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Found these on 2ch. Still not sure if they are legit or not:


So Manami won?

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Those spoilers have already been confirmed for fake OP
>Sakurai again
>ignoring the parents
Seems legit.
That's obviously fake.
No matter how hack of a writer he is, no one would do an incest end in such a barefaced way, the social implications are just far too terrible.
If Oreimo has an incest end it will be done in a more subdued way.

If anyone's willing to translate, please do
All you need to know.
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>>86817328 (OP)
OreImo fags confirmed for retarded gullible idiots.

All the characters are shit, how do you even justify watching this?
This is not legit.
Manami stronk

lol, no
How do you know?

ur 1 cheeky kunt m8
My dad is Oreimo I should know
You`ll know the "real" spoilers, since the second they will be available they`ll be posted on yaraon.
Daily reminder that there are still 3 days until you should be believing spoilers.
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>My dad is Oreimo
I just do, now fuck off
Or until people post pics for proofs.
It's not the first time spoilers have leaked out before the actual release. Vol 7 (the one where Kuroneko asks to go out with Kyousuke) came out one week before it was in stores
You do realize the show is bad, right? I'd laugh in your face if you said Kirino isn't a bitch. I know that because I accidentally downloaded ep9 and watched some of it.
Boy, that was the pinnacle of stupidity.
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From 2ch. Kuroneko won. Kirino fags THIS mad.
>My Dad Can't Be My Little Sister!
His father is also a sister which cant be this cute.
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this cant be true
My dad is Nintendo Kojima and he can beat your dad
But what do they saaaaaaaay Op?!
Everyone experienced the pleasure of being cummed inside.
Oh wow, it's Kannagi all over again.

Burning the shit you bought, what does this even acomplish; if anyone is that mad they should set Oreimo's stand at some bookstore on fire, now that would be something.
Man, Japanese are just so wasteful.
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Selling all oreimo books and Kirino figurines for cheap.
Holy shit.
An average LN is what? 400 Yen.

That shit is pocket change.
It's already known that Kirino fags are the most delusional and retarded bunch of people out there.
By Japanese fans' logic that means shops are trying to sell them as fast as possible because Kirino loses and no one would want to buy it after that.
Shoudn't they at least keep the Kirino figures?

She still can win their hot glues and a special place in their stands.
Its not shops. Its owners of figurines getting read of their Oreimo merchandize on auctions.
What? The spoilers indicate that Kirino won.
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>forgetting about how Kuronekofags reacted the breakup happened in the LN

The fan reactions at 2ch says otherwise.
its 4$ per book
11 books

so it sums up to 44$. true its not a noteworthy sum but its still a shame. Are you willing to take out 44$ now and cut them apart just so you can show your disappointment to everyone on the internet?
does are fake, jim
huehue what is going on?
It says it accepts SoftMap point cards, so it's shops.
What a waste. He could have sold them at a 2nd hand shop if he didn't want them anymore.
I wish I could order some delicious tears from Japan.
No matter which side wins I do.

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Still, I don't see proof so I don't believe a word of it.

Especially since it seems like the perfect troll. I mean, come on, Manami?
>all these faggots believing these fake ass spoilers
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I don't know, I believe this show is too bad for watching. So the general assumption is that whole OreImo fanbase consists of idiots.

Kiriofags are gonna get really mad
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the runes, what do they mean?
Whats it say? oh right you dont know

I cant into moon and there are at least 3. different claims about who won in this thread.

I dont know what to believe.
>volume 10

>volume 8

So why are posting random pages?
>Ayase wins

Ha ha oh wow
Manami learned the pleasure of being cummed inside.
being in denial.

>being this delusional
I actually want Manami to win. That way Kusoneko doesn't win and I get to enjoy a huge shitstorm.
>I can't read runes, please rape my face
Not that guy but if you look at the top of >>86818126 you'll see a 10 in a circle.
Thank you for summing it up about yourself.
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Its chapter.
Wait the 12th novel hasn't been released yet, hasn't it?
nope. comes out in friday.
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Here I was thinking I was going to have to avoid oreimo threads on /a/ after the novel comes out.

Thankfully it looks like you guys already have me covered with disinformation.
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Not even a dick.
Since when official release dates has been a concern for print material in Japan?

