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Last weekend we conducted 4chan PMQ/Q&A #3, with 1400 people contributing 4500 posts over 22 hours. I managed to spend the better part of a day answering as many questions as possible—thread here.
Since loading large threads can be a bit of a pain on slower computers, you can also see my replies from the /q/ index (hover over the "Administrator Replies" quotelinks).

Thanks to everyone who asked questions and participated!

Signed up for Snapchat as "MOOTCHAT"—can't wait for the torrent of dick pix!

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It's not my fault that I'm irrelevant!
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Why doesn't Alice just buy more screentime?
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>In Sword's case it's less being gay

Sword wants to fuck the Princess, sir.
Previously on PreCure: The crystal Regina steals comes from a statue of the Queen.
Queen is probably Ace instead of Regina.
Because she is content where she is. All she needs is to be with her friends.
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That's not complicated at all.
The drills and lipstick give it away.
Ace = Royal Crystals + Ai.
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I liked how mature Alice was towards Regina on the lastest episode.
>wanting to fuck royalty

Recipe for plenty complications.
Alice is always mature. A perfect lady.
What made her grow up so fast? I have a feeling that an episode about Alice's family life would wreck everyone's hearts.
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What if Regina transfers into Mana's class?
stupid memory card can't behave
Let's try this


脚本:田中仁 絵コンテ・演出:三塚雅人 作画監督:河野宏之 美術:斎藤

アクセサリーショップ 「ソリティア」 の店主・ジョー岡田。
彼の服を見て真琴は、 「トランプ王国の戦士の服装」 だという。


脚本:成田良美 絵コンテ:越智一裕
演出:岩井隆央 作画監督:上野ケン 美術:飯野敏典

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No, she's full-on dere-dere for Ange.
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>rotating it
You don't get it. The sideways is Mana's viewpoint here.
Why is MakoPi nopan?
Oh god yes this will be great.
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dat's why Alice is best gurl
Carry carry carryyyyyyy!
I can't wait for two weeks from now.
Joe can't have stock footage. That's why his fight scenes will be the best.

Then he'll die.
Davi never taught her about pants.
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Davi is the trolliest troll fairy.
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Thank goodness for that.
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They don't make 'em like this anymore.
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Based troll fairy.
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Does anyone know MakoPi better than she does?
>anyone knowing a Cure better than their platonic life partner
Nope. The babies are going to be closer to the Cures than their own mothers soon.
> Davi will never be your wingman to date Makoto
> You will never have a threesome with them both
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Makopi will never have a mother.
She imprinted on the Queen.
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Fair enough.
MakoP doesn't have a Mom and probably not Alice either. Rikka's close with her parents and fairy while Mana's kind of distant from her fairy anyways. It's hard to say if Mana's close to her parents or not since Mana's family hasn't gotten much screen time especially after the introduction arc.
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Mana's mom is shocked at Mana's outburst here. She doesn't know her own kid.
She got advice from her father in Episode 2 and they seemed pretty tight in Episode 5. Give them more time for fleshing out.
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>Give them more time for fleshing out.

Time well spent.
Bring on the family filler episodes, my heart is ready.
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I'd flesh out the Curemoms.
>family filler episodes
Do you think character development is filler or something?
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So how is Dokidoki so far anyway? Lost interest in Smile halfway through and not picked one back up since.
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I'm enjoying it quite a lot, moreso than I did Smile and Suite at least
Great character interaction and storytelling, but lackluster stock footage and fighting.
Yeah, I honestly think Doki Doki needs to slow down the plot a little to

Strong seven episode introduction, wanes a bit, then fucking Regina stomps in and creates chaos.

tl;dr Doki Doki is pretty good and if the episodic format of Smile was your issue, it rectifies that, but don't expect good fighting.
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Mostly lackluster fights, good character development. Try it and see if the characters click with you.
*to develop the side characters a little more. I'm somewhat curious about the teacher.
This >>85961347. But Mana's wink more than made up for the fights.
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Seriously. Those winks.
Smile is shit. You seem to have good taste sir.

