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This show has the best characters
Before I bust out my dick, this is a dude, right?

I just like to have my facts straight before I go in.
Does it matter?
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>>90421932 (OP)
>trap armpits

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>not even pretending to talk about the show
What's with all the faggots not watching G/a/tch/a/m/a/n.

Why are you even here ?
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Who knows.
Are you scared?
I am watching Gatchaman.

I'm just verifying that's it's a strange little boy. Yeah little boy chest and mannerisms after he takes off the wig, BUT YOU NEVER KNOW
This show is doing terrible things to my dick
Hajime sucks and Sugane is boring but the rest are okay
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Sugane is a wonderful hero, what are you talking about?
>Hajime sucks

do you even plan?
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Liking boys means your faggot.
And by being a faggot I shall call you one
Well that's a dumb question. I wouldn't have asked if it didn't matter.

I'm not sure if "scared" is the appropriate term for pulling off a pair of panties and being surprised by a little baby dick flopping out.

Well it might be, but still.
>little baby dick
So you'd be fine with a 7inch dick behind his panties?
It would be neither a trap nor a surprise if he was packing seven inches.
Why wouldn't you expect a trap to have 7incher packing?
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>implying sexually dominating weaker males is even gay
Why can't a trap have a big dick?

he's just a normal dude, why would his dick be tiny for no reason, besides the fact that he's a jap
Why does this image assume everyone who likes traps end up wanting to suck dick themselves
Are you gay by anychance?
Because a bulgy trap is a terrible trap. A trap I want no part of. I don't normally want any part of a trap on purpose generally speaking, but I am sometimes artistically fascinated by a good trap.

I'm feeling oppressed by your binary classifications.
bulgy is just how I like them
>I'm feeling oppressed by your binary classifications.
I feel like you're about to use the phrase "lifestyle choices."
blah blah cis scum breeders etc

I fucking love traps with huge cocks. I can understand perfectly well why many or most would prefer their traps to have small cocks, but a trap with a good 7 or 8 inches of cock meat is about the biggest fetish I have.
Has a male VA.
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I usually dislike traps, but now I think I'm in love
I think you just like dudes wearing girl clothes then. Not actual traps.

It's sort of like the tendency to call sexy older women MILFs even if they don't have children. There is a distinct definition there that is just arbitrarily ignored.

I still don't believe people actually say things like that on purpose.

I feel that I can make no sound decisions based on that information.
How did the strap get around her neck when it didn't even get past the rest of her hair.
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>>90421932 (OP)
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Makes me so hard that he looks a little bit buff and toned in that drag. I wanna grind my dick on his slutty abs.
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God damn it
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So when are we getting doujins? I'm going to need about a thousand of them to work through my erection right now.
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>assuming direct control.jpg
He looks like he's about to lift his skirt and tell me to suck him off
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I need a gif of this.
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Well then.

I appreciate good hard facts. All my posts have been a roundabout way of getting this information as finding these sorts of things out for sure is my actual fetish, not the traps themselves.
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That's where I wanna be.
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If anyone have the gif of this one I'd appreciate it.
It's here: >>90422855 →
God me too
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Many thanks.
>Windows 8 RT
Boner deactivated.
>A trap will never shove your head under their skirt and poke their panty-clad erection in your face
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picked up
That knocked me out of my goddamned seat. Just terrible.
>>90422855 →
would slowly and lovingly deep dick.
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OK ;-;
Would roughly and quickly fuck
>not going hours until they're catatonic and half insane
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Am I wrong for being turned on by this?
W-well maybe it'll happen!
Yeah, but it's okay, nobody here will judge you.
Doujinshis when
Yes. Soon you'll start to get turned on by ponies.
No. Never.
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What's with the little black dots?
Why are you guys so gay
There's nothing gay about qt boys wearing qt skirts.
there's nothing gay about enjoying something cute.

It's like enjoying a fluffy kitten.
Kittens don't get my dick hard
Thank god for that.
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spoiler for different series
But it's an ant
>gay lord
>cow tits
>old man

Are the characters walking fetishes?
not to me ;-;
Does being the one wearing the skirt make you gay?
Nope. It's a well known fact that as soon as you wear a skirt, you become a little girl.
quick, someone tell m00t!
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Is this show any good? I don't give a fuck about traps and shit. Are you guys enjoying it so far?
It's pretty great
No. I hate it. Everyone hates it. You shouldn't watch it at all.
it's like power rangers, except billy's a trap.
Dudes wearing girls's clothing and passing as girls are always traps, no matter what size their dick is.
But Billy was part of the main team. The closest thing to Billy in the main team is O.D., and that's only because Billy's actor was supposedly gay. Even then, O.D. is probably just flamboyant rather than an actual homosexual.
>"pretty great"
>tripfag acts like a sarcastic douche about it
>power rangers with traps

I'm cool with that. I'll start it tonight.
>robably just flamboyant rather than an actual homosexual.
Either way, 12/10, would take out for a hot drink and a movie w/cuddling.
Rei is a public trip, friend.

Who will take care of Utsutsu if O.D. isn't around?
ew, no. Trap is much better. We could play vidya and cuddle then suck each others dicks
Yeah it's a fun show and interesting

Tsuritama and Mononoke director
Jojo, Jormungand, and Katanagatari composer
I-It's not like I would do that with you or anything

I'am the gatchaman.
I am the walrus, koo koo katchoo
So who the hell is this guy anyway, he's like in charge of a huge group of people. He made GALAX right?
feelios when no one wants to talk about the actual show ;_;
Yes. He is Zuckerberg. But more totalitarian. Basically Lenin of internet
But no one really seems to know about him so he's like a secret Zuckerberg
There is the reason why he crossdress.
Because he nejoys it?
He wants the dick?
The world may never know
To hide his identity when he go out, duh.
No I think he wants the dick
I fucking love X's voice. I wish to have sex with that AI's voice.
>Can speak Chinese and English
>Puray da geimu

Buddha, why they just didn't hire a nip that really can speak both chinese and english?
As if those exist
green-blue with dashes of light pink.
He's such a fucking slut. I want to spank him.
Sugane isn't boring, he's just an old-fashioned boy with good values.
Did cthuko stop translating? I really don't wanna have to watch HS
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So is this a trap thread?
I have no respect for traps in general except this kind. It actually is a dude that's a trap. Typically we see "Draw a girl, then put a dick on it, OMG BEST CHARACTER EVER".
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Rui is a god-tier trap. Hope we get more like him in the future.
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The superior trap
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Even superior trap
IQDB didn't give me shit
>found: 0
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That's... no, never mind. There's no way to find it.
Are you implying I should use NSA Image Search?
I'm implying that the source is right in front of you.
>dat slippery slope
My keyboard?
Yes. All you have to do is some clickety clackin' and you'll be on your way to to trap manga.
yes, it holds the key to it
God, I love that series. Translations when?
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Fuck you, google reverse image search got me the source instantly.
I already told you I tried both IQDB and exhentai reverse.

>NSA backdoors
Both Google and the anon he replied to gave him the source.
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>still living in america
>>still living in america
Got me there, can I leave this shithole please?

I'm, gonna assume >>90438418 is the cover of it.

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