you sir are a cunt.
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Sometimes I like to think that Khara made 3.0 just to milk money out of idiots in preparation for 4.0. So in the next movie everything that happened in 3.0 will be forgotten (complete with a big "fuck you" to TTGLfags/fujoshit) and we get a continuation from the end of 2.0.
EOE has a purpose?
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2.22 was the first warning. Then 3.33 drove the franchise off a fucking cliff. I can't wait for what kind of bullshit hour long fights 4.0 will have with A.T field lasers and dog Evas and dual piloting bullshit to replace character development.

But Kaworu's speech was enough, Shinji knew he had caused some serious shit, he doesn't need an accurate report with every detail about how much and how exactly he fucked up, any ex-member of NERV could have given that explanation.
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Yeah. Definitely. I'm much worse. The worst, even.
>I am literally one of the only people in this thread who has managed to quell my petty manchild urge to insult someone over a movie.

Then why do you insult others over a movie?
When you insinuate they don't have the capacity of properly reading a book, that's an insult.

You don't really believe you're above them when you act just as bad if not worse yourself?

Do you have autism? This is a serious question. I will not judge you.
People already understand it and find it to be bad. You can't fix an already flawed product. It's only in the west that EoE is loved to such a degree anyway.
Why don't people like EoE? I'm just curious.
This. Kaworu and fujoshi-pandering scuttled Rebuild.

From one episode of 24 to an entire movie, it is the sole reason we don't get the more complicated and interesting cast of the original.
Because they made room for Kawoshin.
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>being this mad at someone for having good taste
Except he does, as his descent into madness and incomprehension and crossed-wires 5 minutes later illustrates. To properly dump that kind of information on him would require a lot more than a 10 minute info dump or hour-long historical report of the last 14 years. It would require something like Kaworu's emotional softcelling and a summary of the mechanics involved.
Don't think so. EoE was a first. 3.33 is part of a remake. The reaction is fundamentally not the same.

3.33 isn't hard to understand, it's just completely lacking, and will need hours and hours of padding to even reach ankle-high to NGE.
/a/ fucking loves it, so does /tv/ as well.

Kaworu was the most likable and interesting character of the original series so I don't see what's wrong with that.
I wasn't insinuating though, I was asking god, or you if you had chosen to answer instead of interpreting it as an insult.

And yeah, I'm quite thoroughly convinced I'm better than you and "them" in most meaningful ways.
>3.33 is part of a remake

>There are still people who believe this despite the current year
I am sure 4.0 is going to continue the TTGL shit 3.33 sent into full gear. You saw the 8+2 atrocity? There's gonna be power of friendship in there somewhere too.
He's hardly a character. He's too "perfect." By being so, he offsets the balance in chemistry of the rest of the cast's fuckedup-ness
I thought the movie was good. Great animation, cool fights, and Misato acting like a badass. It was great!
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2.22 was hardly a warning - it was "hey we're adding some new stuff to keep things fresh, as well as HEY, guess what we're going to do something different!"

So shit like beast mode, impacts, faction warfare, characterization and developments based on 2.0 was ripe to be picked and shown in 3.0, but what happens?

A rehash with more beast modes, impacts and some new stuff thrown in that's poorly presented and not even the focus.
muri da
>minimum troling

But it doesn't need to be the original.
That is insinuating, unless you're literally asking a bearded space wizard about why some people you don't even know might not be able to read books.

Take your picks: a retard, another smug idiot under the guys of anonymous that's butthurt, or both.

But seriously, do you have autism?
You don't actually believe that, do you?
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No, what 3.33 is missing is build-up, context, backstory, character development and the like. We barely followed most of these characters for more than a month or two in Rebuild, even less with Asuka or Mari or Kaworu. You can't compare it to EoE which builds off the tv series characters and plot directly.
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It's not insinuating, even a little. I wasn't being ironic, even little. Please feel to inflect as much as you wish though.
If you've seen the earlier PV's you already know that PV's don't really mean shit. We saw Kaji pointing a gun in one but it never happened in 3.0. Many cases with Mari too. But yeah, it's just wishful thinking.
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Also did you just confuse "guys" with "guise"? Because that would be cute as hell.
>But it doesn't need to be the original.
It doesn't, and 2.22 wasn't the original either. New shit happened, and when 3.0 came, it follows the same structure Tsurumaki speaks of in one of his interviews:

The ep-23-24 structure.

>Tsurumaki: Right. There was a feeling that we wanted the difficulties to be, as far as possible, confined to Break, because we wanted a situation where we would be able to try various things in the third part. So, after Rei’s death in episode 23, Kaworu comes to Shinji; we attempted a structure similar to the TV series. But, in the end, Rei didn’t die…

So, look at 3.0. It's that exact thing. In new wrapping.
It's insinuating by definition, and even if you aren't ironic, it's still an insult.
So you're both, autist
get lost
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What were they thinking?
3.33 is shit since it shits over the original characters, esp. Rei.
Then it doesn't even have the decency to do put in effort to do something with them, leaving too little time for 4.0.
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Hahahaha, you should really know the definitions of things before you go verifying your misguided opinion as being "by definition".

a : to introduce (as an idea) gradually or in a subtle, indirect, or covert way <insinuate doubts into a trusting mind>
b : to impart or suggest in an artful or indirect way : imply <I resent what you're insinuating>
: to introduce (as oneself) by stealthy, smooth, or artful means

My QUESTION was pretty fucking blunt, wouldn't you say?

I'm not sure about "perfect." He's not a very deep or developed character but there are things that make him work.

1) He's mysterious and that makes him interesting.
2) He treats Shinji well and that makes him likable.
3) He's not overused. Even 60 minutes of 3.33 didn't wear off his charm.
you know you're insinuate people are idiots when you suggest they can't read books properly, having a lack of attention span etc...

but I know you know that, and you're just panicking with retardation.
See the definition, "indirect".
Check and mate and you can go stop posting for the night and take your autism pills.
What's wrong with that? That part when Asuka went beast mode was awesome.
I didn't suggest anything though, I asked a question. Was my incorrect punctuation too informal for you?
you nerds take your children's cartoons meant for other cultures seriously
>3) He's not overused. Even 60 minutes of 3.33 didn't wear off his charm.
Disagreed, I'd rather not see him in 3.0 for more than a minute.

He achieved nothing in 3.0, not for himself, not for Shinji, not for anything but to contrive the story further, and to give this kind of character more screentime would be like giving 4.0 to Mari.

Sure some faggots would rejoice, but any man or woman with some sanity left in his mind would puke in disgust.
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I wasn't introducing anything indirectly either though chess master. Please try again.
>>90497201 (OP)
Mari promised fanservice.

Insinuating through asking questions is both possible and an often used tactic among basement-dwelling retards who are mad someone didn't like their cartoon movie.
Do you even know what suggesting means? Yes you can suggest something through a question, holy fuck is this somehow hard to comprehend for you??
At this point it's actually a good question to ask how the hell YOU are able to read books at all if you can't understand something so basic!
Fanservice to kaworufags.
Good thing I did no such thing! I'd hate for you to think poorly of me. Actually I wouldn't, even a little. I kind of expect it.
See >>90500673

The fanservice ruined Rebuild in the end.


Best posts in this thread. Goddamn anon, preach it.
3.33 was shit, anon. The sooner you accept it, the better. Move on with your life. Get off the train.
>No you dipshit, 2.22 was TTGL-tier because shinji went full shonen-mode at the end, and it was literally the worst thing Anno has ever made.
Take that back you son of a bitch
Sure you can, but I did no such thing. I read books regularly by the way, probably much classier books than you'll ever read.
They're some of the most uninformed and dumbest posts in the thread. How the actual fuck can you even think that.

