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File: 1375792354929.jpg-(557 KB, 1822x1300, gantz_c383_030.jpg)
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Now it's all over, and the rage has died down, what do you think about the ending?

Why was it so rushed?
GANTZ is shit
es war GANTZ okay

But anyway, it had some good arcs, especially at the beginning. Dinosaurs arc was great.
What the fuck happened to them
>>90921076 (OP)
Because the sales turned to shit, and it was getting cancelled

I don't blame the sales turning to shit either, because the series turned god awful after vampires.
because the rest of the series dragged on too long

could've just had the god aliens teleport them back and that would be the end of it
>>90921076 (OP)
It was rushed because the author realised that he couldn't patch the story up so he just decided to end it there.
How would /a/ have made the ending better?
If I was to write the ending I'd cut down on all those bullshit pages of people celebrating around the world, have them return to Earth the same way the last page depicted. Then I cut to a year later and Kurono and Tae are happily living together everything is fine, show what everyone else is doing in a panel each then suggest that the vampires may still exist and everyone still has their suits if aliens want to try that again.
Vampires are at the beach and there's a quick flashback sequence to tie up all loose ends

A few pages of sex with Tae and Kei railing
Yaoi with the shota and Masaru
Vampires were the big bads all along

Muscle Rider and Tomboy having sex while super shota is watching at the corner

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