Give Doki a try, I can't guarantee it'll suit you but it's better than Smile at lest.
I've been really impressed. The fights have been less physical and visually interesting but they usually feel pretty meaningful in terms of the episode themes and the way the episodes are structured, which is far more important and where Precure often falls flat. It's got some good episode flow and there's some great attention going into the character dynamic. Plus Regina is the most adorable cunt I've ever seen. Satan bless her.
I personally don't like the group wink. It took away the charm than when Mana does it alone.

They all look great when they look forward right after the shot though.

Sword needs to smile.
We still need to know what happened to Mana's grandmother and why her grandfather is always butthurt.
Yeah, Sword sort of ruins it. And it did take away from that special Mana quality. The wink really suits Mana. Whereas for everyone else...it's just there.
He's old. Old people are always butthurt. Mostly for hemorrhoids.
Cheers all!

I guess I might not mind dull fights if they have some meaning to them, and it seems like there's more substance to Dokidoki than Smile - I'll throw the first few eps on the backlog pile and see what happens.
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It seems Doki Doki doesn't care a little about side characters, and I kinda doubt they just would suddenly change this approach.
Well, who does still remember Jun? They have entire episode about him, but after he went unexistant without even small mention.
I wish there were more of this red girl.
Yeah the VotW format is annoying. I'd love to see and update on Reina showing her either turning her group of friends into a more close knit group like Alice's or ditching the bitches and finding real friends. Too bad it will probably never happen.
I keep seeing these threads pop up and now I'm finally curious.

What type of person derives the most enjoyment from watching the Precure series? Is it lolicons? Is it Sailor Moon fans? is it Madoka fans? Is it for hardcore anime watchers or can a casual dip his feet in these murky waters?

pls answer me.
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>I'll throw the first few eps on the backlog pile and see what happens.

I personally like DokiDoki and I hope you do as well.
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It's an anime intended for souless salarymen that caught on with little girls and manchildren.
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[✓] All of the above and more
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Little girls and old guys who probably wish they were little girls
> ジョーの正体とは?
> Joe's true identity is?
I want Yui Haga to design a Precure season.
Little of everything. Precure's had a steady presence on /a/ for years so you got a pretty good mix of people who tried it out. For Japan, it's mostly little girls but like with Sailor Moon, there's enough to appeal to adult anime watchers.
No one gonna translate this or what?

The small children who it's main demographic is like Kamen Rider
i want to lick not-nagisa's salty eyebrows
Since Mana is evidently the harem leader in this Precure season, what should she do with all this power she holds? I mean, come on, her pheromones are powerful stuff.
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>what should she do with all this power she holds?

Two words: tea party.
Take over the school.

... Shit.
Win over everyone with the power of LOVE and FRIENDSHIP. She's basically like a smarter version of Cure Dream with a superior civilian form (complete with possible cybernetics)
>The small children who it's main demographic is like Kamen Rider
Does this mean each episode is about as deep as an inflatable backyard pool? I shouldn't expect to be engaged mentally when watching it, I should just turn off my brain and pretend that I'm a child?
Is that what watching Precure is like?
Why don't you stop asking and try watching it yourself
>They have entire episode about him
The entire episode was about Jun IN RELATION TO MANA. Mana was the focus of the episode, but from an outside perspective. It was about showing how her actions can frustrate others even though she's doing nothing but helping with good intentions.
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Regina also only remember Mana, even when the only time she's confronted the arrow attack is with all 4 of them winking. I don't blame her. Maybe it's the toothy grin, maybe it's because the girl who does it is so alpha, maybe it's because of the color/character desgin. There's just something princely charming about Mana's wink.
Clearly you've never seen any of the good Kamen Riders.
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I have watched Mahou Shojos since I was little, they kind of grew on me.
it's episodic
Fine just one more question.
Should I watch the current series or start at the very beginning?
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I dreamed about being alone with Mana, watching the city at the top of some building. Then I hugged her and she kissed me. I felt her body and it was the best moment of my life.
>What type of person derives the most enjoyment from watching the Precure series?
The people who like things like this Educational video

I recommend you start at the beginning but you can technically start anywhere that isn't one of the sequel seasons
Just start with the current one.
There is no connection between the seasons except for sequels. Start anywhere you want.
i hope you're a girl
>Should I watch the current series or start at the very beginning?