It wasn't, move on with your life, you NGEtard.
I'm sure there will be plenty of fanservice next time. Keep believing.
No it wasn't, but that's not even tangentially related to the conversation at this point.

Did you like him in the original? He actually achieved something. His character was needed to drive Shinji into despair. That was his role in the original too but this time it's Shinji's fault so in 4.0 hopefully Shinji can learn from his mistake and change into a better person.

That was 2.0 purpose, so Anno could do 3.0.
He was better in the original. But not particularly good compared to the rest of the cast.
Enjoy your kawaii~ neko eva.
To me, it was absolutely retarded.
I actually can't believe that people watched the original Evangelion and didn't become fans of Kaworu.
>Anno said he made Rebuild to destroy eva. 3.33 gets straight to that point.

When did he said that?
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Even calling it Shinji's mistake is a stretch at this point.

When you've got one super-organization planning for one kid to fail, manipulating them and brainwashing them into failure, and another would-be good super-organization failing just as hard, blaming it on the kid that's on the wrong place at the wrong time is a real stretch.

I'd sooner blame Kaworu than Shinji for this.

If anyone could do anything, it was Kaworu. With 14 years of prep-time, and god knows how many loops, Kaworu doesn't even find it in him to meet up with Shinji himself. Nor to help WILLE. Not even talk to anyone else like in the original.
1.0 release.
He's shallow.
Yeah, that's how I'd describe Asuka's beast mode. Kawaii.

Haha, oh wow, those are the post that doesn't retort to the /a/ hivemind which hates this movie just because it diverged TONS from the original Evangelion. Shit writing? That's an opinon, for all it matters the movies have fleshed out the characters for the first time watcher succesfully. You as a diehard eva fan disregard this because you're entitled to the old series. With the timeskip and all the plot is developing in new ways, this fucking implies the rebuilds aren't a remake from the original apart from 1.0. Anno is trying new stuff, everybody is disqualifying the whole work just for a single movie that was (in the first place supposed) to be displayed together with the final part.

So sorry for some people to not jump in your silly hate bandwagon for a movie that did its job succesfully, taking Evangelion to new places.
I can't believe people watched the original Evangelion and became fans of Kaworu.
He's like a damp cloth or something, and he's like, only good for yaoi or BL shipping? I get he'd be huge in those circles (which is already HUGE in Japan now as it was then), but for anyone looking into characters then he's just a minor side-dish or something.
It's not supposed to be kawaii!
>"I wanted to see crazy alien shit and robot fights and that's what I got!"

Oh god, this will never fail to amuse me.
2.0 was mediocre at best, 3.0 was so bad people praise it.
4.0 is going to be so bad, we'll all adore 3.0

all the while Rebuild only serves to further immortalize and thrust NGE into godhood by comparison to it
Like I said, uninformed. The movie wasn't supposed to be played together. They dropped those plans years ago.

What you dismiss as "opinion", can be dismissed for you as well - what you write, i.e that it's "good writing", is just opinion as well, right?

You're also mistaken that things are new. The only things that are new are the plot mechanics, evas and so on. The plot is actually the same as in NGE's 23 and 24.
The problem is that it's the same goddamned thing, without the depth, without the characterization, and with worse, weaker characters overall.
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>You're also mistaken that things are new.
>The only things that are new are the plot mechanics, evas and so on.
>taking Evangelion to new places.
What new places did it go, chum? The part where the main character is sad because some white-haired faggot dies, in preparation for the final impact, AKA instrumentality?

Yeah most people watched that in 1995. Except it had ten times more character and depth.
In other words, nothing but the scenery changed. The important part is the one that did not change.
>4.0 is going to be so bad, we'll all adore 3.0
Anno can't possibly do that
. . .
can he?
Except instrumentality is completely different in nte. Which you would know if you paid attention to anything other than super obvious surface elements.
Can you explain to me how the plot of 3.33 is the same as the plot of 23 and 24 in NGE? Teach us Dr. Eva.
I'd like to let you try first. Tell me, what happens to Shinji in those episodes? What does he experience?
Do not doubt the master
Hahaha of course you can't. I'm sorry I asked, I have absolutely no idea.
Remember how 23 has Shinji lose Rei and become sad? Then he gets mindfucked by the Reiquarium? Then he meets Kaworu who he becomes buttbuddies with, then they both go down to Terminal dogma, Kaworu gets rekt and dies and Shinji is butthurt?
Guess what just happened in 3.0.
The same fucking shit.
>If anyone could do anything, it was Kaworu. With 14 years of prep-time, and god knows how many loops, Kaworu doesn't even find it in him to meet up with Shinji himself. Nor to help WILLE. Not even talk to anyone else like in the original.

There is no proof that he didn't try to do these things during the time skip either. Maybe he did, but it ended in disaster. Maybe he's also being brainwashed like Shinji and Rei. Maybe he doesn't care that much anymore because he remembers and he knows that all of this shit repeats so he takes it easy. Who the fuck knows.
Well, you see, many of the events that happened in 3.0 mirror that of episodes 23 and 24.

>Shinji being stuck inside Unit 1 for a while
>Shinji discovering Rei is a clone
>Kaworu dying

It's basically the same thing, with a twist.

It takes place....IN THE FUTURE!
No seriously try. I'd like this to be a pair experience.
I think you may be focusing a bit much on the superficial elements of the two stories!
see >>90501614
if the other won't explain it in too much detail.
>There is no proof that he didn't try to do these things during the time skip either.
There's less proof that he did. They only know Kaworu as SEELE's boy.

When Shinji arrives, what does Kaworu do? Tell me what he does.
Nigger, that is the most important thing in the movie. Everything else in the movie from the timeskip to Rei Q exists just to have it happen.
I can't, all of the meaningful parts of the two stories differ. There are almost zero meaningful similarities. I am sorry sensei.
I am treating 3.33 at this moment like a feast for crows, it is setting the stage for new
material and should not be considered shit yet just because it is portraying the story of the
Eva world through a different light. But if 4.44? cannot intellectually hit me in the feels with the new or same-ish ending, depending on how
different anno's conclusion is for the the story, then I will pass on it.
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>It's basically the same thing, with a twist.

As expected of The Master.
oh boy, if you think those are the superficial parts you don't get plot developments or even EVA.

See the quote here: >>90500238
This "plot structure" is what was present in the original, and what they re-did with some strain in 3.0.

It's highly important.
Yeah, the massive inversion of impact mechanics and the effect these new mechanics have had on the world and every character and ultimately Shinji is definitely less important than out-of-context similarities with 23 and 24.
He was in it for like 15 minutes.
All right.

In NGE, we have Shinji who has at the current time, his friends and comrades he trusts.
Then he loses them one by one - Asuka goes insane and is a bitch, Rei dies and she changes so much Shinji doesn't regard her as Rei any more, and then Kaworu comes up, they get friendly and then Kaworu dies. Shinji is broken and loses the will to live.
Then EoE/4.0 starts.

These are the most important events, and if them not being the absolute highlights of this movie which it spends the most time on didn't clue you in, then I hope this post will.

In copying the original from plot point to plot point, all they achieve is changing it's surroundings. AKA, the new EVA designs, the new character designs and so on.

Does pupil understand now?
But the main reason why I liked 2.0 was because it was taking it in a different direction while retaining the overarching plot. 3.0 pretty much rebooted the series into a shitpile of bad writing and fanservice. The characters weren't fleshed out anymore from that point. All we got was some bad CG and apes that were supposed to be main cast.
Rebuild is trash, sorry to say. It pales in comparison to the original series and you'll have to deal with your wrong opinion.
I believe it was approximately 17.
Nah, your examples are all deprived of the context which delineate them form one another.

