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For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two Contests—one for new Rotating Banners, and the other for our House Ads.

Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners!

EDIT: The Rotating Banners contest is now over, but we still need more House Ads!

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>>88365242 (OP)

>no big bang
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>>88365242 (OP)
not as bad as the vn maybe. it was still pretty terrible
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>>88365242 (OP)
It was not bad, it just was bad adapted.

If a better studio made the job, we could actually be enjoying Umineko chiru anime by now, but no, subpar adaption that made no sales wont get second season.

Try to fight back with the blue battler

>>>The Umineko anime was at best subpar if not at best bad
>>88365242 (OP)
Say it in red. Oh wait, you can't!
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Lucifer was the best stake. I'd let her pierce me, if you know what I mean.
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gr9 b9 m9

Luci = Belph > Mammon > Satan > Levi > Beelz = Asmo
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This guy knows what's up.
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Fantastic taste in Stakes, bro.
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That's obvious.
I'm so sorry for your shit tastes
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This is now an Erika thread.

I am sorry for yours.
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>Rosas hair
Best milf.
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the society of wtiches, and I’ve been involved in numerous kakeras, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in endless and I’m the top witch in Hell. You are nothing to me but just another furniture. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of witches across Hell and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over a thousand ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in endless magic, but I have access to the entire arsenal of demons and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
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Leviathan = Mammon = Belphegor > Satan > Beelzebub > Asmodeus > Lucifer

Eiserne Jungfrau > bunnygirls >>> shit > Stakes
All milfs in Umineko are best milf

Requesting the image with them in their bikini.
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What a timing, it was next in the queue.
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The things she would be able to do to your dick. Oh god.
Ahhhh thanks.

Seriously, look at those milf.
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Didn't Austin Power do the same joke?
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Similar. He said, yes, please when asked his sex.
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Stupid sexy Ange, Mammon knows what is good.
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did someone say DESIRE?
This room will never stop getting posted and I love it every time.
My only gripe is that there's no recliner or comfy chair. Sitting on the floor is so bland.
>>88365242 (OP)

it didnt show the truly bad parts of the vn, at least
Sysadmin is my hero, one day I hope to have a room like that.
Too bad he's dead
He's not dead.
He's dead to me
Which were?
Did anyone ever actually play Rose Guns Days?

I saw it was translated and never got around to it
I started playing it but after I found out that I can't fuck the purple hair girl I lost interest.
I heard it's good, I haven't had time to play it though
It's definitely good, I liked it a lot.
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It's pretty damn good.
I really recommend it.

Ryukishi goes a bit too far into feminism, pic related, but then decides he doesn't give a fuck in the later half and it becomes hilariously misogynistic.
You gotta love Ryukishi for fucking around characters like that.

It's funny that it starts all corny and boring then gradually becomes good at the midpoint when it knows it's being too easy then goes all political mafia.

Keep playing.

It's corny as fuck then goes 180 and shits itself by noticing it's corny.
Seems that not even the red truth can agree with bullshit.
bwaka bwaka
>Japan's punishement
I've always liked that artist's simplistic but funny style. He should've drawn Umineko.
So is this not possible to do anymore?
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Japanese bird drinking whine.
He does have a point.
They make their woman submissive as fuck.
Now that men have nothing to offer, women just don't give a fuck and sell their body for money while men can't get jobs for shit.

It's pretty hilarious.
Then you got the women bragging how they get to keep getting money for prostitution while the men bitch that women are whores because they are.
>Now that men have nothing to offer, women just don't give a fuck and sell their body for money while men can't get jobs for shit.
I-Is this true? I wanted to go to Japan next year to get a cute gf during my trip but they are just whores now?
all women are whores anon

you will learn
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I'm talking about Rose Guns Days.

China and America pretty much take over Japan and the japanese are literally out of jobs in their own country.

Though women are really taught to be more submissive, which is why a lot of japanese men have started to ignore women entirely and stick with 2D.

Rose Guns Days is pretty funny for how much it keeps bashing men who don't have anything or anywhere to go.
Chiming in on the weekly Umineko thread to tell everyone I love Erika a whole lot.

I'm halfway through episode 3 on my reread with the PS3 patch. I never knew Toyosaki Aki did the voice for Asmodeus and was pleasantly surprised when I placed the voice. It's like listening to Momo Deviluke all over again, except even more lewd and sadistic. Still can't wait to hear Erika voiced, every line is going to be even more amazing.
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Are You Being Served did it way back in the 60's, where an old man answered "12th of June, 1934".
I love Erika but her voice makes me want to punch her so badly.

See! You can't do it! This is checkmate!
That's exactly the point.
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That fucking English.
Her voice grew on me a lot when I was playing CROSS. I both loved and hated how she played it in, but I mained her since she's the best Umineko.
>You will never have the 6 deadly sins as hot girls lust after your dick
Why am I even alive?
I always played with Erika and Lucifer.

That voice make's me want to rapeher.
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Excellent taste, I did Erika/Dlanor until Bern was released, it was impossible to pass up Bern's amazing mobility so I started playing Erika/Bern.
Lambda/Bern is a fun alternative as well, but I only ever played it when I got pissed off at my horrible inability to ever pull of Erika's meta super.
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Two series who have manga in this magazine here will get anime announcements in the future.

Umineko is one of those series.
I know the chance is really (really) small but how would you like another adaption of Umineko?

M-Muh dick.
>we will never see this animated by a decent studio
I wish I could play fighting games. I played both of them when they came out just to see the voicework and animations, but I just don't have the patience to even practice.