Current series, or maybe one of the non-sequels if you prefer to marathon a completed series.
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She said she hopes you're a girl.
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Make sure to report back to tell us we're all faggots for enjoying this shit. We get off on that.
The only way real mana would do that is if you were a girl

you probably kissed some slutty cosplayer

Man whoever made this one really went all out

Go to bed, Rikka.
Yeah, that's true. But they still could not throw away the character after that.
I do not like how the main cast is living in some sort of vacuum where they do not interact with other people except family (very rarely) and villains.
Alright will do. I'll start with Heartcatch since apparently that's the one with Erika and I like her the most from the few doujins I've "studied" on the subject.
Thanks for the answers fellows.
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So, I've been wondering. Which Cure series do you think had the best group dynamic?
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Can you define "group dynamic"?

For example, I love Erika and Tsubomi's dynamic, but that's only half of their group.
>But they still could not throw away the character after that.
Well you don't know that yet. He could show up again.

Mana and Rikka interact with their families frequently though, as well as Alice with Sebastian
Yes! 5.
Futari wa and Splash Star.
>I'll start with Heartcatch
Good starting choice

>apparently that's the one with Erika and I like her the most from the few doujins I've "studied" on the subject.
This is a thing people do to decide on what to watch?
Yes5 and Splash Star.
This surprises you? I've watched more than a few series purely for doujin backstory.

Not Precure though.
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>This is a thing people do to decide on what to watch?
Porn often helps to, ah, "turn on" new /pc/ viewers.
Futari Wa. Nagisa and Honoka growth as friends was really well done in my opinion.
Itsuki always felt like a third wheel to those two and Yuri might have well as been on Pluto for how much she actually interacted with the others Cures. This probably one of my biggest problems with Heartcatch.
Futari wa because of hand holding.

SS had a little bit too though it wasn't emphasized nearly as much.

Speaking of such lewd things, I was surprised to see some decent hand holding in Doki episode 15. It even zoomed in when Rikka and Mana grabbed hands.
If by group you mean more than two, then Splash Star and YPC5. Doki would be a contender but it's too imbalanced right now. Maybe over the season it'll even out though.
Yes5 often had hand-holding orgies where all 5 held hands together. How lewd.
>That part where Rikka beats the monster and looks at where Mana held her hand

There's actually been quite a few times where they've had random hand holding so far
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>Futari wa because of hand holding.
Oh my stars and garters, and all of my yes.
I want to lick protoype-Saki's spicy eyelids.
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>SS had a little bit too though it wasn't emphasized nearly as much.
What the fuck? You sure we watched the same anime?

>I was surprised to see some decent hand holding in Doki episode 15
>That part where Rikka beats the monster and looks at where Mana held her hand
>There's actually been quite a few times where they've had random hand holding so far

Screenshot? I don't remember these.
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So she can be selfless but is bad at it? Or she is confusing selfishness and selflessness.
>she is confusing selfishness and selflessness.
Kind of. She's lacking some empathy since she isn't listening to what Mana really wants and is focused on making Mana like her.
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poor Mana, she deserves better than Flip inbetweeners
I want to give mana a lot of my money, in the form of tips that I slide into her lingerie.
She's sincerely trying to be nice. The problem is, she was brought up to believe people are suppose to be all selfish. That's why she honestly thinks getting rid of the burden of "school" is something Mana would want. Because that's what someone 100% selfish would want.
Rikka, you can eat for free at Mana's. She doesn't ask you to pay.
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>Why the hell do I have to be the punching bag? I wanna hit something. Fucking Sailor Moon devs.
You did get to though. Like three episodes ago.

