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What does /a/ think of Baka to test?

I just finished season 2 and it's been ages since I had so much fun with a comedy series since Hanayome. Also, S3 when?!?
>>85564813 (OP)
It was funny. 9.3/10
I thought it was hilarious. Pretty good show.

I also thought, "there's pretty much no way Shimada's gonna win by the end of the novels, is there?"
>>85564813 (OP)

Really homo and cliche.
>>85564813 (OP)

Had a lot of great characters, could be genuinely funny, and was Shaft-lite at their best. Season 2 was all ups and downs though. The two flashback episodes and the Halloween one were phenomenal but the rest fell apart. I don't think it sold as well either, though the LN is about to finish so there's still the chance.
Minami was best girl.
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Best girl.
Minami a best.
>>85564813 (OP)

First season started strong and ran out of steam in the middle, but the end was alright. Season 2 was just more of the same, and not funny at all.
wrong hideyoshi
The LN is already finished actually.
I found S2 to be infinitely better to be honest, I liked the little character development Minami got.
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Ah, those threads
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Why is this thread so horrible?
Hideyoshi, no contest
S2 was a let down.
>tfw no bromo ED song
I thought there was still one more novel to be released.
It was already released, anon.
So Hideyoshi won, right?

This looks shopped.
The best
Nobody won.
Well damn, there goes my hope for season 3
>>85564813 (OP)


Also, irc fags please go.
>>85564813 (OP)
why do I get the feeling that this entire thread is samefag
You're not too bright, maybe?
Good to see things haven't changed. Everyone still hates Silver Link.
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Except Shouko, right?
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No, it isn't
That doesn't mean anything; MAL is often completely wrong about novels and manga.
After Silver Link panders hard enough with PrismIllya.
>>85564813 (OP)
Which girl won da Aki?
S3 would probably be another whirlwind clusterfuck of omnisexuality.
>clusterfuck of omnisexuality.
Exactly how I like it
Season 1 was perfect execution of dumb Japanese anime comedy, and I liked it. Why does Japan find this so hard to do? Most LN comedy adaptations have unbearable harem relationship shit that ruins my enjoyment. See Henneko and Oreimo for examples from this season.

Season 2 moved away from the initial premise and made guys vs. girls the whole point of the show. There were a couple good episodes, but I didn't enjoy it as much.

Also Silver Link sucks balls. Baka Test is the only bearable thing they've done so far.
Oreimo IS a harem, you watch a harem and expect it to not be a harem?
>guys x girls is bad

Except that's wrong. It was good.
Why would they be more inclined to milk an old series after they make a show that finally sells?
Baka Test: 7800
Baka Test 2: 3800
C3: 1899
DMoA: 1837
KC: 1950~
OniiAi: 2000~
F/KLPI: probably more than their not-Baka shows put together
I know, but why does it have to be so shitty? Baka Test had harem elements but you never got the degree of terrible inconsistent drama you see in Oreimo.

I liked the gender war stuff at first, but they made everything revolve around it. I liked Season 1 better since the comedy was based more on the premise.
I'd assume they'll get to it. Hell. Baka Test's writer is involved in the Illya anime along with the C^3 writer as well.


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