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Why didn't Goku teach anyone else how to do instant transmission?

It seems like a pretty important ability to have.
Goku's a canon idiot.
>teacher of advanced abilities/concepts
choose one
Didn't he teach Gohan a bunch of stuff like the kamehameha and even how to go super?

He didn't learn those from aleins though
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The same reason I never switched bodies with Lord Frieza of King Cold.
Gohan knew Masenko before he learned Kamehameha. It's basically the same.
>Implying 'Hey dude go full rage mode' is an advanced technique
No comment here.
Why not just instant transmission them to the aliens so they can receive the same training as him?
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Because he killed them all
see >>87811842
>>87811813 (OP)
>Why didn't he teach any of them out to Kaio-ken or Spirit Bomb.
>It seems like a pretty important ability to have.
Because super special techniques are super special.
Not strong enough to pull it off?
Why didn't Piccolo teach anyone special beam cannon?
Given the power difference between Frieza's race and Ginyuu, the very moment he tries to do that they would tear his head and shove it up his ass.
So, loyalty.
keyword being "advanced"
Master Roshi is the only person on the planet who developed his own skill and actively taught it to other people.
why didn't dumbledorf use instant transmission to escape?

checkmate op
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Why didn't wasn't any one but me and Frieza able to learn the destructo disk?

Why didn't Tien teach anyone the tribeam technique?

Why didn't Seventeen ever come back after being brought back to life?

Why didn't Vegeta restart the Saiyan race by just raping bitches?
>Why didn't wasn't any one but me and Frieza able to learn the destructo disk?

Interesting point as destructo disk was overpowered as fuck.
>Why didn't wasn't any one but me and Frieza able to learn the destructo disk?
18 did.

>Why didn't Tien teach anyone the tribeam technique?
No one else had 3 eyes.

>Why didn't Seventeen ever come back after being brought back to life?
He didn't feel like it?
Why have a disc when you can have an intimidating beam of energy?

Nobody else had 3 eyes.

Life bored him.

Because filthy half-breeds polluting the Saiyan heritage.
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And the bitches?
Tribeam is a forbidden technique that reduces the lifespan of the user. Fuck learning that.
>no one else had 3 eyes
Confirmed for non-human.
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Probably didn't see Half-Saiyans as worthy, didn't want to restart Saiyan race with half breeds. Probably raped tons of aliens with Nappa tho.
Only at the power levels of original DB I thought.
Oh that wasn't instant transmission when they world teleport while fighting?


>that reduces the lifespan of the user.
Wouldn't senzu beans also do that, by making cells overload and divide to instantly heal the consumer, or is it just one of those things that's better not to question?
Never question the beans.

Their power is absolute.
Anime Mcguffins. Don't question them.
Nobody would want episodes where we watched our beloved characters slowly heal from their wounds.
That was them moving too fast to see. Instant transmission is teleportation.

Beans are good for you man, it's the meat of the fields. Eat more beans
How the fuck is he still alive after that stunt he pulled with Cell then? He should have keeled over like two years later at least.

Also why didn't Master Roshi take on any students after the 23rd world martial arts tournament?
No, that was just moving really fast at short distances.
Wait, it was them moving so fast that they left an afterimage where they were, which dissipates when it gets hit.
Supposedly he was a monk or some shit and opened the third eye through years of training. I doubt anyone else gave enough of a shit to do that.
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>Trauma Center from the patients' POV
This is what killed Goku in Trunks' timeline.
Everyone was stronger than Roshi at that point and he never even wanted to train goku or krillin.
But The Breaker
Didn't he have a heart disease or something?
In the DB wiki it says he was part of the Three Eyed Clan, but I don't remember anything like that in the show.
Why? Because it can perfectly cut through anything even though it will never hit shit because it moves so slow?
It was a joke.
He might have if they came to his island. He's an old hermit, do you expect him to search out pupils?
You can set it up.

Although combination attacks and carefully crafted strategies don't really exist in DBZ.
but goku bench presses a planet!
It's too slow because Krillin is the one throwing it.

Goku can move a million times faster and can teleport.
You don't have to throw it.

You can just use it as a melee weapon.
Then use it as a melee weapon instead of launching it.
If they're attractive looking females yeah.
Why not just wear the destructo discs on your arms so that when you inevitably start close-range grappling, the enemy cuts his own arms off when you parry?
Krillen can't handle that shit.
I thought he just got heart disease.
Why did Pan or Bra never go Super Sayin?
Why did Chi-chi turn into such a bitch after getting married?
Just have one of the Z Fighters hold them like Goku held Raditz. They'd be useful for once.
Apparently it's a grey-area because it's kinda conflicting. I couldn't really remember where I learned about the meditation thing from so I looked it up. Apparently it was in Legacy of Goku II, which probably isn't the most canon source.

>In popular culture, the third eye is from becoming enlightened (like the Hindu god Shiva). The fact that, despite being a descendant of the Three-Eyed clan, Tien was not born with his third eye is supported in the series in the video game Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II, which states that Tien's third eye was achieved through deep meditation
Did /a/ rewatch DB/DBZ but in Japanese this time since we all grew up with dub? Is it worth watching it in Japanese?
>who is cell


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