As long as DEEN or JC Staff don't adapt it, I'm all for it.

Perhaps SHAFT?

I would rather have another adaptation of Higurashi.

Maybe an OVA of ep 5 would be perfect though.
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>remake of the umineko anime by shaft
My dick would be diamonds. The stakes would be pure boner fuel. Think about all the leg service.
Shaft is most likely busy with other shit and i don't think they can make Umineko decent designwise.

Nice red/blue-screens but thats it.

I think Ufotable could do it.
Only if they have the budget for it.
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Asmodeus voice is also superb.
Of course.
Ufotable on low-budget would be as bad as DEEN.

But well, the budget for Gyo was extreme low.
The Umineko fighters are fairly odd as far as fighters I'm used to are concerned, since my only real experience was Melty Blood at the time virtually nothing I knew actually carried into Cross aside from basic commands and was the main reason I couldn't pass up Bern, she made me at least partially feel like I was playing a faster fighting game.
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>>88365242 (OP)
I liked the anime adaption as well.
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Illusions to Illusions, the lies of the Gold Truth are Illusionionary.
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There was no Umineko anime adaption.
Anime Battler was a hero all along.
Worst witch.
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Battler is a hero in every format
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Are you ''certain'' about that?
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>You will never take a stake from behind
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She better keep her promise when shes older about letting Battler be the first person to eat her.
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It's implied that Battler fucked all of them.
It's implied that Battler ate the Stakes while they ate him in return.

Has anyone solve the mystery of the games in this manner? I would love to read it like this.
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>last panel
Rosa wants Battler so fucking badly. Doujins where, Japan?
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The biggest crime of the entire series was the lack of stake love and fanart.
>reading Our Confession

What a goat.
Next you'll say that everyone was bought and the mystery doesn't matter.
This thread is full of furniture lovers.
>not regularly fucking your chair
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As it should be.
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Well she has been single for a really long time and no one can resist Battler.
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What studio would be the best to adapt Umineko?

Or shouldn't it be adapted at all?
It's pretty much canon that Rosa had a crush on Battler.
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I want a proper adaption with good animation so badly. Why can't a millionaire sponsor one?
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Only good thing about the anime adaptation is the OP.

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So is she a witch?
He would make a great father for Maria.
You forgot the ED you faggot.

The OP was pretty much an extension of the op from the vn.
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>Only good thing about the anime adaptation is the OP
>not talking about the ED
Do you even DESIRE?
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Bern with scythe > Bern without scythe
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Further evidence.
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>I will never listen to the music for the first time again
Man, it was awesome with all the logic battles going on.
Haven't watched Umineko but the Higurashi adaptation was fucking horrible so I'll steer clear of it.
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Also, she hangs around with a suspicious crowd.

Only a witch would be with a goat.
DEEN = What we got
JC Staff = Would be even worse or equally bad
Production I.G = Decent but CGI goats
SHAFT = Only BD looks good with a high chance of getting a shitty character design
Ufotable = Would be great but only with high budget which Umineko won't get
XEBEC = Everything is fanservice
AIC = Moderate adaption in every case
A1 = Shit animation with anime original end where it turns out that DARKNESS was the enemy the whole time
BONES = Great fights - Mediocre rest
Kyoani = Fuck the plot - Battler and Beato eat cake all day but it looks awesome
Hey now the Higurashi was a home run.
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Rosa >> Natushi > Eva >> Kyrie
lucky bastard
So DEEN was the best choice.
>best at anything
Don't even say something like that.
No, I just want to find out the other side. I love the meta magic side just as much as the mystery.
Only the first 4 episodes were golden.

Higurashi had a godlike OP and the creepiest soundtrack.
Not to mention the best VAs.
What if Sunrise did it?
Sunrise is too big.
So many studios work under Sunrise its not funny.
Did she just soil her panties in the last panel?
Wht about trigger?

Rokkenjima would be a space colony, and Battler and Beato both pilot mobile suits to do battle.
No, maybe if I haven't read the sound novel(with ps2 sprites) I might've had a different opinion. Maybe it gets better in Kai, I didn't watch it yet(Kai VN is bad though). Fuck DEEN.
Sunrise doesn't do just mecha you sperglord
They are too young.
You could say that it will either get great animation and even weirder plot or they make a masterpiece out of Umineko with Inferno Cop style
You will never see Erika's Pirate Hat gloriously animated in a grand battle animated by studio Khara.
Frankly, as much as I want to see her animated, I don't think I'd be able to handle how popular she'd get. I feel really bad about feeling this way, too.
>giving Umineko to Anno
The Chiru ps3 op was quite good and has a decent amount of Erika. http://youtu.be/RgVcXpEj-No
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quit choking beato
Miss Lambda Delta, the true hero of the story. This age, All ages, this kakera, ALL KAKERAS!

She's also delicious cake.
I would. It would be fucking glorious.
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Umineko was so great until it turned into a bad romance. The excitement the first time you finish ep 1 and 3 was the best.

Ep 4 started to get a little crazy 5 was mediocre until the trial and then after that it just completely sucked dick.
Studio 8 would do a good job with enough money. Hell, I'll bet that they would do the best adaptation.
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"When someone asks if your a witch, you say yes!"
>The excitement the first time you finish ep 1 and 3 was the best.