A short yet rather awesome moment at that
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Rosetta's fights have been among the best in Doki. (Not saying all that much, but it's still true.)
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As long as their "fights" revolve around them being friends as fuck with each other, I'm okay with anything.
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Being Alice is suffering.
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She loves it.
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Regina a shit.
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u sund mad rikka
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Fuck you.
Regina a lovely little brat.
Hi there, based.
Is it me, or Rikka didn't fight nearly enough when Regina was stealing Mana away from her?
I think she was treating Regina like she would treat a selfish little kid. Besides, it's Mana's choice to actually befriend her; she knows that Mana will come back.
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I think Rikka is starting to become desensitized to weird shit.
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She knows her making a fuss won't be enough to crash Manabot's routines. She's used to it.

alternatively, she's secure in her relationship as Mana's wife and/or Swallow
But what if Mana is really into TOSHINO KYOUKO-look-alikes and not Swallows?
She understands that Mana just want to be nice to Regina, that's why she doesn't get jealous. That wasn't the case with MakoP in earlier episodes: Mana actually likes MakoP alot so MakoP posed a real challenge to Rikka's status, that's why Rikka feels threaten and got "complicated feeling".
She never left. She understands how it is with Mana. Loving harem MC is suffering.
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I hope not.
She's the only girl with any common sense on the show.
She's not though. Compare how Mana reacts to Regina vs. Makopi back when she was all into Makopi in the beginning. Regina is not Mana's Feito.
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Daily garden of Bitches

It's too late for Honoka
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I dreamed about being alone with Mana, watching the city at the top of some building. Then I hugged her and she kissed me. I felt her body and it was the best moment of my life.
Forget Rikka, I'm sure the whole damn school is already desensitized. Heck, a loli with a huge red bow and an obvious black dress waltzed in and asked their student president if she wanted to play and no one batted an eye.
The school gave up trying to understand Mana and her friends around when the floating cellphones showed up.
They're used to Mana's constant harem acquisitions.
>various degrees of bitchiness
One of Mana's classmates keeps trying to upload videos of Mana's weirdness to Youtube and is getting seriously freaked out by Sebastian's censorship.

Dude just wants to know what the fuck is going on.
Why is Cure Sunshine so ugly?
Because she's a guy.
Because she's not
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>we've entered an endless recursion of time!
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Mana dad is a pretty cool guy
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I dreamed about being Mana alone with Mana, watching the city of the top of some building. Then I hugged me and she kissed her. I felt my body and it was the best moment of my life.
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Also question, why are Yellow cures so lewd?
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How can you not like Dat ass
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Here. You can stop posting those separately now.
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So when did /a/ start to like Ako? I remember when Suite was on the air, even saying her name would start all types of hate.

Not that I mind I always thought she was pretty cute
/a/ is not a hive mind. Stop asking question that way.

Personally I don't care for her. As in neither like nor dislike. I've never hated her and thought her bitching was actually interesting, and then she transformed into a forgetable character by throwing that characteristic away.
Some people marathoned and saw that Suite was good.
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So was there ever a reason in show for Nozomi. I mean the girl admits that before the show started she had never finished a book before. However somehow when she is Cure Dream she becomes hyper competent.
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Damnit Ako I know you are a yellow but little girls shouldn't be so lewd
Nozomi is the kind of girl who when she focuses on something, she can be very good at it. She's also exceptionally skilled when it comes to people...there are people like that who have natural charisma.
>Pretty Cure 1292
Why do you use this terrible naming scheme?
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Also don't forget she is one of the few cures with a murder switch. Once it is flipped all bets are off and the freestyle begins
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I have tags that I use to sort them with. So if I want to find a Aqua pic with her sword I just type "Aqua, Sword" and all of them pop up. This way I don't have a ton of cure folders.
>the few cures with a murder switch

Nagisa, Honoka, Saki, Nozomi, Yuri, Reika. Who else?
Oh yeah, I forgot Hibiki. That glare she gave Howling when she saw him hurted Kanade was kinda awesome, and she blasted him into nothingness right afterward.
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Don't Recall Honoka having a murder switch, and I didn't watch all of Smile so I don't know about Reika. I do find it strange that Kanade didn't go off when Souta got targeted by the MoTW.

