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Just finished downloading all of Sailor Moon in light of the new show being announced. It seems I'm literally the only one of my friends who hasn't seen this show growing up, and my recent binge of mahou shoujos has lead me to the inevitable.

Has this show aged well? Keep in mind, I actually enjoyed all of Futari Wa PreCure. I'm gonna go the distance with this one.
I might be a bit biased due to nostalgia, but I think it aged fine considering I rewached everything I saw, along with the last two seasons just recently.
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Jesus fucking christ, they named the MC "Bunny" and gave her the most adorable voice possible. I'm not even a minute in and I'm pretty sure I'm sold, here.
It's a bit filler heavy and monsters of the week range from bad to so bad they're good.
But it's pretty good in the later seasons.
Just read the manga
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There's something about the way they talk that feels more.... real then most anime out right now. Like, these are actually cute 8th grade girls, and not girls pretending to be cute and in the 8th grade. I don't really know how to describe it.


It's on my to do list as well.
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I came across this show in college, mind you I'm 38 years old so I came across it after it aired on TV but before it got picked up by Cartoon Network. So for me, my experience is probably a bit like yours in that I didn't experience it as a child although my background in anime was completely different when I came to Sailor Moon.

It is now well within my top 3 favorite anime of all damned time. It is the true definition of an epic

And very very few shows you've seen are. I ended up getting a degree in Film so I should know a thing or two about genre. An epic at its simplest definitions is a story which is greater than its characters and although the story is primarily about Usagi the story arcs themselves envelop her.

It borrows a lot from Greek tragedy and mythology especially the Seramyu (The Sailor Moon Musicals) and if you have a chance you really ought to watch a few.

That said it does suffer from a huge amount of filler. With few exceptions the best episodes are the first 6 and final 6 of each season. The only season this isn't true of is S which incidentally is the best of all 5 seasons where if you skip the middle you're in for a world of hurt.

Good luck and I really hope you end up enjoying it as much as I have over the years.
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Why is Usagi so cute....

i'll look forward to it. I'm quite used to "a lot of fillers" so I don't really mind. In Precure, really only 1/4th of the episodes, if even, are relevant to the series as a whole.
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I don't get it.... how is the Sailor Moon henshin scene's better then most mahou shoujo's that come out now?
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>Has this show aged well?

I watched all of it recently, and it was much, much better than I thought it would be.

TFW, there probably won't be an arcade in the new anime.
>>90917226 (OP)
Which torrent/group did you dl, OP? I was considering watching it too.
>tfw usagi will watch sailor v clips on her smartphone
>mercury's laptop will be obsolete
It won't let me link it, and there is no sub group name on the files. Just loo up "Sailor Moon Torrent" until you find one that works

There's still a good amount of them left in Japan. Not nearly as many as their used to be, but at least 1 per city, unlike here in America, where the fact that I have two in my city is astounding
If you think she's so cute episode 61 will break you.

God it broke everyone.
>random dubbed episode on youtube
>jupiter's raspy dub voice
right in the nostalgia
The pictures he's been posting are from the official ADV DVD subs, so it seem he grabbed rips of those.
only watched Swedish version. i wonder how uch shit they cut out.
>>90917226 (OP)
>Has this show aged well?

It's a fucking classic, OP. You're in for the long run.

Shit's brilliant, and dances circles around every Precure show ever made.
Apart from shit tons of mispronounced names, the Swedish dub was actually very accurate.
I was planning on watching it too to see if I still liked it after all these years. Glad you're enjoying it so far, OP.

There used to be an arcade here on the second floor of a building and they removed the machines and renovated it to something else entirely. Shit sucks.
that's good to hear. i got tesed for watching this as a kid but, the show could be pretty dark and brutal at times.
Wasn't the new SM supposed to be announced already?
I missed it?
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These scenes really remind me of Futari Wa/Max Heart and Splash Star.

It definitely picks up much faster then most PreCures, and Usagi kinda reminds me of a mix of like.... Love from Fresh and Nagisa from Futari Wa.

I'm only on Ep3 if you'd like to join in.

Do you guys know how much the english versions cut/changed? I know they made two Sailors not-lesbian cousins. Mostly just curious to if/what names they kept.
Oh, and they made Zoisite a girl in the Swedish dub.
According to an interview with the translator, this was a mistranslation, not intentional.
Queen Beryl was renamed Queen Morga for the same reason - someone messed up a bit of dialogue in episode 1, and though "Morga" was the name of the queen rather than the monster, which went unnamed in the dub.
It's coming this winter. It was announced a little too early.
If I recall, they changed everybody's names, though with Ami they did Amy and with Rei they did Ray, which was kind of amusing.
English dub changed a lot in the first season but got better as time went on. Several episodes were dropped entirely, and the 2-part season finale was condensed into a single episode with the character deaths removed.
>Do you guys know how much the english versions cut/changed?
a lot, it was considered the worst dub for the series.
Have watched very little of it, mostly just the odd clip, but they changed all the names, rewrote the fuck out of the script, turned all the girls into annoying valley girls, cut a bunch of episodes... and did a pretty ok-ish remake of the opening theme.
And deliberately made Zoisite a girl, since gays are un-American.
>the 2-part season finale was condensed into a single episode with the character deaths removed.

What? The finale of season 1 was what I remember most when I watched the German dub. I was a sucker for that melancholic stuff.
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Thanks though, I kinda wanted it in english just cause watching in jp means I have to watch it and do nothing else/can't play games while I watch. But oh well, Usagi's voice is already ingrained into my head.

Luna is pretty olev herself, in a strange mom/aunt/fairgodmother kinda way
>Luna is pretty olev herself, in a strange mom/aunt/fairgodmother kinda way

She was turned into a bitch no-fun-allowed granny in the English dub.
Another reason to not watch it.
Sailor Moon is full of very well done death scenes. I cried like a bitch when Nephrite died.
One change about Luna herself is she has a young girl voice in the original, but an old english nanny voice in the dub. It works, though until one of the movie sidestories where she gains a pretty young woman human form
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I have a thing for cat familiars. If Luna is even half the faerie that Hummy is/was, then this is going to be AWESOME.
Just wait for Artemis to show up.
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I started watching it last week
It's pretty good so far but I'm struggling to figure out what character I like best
Usagi is good but there are times her childish behavior gets on my nerves
Ami is like...well okay I guess? I'm hoping the show isn't giving her a complete shaft
Rei is pretty neat though I'm not sure if she's actually going to be serious as her role as a Sailor Scout
>Sailor Scout
>>90917226 (OP)
What batch did you get and what were all the contents?
>trouble determining which sailor senshi you like best
Story of the past 20 years, friend
Seems to be the Anime-avatar DVD rips

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