0/10, would not pay tuition.
They are less important. Notice how they ended up being beneath those "out of context similarities", and how they changed nothing of the general structure.

EVA cannot be new if it follows the same structure. It can be made better, it can be expanded, but it will not be new.

You need a new structure. One that was made possible in 2.0.
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I understand, totally different impact mechanics and a 14 year timeskip and vastly divergent characterization have not meaningfully affected the plot.
The context is different but the plot events are the same. It mirrors 23 and 24, no matter how hard you try to deny it.

They manipulated Shinji but it's not like he wasn't doing it out of his own will. He wanted Rei back. He wanted to redo everything.
I know you want to be stubborn, but tell me: how did things proceed differently? What changed in the plot?

It's the same thing in new wrapping. Maybe 4.0 won't mirror EoE, but 3.0 mirrored 23 and 24.
I'm not denying anything champ, the differences are in the details which you have ignored.
How important is his own free will, when he has neither the knowledge, the mental state or even possibility to fully understand what needs done?

There's less proof than no proof?
The details are outside the structure - the details is the wrapping. The contents is this structure.
I don't want to be stubborn, you've actually convinced me. Everything is, essentially the same as 23 and 24 in 3.33. It's basically a pretty retelling of those two episodes of NGE. It's like, the exact same story. Nothing changed, certainly nothing meaningful.

He needs to grow up. That's what Eva is. A coming of age story.
Proof is that WILLE doesn't know Kaworu.

The proof is that you don't see Kaworu take any action at all.

There's the proof. You saw the movie. You saw him do nothing. Except play piano and gaze at stars. Which was Shinji's initiative.
Not even a little. Seems to me you're picking details and arbitrarily labeling them structural because they match events in 23 and 24. You wouldn't do that though.
Essentially, yes - the story which revolves around Shinji in 3.0 more than ever in any EVA story is what makes the focus and plot events a retelling of those episodes.
>Then he loses them one by one - Asuka goes insane and is a bitch,

No, Asuka goes catatonic and is missing or in a hospital. Here Asuka is wide awake. What is so hard to understand?
They're not arbitrary, they're sequential and match up.

Don't be an idiot. Even the staff knows what's up: >>90500238
>Proof is that WILLE doesn't know Kaworu.

Mari does. Kaworu says the collar was made for him originally.
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my sides are gone
>all these butthurt NGE fags still trying to shit on a good movie

Christ, you spergs.
It's all in the ellipsis.
Yet you do not know who produced the collar, or whether or not Mari is playing secret spy as usual.

Youre also ignoring the most important point, Kaworu's obviously lack of action in the movie we see.
The irony is that even though he criticizes Shinji for his inability to change and let go of the past, it turns out Kaworu can't either. He's exactly like Shinji in that aspect, even with the memories of the previous loops still intact in his mind.
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>this thread

Holy shit, it wasn't like this when 3.0 came out. Where did all the haters come from?
...and so I don't take any criticism of Shinji's apparent "inability to change" seriously - it's more the other factors than his "inability to change".
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So can someone explain to me the difference between Rei Q and any other Rei? Seems like the same shit, to me.
Go samefag somewhere else.

3.0 was instantly shat on moron.
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There was plenty fanservice.
Look at Shikinami's design. Two new plusguits and cat ears for doujins and otaku to drool over. She's still miffed about Shinji for 14 fucking years she hasn't forgotten, and goes out of her way to retrieve him at the end of the movie. Otaku see that as ample ship fuel when you see the doujins created. Mari's existence as her lesbian partner artists like to fanwank. Boobs shaking in plugsuits even though they never did that before. Rei Q being a literal doll that cares for Shinji for reasons unknown, will do anything he wants, is a retarded waifu worse than poka Rei. Misato still has a soft spot for Shinji as though he was one of those feel-good protagonists.
And curse of Eva, keeping the pilots young and ripe for otaku.
Then of course all the fujoshi fanservice already mentioned that was much more overt. The whole thing was specially made to they could market it to otaku/fujoshi easily once again.
one autist retard failing to defend 3.0 and the idiots that reply to him
Oh man, 3.0 was crapped on as soon as we had the general outline.
People hate the movie here.
and rightly so, one of the few tings I agree with /a/ on.
it really is a bad movie
Rei = Rei
Rei Q = Not Rei

Most simple explanation you'll ever get.
3.0 was always shat on. You must have missed the godawful generals.
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Rei Ayanami = Old and busted
Rei Q = New hotness
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This is now a pirate Asuka thread. Dedicated to the fact that everything meaningful in 3.33 is already in 23 and 24 of NGE.
3.0 has always been considered terrible. It's about damn time the tone on Rebuild changed and people saw it for the shit it is.
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see >>90502713

You aren't very perceptive.
2.22 was good though. It's just 3.33 that drops the ball so hard it can't be picked up again.
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That was me being wry.
>Two new plusguits and cat ears for doujins and otaku to drool over.

That are exploited in the Eva women's clothing line.
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It got popular. Stupid people watched it. The same shit that happens to every anime on /a/.
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1.0 - Straight up rehash
2.0 - Fresh new events and characterization not present in the original with a killer ending
3.0 - Not so fresh events and zero characterization, rehashes the ending of 2.0 except with Kaworu

Watching 2.0 made me believe 3.0 would be great, and made me wonder how they would top 2.0. They didn't.
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>2.0 - Fresh new events

Cooking fights? That's the only new element.

>3.0 - Not so fresh events and zero characterization,

Misato breaking out and forming her own organization isn't a new event but Rei learning how to cook is?
Mari never mentions him by name or seems to know him. Plus no one knows who actually made the collar or anything about it. He doesn't even try to talk to Asuka and explain the situation when Shinji is busting his balls trying to convince her to back off. He only talks internally to Shinji as though he has no idea who anyone is. He hardly does anything in the film.
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>2.0 - Fresh new events and characterization

Like what? Fucking Mari that came out of nowhere and served no purpose in the movie? Oh, you must mean loads of fanservice like dining scene or Asuka cooking.

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And otaku love it too. It's just more ridiculous pandering.
What if...
Okay, bear with me...
okay now...
what if Kaworu was...
are you with me still?
What if Kaworu was
just as clueless
as Shinji?
>Misato breaking out and forming her own organization isn't a new event but Rei learning how to cook is?

Don't you see how deep is Rei's culinary skills? Far more important than the existence of Wille!
The impact, introduction of new NERV bases, characters changing differently, etc...

>Misato breaking out and forming her own organization isn't a new event but Rei learning how to cook is?
It's not an event that was in the movie, who knows how WILLE got started. Misato is a captain of a battleship, but is WILLE steered by someone else? Who knows.

It was fresh and new, even if it wasn't quite there. Tell me, how fresh and new is Mari in 3.0? Exactly.
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He's possibly worse, since he knows a lot of things but can't do anything.
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>yfw rei's culinary skills contributed more to plot than wille
isn't it sad, anon ;_;
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"She'll obviously be relevant," they said.

"Just you wait for 3.0," they said.
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Your new eyepatch doesn't mean anything, does it Asuka?
So is Anno going to play it safe in 4.0 and completely redeem Shinji ala TTGL or are we going to get mindfucked for an hour and a half?
Mari a shit, but she's twice the shit in 3.0.

Hell 2.0 had all that contextually working stuff about IPEA, NERV and all that other cool stuff like beastmode which 3.0 just rehashes and doesn't do shit with.

Way to be a shit sequel, 3.0.
>The impact, introduction of new NERV bases

The Impact isn't new. It happened in EoE. Eva 01 also initiate it. None of those Bases are important or relevant to the plot.

