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Three days left until bail ended, Thad posted on Twitter making it likely that he's losing bail
How stupid can you be? Goddamnit Thad.

>COMES NOW Simona Turner, PRETRIAL SERVICES OFFICER presenting an official report upon the conduct of defendant Thaddeus Lewis McMichael, who was placed under pretrial release supervision by the Honorable Mark A. Randon sitting in the court at Eastern District of Michigan, on 2/29/2012, under the following conditions:
>On June 5, 2013 Pretrial Services received information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation which revealed that the defendant has accessed the internet and posted comments via Youtube.com, twitter.com, and giantbomb.com (see attached documents). The date of the internet postings were on May 16, 2013. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has also advised the United States Attorney's Office of this information. Pretrial Services is requesting an emergency Bond Review Hearing to address these allegations.
culture garbage
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>posted comments via Youtube.com, twitter.com, and giantbomb.com

Thad, why didn't you post here while you had the chance?

Why won't you love me?
He needs to stop being so tsundere
>>87770884 (OP)
Thad is not actually /a/ related just because he has a waifu.
He probably did.
he's a retard what do you expect
does he have autism or something, it sure looks like it
What's giantbomb?
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When your defense it "It was a joke" its not very good for him is it.
haha mad thad is truly insane
>>87770884 (OP)
What a fucking dumbass. No wonder why he's b& 4 lyef
File deleted.
What thad posted on twitter....
>>87770884 (OP)

What exactly did the guy do to get in trouble in the first place?

What exactly did he post on twitter that would mess things up for him?
I die every time
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Jesus fuck.
He had child pornography and boasted about it and his fantasies on Facebook.
possession of child pornography

>what did he do
Bragged about having CP on facebook and some anon reported him, turns out he had a 8GB thumbdrive full of CP. Funniest criminal complaint ever due to all the stupid shit thad said.

>what did he post on twitter
comment above yours but his bail conditions prohibit him from using the internet at all
>Reverse search this
>Find @animenigga

This is too funny

Messed up.
Stupid fuck.
it was gold, 100% gold
they had this giant list of pedo fantasies he'd posted on facebook and after each one it said
>the defendant claimed this post was a joke
> and some anon reported him
I thought it was that he left a disk with CP in a library
>don't click
I fucking hate him so much.
Thad is such a goddamn idiot. He knew he wasn't supposed to go on the internet. Maybe he just wants to stay in prison.
That was actually him not just someone using his account?
Dammit Thad, Why not just make a new account for everything and try to not be retarded?
here you go
Not anime or manga.
Because he's retarded and wanted the attention
And because it's funny as fuck
That wasn't him.
ahah yess thank you, i couldn't find it anymore
Leave us in our ignorance
>>87770884 (OP)
Kotonoha was never tsundere. Why the fuck would he mangle the hell out of his "waifu's" personality and mannerisms?
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This can't be real. Did someone hack his account?

Holy fucking shit that is amazing.
why ?
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>my sides
Guys watch this.

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No way that's real.
Thad's a responsible person who knows when he needs to be in prison.
>Real children
Did they ever comment on loli and his waifu?
Because Thad.
hey lelouch what's your steam?

I hope all you bastards get caught and sent to prison to rot along side him.

Fucking pedophiles.
Why the fuck is this thread still here? Federal conservation efforts to relocate niggers into their natural habitat belongs on /an/ not /a/. I know it's an easy mistake to make, but that doesn't mean these threads should be allowed here.
All this bait.
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Top fucking lel, Thad has some brain problems.
I wonder if they brought this up as evidence. Insanity defense.
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S..sorry man. W, We cool?
The FBI says it is him.
Thad deserted his waifu, he's a scumbag.

even if his waifu was shit
at-least he fucked his waifu.

he'd be one of the first to ever do so.
Pretty sure he just fuck a pillow that had a picture of his waifu on it.
But we've all fucked her.
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>he'd be one of the first to ever do so.
>Fucking your waifu and making her pure just the way the she is

>Claimed this post was a joke

My sides errytime.
Lol, jk guys.
this motherfucker is so dumb i just don't know what to say
Not saying the guy isn't a stone cold fucking moron, but the horrifying thing is he could actually be telling the truth and the evidence was planted. It's that fucking easy to do if a fed wanted to nail someone.. especially the alternative was admitted you wasted department resources, time, and dollars investigating this guy and you found nothing.
Thad, they already caught you on the internet once.
Thad, pls leave.
Thad, you're going to lose bail AGAIN.
Just imagine the judge reading it
Jean, go home
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>but the horrifying thing is he could actually be telling the truth and the evidence was planted
Please tell me you're not this autistic enough to believe that?

I mean I remember watching that Thad video of him dancing with his Daki, He's a little fucked up.
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>included images of t-shirt designs featuring images of cp. The images showed and internet address of shirtmockup.comm
Holy fuck thad.
every fucking time
Thad, pls go back to your cell.
Liege Lelouch but why.
It's not planted. I remember a thread a couple of years ago on /sp/ where a namefag named "Kotonoha's Husbando" was talking about downloading CP through Tor.
This is rather silly.
Not so much what he does (which is dumb rather than silly), but that they waste so much time and resources keeping the guy away from the Internet. Is a collection of pics really that harmful?
This coming from lulu, the king of bad jokes...
Well, it's actual 3D cp (rape and abuse of little boys and girls and whatnot), and not drawn 2D lolis like that case in Sweden. Damn that was retarded, shameful display.
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>Is a collection of pics really that harmful?
Yes, because you're telling the porn company that exploiting children for your sexual fantasy is good, and we don't want that in /a/.

This is why 2D>3D
Well, yeah.
That is why you should illegally torrent your illegal pornography, because piracy kills the medium
Thad threads are back.


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