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What would you talk about?
What are her friends like?
What's her boyfriend like?
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What clubs does she belong to?
i'd shove my tongue in her mouth
Biggest self insertion anime character ever!
>>89188039 (OP)

Anime, manga, our desire to fuck girls.
The benefits of facial cream
It's not a self insertion, it's a female character that otaku can relate to just like Konata from Lucky Star.
How can she talk with my cock in her mouth?
She's had a lot of practice.
The salon that we're about to go to because damn girl what.
just started ep 1 to see what all the hype is about, cool OP
Her opinions on incest.
Y-you too. uheheh
although claims of self insert aside, I do/did feel the way she does about most people (if you're gonna act like petty vain dumbasses I'd rather be alone
There are so many things that I'd want to say to Tomoko.

But with my social awkwardness and her social awkwardness, I would have no idea what to say.

I'd really love to play video games with her though.
You could play that backrubbing game with her.
so do you play any videogames
>>89188039 (OP)
Can I hug you?
>>89188039 (OP)

So when is next episode? Monday?
Seriously when is the next episode
is this computer thing supposed to be a jab at Death Note?
Probably same time as the first.
'alright, my guro harddrive got stolen. I know it was you'
'I'm not into 2D'
'I wasn't talking about hentai'
or something like that

Wha... You... Y-you are not me!!
I'd probably talk to her about her favorite anime and games while verbally abusing her for having shit taste.
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Something sexual
Yes I am.

and then anon was anon.
sissy boy
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>Tfw this show reminded you of your high school years because you were identical to her.

God damn.
>>89188039 (OP)
Ask her why she wants to be popular so badly.
About what her favorite anime/manga are.
Ask her about Manga/Anime/Vidyas so I can tell her why she has shit taste.
>>89188039 (OP)
We'd talk about anime, manga, and the latest doujins. She'd likely talk yaoi whereas I would point her towards the ones that were faithful the characterizations of the parties involved. In other words, the smut you could see being a part of the series proper (for they are my favorite). So we'd get into discussions of her pairings and my own and how they'd work in universe.

It'd be like talking to a fellow /a/non really.
>>89188039 (OP)
Music probably. Its the subject in which I am best versed.
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>>89188039 (OP)
>get to watch this today
>worried they'll have a girly frilly fuck intro
>intro starts
>it's playing metal, screaming
>tomoko breaking chains and tearing down walls




>>89188039 (OP)
That guy has transcended the confines on neckbeardedness
>i'm the one who posted this
>he looks so idential to me it's not even funny

I've truely become the neck beard.
Wait are there people here who've never read the manga?
I am the shadow, the true self.
I hate teachers.
Killing and later raping her, Uziga Waita style.
Your newfag shows.

And tell me how you'd be able to get more then 2 words out of her?
>ep 1
Oh, thanks for clarifying, wouldn't want to have thought you'd watched one of the other episodes.
It's okay, anon. We're here for you.
Think you'll get banned again?
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I live life on the edge. Fuck da poleeze.
It was actually pretty good.
So why is the video quality of this show not 720p
Should have posted an image from the OP, not the ED.
my eroge collection
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I've yet to take screenshots of the show myself. Tomorrow I'll do it and dump them. Probably on /c/ though
Look forward to it!
Can someone post the gif where she's scratching her butt?
Tomoko doesn't belong on /c/.
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>>89188039 (OP)
I'd pick her up and set her on the bed and gently hold her hand
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I agree.

I still want to post that image.
Do you have I_see_nothing_being_clicked.gif?
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I think the level of autism in this show may be too much for me.

I have to pause it when watching just to prevent an overload.
>>89188039 (OP)
I would have played a video game with her as she suggested before this scene then go from there.
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At least she cares.

She also likely has an awesome body. Look at her bust, and she obviously works out.
>that face

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Imagine how unpopular this should would be if she looked like that all the time.
I would describe my penis in excruciating detail.
>don't hate your teachers, kids,
>because sometimes, they'll have huge racks
valuable life advice from /a/

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