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This the fastest I've ever dropped a show ever.
>>89418491 (OP)
Thanks for sharing, wanna shitpost about it?
Good for you, OP!

Thank you for creating a thread to specifically tell us about it!
You're welcome man.
Why do people feel the need to create threads to announce what they dont like?

Either way, report submitted.
You guys wanna know what I hate an hour ago?
>>89418491 (OP)
The colors sure are bright in this show
Welcome to /a/.
What's the fastest you've ever dropped something /a/?
I try to never drop anything, unless it's too long, but 1-cour series I can usually sit through. I just don't pick up shows randomly.
I dropped Guilty Crown every frame.
Shit show based on a shit game, who would of fucking guessed?
Don't you have a 3-episode rule or something at least?
That the way to go

My load, on ur mum's face, m8.
majestic prince before the first op
If it's insufferably bad why would I waste my time?

I really couldnt't wait for Devil Survivor 2 to end, though.
It isn't really that bad

Fatlus faggot detected.
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>whats the hardest you've ever rekt someone

Pretty sure that's just HorribleSubs or their source screwing up.
The sound was all fucked up as well. Compare the OP from the HS 720p with this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xZMFPqYOcw
Not OP, but I'm not sure if I could give this three eps. One of the first shows in a while where I'm not sure if I can make it.
Well if it's horrible then I dunno, but a lot of shows actually have a weak 1st episode in my experience.

Haven't seen Neptunia but maybe I'll give it a shot when more episodes are out and I get a general idea of what it's like.
It's an adaptation of a notoriously bad video game series. You didn't expect it to be good, did you?
Oh okay
The only show I dropped that fast I picked up again because of /a/. I dropped Nyaruko's S1 at the OP of the first episode. Come fucking at me. There is no drop faster than this.
I liked some part of it actually but was really tired of it near the end for some reason.
I haven't played a single Atlus game.
>being this melodramatic
There is nothing in this episode that warrents this kind of reaction.

I've heard the game is quite humorous, at least.

Kurogane no Linebarrel. Dropped it in the first five minutes when the MC was presented as a weak little shit with a justice complex backed up by a boatload of envy.

I'm sick of mecha anime and manga with naive idiots for MCs whose points of view are only legitimised by the fact that they pilot an untouchable god of a machine/have special powers. Guilty Crown was the ultimate example of how fucking stupid the whole idea is.
>>89418491 (OP)

How far into the episode is this?
a minute
It's just so completely vapid. It's honestly kind of shocking. I'm giving every other series this season 3 eps and this is the only one I don't think I can do.
Dunno I just grabbed a random capture, I dropped it after the shitty couch humor.
That the description I gave to KKK.
I dropped Uchouten pretty fast.
And I dropped Watamote at the OP.
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>all this melodrama
Just stop. You look stupid.
>I dropped Uchouten pretty fast.
Dat shit taste.
Senran Kagura. I made it 12 minutes in before I couldn't take it anymore.
You're honestly complaining about melodrama on /a/ in a 'dropped' thread? Really?
Not the guy, but you don't actually have any argument, do you?
irc plz go
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Everyone in this thread deserves a shit posting award
Never before have I seen such a large group of faggotry
It was so ugly to look at, and there really wasn't anything interesting about it. If /a/ posts alot of screenshots and it looks interesting from them, I'll pick it back up, but it doesn't looks like much of /a/ cares about it.
Please stop shitposting, we're trying to discuss anime here.
>>89418491 (OP)

I know being gay is generally accepted these days, OP, but you don't have to be so aggressive advertising it.
I dropped it after 3 minutes, I've never done this before.
There's an anime even worse than Genei Taiyo this season, holy shit
Eh? That one is bad?
discuss this!
*whips out dick*
Does dropping it after the first episode even count as dropping?