>characters changing differently

Hardly? Misato, Ritsuko and Maya are different in 3.0, in contrast to NGE. 2.0 was some more passed on a bad SOL glasses.

>It's not an event that was in the movie

It was introduced in the movie, deal with it. Like the new space-retrieval technology and the artificial angels.
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Then 3.0 came and was even worse than 2.0 regarding Mari.


Nah, Rei as a whole is irrelevant in Rebuild. A clone can fill her slot.
>The Impact isn't new.
Sure is chump, this kind of impact has never occurred before. Pay attention.
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>It was fresh and new, even if it wasn't quite there. Tell me, how fresh and new is Mari in 3.0? Exactly.

It was shit though. At least in 3.0 Mari is actually entertaining.
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It's all those other lunatics that need redeeming, at this point. Not that anyone but Shinji is going to get shat on, of course...
My biggest gripe was that they introduced so much new stuff at the beginning and then they abandon it all for the same old shit that we've been seeing for years.
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What did 3.0 actually achieve?
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Evangelion 3.33 is to eva what MGS2 was to Metal Gear.
It's a amazing because it's shitty in just the right way.

Impacts that turned the earth red happened in Rebuild backstory, before 2.0. Were you paying attention? It's been like that in 1.0.
Actually, an EVA going out of control like that and starting such an impact at will is unprecedented in EVA. The bases were plot-relevant in 2.0 since they delivered a lot of dummy plugs etc... which was new.

>Hardly? Misato, Ritsuko and Maya are different in 3.0, in contrast to NGE. 2.0 was some more passed on a bad SOL glasses.
Please watch the original.

>It was introduced in the movie, deal with it. Like the new space-retrieval technology and the artificial angels.
It wasn't introduced either, the concept of it having happened was. You don't see any of it happening.
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But it had to be a clone of Rei. Which makes Rei still relevant albeit in an utterly boring manner.
He probably means new elements like Seele's moon base, the true god business, Gendo's plan unfolding, Rei and Asuka opening up and becoming friends, Shinji doing something for himself, the ruined city which would lead to new political intrigue with Kaji, Misato dealing with her guilt, what Mari's connection to Kaji would be since she seems to be working with him, finding out more about Shinji's true nature we saw, how Asuka will cope with what happened to her and seeing her character develop, Rei character exploration etc. The kind of things you'd expect to see fleshed out in 3.0 rather than long fights and piano lessons. 3.0 was flashy but substancless since it didn't build on anything we saw before or flesh out what it shows.
Hah, no. 2.0's Mari is FAR more entertaining. Hell there's even more characterization in 2.0-
There was still a very good game underneath all of the Kojima craziness in MGS2, I don't think there's a good movie lurking beneath the surface of Eva 3.33.
Cashing in on the hype 2.0 generated, and cashing on BIG on fujoshi attention.
The earth doesn't turn to core in second impact bud, the water turns red. And the Earth turning to core isn't even the point: the failures of infinity and the L barrier and the fact that Asuka refers to humans as lilin are more relevant.
>hurr impacts that turned the world red
Yeah, no kid. The second impact happened in the original too, but on different premises and it didn't even color anything, in Rebuild it just made part of the sea red.
>Actually, an EVA going out of control like that and starting such an impact at will is unprecedented in EVA.

EoE. Eva 01 was the one initiating the Impact. It was always a danger in NGE (see Eva 00).

>The bases were plot-relevant in 2.0 since they delivered a lot of dummy plugs etc... which was new.

They are filler like the artificial angels.

>It wasn't introduced either, the concept of it having happened was. You don't see any of it happening.

Wille existed, commanded by Misato. This was their introduction.
>Mari a shit, but she's twice the shit in 3.0.

How so? And actually in 3.0 Mari and Asuka have a buddy dynamic going on that wasn't in 2.0 so you're wrong that 3.0 doesn't do anything new with her. In fact in 2.0 she didn't really do anything except for replace Asuka and Kaji for no goddamn reason.
>But it had to be a clone of Yui Ayanami

The Ayanami series named after Yui.
Mari had a lot of subtle hints of her being a secret agent in 2.22. 3.0 just halted her character completely and continued making her pointless.
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One more for all you massive 3.33 fans out there. Here's lookin at you kid.
>the failures of infinity and the L barrier and the fact that Asuka refers to humans as lilin are more relevant.

That wasn't in 2.0. It happened between the movies and got introduced in 3.0 with "Gaia."
>EoE. Eva 01 was the one initiating the Impact. It was always a danger in NGE (see Eva 00).
Nope, EVA 00 was never said to have started an impact.

>They are filler like the artificial angels.
The dummy plugs are actually used to move the plot related to Shinji and the characters along, the artificial angels aren't. Nice try. They're just there for action.

>Wille existed, commanded by Misato. This was their introduction.
You're backpedaling. The forming of WILLE was not in the movie, period.
Mari doesn't do shit in 3.0 aside from hang around in the background for a few minutes. She was much more interesting in 2.0, which is why her popularity has started dying down after the hype.

How is she more entertaining? She's like a fucking self-insert fanfic character in 2.0. In 3.0 she's Asuka's buddy and that's cool.
Which is Rei still in rebuild, even named Rei...
Thanks for that.
So being Asuka's buddy or not is what decides that status of being "entertaining"? Haha, you can go fuck yourself.

Fuck that. She's better as a simple character. I'm glad that they discarded all that bullshit in 3.0.
>Nope, EVA 00 was never said to have started an impact.

It could have done if Rei didn't blow herself up in episode 23.

>the artificial angels aren't.

Asuka's rescue of Shinji. Part of her issues resurfacing because of it.

>The forming of WILLE was not in the movie, period.

Those Eva headquarters weren't built in the movie, period.
I'm sorry but you're retarded. In 2.0 Mari entertains way, way more.

That is Rei though, unfortunately. No I don't really think it's interesting either. Nobody does.
>It could have done if Rei didn't blow herself up in episode 23.
[Citation needed]

>Asuka's rescue of Shinji. Part of her issues resurfacing because of it.
Still doesn't move the plot along. They provide cheap action thrills. Nice try.

>Those Eva headquarters weren't built in the movie, period.
Nor did I argue it was. So your point is moot.
But we are introduced to it's location and setting extensively, which is more than enough - compared to shit and zero for WILLE.
You're glad they took out everything that could potentially give her character depth and relevance? Well I guess that's the kind of mentality you have to have for 3.0 and Rebuild and general. The fans just want otaku/fujoshi pandering, fuck depth.

She makes jokes and teases other character. That's all she needs to be. Screw that spy bullshit.
>I'm sorry but you're retarded. In 2.0 Mari entertains way, way more.

By being a terrible fucking fanfic-tier character?
So 3.0 is that kind of low standards movie?
Call it what you want, she's endlessly shit in 3.0 in comparison.

Exactly - it's like a michael bay transformers movie. Lasers explosions and pew pew.
3.0 haters are stupid as fuck. Plot elements:

>2.0 introduced
Sakura (loli)
Mark 06-Eva
Third Near Impact
Core Swap
New Second Impact Backstory
Other Nerv Bases
Beast Mode

>3.0 introduced
WILLE (a lot of new characters)
Robotization of NERV
Eva 13 (double entry function), "born" Eva
Artificial Angels
Wille and Nerv "merged"
New consequences to the Impacts (the life changing)
Concept of Impact Trigger
Spears are the key of controlling Impacts/Instrumentality (and vague notions it has a different effect)
An angel can be "cast out"
The collar
Pilots are no longer human beings
Yui's new Backstory (Yui Ayanami, etc)
Imagine a movie with shit for characterization, character development and blatant fujoshi pandering, laced with explosions, fanservice and retarded characters.