The first time Hibiki got a power up, while she really didn't do much. The second time I let slide cause I assumed she was shipping him with Ako.
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That is strange younger bother/sister normally always set off the older sister cure.
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Nagisa has some of the best rage beatdowns
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Nao is suffering.
Different people different reactions. Not everyone has a murder mode when they're really upset.
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I think she might me overreacting
While that is true I think it is a hit on the writers for giving Hibiki a power up on what was clearly a kanade episode.
But why the numbers?
what else would I use. I don't want file names that are a bunch of random numbers and letters so I just do a group name change. Giving each series its own name like, Splash Star 1, Fresh 1, seem like a waste of time since I have the tags.
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Why do I like Nao so much
"Kanade episode" doesn't exist. Everything she does is in heavy relation with Hibiki and the bond between them.
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How can you say that when in the very episode the main focus was Kanade's relationship Souta.
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If you're implying that I find her superior to another Green, you might be correct.
How do the tags work with the numbers though?
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Step your game up young blood
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When you play the game of Asses, you SPATS, or you die.
The Numbers don't matter they are just the file name. When I search the folder it checks file name and the tags. since all the names start with pretty cure, and I don't put a number in the search it just checks the tags
They won't be a pair. Cures like more refined or older guys. Or fairies.

I always liked her.
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Mint's got the full package she doesn't need spats to hold anything in place
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>that bulge
>main focus was Kanade's relationship with Souta

and Hibiki's own familial situation (single child).

But yeah, I stand corrected that there is a Kanade episode. Ep 4 with the cake contest and Siren as fake judge.
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Spats and soft asses are where it's at.
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Looking a little flabby there, Mint.
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pure love, etc.
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Ako is taking the long view on this. It is better to get one hooked early and train him up to be the perfect husbando
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Fat bottomed greens, you make the precure world go round.
It might happen, or it might not.
Shipping them just because they are in the same age is wrong.
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Remember to eat all of the greens for best health, anonymous.
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I can't post any more green without breaking the lewd barrier.
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Beat is the best cure. Here are some facts

Best Cure form: Thigh High Boot the sexiest footwear a cure can wear. Purple hair with gold eyes, fuck all those other cure with matching hair and eyes this shit is hot.

Best Cure Weapon: Love Guitar Rod is awesome

Best Character Song: Do you even know any of the other cures character songs

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Oh but it doesn't stop there unlike some cures she is also cute when she isn't a cure.
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People ship thing cause they like them right and wrong don't play into it at all
Cure Beat, Rhythm and Peach are tie at best Cure design for me.

Beat has the best Cure weapon. I don't think anyone even dare to challenge this fact.

No comment on character song, since I haven't listened to all of them.
How did you implement that then?
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Would you like Smile more if Akane were a Neo Nazi?
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I used Picasa, just select all the pictures and use rename. I guess you could just use the rename in windows, but then all the files would be "pretty cure(1)" and that just would drive me nuts
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if you are talking about the tags all jpg on windows 7 can have tags put on them. as for the gifs I just do a search for "pretty gif" and all of them pop up. I don't have many of them so I can look them over pretty quick if I need to find one. the same goes for other image file types
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delicious Nao ass
This got me thinking, who look better/worse after they transform? For me:

Visibly better as Cure: Nagisa, Nozomi, Makoto
A little better as Cure: Karen, Komachi, Kanade, Ellen, Miyuki, Yayoi, Mana
Worse as Cure: Saki, Mai, Urara, Itsuki, Hibiki, Ako, Akane, Nao, Rikka, Alice

