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Scarlet Blade


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Why does /a/ hate Fairy Tale so much? Is it because the English dub is better than the Jap?
>>84975515 (OP)
generic shounen shit
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>>84975515 (OP)
>English dub is better than the Jap
Because it's shit.
it actually is compare it
>>84975515 (OP)
It's just incredibly generic. Every single arc is won by some POWER OF FRIENDSHIP bullshit power up and the villains are shit
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>>84975515 (OP)
The fan base.
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All shounens are shit. However Fairy Tail was really starting to get good... until they stopped airing it...
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>tfw You will never have friends you can trust and friends that would sacrifice everything for you
Why did they stop airing it?
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It is generic and boring, girls are on another level though.
It's kind of amazing how there is almost zero good porn of them
Probably due to almost catching up to the manga.

Also, what little I've heard of the English dub is... well, not better than the Japanese.
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>>84975515 (OP)
Various reasons.
>>84975515 (OP)
> Is it because the English dub is better than the Jap?

Not even /a/ is autistic enough to go with this reasoning.

Look at Baccano!

It's hated because it's an incredibly generic shounen where everything can be beat with the power of friendship.

The girls are god-tier though. Juvia best girl.
agree'd fucking terrible doujins
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Had good premise, turned out to be complete shit.
Every battle is won with the friendship-o-meter at full power, the powerlevels are completely bullshit with Natsu beating everyone and everything because he's angry and Mashima is trying to be the next Kubo by fucking with the plot and story elements.

The only reason most of us reads it, is for the tits.
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Japan proving once again it has the shittiest taste
i enjoy the baccano dub more than the sub. I know some of the voices are bad, but it just seems right that people from new york have an accent, and speak english. it works for me.
So when will the mangaka make a harem manga?
That was my point.

>not even /a/ is autistic enough to hate a show because the dub is superior
>just look at Baccano

Read the post before you reply, please.
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Their ex-assisstant already did
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>The only reason most of us reads it, is for the tits.

The best thing that could happen to this series is Mashima moves it to a seinen magazine, throws out all the males, and have only the women fight, clothes get torn with the first punch and all the body parts are revealed.
okay ive re read your post and i see your meaning. i do think /a/ generally hates every dub though, and the moon gets overvalued alot. btw is Durarara! as good as Baccano! was?
She looks like she's burying her face in him.
Think you misinterpreted, it was written out poorly though.
>>84975515 (OP)
It's just like InuYasha.
>mc is the only one that's not useless
>rival is fucking weak pussy ass shit
>girl is bitchy and makes battles more difficult
>power of friendship
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All the kisses in Yamada and the Seven Witches look like that
meant for >>84976115
>implying erza and the master don't exist
This is why Fujoshis shouldn't do manga.
It's not even gay. They have to kiss to use their MAGIC POWERS. It has girl girl kissing too
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Drrr is inherently bad. Doesn't matter what language.
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Erza is very useful.
Gray is relatively balanced.
Lucy mostly sucks.
Wendy mostly sucks, but she's a kid.
Erza's Mary Sue stats are now out of this world.
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Lesser of two evils for a shounen female. (Yes, I'm aware there's a middle ground.)
Because the story is near non-existent the cast is dull and Mashima can't do decent fight choreography to save his life. The T&A is okay but nothing the write home about
It has good choreography. Flows well as you read.
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Reminding you guys once again that this show would have been so much better if it was a SoL anime featuring Erza, Lucy and Wendy.
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It's my go to brain-dead show. That being said, I love it.

Great girls, decent fights, interesting premise and it's fun to just watch the protag win sometimes because of bullshit nakama power.

The time travel arc also looks like its going to be handled well.

Scarlet Blade

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