Yes, 3.0 is that kind of low standard movie. The only thing holding a high standard is the soundtrack.
>SEELE and Nerv "merged"

Forgive me, it's late.
That was the height of her popularity, because there's a lot it gave to speculate about her role and she was exciting and wild. 3.0 just made her less interesting and she become less popular as a result.
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>legitimately wanting a shallow piece of fiction when it's reasonable to expect something deeper

How can a human even be this stupid?

Mari doesn't even get her own perfume. Talk about a botched character. She was added to milk and she isn't suitable for that role.

It's an action blockbuster. What more do you want?
Welcome to Rebuild 3.0 fags.


Kaworufags killed Rebuild. Prove me wrong.

Not everything needs to be deep.
I am so glad 3.0 introduces new shit and characters, does nothing with them and wastes time on hour long CG fights, piano lessons and stargazing. And also answers nothing from 2.0. and dooms 4.0 to be shit.
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No, they definitely did.

I'm pretty sure Tsurumaki is an Asukafag and Enokido a Reifag.
>So is Anno going to play it safe in 4.0 and completely redeem Shinji ala TTGL or are we going to get mindfucked for an hour and a half?

It's fucking Anno.
What do you think?
>Implying that it isn't.
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If you want to defend 3.0 or Rebuild you need to be this desperate and stupid.

It has enough depth but it's not the original. If you want the original watch the original. Is this hard to understand?
3.0 is shit cause it does nothing with what 2.0 introduced. 2.0 brought on the stuff from 1.0, and fuck are you skimping out on stuff from 2.0 there.

3.0 is also shit because for all those things it introduced, it doesn't do one fucking thing with them. It's all homopiano.
I can't.
How about this:

If you want to remake an anime, at least fucking TRY to make it good and not just a shallow as hell cash-in!

You're saying that not all writing should be good? If someone just wants to shit some contrived narrative out, no one should criticize it?
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Shitty writing killed Rebuild.

Reifags like to think that Kaworufags killed Rebuild without realizing that the shitty writing killed him and his potential off as well.
and 2.22 isn't?

What potential? I had no idea he had potential in Rebuild.
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I like how the 3.0 defense is now
>If you want something good watch the original
>why are you expecting depth form Eva!?

Goddamn just say it's shit and move on because you are just implying it heavily and being ridiculous
>WILLE (a lot of new characters)
>Robotization of NERV

Contribute to Shinji's isolation and anxiety: important for characterization.
>New consequences to the Impacts (the life changing)
>Eva 13 (double entry function), "born" Eva

>Seele and Nerv "merged"
>Spears are the key of controlling Impacts/Instrumentality (and vague notions it has a different effect)
>Concept of Impact Trigger
>The collar
>An angel can be "cast out"
>Yui's new Backstory (Yui Ayanami, etc)

All important for the plot, Kaworu and/or Shinji arcs.


Wait for Final on this.

>Artificial Angels

Just as important as the average angel to fight.
2.22 has it flaws, but damn it's trying.

I don't know what happened in 3.0, but obviously they don't care.
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Because /a/ full of anime conservative fags,
i personally loved it.

I'm sure if Sadamoto was involved, he would have saved the movies.

They are.

It's not shallow. It has enough depth and it's good as an action blockbuster.
/r/ing the Shinji-Asuka Married with Children parody picture
Sadamoto is a hack when it comes to storytelling.
All of the quick foreshadowing cameos in 1.11 and 2.22 were hyping him up for something big.

Also, did you forget 2.22's 3.0 preview where he goes full Nerv commander and gathers the other pilots some sort of ritualistic meeting?
>2.22 has it flaws, but damn it's trying.

It's 120 minutes of bullshit as opposed to 95 minutes?
>deep = good

Those are completely different things.
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Kaworufags like to be paranoid and think it's only Reifags who got affected here by his stupid pandering taking over every potentially interesting development. From the start of Rebuild he's been nothing but pandering and that's how he died. He and Mari need to fuck off to Pluto and stop stealing screentime from legitimate characters.
The writing is shitty because of Kaworu though. Thus Kaworufags killed Rebuild.

Source: My opinion as a non-reifag.

Honestly, can you give me ONE good reason that takes the original's width and depth into consideration,that a whole fourth should be devoted to pushing Kaworu shipping? Can you?

Originally that part was 1/26th of the roriginal anime. Why do we have to do this in the third quarter, why do we have to skip out on the heavy psychological characterization of the anime, why does various characters need be ruined so Kaworu can shine brightly in the darkness? Kaworu isn't very bright either, he is only bright by contrast, which is the worst part.

Why didn't you stop it?
120 minutes of morphing EVA into something new, vs 96 minutes of fucking nothing.

Rebuild's shitty changes were brought by these two >>90504369

Neither of them is a Kaworufag.
It's flaws are glaring in terms of quality, why is Asuka a generic Tsundere? Why did the film make huge concessions for Mari along with pointless scenes like the roof scene? Why was Mari able to get in Unit 02? Why did they off Assuka for the rest of the film? How did Mari even get in Unit 02? Why was Rei turned into a plot device for impact-kun? Why didn't they bother to develop anyone outside of Shinji, Rei, and Gendo? 2.22 was as much if not even more of a blatant cash in for daki's and Mari merch compared to 3.33.
"It's not shallow. It has enough depth and it's good as an action blockbuster."
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This has to be b8.

120 minutes of boring otaku pandering and action scenes vs 96 minutes of boring fujoshi pandering and action scenes

It's all the same shit.
>If you want something good watch the original

Nobody said that. If you want something very deep and shit watch the original. Although I'm not sure you even understand 3.0.
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10 minutes of bullshit as opposed to 95 minutes of bullshit.
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Why don't you elaborate you blithering fat fuck? You sound like an autistic six year old. Try to go into depth instead of posting like a functioning retard.

That isn't even shitposting.
That is still fucking nothing compared to the potential of the other characters. He has no potential compared to the rest, and 3.0 is the result of using Kaworu's "potential" rather than the rest.
this is my headcanon

>it's good as an action blockbuster.

How in the fuck? There are all of three fight scenes, most of the movie is Shinji being kicked around.
>From the start of Rebuild he's been nothing but pandering and that's how he died. He and Mari need to fuck off to Pluto and stop stealing screentime from legitimate characters.

At this point I'm willing to agree with you there. Mari and Kaworu are practically useless, but Mari moreso. The movies would probably would've been better off if they weren't included from the start.
It's an honest question. Don't be afraid. Search your feelings, you KNOW it to be true.
Don't put them on equal terms filth. Those 120 minutes were building characters, 3.0 is the faggot for not building further.

Rei got replaced by Rei Q, not by Kaworu. This was Tsurumaki (an Asukafag) idea, Rei Q is his version of Rei III.

I'm not a fan of Rebuild. I only like 3.33 and the original. I thought 2.22 was a piece of shit and 1.11 was disappointing at best.
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Implying that Reifags bitching didn't ruin the film for everyone. Q was just a longer ep 24, you f/a/gs don't hate only Q but all of Eva.