Because I really don't want to watch more but I don't want to ruin my empty drop list.
At least it's not as bad as that dog x scissors thing
It is.
Is it bannable to have shitposting this obvious?
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I never "Drop" anything
Just put it on my shelf for years
Still trying to watch episode 3 of Ro Kyu Bu
That's actually good.
Nips are not buying any, so it must be good.
It's bad but the girls are too cute to drop it.
>not being able to mentally remember the pain you suffered watching a bad show
Keep it clean man if something is complete shit you'll remember it.
Grimdark shit with generic drama
Posting opinions you don't agree with isn't shitposting, though.
>not having watched Ro Kyu Bu yet
Don't push it. If you have faggot taste, then there's no hope for you already.
It's fine. It's exactly what one would expect out of a Neptunia anime. These bakas were just expecting it to be super amazing wowee over the top even speedwagon is afraid because David is working on it.
Heh, that must mean something I guess.
/a/ is just hating on it because it's a /v/ thing. Same with not popular anime.
I'm sure even /v/ thinks it's terrible.
Except no. We don't like Not Popular because it is objectively shit. Just like every other show this season.

Summer is complete shit. There are no redeeming factors whatsoever. Prove me wrong.

I have a similar appraoch, except those shows tend to never get out of the backlog.
>speaking highly of any modern anime or japanese game
>pointing out melodramatic posts
Do I need any more of an argument?

This show is neither the worst nor the best anime I have ever seen. It requires neither over the to hate or over the top praise.
I only started 2 weeks ago
I enjoyed the 2 episodes I watched
But I just dont have time to watch it
In other words alone time

I wanted to watch it for the voice cast.
I joined your "putting on shelves for years" with "Ro Kyu Bu's 3rd episode" part of your sentence.
My bad, I jumped to conclusions.

>I'm a miserable faggot and the only thing I enjoy in life is moaning on chinese cartoon messageboards.

top lel
Nigga, have you seen who's in there?
I try to give everything a few episodes. If I still don't like it then I'll drop it. I usually see it through because I hate knowing that I have anything partially complete.
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>liking anything having to do with video games
>liking anything at all

That aside the first episode captured the games just as I'd expect it too. They also seemed to do a pretty good job at melding the three games into one nice world. I hope we get more music directly from the games in the show that was a pretty nice touch.

Made me laugh.
All I've seen are breasts, breasts, breasts then some SoL cuteness, but when I was about to get my hopes up it became breasts, breasts, breasts again and no DFC, nowhere a loli, then I just got tired of that, closed before it even ended and deleted it.
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>no loli
You're not helping your case with Neptune.
She isn't a loli, and there was no explicit fanservice of her even despite that.

Oh wait, you were just being a troll.
Only thing I dropped this season with just one episode is Gen'ei wo Kakeru Taiyou. Holy shit, that was bad.
LRD pls go
>no V characters besides MAGES
>Rei handing out flyers
iris heart domination when?
first episode and already in my top 5 anime although it was going to be that way from the start
My main disappointment was that what seemed like a cool character turned into a lazy yet genki fucking annoyance of a shitbag.

What I get for not playing the game first I guess.
You tit obsessed fucks are the worst.
She wasn't lazy at all in the first two game. Understandable why Neptune's lazy in V cuz of the whole peace in Gamindustri. The anime portrayed it somewhat bad making her lazy right-off the peace treaty between nation.
>anime caring about Neptune
>not just the tit monsters, and her Purple Heart mode
Sounds like a genuinely interesting show.
Finally no loli crap to ruin my animu.
Do the shitposters realize they're only making this show more popular by constantly making all these threads and posts?

A show that would've been otherwise not talked about much this season is now getting way more attention than it ever would have on its own. It's like you retards don't understand how hype works at all.
>no loli
But that's the case in like what, 95% of the series.
But the problem is that so far she's barely been in her Purple Heart mode at all.
That's what bothers me because the way they're portraying her in the anime makes Neptune really fucking annoying.
Please, name one.
It's like you've never been on /a/.
I would prefer this show to not draw attention that way I can enjoy watching this show in peace.
It's easier if I name the shows with loli.
RKB. Gen'ei.
That's it.
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I'm not complaining. The two /v/ shitposters are what got me into the series to begin with.

