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Moot thread?
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Great convention
Mootles a handsom
moot please.
Stop being a normalfag with ZUN
>>84367222 (OP)
>no hoverhand

You did it Moot!
He still hasn't told us which tuhu ZUN said he would fuq. Damn you Moot.
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Why is moot bro-ing up with zun and aniki?
Moot and ZUN made /lgbt/ since they are gay lovers now.
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moot is truly an /a/non.
moot, aniki, ZUN and the prime minister of japan at the same place
I wonder if genderbent moot will show up in next Touhou game.
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>no qt moot waifu
>>84367222 (OP)
When was this?
It's not hard to find ZUN.

Just let everyone know that you have beer.
He will find you.
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>Yfw you'll never punch moot

That faggot is unreachable.
>>84367222 (OP)
I-is niconico streaming conventions again?
It was...yeah
Are those japanese anime creators he's with? I thought moot didn't like anime anymore.
This is either the opening line of a joke or something terrible is going to happen.
More like /jp/citizen
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>Are those japanese anime creators he's with
I wonder if moot talked him into a season 3 using his special powers.
>Yfw moot posts that at least once a week on /jp/
moot fucking despises /a/. I don't blame him, all of you are fucking faggots.
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>Jaypee Poole
>I hope I could be the one on the left
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who's the big burly dude?
What event was this? Chokaigi?
Billy Harry Ton
Modern day Moot
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That is [spoler]a 馬鹿外人[/spoiler]
He's so moe <33333
It's moot after going to /fit/
I wish he talked ZUN into putting making Sakuya playable for his next danmaku game.
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>>84367222 (OP)
I never noticed moot's big ass forehead.
Are there pictures of ZUN without the beret?
How did moot learn to speak japanese?
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If you ingest enough japanese sperm you can absorb their knowledge.

Don't tell anyone though it's a secret.
why is moot so moe

Not a beret.
And no.

ZUN dies if you take his cap.
moot is the cancer killing the anime industry!
see >>84368049
What if I take his alcohol instead
God damn it do I really want to pay for a premium sub to watch this?
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No. Just like his tuhu creations ZUN dies if you take off his head decoration.
He will get mad and all touhoufags will rape you to death
>kyoani's new episode of swimming fags features moot
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>tfw mootles will never make a thread on /a/ talking about how cool we are or just conversation in general
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Will mootles come on stage tomorrow?
>>84367222 (OP)
niconico con stream is deeead
That's like asking what if you take a lion's slice of meat.

But some don have a head decoration?
Who took this picture
Holy shit, is that Aniki?
non human Ears and horns are included.
lol what a worm.
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>/jp/ is too autistic to get the sarcasm
Kaguya is immortal and will revive on spot. Doesn't count.
He ZUN and moot are now bro with the japanese prime
Is he being ironic
Yup. Moot is in for some grapplin if he's nice enough.
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>>84367222 (OP)
Why isn't there any cute anime girls in these pictures? Fuck this gay dimension...
>mfw moot is secretly conquering Japan for us.

And you all say he hates /a/.
ITT: Jelly pe/a/sants
He is sarcastically being ironic
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T-That doesn't look like sarcasm
Never appearing again girl.
W-What ?

I don't even...
I don't blame him. This place is a fucking cesspit.
those are impure 2hus
See? She died from no head decoration.
Yeah /jp/ is so much better than /a/. All the cool anons have already moved there.
Maybe I should migrate to /jp/. I fucking hate the current /v/ermin infested /a/.
We should raid /jp/. i'm angry right now.
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What about her?
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Yeah let's all move to /jp/ and leave this shithole behind, come on fellow true /a/nons. /jp/ loves us.
>tfw no gf
>slow as hell
>most of their shitposting stops being funny after a day
>muh toho ships
>muh shitty deep porn games
>yeah japan did something random again lol japan y uy so random xd

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Sounds great
every time moot posts on /a/ the thread gets flooded with shit
This is why no one likes this fucking board. You guys are trapped in this shell and too scared to move forward. No one fears /a/, you're all just a bunch of pathetic faggots.
they are ironically lonely

in fact most of them are married or have a steady relationship with a min7/10 girl, if not both
Thanks to /v/ and /sp/ crossboarders

/jp/ is the last bastion of 4chan
Immortal... and lazy
unlike on /jp/
Immortal. The real reason she drank that potion was because she lost her hat. It was that or death.
>1 moot post
>700 replies, 143 images

>No one fears /a/

Why should they?
Once again

You forgot:
>3D idol worship
>China/Korea threads
I blame /v/ and /sp/, especially /v/.
/jp/ died years ago when it became ironic shitposting - the board
We should post pictures of a japanese dining room and say "What is this fucking gay shit? Is Japan in the fucking stone age or something? SIT. ON. CHAIRS! Jesus, japanese are fucking stupid... They need to catch up with the rest of the world, get westernized or something... christ..."
It really isn't
/a/ is worse than both though.
I want /v/ to leave
Damn nigga, that's a good joke. /a/ is bad because of those two, how can it be worse?
You must be fucking blind or really fucking new.
>/v/ needs to leave

Jesus, the board was shit before they came you fucking faggots. Quit blaming everything on some other board and take action for your fucking self.
/a/ is the crackpot of hell.
You like spending time in cesspits?
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>go back to /v/ for 5 seconds
>Skyrim titty thread
>horny hippo is horny post moar
>hey guys women are the reason call of duty sucks look at this graph
>come back to /a/
At least /a/ doesn't spend half its threads says 'top lel' and MUH SIDES like /sp/ and /v/ do.
That gives me some amount of hope.
I was here since 2008 and i'm not leaving anytime soon.
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>that form
Fuck sakes mooties
You must of never been in an Eva general.