I'll never forget how trolled I got by episode 3. I fell for it completely. I remember sitting here for minutes as soon as I realized Virgilia had opened her eyes as the two of them told Battler to sign.
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And after that you realized that they weren't even trolling.
You got your list backwards, seacat mate.

Kyrie's intelligence and type a personality are a miracle that not even Bern could ever find.

Eva's capabilities, tolerance to frustration and overall dedication above and beyond what was required of her, all those are excellent.

Natsuhi broke under years of extreme stress, feel sorry for her. Understand her. Love her.

Rosa a shit. Killing a baby? Impulse. Beating up your OWN child constantly? That takes a true rotten woman. Forgive her, because she is unloved.
Meh, I want to listen to rahugoldenslaughter for the first time. I remember picking up VN thinking it's a yet another datesim, and then THAT scene happened.
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>Forgive her, because she is unloved.
No, because she can make your dick feel super special.
>Best piece of music ever
>Realize the meaning of the title when it sounds again during Kinzo's flashback
Yeah but it turns out Kyries entire adult life and personality boiled down to being an obsessive bitch. Not only that but she was going to become a murderer if fate had not intervened. Worst wife.
What? Just look at that picture. >>88378083

How can you claim that anyone is better than her?
The entire mystery concept was supposed to lead into the romance. EP1 gives you the setting... and then EP2 dedicates THE FIRST FOURTH OF THE GAME TO ROMANCE.

The mind games required to solve the mysteries with human culprits were fun, but they were meant as the fun the two main lovers shared. Once the appropiate receiver gets the message, it stops being useful to them. Which is why they end up fighting against it from then on.
You mean BEST wife. She loves you so much she'll do the things you can't do to assure your success. Who cares about family.
You know, for the Stake representing pride (as far as I can recall) she enjoys being humiliated and abused a little too much.
And Asmodeus doesn't even know what sex is according to doujins
I realize this but it does not change the fact that the story would have been more enjoyable without it. The mystery and suspense were the fun parts. And damn were they fun. Shanon and kanon whining about love/furniture for hours was not fun.
That's the problem, though. Because you thought that "wasn't fun" you missed out on key information to solve the mystery.
Re-read EP2's introduction. Maria pretty much asks Kanon to "turn into Beato" and play with her. Kanon is right behind Kinzo while he cries about Beatrice and Beato tells Kanon how Kinzo has no love so he can't see her, when she's RIGHT BEHIND HIM.
The entire concept of "furniture" meant they were inferior than human, they could not love. Because they weren't physically able to. No matter how much George fantasized about having a big family with Shannon, she couldn't give him that. And Jessica even tries to cheer up Kanon by suggesting he should "make a different self who's actually able to do the things he can't".
Actually, I think the Umineko anime to be the quintessential example of bad pacing. I mean, it's like 99% following the original novel, and yet nothing feels like it. Characters, situations, emotions are all messed up. It's something that goes beyond bad.
I didnt need key information to solve the mystery because by the time I read episode 4 shkanon spoilers were on the front page all day.
>Oh wait, you can't!
Absolute failure.
... Did moot turn off searching with post links?
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That's what happens when mere humans try to use the power of a witch.
Oh wow, I remember this.
Fuck how long has it been?

Anyways, Sea Kitties was good stuff until Chiru. I don't know what happened there, but It simply made me lose all interest. To this day, I haven't even read chapter 8, and I was one of those faggots eagerly awaiting for a new chapter translation to be released.
Same exact thing here. I just stopped midway through 7. 6 was so bad so 7 was me giving the series one last shot and it failed.

I think the author was dragging his feet. He should have just ended it in 6 episodes instead of arbitrarily forcing himself to do 8 like Higurashi.

You should at least finish 7. The end of 7 is really good as we see the breakdown of the witch, and then the tea party shows what really happened.
>and then the tea party shows what really happened
No, fuck off. That's not what really happened. That's what happened in 1:2whatsoever possibilities.
I might honestly. Ive been itching to reread the whole thing recently. Just putting it off because it is so goddamn huge and the early parts of EP 1 and EP 2 are a massive pain to get through.
Auauora and new demons were really annoying.

Just when you thought you got how umineko mechanics worked the BAM you would get new bitches all around that fuck your understanding completely.

Ep5 Lamda being a GM and Bern solving the game would be a good development I think. After that Bern would be the gm in Ep6 and giving hell to Battler and in the end he would be the winner and reach the truth.
Ep7 would have him being the gm and challenging Ange about reaching the truth and giving the audience their most wanted answers instead of "you are all goats xD" shit.
Ep8 would be something similar to Higu Rei where Ange would need to show that she really treasures her truth and Uminekos throwing an ending party.
>the breakdown of the witch
What are you referring to here?
RIP Jessica Ushiromiya and Gohda

Everyone else had it coming

Yes even Maria

Especially Maria
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The answers to who is really Beatrice.
Yeah, replaying the game from the beginning, I just feel bad when reading all the easygoing scenes between the family members before they reach the island. And Gohda is a great guy, he was just an amazing cook who wanted to make people happy with his skills. He doesn't even have a moment to be proud of in the entire game.
Where is my DJ game where you date & fuck Seacats?
I wanna fuck Bern, Lamda, Ange, Beato, Shannon, Erika, Milfs, Valkyrie, Stakes, Bunnies, Dlanor and her comrades and all other females.
Fund it.

>Bern solving the game
> in the end he would be the winner and reach the truth.

As if she had a grasp of what was going on.