I thank those wonderful people.
This is AOTS, faggot.
Tits of the season at best.
>dat OST
>dat friendship
>dat moe
>dem likable villains
Lucy from SxS has better tits than all of them combined, and that's not even counting Highschool DxD which is practically all about the tits.
I Really Liked This Series I Will Be Following It For A While

So Far I Give It A 9.5/10 On MAL. I Will Also Play The Video Games Shortly.
Nice reverse troll.

What is Free!
A bad anime.
Definitely not it.
>dat OST
Many beats it easily.
>dat friendship
Not even good friendhip
>dat moe
No contender in that lane
>likable villains
The only one I can give it.

But really the only thing it's good are the tits, and even in that there's at least one better title.
This is undoubtedly AOTS, everything is shit though.
Free, spaghetti-tan, and neptunia all in one season.......

animes keep getting better and better :D
>everything is shit though.
All modern shows, especially fanservice ones, have loli. It's a cancer.
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Not need to lie to yourselves.
This is literally /v/: the season. Shit load of game adaptations, watamote, fujoshits. Neptunia is simply way better than anything else.
Majestic Prince is still ok.
>Neko Overrun
Shitty generic tsundere made me drop this thing harder than a hotplate.
Good bullshit there.
None of them have loli. And that's the cancer.
>Dropping Neptunia

Get a grip Jojofags
>complaining about /v/
>says THE /v/ incarnate is better than anything
Just stop.
>jojofags complaining again
>/v/ incarnate

/vg/ if anything. At least it's a good game adaptation.
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but what was wrong with uuh nyaa anon
Oh I'm sorry for enjoying Servant x Service and Blood Lad more than your KyoAni "masterpiece".
Because god forbid someone likes other shows more. They must be lying to themselves.
>good game adaption

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Holy shit you fucking idiot.

Why would you drop the show with best girl of all times?
Dororon Enma-kun Meeramera

Dropped not even 5 minutes into episode 2.
Go back to your shitty DeSu2 adaption
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Your 'best' girl is not enough to convince to watch this piece of shit again.
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This show is watchable no matter how bad it gets. because dick relief
Haha oh... w-wow muh dick
There's DxD if you want to masturbate to tits.
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>the way she grips the grass
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Oh god yes.
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I hope they can keep it up
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I`m a Jojofag but i like Neptunia

i love you so much David Productions
Fortune Arterial. I lasted about 15 seconds.
get out
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Every time.
Why is you being a Jojofag even relevant?
He's probably from tumblr, and feels the need to state his status as a jojofag in every post he makes. Just ignore it.
David Production Jojo and Neptune anime.
That's nice.
Now fuck off.
i just started watching it yesterday, i like it.
watched Neptunia yesterday, i like it.

i have equality taste, haters gonna hate.

I don`t have Tumblr account, i`m a MAL fag
Maybe people claim that JoJofags are deliberately shitting up Neptunia threads because they're mad David Production made it instead of Part 3?

I don't fucking know, it's just a wild guess and just as retarded either way.
Lucky Star Episode 1 when they kept talking about food and how to eat some chocolate thing.
>I don`t have Tumblr account, i`m a MAL fag
Not sure if bait.
I`m serious, i hate Tumblr too.

i`m an MALfag because i have watched 540+ anime

140 anime i`ve watched is shit while others were decent.
3/10, made me wonder.
>>89418491 (OP)
Did your butt hurt? Is the floor too hard?
Why do people feel the need to post such things?
this is my MAL

Because there are people who think their opinion/experience is so super important that they have to share/blog about it
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>replying to obvious IRC bait
Any mention of the following: "MALfag, Jojofag, tumblr accounts" are blatent IRC bait.

Do yourself a favour. Pic related.
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Please tell me that this is an account you made for trolling purposes

I don't want to believe that this is real
Boku No Pico after the fourth episode
No, my account was made on march 2012.
i update my MAL daily, i marathon anime everyday, check out my profile then you will see my favorite anime and favorite characters.

i always ignore IRC fags because they are filled with douches
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Your life must suck then also you seem like a huge faggot.
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Everyone in /a/ is a faggot, this is 4chan logic.

All haters just STFU and get a life!
now i`m outta here.
I unironically enjoy this show.

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