2.0 was all shitty. Even one of the people involved in the project hated it (Higuchi).
3.0 was a cash-in for fujoshi merch, get it right. 3.0 was supposed to be the thing to answer the plot threads left by 2.0 but instead it introduces new characters and does nothing with them or any aspect of the plot left unanswered. In this case it's far worse than 2.0. They don't even do anything with Kaworu aside from pander.
Also they did develop more than that, hell we got Misato backstory and development as well as Asuka development and little shreds of her character. 3.0 doesn't continue any of it or flesh it out.
>watch 3.33
>oh cool space battle
>holy shit this is awesome
>they land back on earth
>suddenly no idea what's happening
>who are all these useless people
>why isn't anyone telling Shinji anything. They called him there and then they just called him a piece of shit
>[UTW] Nope - 01 [CA32F802].mkv
>the fuck is up with unit 00?
>entire NERV section
>fucking finally some decent animation
>finally some setting and plot development
>descent into dogma is still cool as fuck
>Shinji vs Asuka best fight in all of rebuild
>then 4th impact
>back to being fanfiction tier shit
>wunder being so OP it's just stupid
>4th impact interrupted. Fucking wow
>ending was pleasent

Basically everything between space and NERV, and everything after iwarnedyouaboutthoselancesdawg.jpg was shit that pulled the movie down, and everything else was a pleasent watch
>why is Asuka a generic Tsundere?
Cause Anno wanted to change her for something new. In 3.0 we could have seen an all-new Asuka developing, but nope you got served 3.0 action girl.

>Why did the film make huge concessions for Mari along with pointless scenes like the roof scene?
Wouldn't call it huge concessions. Mari is being introduced.

>Why was Mari able to get in Unit 02?
Due to her connections, since she's working with Kaji and others, but this was a mystery that would be well expanded in 3.0. Didn't happen.

2.0 is a great setup-movie, 3.0 isn't.

>Why didn't they bother to develop anyone outside of Shinji, Rei, and Gendo?
They are the most important characters plotwise. Without them, there is no EVA. It pains me to see how they wasted all this shit time on Rei Q, as if they were forced to somehow. Because they have to.

>2.22 was as much if not even more of a blatant cash in for daki's and Mari merch compared to 3.33.
No, since they actually spent a fair amount of time developing the characters and setting in tandem. 3.33 only contains shit and pandering.
You've got horrible taste kid.

>2.0 ruined by Enokido (hurrr harem and let's removed all the character depth for action and to focus on shinji!) an Ohtsuki (hurr let's add Mari! let's cut the movie running time and get the rid of Asuka's backstory and Kaji, Misato and Ritsuko big moments), both are Reifags
>3.0 was ruined by Tsurumaki, BAWW I DIDN'T WANT REI TO SURVIVE, an Asukafag

Sadamoto, a Kaworufag, tried to save this shit but couldn't.
Reifags wrote 3.0? I had no idea.

Q was a longer ep 24, but with worse and less content somehow.

Also, /a/ celebrates EVA as it's god-tier anime, one of the few it can talk about endlessly.
3.33 is the worst received EVA piece I've ever seen on /a/ in it's entire lifetime.

I also like TV ending better than EoE.
Please don't remind me, Rei and Asuka's cooking BS in 2.0 was retarded as fuck.

When Enokido said in his interview Asuka's entire character arc was axed and he replaced it with that scene with the futon and praised himself for his genius and I wanted to choke him.

Rebuild is all about Tsurumaki and Enokido trying to sideline Rei 2 or Asuka. Enokido even wrote Mari-replacing-Asuka storyboards. It's a clusterfuck.
I don't give a fuck about Rei or what kind of x-fag the staff are. Kaworu and Mari are ruining Rebuild single-highhandedly by jamming up all the screentime with pandering. The fact that they have to include characters like that means they have to downgrade everyone else too, and their screentime.
Confirmed for not knowing shit.


Enokido and Sadamoto plus Higuchi are the good people. I don't even know what Anno is doing anymore.

The cancer is Tsurumaki.
>Reifags wrote 3.0? I had no idea.
I-It's like, you don't read things or something.
I hate it because the main draw of the original was the innate tension between the fantastic elements and the mundane elements. The fantastic elements were violent, sparse, and completely incomprehensible, while the mundane elements were slower and more atmospheric, like the stench of mold in an old basement.

Now everything just kind of blends together. Instead of weird squid/MC Escher blobs, you get humanoid Angel after humanoid Angel. Instead of an inescapable sense of decay, you have slice of life, improbable hot girl bullshit. Now, it's like every anime. OMG THE CATGIRL GOES TO SCHOOL AND SHE DOESN'T FIT IN BUT EVERYBODY'S KIND OF OKAY WITH IT LET'S ALL LAUGH AND GO HOME
Enokido's input pretty much saved Asuka. Without it, she'd have even less scenes. Could your butthurt asukafag ass imagine that?

Be thankful. Otherwise you'd be fucked.
Just cause he planned it doesn't mean it isn't a retarded idea.
Same for you - the point is that Reifags didn't write 3.0. Khara did. If anyone ruined 3.0, it was them.

What the hell is wrong with you? What content? Can't you just fucking enjoy the movie?
Sweet Jesus.
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>Sadamoto, a Kaworufag, tried to save this shit but couldn't.

That's because Sadamoto and Anno, to some extent are complete pushoevers.

Then again, who knows if it would've been any better with him under control of it all? It could've been 2-hour gay piano lessens with autistic Karl instead.


No, Anno's idea wasn't a cooking competition, it was before Asuka's introduction, Rei was organizing a dinner party for Gendo and Shinji, there was no romantic or harem element, it was family oriented.

Enokido turned that heartwarming shit into hurr harem, look their fingers are cut, heheheh and dragging Asuka's into this ridiculous subplot.
It's pretty good actually, and fits Rei's character well. That is, it needs a "trigger" for it to happen.

If you knew anything about Rei, it is that she seeks to repay kindness however small.

Cooking is how she was going to do it. It was a plan that could have worked. Maybe.
>enjoying 3.0
>It could've been 2-hour gay piano lessens with autistic Karl instead.
But that was one of the best scenes in 3.0 anyways
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Q wasn't a longer 24. 24 actually had character development and fleshing out, as well as following on the toes of a strong series and a lot of character and world building. It was 24 but just with shallow Kawoshin pandering and hour long fights. Kaworufags need to stop being so damn desperate to defend a shitty film. I am not even a Reifag and you need to deal with the fact that people just don't care.
>so Kaworu can shine brightly in the darkness?
Kaworu is a beautiful creature that deserves his own movie after 17 years.
Still wrong bro. Anno's idea, right down to the cutting.

Cutting fingers is a favourite trait of his because it's cute. He's done it in his other anime such as Nadia.

Try again.
>Implying that I'm a Kaworufag.
>Not knowing that I'm a Gendofag.
Screw you neckbeards.
I guess you missed the interview where he states that he cut a bunch of Asuka scenes, and decided that replacing it with the bed scene would be good enough.
You can't enjoy shit.

They got rid of Asuka because Asuka was a super-concentrated version of the angst that everybody else suffered through.
Remember when Kojima made metal gear solid 4?
He wanted to let the series end, but the fans forced him to keep making them.
So he made a game filled with empty fanservice and pointless characters that shit on the ending to metal gear solid 2 and introduced a situation were Snake HAD to die by the end.
Because he didn't want to make the game, because he wanted Snake to finally die, because he wanted to pander to everyone and make them feel like shit when the game was ruined by the fanservice they wanted.
That's what 3.33 is. Eva was a show celebrated for its depth and characterization.
2.22 had much more action, but was still grounded in the same "real robot" theme eva had always been about. 2.22 had a new Asuka with a new story, a Rei 2 that lives and gets with shinji, a new pilot with Mari and all sorts of good things. It was building up to another great movie, but 3.33 shit on it all.
Rei 2, who was set up to be important dies unimportantly. Asuka and Mari are also trivialized. Rather than real robot stuff, we have kitty cat eva, a.t. lasers, and beast modes everywhere. All plotlines and character development were abandoned for a movie that was about kaworu and shinji being gay and giant michael bay laser battles.
And worst of all I actually like KawoShin, so it was especially biting to me that KawoShin played such a big part in ruining a potentially great movie.
I'm so disappointed by 3.33. I hope 4.44 doesn't suck.