Of course this is not to say any of them is ugly, in fact several of the above are awesome in both forms (Kanade, Ellen, Mana, Rikka).
Only jpg?
This is the first good thing I've heard about Windows 7.
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I don't like Cure Mana that much. Mana has a lot of good things, but the best is definitely her hairstyle.
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Visibly better: Nagisa, Rikka, MakoP, Itsuki, Komachi
Worse as Cure: Mana, Love, Setsuna, Hikari

The others don't have a difference of worth for me. For example Alice are quite different, but I love both of her forms just equally.
Speaking of Haruyama, he better give us Regina today.
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>Worse as Cure : Ako
But ... Muse was awesome (in her black cure form)
Very small Cure in a very sexual outfit.
She got my penis' attention.
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You failed to mention the BEST cure.
Picture related, it's Honoka.
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I improved your Honoka a bit.
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Suite had so much special attacks, it was really good
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Nagisa underwent character regression.
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I've got the weirdest boner right now.
Now switch their Cure outfits and give me fanart!
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> Music-themed Precure
> the attacks are generic circles of light instead of being based around singing
Ellen kind of makes up for that but still.
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Honoka looks so good in Black's outfit
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Still better than Fresh where they had random themes and all were fucked up somehow.
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Indeed she does.
Cures with swords fucking when? It's been years, and Beauty used hers way too little.
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>Long-haired Nagisa is Cure White, the somewhat shy Lacrosse player
>Short-haired Honoka as Cure Black, the energetic and outgoing pres of the science club

FUND IT, we need a Bizarro Cure OVA.
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>found: 1
Don't know why the plugin doesn't detect it.
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Thank ye kindly. I'm not hating what I found instead though.
I feel the same. I just wish older /pc/ doujins would get translations. I need my dose of hand-holding.
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You monster.
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I'm sad to know this /pc/ doujin will probably never get scanned, let alone translated. . .
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Kamen Rider Black would've been proud of her.
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Posting superior pic.
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Futari W
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Body splitting in half included.
Heh, good one.
I've got more. shall I post them?
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Do it.
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It's amazing what an alternate colour-scheme can do.
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Gracias dude.
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Shouldn't Nozomi be Ryuki?
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Why is Alice such a pure girl?
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Artist is called syu-ho2501, btw. Can be found on both danbooru and pixiv.
I want to lick not-Nagisa's peppery eyebrows.

She's a classy lady.
Needs awesome theme here...
You guys made me realize that I only watch /pc/ due to Sentai nostalgia.
when will they make another precure series where there are only one or two precure at maximum
too many cures only lessens the character development of each character
I want a series with only three Cures: Green, blue and red.All are tomboys.
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Was if only Red was a tomboy?
It's a 50 fucking episode season. Shows with more characters have more meaningful development in half the time. The number of Cures is not the issue.
Can it be a sports-themed series?
We all know Toei wants to.
And Nagisa and Honoka will be the teachers at their schoolNagisa will teach PE and give them Lacrosse lessons.
Is this supposed to be Kuuga?
Jam Project does everything but the OP and ED.
Throw in a meek/nerdy manager and I'm on board with this.

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We all know who would really be Kuuga
She can turn into a violet Cure mid-season.


I'd love Toei if they did this.
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here let me help you

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This is gold.
Masaaki Endoh is the broest of the bros, singing both Precure and Hidamari openings long with the mostn manly songs of all time.
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Hey would Alice get more screen time if she had a better cure form
Alice' Cure form is good and way better than her normal form. What the fuck are these things in her hair anyway?
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I wish he had done more Precure songs though, or at least that we had a CD version of the ones he did (though what I posted might be the only one).

I love her Cure form, it's the civilian form that I have issues with. I love Alice but that hair is just...
> you will never feel that Hidamari Poka Poka
Is there anyone who actually likes the hair in civilian form?

And Alice would be more popular if she actually did something for once. She doesn't even go to the same school as the rest.
How are you liking Doki?

