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File: 1373590426231.gif-(2.52 MB, 400x225, You will never pet Millhi.gif)
2.52 MB
2.52 MB GIF
Try to post a cuter anime image or gif than this right here.

Protip: You probably can't but cuteness is subjective so you can try
File: 1373590572926.gif-(2.26 MB, 450x254, 1369106823281.gif)
2.26 MB
2.26 MB GIF
File: 1373591610041.gif-(244 KB, 350x197, facedesk dog days.gif)
244 KB
244 KB GIF
File: 1373591909729.gif-(1.45 MB, 523x562, dogepet.gif)
1.45 MB
1.45 MB GIF
Kuroko just made her seiyuu isn't part of the all-star Dog Days voicecast
File: 1373591969850.gif-(456 KB, 480x270, 1364333371239.gif)
456 KB
456 KB GIF
Cuter gif from the same show.
File: 1373592053653.gif-(1.15 MB, 800x600, 1370202029309.gif)
1.15 MB
1.15 MB GIF
File: 1373592059380.jpg-(419 KB, 1399x970, 1322002791423.jpg)
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419 KB JPG
>>89255741 (OP)
Ichigo Mashimaro

>10% cuter
>100% more pedo
>>89255741 (OP)
Bath gif from the same show.
File: 1373593128061.gif-(2.59 MB, 480x270, 1348942110802.gif)
2.59 MB
2.59 MB GIF
This one?
>same show
We were talking about Dog Days, not hell-knows-what-that-gif-is-from.
File: 1373593330084.gif-(477 KB, 400x224, 1372584102586.gif)
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477 KB GIF
Funny, but not cute. Kuroko's frantic jealousy is the only entertaining, as in funny, thing about her, but she isn't cute or charming in any way to say the least. Personally I found her annoying as fuck.

And while at it, on-topic gif.
File: 1373593518665.jpg-(6 KB, 176x155, 1362887069349.jpg)
6 KB
Why don't they announce S3 already? Fall starts soon, just give us the news already.
File: 1373593636932.gif-(2.69 MB, 480x270, 1348942064727.gif)
2.69 MB
2.69 MB GIF
>>Didn't watch season 2
Literally any image ever made because Dog Days is the most disgusting pile of garbage ever conceived.
File: 1373593751131.jpg-(189 KB, 480x270, 1373593128061.jpg)
189 KB
189 KB JPG
What's with that fucking bubble at the bottom left that appears in one frame?
I did though.
No it's not, Dog Days actually is shit.
File: 1373594055150.gif-(470 KB, 427x240, 1336435697356.gif)
470 KB
470 KB GIF
You didn't post a cute gif
Not yet at least. S3 where?
File: 1373594394432.gif-(2.55 MB, 432x243, bad leo-sama.gif)
2.55 MB
2.55 MB GIF
File: 1373595309732.gif-(181 KB, 500x588, hnnnggg.gif)
181 KB
181 KB GIF
Yuuko is the cutest.

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