Take note, all the ongoing manga you read weekly and monthly has its scans leaked on the internet before it gets released on bookstores.
>not knowing that Akimi Sakurai wins
Do, any of you, faggots, actually read the LNs, at all?
I usually consider all spoilers to be fake up until the point I see it for myself.
I thank anonymous posting. The trust value of any of these posts is so low they're fiction.
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Japan has never made a romance with a title heroine where someone else won.
Kyousuke rejects her
The only thing scaring me in this thread are the pictures of that one guy's ripped merch, because it seems pretty recent (volume 9 and such)
How many Imouto anime/LN do you know that have an incest ending? now compare that to those who didnt have an incest ending or those that ended up with "not blood-related" (cousins or anything further doesn't count)
Hmm, Google dates these to be at least 3 days old, but you're right, it's rather recent.
Maybe some faggot flipping his shit over Kuroneko breakup in the anime?
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Some of them are unique even.
Wishful thinking.
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I want to believe but don't want to be trolled.
So I guess I will wait till the LN is on sale.
You guys should too.
No, that was already in volume 11.
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Google translate is awful, but it helped me understand some parts. If these spoilers are legit Kirinofags will be pleased
So Kirino won?
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I am so scared right now guys.

Kirino wins, right?

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Did you even click that picture? You don't need to understand moonrune to see the BIG (10) on it. Guess what it means "Oreimo vol10"! Wow! What a retard you must look like now! Go hide yourself!

No one knows. so far its just rumors, hearsay and unauthenticated "leaks"

the truth will come out soon though.
I don't think anyone could be pleased with "everyone rejected" end.
In which way did she "win" anyway?
Ichigo 100%
It's true. Bridget won. And she get dicked as well. And she's only 12 too. MC confirmed for pedophile!
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>>86817328 (OP)
Is it time for the shitfest?
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>What is Oreimo

Did anyone destroy the Evangelion manga over the ending?
>another faggot that does not know moon, but pretends he is not ignorant fool
If only
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Normally I'm not a GETfag, but these trips confirm it.
I seriously can't tell if that guy is a paranoid Kironofag, expecting her to lose or a Kuronekofag who hates Kirino to death
How many suicides are you predicting /a/?
in that case...

requesting that if post ends with 7 Manami wins screenshot (the one which ended with quad 7)
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Tamaki ending would be nice too.
Well, he shows no pictures of Kuroneko getting sliced appart, even though there is a Kuroneko image going along with the Kirino bride picture.
And if I follow the images correctly, that one screenshot says "I can't shot!" directed at Kirino.
That guy said Minami.
He's a Kirinofag, see his merch.
One. Two at the very best.
From what I understood, he thinks it has an open ending.
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>>86817328 (OP)
Oh boy unconfirmed spoilers, I think I'll wait till friday while you all freak out now.
Why do Japanese Blogs always look so shitty?
Someone tell me what the fuck is going on.

I can't into moon runes.
If the cunt loses, I may just pick this show up again. I don't care who wins, as long as it isn't Kirino.
None. As a Kirino fan I don't have to just passively get told stuff and destroy my own property.

Pretty sure we laughed at that guy who destroyed his screen to try and attack Kirino.


I'm still confident because it's named for Kirino in the first placw.
Go away.
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You are so mean, don't you want to kill Kirino of jealousy. Her pedo nature appears grand toward Tamaki. As seen in both LN and game. Kuroneko wouldn't let her near her because she knows she might attempt to rape her.
Link to a 2ch thread?
Kirinofags are the worst.
All three girls wore Strawberry panties, and the first girl won.
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>>86817328 (OP)
>troll thread
>moon runes
>must be true
>Kyousuke rejects Ayase, Kuroneko and Manami and confesses to Kirino, asking her to marry him
Nigger, these spoilers better be true
That Ayase pic with the stationary falling from her skirt is really nice.
I do not regret not going to sleep.
Fucking huh.
>Kyousuke's mom wins
lel kirinofags will be destroyed
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>>86817328 (OP)

Google Translate because fuck it why not.

>Quiet child to confess to Kyosuke, but Kyosuke returns also refused it, and choose the Kirino

>Kirino “Y-y-y-you…. Playing house……. And with pregnant elementary grader…… I’m so jealous!!! UNFORGIVABLE!!”
Then you'll wonder why Kirino is best girl?
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>Daisuke Kousaka wins the oreimob owl
There is 3 more days until the final novel is released. What are you people freaking out for?
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Glorious Manami a shit defeat
It can't be helped. My heart is all doki doki.
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Incest end

suck it GG and Ayasefags
Its a fucking open end.

Oreimo author is a hack fraud.
Gaiz, gaiz. Don't forget that all oreimos except Manami are equal.
You forgot the part where after a mock wedding they return their rings and become normal siblings.

Meh do what the Romans do.
They're really the same cancer as we are.
Gay sex and murder?
Sounds great.
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sadly yes.
>mock wedding and kiss
Nigger, I can die a happy man if it's true. It's good enough for me
Well, if it comes out in three days that means it's already entirely written, printed and likely distributed to retailers. A leak isn't impossible at this stage.

That said, I trust these rumours about as much as the paper they're written on.


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