> and challenging Ange about reaching the truth

Ange didn't wanted the truth, she just wanted the answer that fits the most to her expectations and fits with how she feels about Eva. She had the right to, true, but that wasn't what she really wanted.

> Ange would need to show that she really treasures her truth

But she already did that in the magic ending...?
>Rosa not at the front of the list
Threesome with Rosa and Maria please
>stakes route

Aw fuck that 8-way

He was sort of a bully to Shanon and Kanon, but yeah, nothing compared to the siblings.
Jessica reminds me of Fighter in Eight Bit Theatre.

"All of you are terrible people."

"What about Jessica?"

"Jessica is a casualty."
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EP3 was fucking great man

EP4 was excellent....Except ange parts

they were booring.

Had the japanese Forums not been stupid EP 5 would be a stand alone just about Ange.
The only female Umineko I don't want to fuck is old hag with fish obsession. Every other female is hot. Or extremely hot. Or criminally hot. How was it possible to create such great cast?
Only by having the desire to brutally murder all of them and deny anyone a happy ending.
I was just arguing about how to make last 3 eps more enjoyable to everyone.
Bern reaching to the truth in ep5 and being a gm in ep6 would be a good twist imo.
After all she never got to become a proper gm this whole time and it's a waste.
Jessica and Gohda are alive, living happily in America.
Battler and Erika should have fucked.

Mmm, I found 5 and 7 to be quite enjoyable. Episode 6 had some hard flaws as well as episode 8. But out of all of them, episode 7 is my favorite.
>Had the japanese Forums not been stupid EP 5 would be a stand alone just about Ange.
What is this about?
I never heard anything about that.
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More like Battler should have just stayed a living doll and given everything up to Erika. He didn't know what he had.
You shouldn't marry to an 15 yo child.
it's illegal.
He mostly just had quite the firm pride in the entire business of Servitude. Where his standards kind of shot off to Kanon/Shanon as well.
But he always gave them all these advice and instructions for how they could avoid all the crap. Provided that he took the time to thoroughly go through everything with them all the time, I really got the impression that he cared and meant them well all things considered.
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He likes big breasts.
>He didn't know what he had.

A bloody and gored finger thanks to that ring, that's what he had
I want to be dominated by Erika too. I would give her more than just one finger.
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Agreed, friend
Don't touch her, filth.
They opened a Chinese restaurant in San Francisco.

Jessica was oddly enthusiastic about the Prop 8 and DOMA decision
Easy, let's just appreciate each other's good tastes.
At least shave your hand.
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Sup goat bros.
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Cool to see you guys again
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good taste
Her dress looks so cute.
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is this from ep2?
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It's from that one Umineko screenshot generator.
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To sum it up - Battler x Rosa is the true OTP.
Of course it is.

People are just too blinded not to see it.
Kyrie and Rudolf would murder Rosa hard if she were to woo Battler.

Actually this was one of my theories for Ep2 for a time in the past.
Why would that happen?
Not to mention that Kyrie and Rudolf usually die in the first twilight.
You know that thing about murder only happening because Battler has come back to the family in 1986 right?
I thought that Rosa got herself a reason to woo Battler (probably him finding gold or whatever) and other people noticed this and she decided to kill everyone else.
She first killed his parents and and the rest later (the goats that attacked her in the final of ep2 were probably the remaining family members or something.)
She is his aunt you know.
And Battle wouldn't go for a woman who is over her 30 and has a child.
>Battle wouldn't go for a woman who is over her 30 and has a child.

And this is why you will never be a player.
Battler's dick knows no bound.
Plus Rosa looks amazing for her age, maybe not that much in the vn, but still.
>Kyrie and Rudolf usually fake their deaths in the first twilight.
I don't think you can fix having small bombs exploding in your stomach.
Fuck, I forgot about the small bombs.
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It's a common mistake.
This happens to be an interesting re-read of the EP1. Amazing how everything takes on new meanings when you approach it with the solution

>>88365242 (OP)

Say that in red, faggot.
Rosa is giving me a fetish for single moms.
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>we will never get the amount of Battler x Rosa doujins that we deserve
Coming with a loli is a pretty good bonus
Why are Umineko doujin so shit
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I'm not attracted to Maria at all.
Well fuck you both
Snorting at 6 in the morning. Fucking saved.
I will be generous and give it to you in Green!
>The anime was ok!!!

Take this you fucking goat!
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>I will be generous and give it to you in Green!
It was okay, but then as soon as the first end it turned into K-on and got full on retarded.
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Is this some sorth of universal truth?
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Best girl
I bet getting in her pants would be rather easy. Just be friendly to her in school.
>tricking autistic kids into sex
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Moms are the best.
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After the stakes.
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Girl? What girl?
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Ara ara, what's going on in this thread?
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Erika is clearly the best girl.
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But she's a pervert!
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There is no room for a but here. It's a plus.
small bombs
I want to be seduced by Rosa.
I hope you're rich, single, in marriageable age and willing to put up with annoying, crazy brats.
I think she would be okay with anyone single. Bitch is desperate.
>single, in marriageable age and willing to put up with annoying, crazy brats.
>Bitch is desperate.
But why? She is pretty hot. Most people endure much worse to bang a hot girl.
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What a coincidence!
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Tough shit then.
Single mother extremely lonely husband abandoned her has daddy issues. Was treated poorly by her brothers/sister. Could use someone to help deal with Marias shit.