It's not very Sentai like, is it?
The fairy can be their manager?
Not really. But my tastes have advanced a bit and my favourite seasons are Futari Wa > SS > HC = Fresh. Yes5 is fluctuating quite a bit, I don't really know why.
I also never watched Suite or Smile, is that a good or bad thing?
Opinions are all over the place on these two. Personally I liked them, but then again I liked all of the shows. Hating is for pussies.
> spoiler
Good taste.
>I also never watched Suite or Smile, is that a good or bad thing?
You're not missing out.
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The most sentai like cures would be yes 5
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Suite is much better when you marathon it. It also has one of the better final villains, and the last fight is really good
there needs to be more precure leaders that isnt red/pink
Green should be the leader for once.
Green should be relevant for once
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I don't have any precure X sentai stuff, but this may count despite Marvelous being here only.
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Like green cures have what it takes to lead.
inb4 "Why do they look so depressed?"
They look tired to me
Yes just takes a while to get going, the longest to get going out of all of them, even Fresh. But once it starts it doesn't stop. The difference between it and Fresh though is that it starts getting good because those first 15-16 episodes brought a solid foundation to work off of even if the episodes themselves weren't really anything special in and of themselves, whereas Fresh took 7 or 8 episodes before they realised they actually didn't have any idea where they were going with anything. It's a good thing they did, too, because they certainly picked a good direction in the end.
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Why do they look so delightful?
Shitty fastfood = shitty mood.
Should have eaten something good instead.
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I love it when the cure pinks come together, makes fapping a very happy time!
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Well, fighting evil is very exhausting
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Yep, she really is the Kaixa of Precure...
Wait, is that hilt also a blade?
Seems impractical.
How is Wizard now?
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Cutest Pink:
Coolest Pink:
Loveliest Pink:
Lewdest Pink:
Smartest Pink:
Stupidest Pink:
Most Charismatic Pink:
Strongest Pink
Weakest Pink:

Overall Best Pink:

Are you questioning Axecalibur? Because it is Axe. Calibur. It takes no shit from anyone.
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Still really bland. Beast and Gremlin are the best parts of the show, even with Gremlin just doing it for the evils and Beast jobing ever fight.
>Cutest Pink:
>Coolest Pink:
Heart (Unless Black counts, then Black)
>Loveliest Pink:
>Lewdest Pink:
>Smartest Pink:
>Stupidest Pink:
>Most Charismatic Pink:
>Strongest Pink
Blossom (Infinity Sillhouette)
>Weakest Pink:
>Overall Best Pink:
Well Blossom won the most catergories, but Heart anyway.
I'm sorry wizard, I'll never doubt you again.
>Coolest Pink:
>Loveliest Pink:
>Lewdest Pink:
>Smartest Pink:
>Stupidest Pink:
>Most Charismatic Pink:
>Strongest Pink
>Weakest Pink:
>Overall Best Pink:
File: 1369141747460.gif-(3 MB, 629x350, DX - Team Pink shows how (...).gif)
3 MB
Cutest Pink: Tsubomi
Coolest Pink: Nagisa
Loveliest Pink: Tsubomi
Lewdest Pink: Hibiki
Smartest Pink: Tsubomi
Stupidest Pink: Miyuki
Most Charismatic Pink: Nagisa
Strongest Pink: Saki
Weakest Pink: Miyuki

Overall Best Pink: Tsubomi
Cutest Pink: Nozomi
Coolest Pink: Mana
Loveliest Pink: Tsubomi
Lewdest Pink: Hibiki
Smartest Pink: Tsubomi
Stupidest Pink: Miyuki
Most Charismatic Pink: Nozomi
Strongest Pink: Saki
Weakest Pink: Tsubomi

