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TV Anime is now 48 minutes per episode instead of the typical 24. How does this make you feel? Is this a good or bad thing in your opinion?

Yes I know studios couldn't really produce that much per week in their current state but let's just say they could.
No thanks.
I'd rather they just make a series of OVAs
48 minutes per episode with one episode every month for 12 months?

sounds like a masterpiece
Depends, some series might benefit from it. Overall, though, I'd say no

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>>90018123 (OP)
>is now
Are you serious?
Katanagatari is overrated.
It'd just mean that we'd have two episodes condensed into one.
>>90018123 (OP)
As long as quality doesn't suffer, it might be nice with some more plot oriented series. For SoL etc. 24 minutes are enough.
Your mum's overrated.
I dunno, it was way better than the hype when I watched it.
That would mean Hunter x Hunter would catch up to its manga.
...so No.
It's gonna catch up either way.
>New OP and ED every episode
>somehow this doesn't eat up the entire budget

How does this make you feel?
No downside.
>Yes I know studios couldn't really produce that much per week in their current state but let's just say they could.
>per week
Do you really think that every episode of anime is produced the same week it airs?
You know those next episode previews some shows have? They totally make those scenes in the preview RIGHT before airing the current episode *troll face*
Sure they can, they just need to pick one less project to do for the season
If the cours are still as long episodes-wise and they somehow magically have twice the budget, there really isn't anything not to like, even if some anime are ill-suited to that format. Though seeing as there are half-length anime now, I don't see what would be stopping studios from making them then.

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