Yeah she is pretty desperate.
I meant why no man is consider staying with her.
Denying a hot women with experience just because she has a kid?
Raising another mans kid is not appealing to most people. Although Id love such a cute autistic girl like Maria.
You guys are ignoring the truth

ScumBattler Theory

Battler was a roided faggot who killed everyone on the island and lost his memory after a car crash.
Battler never really understood Mysteries.
Shannon was just hyped up and easily impressionable.
Battler is just good with words and a good flirt.
Battler is a player like his dad.
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forgot the picture
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No, because it's fucking Maria.
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dat everything
>google search
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So have already passed the point in this thread where it is appropriate to start shouting theories?
Threadly reminder that episode 8 is the best episode.
Google has good taste
that's not 7
or 3
I think any theory other than shkanon is just people mad about how shit the ending was being delusional.
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I want to protect this smile.
Indeed. Episode 8 is the best.
I would be very fine with Black Battler or Rosa.
I actually very much enjoy theories, and the entire structure of the game seems to support this. Although I agree boards are clearly meant to be explained with shkannontrice, at least we have the prime to discuss
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A slut never looked this appealing to me.
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gimmie those reaction images /a/

pretty please
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Why would we?
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Battler had unlimited swag.
>>88365242 (OP)
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Stupid sexy furniture.
I'd like a Xebec adaptation of Seacats...
Best marionette version
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>forgot to turn of my swag before going to bed
>woke up covered in stakes
But that's awful
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How do I forget to turn my swag off before going to bed? I also want to be covered in stakes.
Your taste in studios a shit
Anyone visiting /a/ has no swag
Why was the anime so shit? Why? I can't go on with such a shit adaption. Fuck DEEN, why are they allowed to touch things?
I wouldn't mind leaving /a/ if I could be covered in stakes.
Daily reminder that the stakes don't exist
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My lewd fantasies says otherwise.
It was just an attempted cash in. Oh Umineko is popular lets shit something out and hope they buy it.
Werent they maids?
Y-you win this round
What in this era of postmodernism isn't an attempt to try and cash in?
I get what youre thinking but generally the producer thinks at least a little about what the consumer wants. DEEN thought about how they could spend the least amount of money possible.
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Good times.
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>You will never discuss and speculate the seacats again

Captcha:lectven George
I remember EVERYONE desperately trying to come up with any idea that could prove shkanon wrong. It was so boring to later find out the answer we figured out before episode 4 got translated was correct.
I guess you haven't been to internet then
The discussion is still ongoing as people are speculating and trading interpretations
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>bt will never finish writing seacats.
>Share Umineko with someone else.
>Promote theorycrafting
>Fun times are had by all

Hell, I've seen a "Let's Play" of the games which promoted some fun early arguments. Just like old times. It's so cute how they're sure it was all Kinzo's fault.
It's just not the same...
Other than that, the early theories and stuff was very fun. Recently I have managed to force couple of my friends to read umineko and noticed that the theories generally follow the same direction for most of the people:

First everyone suspects kinzo, maybe because wouldn't put it past the father. Second, everyone upon reaching chapter 4 suspects beatrice to be battler's mother.

These kind of theories are maybe understandable, but when we mix readers that don't want/can't think themselves we get something totally out of the box: now I don't say that I myself am totally smart and all that stuff but at least the general structure of the gameboards and the game has been clear to me since the beginning. Sadly sometimes you get to witness people that genuinely believe the story is written in a way that the witch is the culprit, or some creepy fusions of human-witch culprit that somehow is a human but has magic abilities.
I know man, Umineko threads were the best time I had on /a/. I wish I could go back in time.
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I always raged hard when someone called Bernkastel trollkastel.
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Then you'll probably enjoy this
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>not renaming the file tumblr_
Babby's first troll

which is just a wank fantasy
Beelzebub was teasing Battler at the start of ep 4.
Kumasawa teased Battler
Does this mean it is implied sex?
...I don't get it
But Battler was talking about eating her tighs out.
Without love, it can't be seen.
What was your favorite scene in the vn? The one scene that made you go fuck yes.
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Most of them

Ep 2 end
Ep 3 Kyrie & Rudolf
Krauss vs. goat
Kinzo escaping closed room
Shannon vs. Kanon
Ep 7 tea party
Must have been the jump from the study
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Whelp, first screen was supposed to be this one.


The ending to Episode I. I got chills reading this.

When the seagulls cry, there are no survivors.
Probably the end of the first episode. It was all fresh and new at that point.
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медведь: When Bear Cry
wch seacat wld u fuq
Lucifer, Rosa, Erika well, everyone but Kyrie na, even her, except Kumasawa or whatever her name was
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Why did you make this indeed.
None of them

Erika would fuck me
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>same goes for other birds
Not in red not buying it
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The bitch sure had quite an imagination.
The Red only works within the catbox, japanese birds outside the catbox can cook spaghetti if I believe they can.
That's what happens when you're unable to have sex.
Ain't Yasu just a dude that wish he's woman? Or does he got castrated or shit?
Genitals, among other things, were mangled at the fall. It's unknown what's in Yasu's pants, but most signs point to Lion being a boy (one among them being that Kinzo wouldn't leave everything to a woman instead of a man)... so Yasu was probably originally a boy, lost his genitals... and so he had to grow up without a definitive body image or the appropiate hormones. Yasu plain doesn't know what he's supposed to be.

