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Yo /a/ I usually never read manga is it actually worth it.(watamote and attack on titan) Or should I read light novels
>>89194076 (OP)

The fuck are you asking?
Should I actually fucking read the mangas
Never ever read light novels. They are the lowest for of entertinment
You first read the source material, champ
That way you don't need to piss yourself over spoilers and you wouldn't embarrass yourself in public.
If you actually enjoy complete stories then yes, you should read manga.
If you like watching anime and having the plot end midway then continue living in ignorance.

With SnK, yes, read the Manga. The show will never catch up to it, so if you care about, just read that.

With Watamote, depends. Would you enjoy watching the show after reading the manga and seeing all the jokes? Maybe? It can be nice to see it animated.

And never read LNs. They are the lowest of the low in terms of literature, lower than VNs.
What do you have against LNs?

Have you ever read them? The prose is already terrible in the native language. Them being translated just compounds the issue.
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For Watamote you don't really need to read the manga, the anime is far superior unlike SnK where you NEED to read it - Reiner is the Armored Titan- because the Spoilers - Annie is a Titan- are every -Berthold is the Colossal Titan - where.
>Implying the feeling of seeing an animated scene of one of your favorite mangas isn't above a spoiler
anon pls
manga is better than anime in usually every case
there's plenty of great manga to read
quality of manga content is usually better, and there are way more selections of manga to choose. the experience may not be as exciting as what animation has to offer of course.

If you haven't read manga yet... then i guess you're lucky, since it means there's a LOT of good stuff out there that you haven't even experienced yet.
Well, SnK animation is shit.
You tell me.
I've never read PunPun should I?
Didn't you enjoyed the Armored Titan attack? Or the potato?

SnK manga art is shit too.


Give it a try
It's not like you need to download a 500 MB file or shit. Just google it and start reading, it takes 2 seconds.
Meh, shoot me or whatever, but I didn't see much problem with the Haruhi light novels; they kinda got better as they went along. I guess it depends on the translator.

But I agree that more visual stuff will run into more problems in translation.

And if you ever insult the Slayers light novels, I'll murder you. They're the shit. Some parts are better-written than the anime, given the first-person narration.
Yes. Reading Watamote is one of the requirements you must undertake before you are allowed to post on /a/.
I did, but it's getting worse and worse with every new episode and I'm being serious.
I hope the Annie arc would be well animated because the recap ep.

>SnK manga art is shit too.
This may be true but I'm looking for the mysteries all over the place, so I don't really care also Isayama is improving.

I think the anime is just moving to fucking slowly. I mean, the manga moved pretty slowly also, but it didn't seem to move slow.
That's because you marathoned it.
Waiting for a monthly publication hurts.

Don't act like I don't understand that.
"Hey, what is going to happen this chapter? Oh, nothing."
Watamote is the only manga I've ever read and I've seen 300+ tv series.
>Reading Watamote is one of the requirements you must undertake before you are allowed to post on /a/.
I want /v/ to leave
what does /v/ even have to do with anime or manga?

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