But this is a good movie.
It's a good idea considering the characters. Not doing anything more later is a bad idea.

Consider this:
Good idea:
Turn on the stove to make a meal.
Bad idea:
Don't make the meal.

In 2.22 this works great because we get character development and characterization for multiple characters in one package.
This is good so far. But what if there was no more? It'd be terrible right? So yeah.

Somewhere along the line a ball was dropped.
Yeah, one thing that's fucking ridiculous is that everyone is now a fucking angel. It's TTGL levels of stupid.
It was, but I wouldn't want an excessive amount of gay fan service in every single Rebuild movie.

Not the anon you're responding to, but there wasn't any cooking competition between Rei and Asuka. Everything else is right though.
Everyone lost here. The rest is blinded by the glitter.

Asuka was toast because Ohtsuki, he poked around and decided to trash a lot for his preciou running time, which included a lot of Asuka stuff. But Ohtsuki and Enokido were allies in this. There was clearly a division in the creative process:

Anno and Masayuki who just wanted to end this shit
Higuchi and Tsurumaki who wanted more edgyshit and action scenes and asuka (in Tsurumaki's case), rei 2 dying
Enokido and Ohtsuki who wanted more harem shit and sol and rei 2 surviving, also damaged asuka

That Enokido wrote his "let's shit on Asuka" nonstop rescript shows his agenda.
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Fucking circular logic.
>24 actually had character development and fleshing out, as well as following on the toes of a strong series and a lot of character and world building

And Q had none of this? That's the most hypocritical thing I've read on /a/ today.
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There are some things that are good and there are many things that are bad about Rebuild. However, there is one bad point that goes on almost completely unaddressed: the mythology.

The whole Lilith/Adam duality has been almost entirely destroyed by the Adams. Considering that there are 4 legitimate Lances of Longinus present, the "Seed of Life" concept is probably gone as well. The “power to kill god” is mentioned, so it’s possible that the FAR still exist (and the thought that they might still be alive is admittedly exciting), but we don’t know that for sure. SEELE may be entirely different from what we expected.

But what really gets me is the Eva units themselves. Unit 13 was confirmed to be one of the Adams, and Unit 1 and Mk. 06 probably are as well. It pisses me off because you can’t just hijack the body of something and call it an Eva. An Eva is supposed to be a human creation, mankind’s shot at divinity. To have it be someone else’s creation just seems kinda underwhelming.

[Citation needed]
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>I never watched Nadia.

Oh sweet jesus this shit was Anno.
Anno wanted the Rebuilds to mostly focus on, Shinji, Misato, Gendo and Kaworu.
To be fair. if this is in fact time loop mode, that means that there would be 2 spears from the original world, and 2 spears from the rebuild world. Also didn't they manufacture fake spears?
The original had Rei and Kaworu as "angels" or otherwordly.

Now we're getting this retarded wankfest about everyone not being human, completely tearing away the idea of well, the characters being human and relatable!

The big "non-human" character which was Rei, was still a success due to her splendid characterization, she wasn't human but could be understood, and a big point of her character was that her non-humanness didn't actually matter at all.

Now fucking retard Tsurumaki is trying his best to make Asuka cool and powerful to suit his filthy powertrip needs. The result? Everyone is fucking Angels. The Angels? Well they're cores now, and guess what, THE WHOLE FUCKING PLANET IS ONE BIG RED CORE.
>In NGE, we have Shinji who has at the current time, his friends and comrades he trusts.
>Then he loses them one by one - Asuka goes insane and is a bitch, Rei dies and she changes so much Shinji doesn't regard her as Rei any more, and then Kaworu comes up, they get friendly and then Kaworu dies. Shinji is broken and loses the will to live.
>Then EoE/4.0 starts.
>These are the most important events, and if them not being the absolute highlights of this movie which it spends the most time on didn't clue you in, then I hope this post will.

And at the end of 3.33 we have Asuka go out of her way to help Shinji and support him. Why are you trying to say it's exactly the same again?
Wow, Kaworu developed? Asuka developed? Mari developed? We had scenes of their lives during the timeskip, got inside their heads and understood the effectively new characters here etc? At what point? Where was the world building?

So you disliked it because it wasn't like 2.22? So what? That's not bad in itself.
Factually incorrect.
At least Kaworu is better than Mari.

I guess you missed that the bunch of scenes actually had nothing to do with Asuka as a character. Thanks to Enokido, we were able to maintain some Asuka from NGE instead of a PURE action girl. Think about that.

I dunno about that.

I think you're seeing this with quite some bias, there's nothing in it to show any such agenda. Strangely the one who has hurt Asuka the most is Tsurumaki. He's only accomplished making her action girl.

Not even once did Tsurumaki try building Asuka's character. He only does cool stuff for Asuka. Guess who's probably responsible for Asuka and in 3.0 ?

He should have done that instead of listening to the group of losers who wanted their waifu to shine. Now it's an unwatchable clusterfuck because everyone wanted a piece of the cake.
Yeah. I think the franchise really needs a break.
They should have scrapped the whole timeskip shit, and instead had the other angels, then work in the Don't do it Shinji shit. Making earth look the way it does could have happened in 4th impact (which would make a lot more sense than whatever the fuck really happened)

That's because it's pure escapism. It's "horror," but it's a wholly fantastical horror that lacks any sense of modernist existential malaise and indeed exists to marginalize it.
>Not the anon you're responding to, but there wasn't any cooking competition between Rei and Asuka. Everything else is right though.

There wasn't any cooking competition in 2.0 either.

Stop being stupid.

They need a new franchise. Everybody needs a new franchise.
see >>90505824
Same shit, just male and better for fujoshi. You could genderswap Mari and he's just a British Kaworu.
I haven't been horrorized by Rebuild one bit.

But I'm still horrified by Rebuild. Can you guess why?
I disliked it because it was a sequel to 2.22.
It destroyed so many things that 2.22 was leading up to, so many things that never got realized.
It also was nothing like Evangelion.
I understand it should be different, I don't just want to watch same old eva over and over again, but 3.33 was barely eva at all.
All the elements that made eva unique and as tremendously popular as it was, such as the subversion of super robot cliches, the tension between the fantastic and mundane (as an anon mentioned earlier), and the psychological analyses of the main cast. 3.33 just shit on that.
If was a stand alone movie, not eva and not a sequel to 2.22, I probably would have thoroughly enjoyed it.
>And at the end of 3.33 we have Asuka go out of her way to help Shinji and support him. Why are you trying to say it's exactly the same again?
I think the point is that Asuka is out of the equation, and it's the big events. Asuka is the new Misato, the almost-thirty year old mom.
In NGE, it was Misato who picked up Shinji.
In fact that's much of the point. Tsurumaki wanted to craft a Kaworu for Asuka... GUESS WHO~

I don't think I'd have enjoyed it for more than an action romp myself. Hell not even that, maybe. I didn't really like bay transfomers.

I put Rebuild on the same level. I see some putting Anno and Rebuild on Lucas and Prequel tiers, but fuck, aren't the prequels at least new material, even if not good?

I can respect that, at least.
No one's relationships are the same anymore, its pointless to expect the same thing anymore from the TV show.

Kaworu is about the only who is still in love with Shinji as he was before, but their relationship was based first in friendship then hints of romance instead of straight up shojo bubbles.
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Yeah, god forbid they focus on characters who were actually important in the original series and had depth and characterization already. It should be nonstop Kaworu pandering even though Anno has no fucking clue what to with the character and no one on the staff talks about him like he's anything more than a plot device.
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>Also didn't they manufacture fake spears?