So, no, he's not "just a dude". If he was he'd be able to "accept" Jessica's love.
>His bombs were two sizes too small
This is golden.
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natsuhiXkinzo doujins when?
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Monthly reminder that Battler is the true culprit.
So I've heard the manga is doing a different ending the the sn and is pretty good. This true? I don't want to be disappointed again
Too bad black battler isn't even a real character
I heard the same thing, though I have read only two first chapters, and those were very close to the game. I believe some parts in chiru have been altered to make more sense/better pacing/overall better writing
of course she did, look at the fucking tulpas that bitch had.
No clue since it isn't scanned or translated.
Practically the sole purpose of EP5 was to tell you Lion was a boy. It's not really ambiguous, to be honest.
I think the point was gender issues, doesn't mean a boy

I understand there are lots of indications towards Yasu/Lion being a boy, but it is never stated as clearly as you seem to suggest
Let's say this. 17 people die on an island while there's an inheritance dispute. One of those people hadn't been seen in about a year or so prior to that. There's one survivor. She says it was an accident. No other witnesses. A bottle is found, it was the work of a witch, but it has all kinds of details about the lives of those 17 people.

What would you think? Would you really think that magic was real? Or would you think that there were explainable causes for it that didn't depend on magic?

Episode 1 Question: "Is this possible for a Human?" Episode 5 Answer: "Yes."
Episode 2 Question: "Then why all these apparently unsolvable things?" Episode 6 Answer: "Shkannon."
Episode 3 Question: "Would things have been different if the Epitaph was solved/Who is guilty? Episode 7 answer: "No. The murders occur because the Epitaph is solved, not because it isn't. While Yasu may or may not have had a plan, the family would have killed with or without it. They are all ready to kill."

Which leaves us with Episode 4's question:
"What happened on Rokkenjima that day and what does that mean for Ange the last surviving member of the family?"

And Episode 8's Answer:
"What happened on Rokkenjima that day is likely pretty close to what we showed you in Episode 7. However, it's up to Ange to choose her own personal truth and how she wants to remember her family. It's her call whether to see the worst in them or the best in them."

Higurashi is about changing a fate that only APPEARS inescapable.
Umineko is how we as human beings handle an unchangeable tragedy.

So, was it a mystery, was it a fantasy, are the Ushiromiya's good people or are they murderers? Should we drag out their guts at their funerals and expose their ugliness? Or should we put flowers on them and let them rest?

That's the choice for the reader to make.
Like EP1 saying Jessica won't be the actual Head of the family. Her husband will be. Only a boy can be the Head.
And Lion got to be the head, so...
But you can choose what you want to see in your family. We get to see Episode 8's fantasy-- what the Uroshimya's wanted to be but couldn't due to their weaknesses and failings. It's a funeral.

There is a reason we do not put the dead on trial.
EP5 does nothing but reiterate to you over and over that Yasu as a baby was a boy. Yeah it's not stated in red or anything, but there's really no reason to think otherwise asides from "it's not one hundred percent confirmed."
Kinzo only gave baby Lion to Natsuhi because he was afraid of making the same mistake with her that he did with the last Beatrice.

That wouldn't make sense if it was a boy.
episode 2 does nothing but reiterate 'its impossible, a witch did it!"

Your point?
It wasn't out of fear, it was out of regret for Beatrice the Second's death and what he did to her. He wanted Lion to have a normal life.
No, Kinzo gave Natsuhi the baby simply to atone for what he did to the second Beatrice and raise him as a proper Ushiromiya.

Genji is the one who hid Lion from Kinzo after he lost his dick and Kinzo had gone visibly insane. You're mixing the two up.
unlikely that its a boy
And then the entire rest of the series is about how that isn't true and not to believe it, whereas the answer episode re-highlights the gender discrepancy as being important. It's not the same at all.
unlikely because ________

fill in the blank
God, Erika is adorable in the manga.

This makes me moist.
Yasu is my waifu, I want a deformed messed up little girl, not a boy.
___most of the personalities are female__
___she feels stronger attachment towards female side___
___changes of surviving penis chopoff much smaller___
___hidden from kinzo because insest___
___every female personality more dominant than kanon___
___muh pure maiden___
What people fail to understand is that Yasu's gender is meaningless.
It always was.
Not because we need to know but because it is irrelevant.
It's the reason why Lion is never given a gender.

All we can do is speculate based on sexism of Kinzo's judgment and nothing more.

People just assume Yasu a boy because a guy with gender issues is considered more fucked than a girl with gender issues.

And even then, Yasu did not cause any of the murders. So it is irrelevant either way.
Ep7 pretty much confirms it.
People like discussing it

Same as the prime: lesson in ep 8 points quite clearly that people indeed died and nothing else, like who the real culprit is, is relevant. But this brings a perfect change for discussion.

And I like to think Yasu is a girl because it fits better with her character portrayal, but to be fair, there are many clues pointing out high possibility of she being a he (even Ryu kinda confirmed this)
She was attached to her female personalities because she was raised as a woman and thought she was a woman until she found out the truth. That's even more cause to understand why she went insane once she found out what she really was. Really, I don't understand what the people in the denial even think the gender issue was all about or why it was included. According to that line of thought it's all pointless.

Saying it's irrelevant is ignoring the furniture complex, which is one of the most important points of Yasu's motive. Yasu not being able to be your precious pure maiden is what made her want to kill herself.
ep 8 was pretty much ''why does it matter, just leave it alone'' from battler and no one listening to him because murder and speculation is goddamn interesting.

Tohya was pretty delusional.
So you are saying the gender issues can only exist if you turn out to be lied to your original gender and otherwise everything would be pointless?