I've got bad news for you, try expressing laughter on /a/ and see what happens. I.e. "haha, lol, ww, etc"
If you don't talk like a robot some autist will start flipping his shit

Eva general was taken over by fujoshits.
Eva generals were full of off site and off boarders, you know this is a fact.
It's starting to happen here too. I feel like it's too late to stop it.
You can do any of those things and most people won't care. lol makes people pissy occasionally
>psots a joke
>my sides
>that laughing rage face
>10/10 would laugh again

>feel even worse about myself than if nobody replied to me
>must of
Good. I don't want to see your emoticons and teenager slang, faggot.
Things you are not allowed to do an /a/:
>Make recommendation threads
>recommend anime to other /a/nons
>express any form of emotion other than the current memes (top lel, muh sides!!, etc.)
>be a newfag
>be from any other board other than /a/
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Oh god, that was actually kind of tickling! xDD
>try expressing laughter on /a/

I express laughter by words not by "hahaha" "ROFLMAO", "LOL" and other shit. Reaction image helps too.
Also, you're a faggot if your body is not free from smoke and drugs.
Smoking is okay because it looks cool when you're walking down the street doing it in public. Marijuana plant, that is bad to smoke and it's for losers and stoners.
Reaction images are for children and cancer, and tripfags use it for avatarfagging and attention
Pretty much this
Be careful what you pretend to be because you are what you pretend to be.
inb4 mad stoners and virgins
Looks like we are all faggots then.

>express any form of emotion other than the current memes (top lel, muh sides!!, etc.)

Except that's wrong you fucking moron.

-We don't want to see shitty teenager slang.
-We don't want to see le epikal /v/, /b/, /whateverthefuck/ maymays xD.
-We want you to have at least some grasp of basic grammar. As in type coherent sentences, use proper punctuation >85% of the time, spell properly, etc.
what? lol fucking faggot fart smoker. go die!!!
>>84364216 →
Why does moot get to hang out with ZUN
I want to hang out with ZUN
Fuck you moot you dont even like touhou
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Then maybe i should pretend to have a girlfriend, ti might come true!

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>express any form of emotion other than the current memes (top lel, muh sides!!, etc.)
>Other than top lel, muh sides

You got it all wrong. It was really simple and you got it all wrong.
are you le autistic?
This. Everyone who disagrees is either a troll or a shitposter.
He might,

he has been stuck with 4chan for a decade now. I'm sure his powerlevel is considerable since he's the original 4channer
What the fuck is wrong with typing "Hahaha"?
>you will never hang out with moot, ZUN and aniki and have silly adventures

top lel XD

This is correct.
I'm stoned on /a/ all the time.
samefag detected
>be a newfag
Because you should lurk until you stop being one
quit same fagging faggot
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I thought we had a board now where faggots can talk about retarded meta shit

Nope, check your samefag detector.
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>the direction of this thread
lick my anus.
>Make recommendation threads

That's a good "hidden" rule I think. I like helping newfags, no matter what the subject is, but aftet the 5th time it's just fucking boring and you start wondering why they can't just do it themselves like you fucking did.

>recommend anime to other /a/nons
I've seen that happen often and it was never frowned upon (outside of the usual autist trying to troll the people who happen to like the anime).

>express any form of emotion other than the current memes (top lel, muh sides!!, etc.)
Never seen it.

>be a newfag
>be from any other board other than /a/
True. Sometime it's like 80% of /a/ pretend that they are here since the board was created.
Questions from newfags are tiring though.
I don't understand why everyone hates Eva generals. I never went into the threads when they were around but could someone tell me what the hell happened to get them banned?
This, I hope everyone with a brain has reported this shit already. This thread doesn't serve any purpose anymore.
/a/ doesn't hate newfags. /a/ hates newfags who are trying too hard to pretend they're aren't.
You are.
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>everyone who agrees with this guy is samefagging!

Uh huh.
>even though im 14

>at least i still have my /a/ bros

>they will never no ;)

luv u guys
helios 1!
Have you ever done drugs?
btw im a girl ;)
>Being this naive
I bet moot is all grown up and out of his anime phase now.

This con appearance was probably all for show or networking.
There was nothing bad about them, really!
Generals are poop basins in general.
They always end up being tripfag circlejerks that don't talk about the intended material.
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Who invited /v/ to the party?
A long time ago he stated that he doesn't watch anime at all.
But more recently he seems to have an interest in various anime and /jp/ related shit. This isn't the first time he's done this
They were alright at first, constant information about the new film, everyone had a good time.

But as always with generals there's a handful of people who are scared to let go of something they found fun, so even though they had nothing to talk about they kept going and going. That mixed in with all the homoshit doesn't make for good posting.
where the hell this 'top lel' thing come from?
is moot a vergin?
I don't know who the fuck said it would be 'ironic shitposting'. It's obviously 'sarcastic shitposting'. I guess it's too late to change that now, though.

Same goes for the whole BASED shit
Most cancer comes from either /sp/ or SC2 general


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