They did. The fake spears in EoE were gray though. All of these spears are red, just like the original Lance of Longinus. Plus, in the original series there was only 1 lance; the other was destroyed during the First Impact. We also have the “Lance of Cassius” (which was probably the spear that came with Lillith), so we actually have a total of 5 Lances in Rebuild. It’s like watching the original series with no Classified Information. It’s hugely frustrating.

Yes. Kaworu developed. He showed his love for Shinji. That's all he did in 24 too. Asuka struggles with conflicting emotions but in the end decides that she still doesn't hate Shinji. In the original Asuka wasn't even active in 24, she was catatonic.
No that guy is right, it was forced plot to the max. The kid wakes up after 14 years, has no idea what happened or that he did anything wrong (he actually thinks he saved a life), and suddenly everyone is giving him the silent treatment and pissed at him.
Then they threaten to kill him if he ever pilots Eva again and say "Rei is dead" with no explanation. Then Rei shows up and they don't explain that it isn't actually Rei.

The entire fucking plot would be gone if Misato or Sakura just sat him down for 30 minutes and told him what happened.

The whole theme of MGS is the decay of the Cold War war machine and the imperialistic ethos. Big Boss himself is the embodiment of this. He's this ultra-badass who gets his dick shot off in the Vietnam War while fighting a bunch of peasants in a jungle over rice paddies and can't have kids without the help of government scientists with insane, completely irrational Messiah complexes. He's intended to be a parody of wartime heroism in the postindustrial era. And yet here we have him running around blowing up giant robots BECAUSE IT'S AWESOME
>It should be nonstop Kaworu pandering
At least with that, we would have had the chance Kaworu might actually get some depth past I LOVE SHINJI-KUN.
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better version

Because it has no relevance to modern life? Because it doesn't attempt to address the horrors that surround us in the real world and tries to replace them with fake monster bullshit?
This is dumb as hell. If he's gonna remake NGE, remake it in respect of the original.

Bring in new plot mechanics, bring in new characterization, but fuck don't make it lesser or worse than the original!

You have this golden opportunity to improve, and you actually make it worse?
Is it really a 14 year time skip?
Shit, that's awful.
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Asuka is the only angel or half-angel.
Shinji appears to be FAR-tier like Rei and Kaworu now, or something similar.
Mari might be either-or, depends on what "the quickening of Eva 8 and its pilot" meant in 2.0's preview for 3.0.
I have no clue what Gendo's deal is.
Rei and Asuka had their time to shine, it would be nice to have more Misato or Gendo for once.
>Only, once we had cut a few scenes, naturally the next problem was the opposite one; owing to the cuts you could begin to see gaps detracting from the organization of the whole. As these gaps arose from cuts I had made, naturally I, as the person responsible, had to fix them. For example, while in the first half of the film Asuka appears as a character who strongly repels others, in the second half she becomes a little kinder, and develops into a character who is concerned with Shinji’s feelings. This development is crucial, but I had a feeling that, due to my excessive cuts, the basis for this change became too thin. Trying to make up for that loss, I had the idea for a scene where Asuka, unable to bear her loneliness, enters, uninvited, the room of the sleeping Shinji. The scene used in the film was translated from the concept almost exactly. By inserting this scene, it seemed likely that something of a connection between the first half Asuka and the second half Asuka could be skillfully established.
> This development is crucial, but I had a feeling that, due to my excessive cuts, the basis for this change became too thin.

He admits it's him who cut stuff with Asuka. Give me a break.
...and all of that is BAD.

Something like that, yes. All that's left is this incredibly vapid stench of an interpretation left by the fans.

Anno didn't want to remake NGE. He doen't want to write about anyone else, the waifufags in his staff ruined the franchise.
It makes sense when you consider that rebuild is a sequel
The cuts originate from the problem that Shinji does not seem to stand out as a main character.

This decision has roots with Anno and others. Enokido made the cuts, and forced in Asuka where there was no room.
>...and all of that is BAD.
I never said or even remotely implied that it was good either.
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Just putting it out there that Maya is the best neon genesis.
>Anno didn't want to remake NGE
Well, are you calling him a fucking liar then? He wants to retell the story and brags about it being a lucrative investment out of his own pocket.

The problem is 3.0 - and we don't know who did what there. We can only guess by what we know. That is Anno and Tsurumaki who is the most likely culprit - Tsurumaki for his blatant asukafagging, and Anno for his blatant kaworufagging.

This is my guess.
What if Anno was aware of us with magical angel bullshit powers?
What if he is sad right now because he knows of bunch of sarcastic honkies are talking shit on his rebuild?
What if he tried to save it but his staff walked all over him?
What if he feels guilty about being to much of a pushover to save his beloved evanjellydount?
No, Asuka developed or rather regressed in 24. We find out how far gone she's become by getting in her mind, see her backstory, see her run from home and try to kill herself etc. All of this was built up from incidents we saw happen.
In 3.0 Asuka has been formed by new events supposedly but we do not see them, it's all off screen. We don't know shit about Shikinami. Why should she care about Shinji when she knew him for a week in the first place? Their relationship in Rebuild wasn't even developed convincingly. We don't see her struggle with her emotions either. She did not change or develop in the film at all since from the start she had her eyes on Shinji for whatever reason, calling out his name even when she's in trouble. I'd say she's exactly the same as she was in 2.0, she still acts like a child.

Kaworu loving Shinji isn't character development. I hope this is a joke.
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What if he's a retard who jerks off to the idea to Kawoshin every day after 3.0?
What if he's responsible?
>Anno didn't want to remake NGE.
But he did. He just wanted it to focus more on Gendo, Kaworu, Shinji, Misato, Kaji, Ritsuko and some of the minors.

Basically, he wanted to expand on the minors and on those that didn't get enough personal time to shine in the original.
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He cries in a corner and jacks off to Kaworu.
4.44 will be an hour of fights and then a half hour of Anno waving his dick at the screen.

Having said that I liked 3.33, it just wasn't a good follow up to 2.22.

This is a pattern for all the 90's angst-heavy manga/anime.

Berserk was full of psychological horror. Guts gets raped as a little boy, Griffith gets tortured and skinned, the whole army is sacrificed to allow Griffith's rebirth. And then after a timeskip Guts starts babysitting little kids and killing demons FOR GREAT JUSTICE BECAUSE IT'S COOL.

Battle Angel Alita ends with an insane montage of psychological horror. Battle Angel Alita post-timeskip has Alita take place in an AWESOME SPACE TOURNAMENT ELECTROMAGNETIC KARATE RAH RAH FIGHT THE POWER

Basically, all these good anime become Shonen Jump cookie cutter bullshit. WE'RE HAPPY NOW LET'S FORGET ALL THE BAD THINGS AND FIGHT FOR THE GOVERNMENT
Yeah he did, stop spouting bullshit. The guys on staff are the same people who worked on NGE you idiot.
>Kaworu loving Shinji isn't character development. I hope this is a joke.
With Kaworu fans, you don't know. Learning to love Shinji is what Kaworu is in many ways.

For Asuka, you know damned well it's some massive Asukafag at Khara blowing his load. (hint, it's Tsurumaki)

In fact Tsurumaki fucking with Asuka explains a lot. It explains why Rei is shit now, and it explains why Asuka is just about the action.
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If Unit 1 and Unit 6 are both Adams, then why does SEELE refer to them so differently? Keel refers to Unit 6 as "the true evangelion", and Gendo appears to to be miffed by the fact that they see all previous Evas as placeholders for it. Unless Gendo managed to hide the fact that Unit 1 was an Adam from SEELE (unlikely), then Unit 1 and Unit 6 are different.

The problem is that there's no guarantee that Unit 6 is an Adam.

I mean bourgeoisie. It's all about the contented middle-class families.

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