Where is it stated that she was raised as a girl? Where is it stated that she was forcibly raised as a girl? Where is it stated that someone even revealed her to be a dude? Where is it stated her complex was caused by this?

Gender issues are a complex subject and you cannot seriously claim that there exists only one interpretation and others make the entire story pointless. What about if her issues were caused by no change of reproduction and the overall confused state of not even knowing her sex? This is completely in line with the story and doesn't mean she was necessarily a boy.

That she was raised as a girl can be deduced from the fact was raised as Shannon. The red guts flashback at the end of EP7 shows us that she developed her furniture complex as a result of being told about a horrible injury on her body that meant she was incapable of love, that made her want to kill herself. There was no evidence at all of a furniture complex or gender problems before that point.

EP5 goes out of its way to remind us that Yasu as a baby was a boy. EP7 even reminds us of that. Yes, gender issues are complex and can come from many things, but once again it's resorting to a simple "we can doubt it because it's not 100000% confirmed/lack of evidence" when what's there points to something very clear.

What makes the idea of Yasu being born as a boy so unpleasant to you? It doesn't change that her identity is that of a woman. It makes almost everything about her actions and motives make sense. Pretending otherwise makes many of the deliberate clues the story provided meaningless or incomprehensible, so you can't hide behind "gender issues could be anything" in this case.
Good points are being rased as shannon and furniture complex because being incapable of loving, but neither of those is an argument against Yasu being a girl, but in fact, very neutral statements: upon further analysis the fact that Yasu was raised as Shannon would point out towards her actually being a girl, otherwise people surrounding her were total dicks supposing they knew her gender as child as you claimed in your post.

EP5 pointing being a boy
>citation needed
EP7 reminding
>citation needed
I myself didn't notice any solid evidence and if you did I'd ask you to prove them somehow

As you stated the gender of Yasu isn't very important point and in fact doesn't change the story in any way. But
>resorting to a simple "we can doubt it because it's not 100000% confirmed/lack of evidence"
in this argument is a double-edged sword because no concrete evidence exists: implications can be found pointing in both directions and interpreted in any way possible, because dealing with gender issues has no established and "correct" logic.

If we take (what you seem to agree on) that Yasu's central complex (furniture) is about incapability of loving, it is a clear implication of damaged reproduction organs upon impact. That in no way points in direction of Yasu being a boy. I fail to see how realization (that necessarily didn't even happen and wasn't implied outside sustained damage) gives more logic towards actions of Yasu: everything makes sense despite her gender as the central dilemma has been made clear.

This is not hiding behind "gender issues could be anything" as gender issues being anything is a valid point: it is not stated nor implicated that the gender issue is about incapability of loving and outside of this context every possible interpretation is only an interpretation. In this way none of the evidence we have can be described as clear implications.
Let me rephase parts of last chapter because it seems I'm getting sleepy or something

--a valid point: it is implicated that the gender issue is about incapability of loving and outside of this context--
>Yasu was raised as Shannon would point out towards her actually being a girl, otherwise people surrounding her were total dicks

People actually did this with boys who lost their penises, and it was considered a viable method of treatment. It's completely plausible that they thought raising Yasu as a girl was the best method of giving her a normal life.


This guy went through something similar for example.

>As you stated the gender of Yasu isn't very important point and in fact doesn't change the story in any way.

This is the opposite of what I said. It's very important if you want to actually understand Yasu. It's one of the biggest keys to her motive.

>EP5 pointing being a boy
Did you forget everything concerning the man from nineteen years ago?

>EP7 reminding
EP7 underscores that there's a gender issue, that it's important, and specifically brings up the episode where Yasu was shown as a man: EP5.

>implications can be found pointing in both directions and interpreted in any way possible,
No, it all pretty much points to one thing. Reasoning is possible, and Yasu's gender was stated to be a mystery. It's solvable. People just dislike the answer because they want PURE MAIDEN (except that the inability to be PURE MAIDEN is, you know, Yasu's motive) so they pretend otherwise.

>I fail to see how realization (that necessarily didn't even happen and wasn't implied outside sustained damage)
Someone needs to reread Umineko. Shannon, Kanon, and Beatrice never shut up about being furniture, and it is made very clear it is about sex and Yasu's body. The gender issues explain everything. Her self-hatred, why she was suicidal, many of the implications of the Shannon, Kanon, and Beatrice scenes, and a huge part of why she was running around as and was conflicted between genders in the first place. It's the reason she responded in such an unbalanced way to her love problem.
Kudos for actual argument with wikipedia link.

But sadly rest of your arguments are very weak.

Before going any further let me make myself clear: gender issues don't necessarily mean that she swapped gender. You are very much right saying that umineko in the viewpoint from Yasu is about gender issues, and I never claimed otherwise, like you seemed to misunderstand: my general point is that the gender issue discussed doesn't necessarily state her being a man. First:

>EP 5 19 years ago
Reason why people think it was a man is because Yasu is able to produce masculine voices: hell, think about kanon. At least some people totally bought "him". At the same time, it is proven that Yasu is capable of producing feminine voices: at least some people by her being shannon.

Only thing we know about man from 19 years ago is that she has a masculine voice (I don't remember if she said to be a "man", but at the same time Yasu pretty much claims to be a woman so this argument, if existing, is very shallow), and if we start throwing interpretations based on solely voice, I could say that Yasu is a female because she is able to produce feminine voices (as proven). This way this argument is invalid and doesn't underline Yasu being a man.