Overall Best Pink: Saki
While she doesn't excel in any specific area other than strength, it's only because everything is in perfect balance. She's cute and cool and lovely and charismatic all at once.
Cutest Tsubomi cure form, hibiki normal
Coolest Nozomi
lovelyest Peach
Lewdest Blossom
Smarts Blossom
Dumb Nozomi, but only when she isn't a cure
charisma Dream
Strongest Flower
Weakest Happy

Overall best pink is Cure Black
Cutest Pink: Happy
Coolest Pink: Black
Loveliest Pink: Heart
Lewdest Pink: Blossom
Smartest Pink: Heart
Stupidest Pink: Happy
Most Charismatic Pink: Black
Strongest Pink Black
Weakest Pink: Bloom

Overall Best Pink: Tie between Black and Blossom
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36 KB
> dat thick accent of the announcer
Well, let's see.
> I'm the resident Tumb-
This is starting well.
Greatest budget ever and sakuga out the ass.
I'm thinking of listening to all of it just to torture myself

Should I do it?
>Cutest Pink:
>Coolest Pink:
>Loveliest Pink:
>Lewdest Pink:
Miyuki/Mana (based on their outfits.)
>Smartest Pink:
>Stupidest Pink:
>Most Charismatic Pink:
>Strongest Pink:
>Weakest Pink:
>Overall best pink:
I love them all, but my vote goes to Tsubomi
Five minutes in and the only thing I hate are the pronunciations.
Do it.
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I'm still catching up, I watched episode 30 and I'm enjoying it. It's not as good as the other Kamen Rider shows I watched but it has its strong points.
Well, I'm 10 minutes in and it isn't so bad I want to kill myself to make it stop, so knock yourself out. The most annoying thing is how... inoffensive everyone is clearly trying to be.
I'm not sure I can take 'douki douki' for an hour
Keep going so you can get to Gremlin being a larger psychopath than you think already
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1.7 MB GIF
You know what would be great not having to wait 30+ episodes before we got one character that is sorta interesting. Wizard's main problem is that most of the cast is bland as fuck. The fight are pretty good however
The support cast is not just bland, some of them are outright useless. Like Shunpei and Rinko.
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83 KB
>Cutest Pink:

>Coolest Pink:

>Loveliest Pink:

>Lewdest Pink:

>Smartest Pink:

>Stupidest Pink:

>Most Charismatic Pink:

>Strongest Pink:
Pure Strength: Manga Tsubomi
Actual Skill: Black

>Weakest Pink:

Overall Best Pink:
File: 1369143389357.jpg-(132 KB, 1280x720, [Over-Time] Kamen Rider W(...).jpg)
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132 KB JPG
>The support cast is not just bland, some of them are outright useless. Like Shunpei and Rinko.
You don't say. Watching it right now and this shit's going down south again.
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I enjoyed it right from the start but the cast is bland. Haruto has his good points but he isn't the most interesting protagonist. The addition of Beast was great for the show.

At least Rinko is hot. It'd be nice to have another Rider show where the police is at least a little helpful, like in Kuuga.
What the fuck is this and why is it 90 minutes?
>from Tumbler
>makes gifs

She must be the one that makes those aweful color filtered shit they call gifs.
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146 KB JPG
Has anyone given this a try? It's a game so I'm reluctant to try it since I don't know moon.

Someone rip it pls ;-;
It's not a game, the exe just extracts the video.
It's been ripped already. It's just video, too.
what in the flying fuck is that
i just had to be the guy that asks download link
It's called "pornographic material", son.
Oh that's nice, do you by any chance have its title so I can look for a torrent or something?
I only found it on some shitty filehosts with ambiguous filenames.
It's pretty bad. Doesn't even have sound.


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Thread WatcherR
05/20/13(Mon)23:01 No.85962621
Anonymous 05/20/13(Mon)23:01 No.85962621
I keep seeing these threads pop up and now I'm finally curious.

What type of person derives the most enjoyment from watching the Precure series? Is it lolicons? Is it Sailor Moon fans? is it Madoka fans? Is it for hardcore anime watchers or can a casual dip his feet in these murky waters?

pls answer me.