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Thanks to everyone for the interesting chats on MOOTCHAT. I'll be off AIM for the next few days, but if you'd like to be in touch in the mean time, feel free to e-mail moot@4chan.org.

File: 1366762909104.jpg-(104 KB, 1280x720, [BSEnc] Time of Eve (BD 720p 10-bit(...).jpg)
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104 KB JPG
What did /a/ think of this movie? I thought it was really good, but I didn't get the ending.
>>84127839 (OP)
Sammy dies. AI self awareness. IT'S HABBENING
Season 2 never. ;_;
Loved it. Visuals and cinematography were great and the dialogue organic. I didn't really dig the "theme" so much. A story about the distinction between robots and humans isn't very effective anymore when robots and humans are practically indistinguishable. Some people argue it's some kind of metaphor for the japanese societie's view on immigrants but I think that's silly.

Most people just outright ignore the "ending". It wasn't part of the original release anyhow.
I liked very much but I didn't want it to end so soon.

It just felt a bit underdeveloped at this point.
>>84127839 (OP)
I loved it. It was great.

The ending is just a sequel hook. Eve no Jikan is saved for the time being, Sammy is the first AI to begin to develop self-awareness outside of the cafe. Nagi is living with cyborg creator of the robots because she's a cyborg too.
I can't wait for Season 2 after his new movie.
Wonder if Sammy and whathisname going to have some CLANG CLANG CLANG moments in the sequel
Nah, Nagi x Rikuo is more likely.
I've only seen the ONA version, even though I have the movie downloaded. It was nice, and while I somewhat expecting a lot of drama with the friend towards the end, I'm glad it didn't turn out that way.
As a character-driven SoL I liked it a lot but the whole setting/theme/whatever-thing fell kinda short.


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