> there's a gender issue, that it's important, and specifically brings up the episode where Yasu was shown as a man: EP5
As I stated before to be clear, gender issue DOES exist and I'm not trying to deny this: however as I will soon discuss, gender issue != swapping gender. Only argument outside gender issue existing is reference to ep 5 that I previously already explained. This way this argument becomes invalid.

Then about gender issue: following your logic gender issue = Yasu realizing her sexuality is a lie, if I didn't totally misunderstood you.
>Shannon, Kanon, and Beatrice never shut up about being furniture, and it is made very clear it is about sex and Yasu's body
Exactly: the problem is mainly

post too long, continues

Therefore the problem with her sexuality is the lack of it: without proper genitalia her self image is messed. This is a gender issue, but not in a way you see it: in no point it actually points towards her gender, but in fact resulting confusion of the accident.

>No, it all pretty much points to one thing
It's like you are trying to make a point out of something that's not quite there. So far I have proven to you your objective truth can be seen from different viewpoint and no evidence you brought up definitely points out to one correct truth. Gender issue existing is a fact. Anything outside her confusion being deducted from the issue is interpretation.
>Only thing we know about man from 19 years ago is that she has a masculine voice

You need to replay EP5. The man from nineteen years ago references himself specifically as a man. So does Natsuhi. He goes as far as calling himself Natsuhi's son and Jessica's brother.

>This is a gender issue, but not in a way you see it: in no point it actually points towards her gender, but in fact resulting confusion of the accident.

And why, exactly, is she confused? A woman with a damaged vagina is still a woman. Why is it brought up as a man vs woman issue, with her playing the roles of both genders and being symbolized by a man and a woman? She's not portrayed as gender neutral. It's man and woman. Why explore Yasu's infancy through the specific portrayal of her as a man, with gender issues in mind? It's not just reproduction issues. Natsuhi with reproduction issues was never portrayed the way that Yasu was. It goes deeper than that.

Your argument has no answers for any of this, is what I'm saying. All you have is "it doesn't necessarily mean..." which is why it comes across as pure denial.
>>Can we still do this?
>You need to replay EP5
If you read my previous post you'd see I pretty much countered this already, but let's do it again: most of her personalities are female and she refers her as a female. Why would this phone call have more "value" than the other statements? Is it like, a truth phone, or something? This argument can be simply countered by saying that Yasu is female because Shannon is perceived as a female. This is not science. You decide to believe the phone call because it backs up your point. That's all. Hell, this next is kinda lame argument, but find me a proof that this phone call even ever happened and wasn't something lambda decided to include. The truth value is as neutral as Shannon's existence.

>And why, exactly, is she confused?
And as I stated again in my previous post, the confusion is because the lack of genitalia. It is not because "damn son I used to have a penis so fucking depressing", it is because she has grown without certainty in her own sexuality. This isn't science again, IN NO PART IT POINTS OUT TO HER BEING A MALE, BUT THE GENERAL CONFUSION IS HER LACK OF SEXUALITY AND FOLLOWING INABILITY TO REPRODUCE. This is the entire point of her confusion and agony. Imagine growing in a state where you don't have a clue whether you are a male or female: this is described in your point of "man vs woman": again this isn't an implication of Yasu having a penis but being uncertain of herself and her sexuality. Being uncertain of your sexuality, again, is neutral, and this uncertainty can be achieved no matter what gender you are: the complex isn't about missing penis but her conflict of whether perceiving herself as man or woman. IN NO POINT IT POINTS OUT TO INTERPRETATION OF YASU BEING A MAN.

>Your argument has no answers for any of this, is what I'm saying. All you have is "it doesn't necessarily mean..."
Then I believe you didn't bother to read my posts and for your leisure have highlighted the key parts with ragecapslock.
As my key argument was that you are unable to solidly prove that Yasu is a male and therefore can also be said to be a female, my posts have not been "denial" but an effort to point out your theory isn't as solid as you believe it to be. Therefore you stating Yasu to be a man with points that can be countered, and I pointing out the flaws or the key neutrality of your claims by pointing out that they can easily be explained the other way, is at your part nothing else than your decision to believe Yasu to be male. If you have failed to see the key points and explanations I made for you pointing out this neutrality of the issue and still choose to believe your theory based on points that already have been proven to have multiple explanations, then, I guess that's textbook example of denial.
EP5 is significant because it's Yasu's portrayal of her identity prior/without the accident changing it: what she should have been and grown up to be. A man. Lion was Natsuhi's son and Jessica's brother. Natsuhi reinforces this and never questions the gender of the caller once she learns it's her lost son.

We can trust the phone call because Will refers to it as evidence in EP7 and Beatrice discusses it seriously, with herself as the caller, in EP8.

>And as I stated again in my previous post, the confusion is because the lack of genitalia.

Your argument doesn't make sense. Yasu doesn't have any gender problems before she finds out about the accident with the cliff. She did not "grow up" uncertain of her sexuality. She simply thought of herself as a woman before Genji and Nanjo told her the truth.

She is uncertain of her sexuality because the truth of her physical body is at odds with her identity. That is true. The problem is that for some reason you keep feeling the need to muddle WHY she is uncertain, what led to her agony and insanity, when the series spells it out quite clearly. "I was raised as a girl and whoa then Genji told me I was a girl, this means I am conflicted between being a man and a woman!" doesn't make any sense.
I'm just going to use this change to point out that vaginas aren't invulnerable or cannot be damaged to point of identity loss


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