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ITT: Live action movies that would make good anime.
Jim Carry should be the MC of all the anime
Jim Carey is now the MC of the last anime you watched. How much better is it?
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Gonzo was supposed to be adapting this shit. ;_;
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Truman wasn't even that good, Jim carried the whole show.

You could actually set that in modern Japan and it would still make sense.
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Now the idea's in my head I wanna see it happen
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I would watch the SHIT out of an American Psycho adaptation even if it was terrible

Speaking of which, I'm wondering know... why hasn't been there a black comedy-ish manga/anime about the daily life of a serial killer or something...

Just think of it, [insert MC name here] is a high school boy who is smart, athletic and just your all round average teenager... except he's also a killer. Watch his daily life as he gets into hijinks with his friends, family, the law and cute girls doing cute things!

>implying this wouldn't be the SoL of the century
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seeing my two favorite fandoms getting together I'd die D':
The Truman Show got old after season 28.
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Frequently, I have an idea for "something" that is the Truman Show, except with more than one individual. An entire city in a bubble is conditioned to act like anime characters in a generic slice of life, with colorful two dimensional personalities and vibrant hair colors. Yet, this is not how people truly act and obviously the protagonist is the only one who realizes that something is up with how alien everyone in his life is. Nobody is an actor, everyone who behaves strangely think that that is how real people act. Ideally, it would come across as your run of of the mill SoL the first two episodes and then things get strange with the protagonist becoming aware of the unnaturalness at the third

This has just been on my mind for a long time
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>>90785390 (OP)
But OP, the Truman Show is airing right now.
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Add in a cute little sister and that's a mult-imillion dollar idea...
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Are there any animes about someone with a split personality who drowns lolis?
It's called Death Note..
Wouldn't get past the censors. I agree though, even if it was terrible it'd be hilarious.
I don't think salarymen would fit yuppies, it could still work though it would just lose the 80s hedonism.
>lose the 80s hedonism

fucking dropped
The Room

just call it Japanese Psycho.
The way Bateman and the way it fits the 80s is the entire film, though.
My Fair Lady minus the musical

It literally has everything an anime would have
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Breaking Bad is one of my current favorite TV shows and it surprises me there isn't something like it from Japan considering it has the trappings to be a manga or anime.

Think about it - the protagonists are a (now former) high school teacher and a (former) high school student who thanks to extraordinary circumstances are forced into a world they are not used to with a crazy adventure following suite...

lolis everywhere

Fuck you anon, I was about to suggest Breaking Bad the Anime.
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Drugs and Japan don't mix.

The only way it's possible is if you change it to alchemy and give it a fantasy setting.

Best Atelier game ever?

Close, but not quite the same concept I think anon was going for. Sounds like he was talking about something more like Dexter or Breaking Bad in tone.
>Drugs and Japan don't mix.
>implying there's no drug trade in Japan.
because it would be difficult to sell merchandise of something like that
I believe the Japanese bubble economy in the 80s had a sort of hedonism to it but not as much as American yuppies and cocaine stalls.
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Fucking perfect.
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Japanese Dexter is more likely than Japanese American Psycho.

It's how it'd end up anyway, American Psycho's focus is too heavy on satire, Japs can't do that shit. With Dexter you've got the drama and shenanigans focus which suits it much more. And they always love that 'beast within' storyline shit.
See that's the thing though, Death Note was (supposed to be at least) a serious show about a megalomaniac teenager who used a supernatural notebook to advance his agenda.

The show I'm thinking of though would have no supernatural elements and instead would be more like American Psycho in it's humor - dark comedy.

Also, the killer has no agenda behind his murders other perhaps it just excites him to kill and torture.

HOWEVER - if an actual plot progessing story was needed, we could throw in something like a girl who has a shit life (bullied by classmates/abused in various ways at home/etc...) has our MC take vengeance on those who hurt her through blackmail (MC wouldn't give a fuck though, he's just doing it for fun). We'd then watch them grow together through the show...

In this case it'd be American Psycho meets Onani Master Kurosawa or something.
Slice of life
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.
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>Apocalypse Now by SHAFT with Inu Curry
That exists already as a manga.

It's called Oddman 11 - look it up.
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I wish there were science based anime based in reality like Planetes.

A Moon OVA might be fun.

Yes, this pls. Lots of incest for you, /a/.
>Fights Accelerator
It in the bone, IT'S IN THE BONE!
>Beats Accelerator
I'm not implying anything about the drug trade, I'm trying to say that Jap media and attitudes towards illicit drugs are very different to western ones, which is reflected in the stories they produce.
Pale Cocoon
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OH SHIT someone else besides me has seen Dogtooth?

That movie is so damn surreal it's brilliant.
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Because meth is a pretty big problem in Japan apparently. Also drugs are a huge no-no here. If you even have one petty drug conviction, you can't enter the country.
>American Psycho MC

Did you even watch the film? The two things are totally incompatible. Anything adaption that features Bateman dealing with his issues and growing as a person would be missing the point completely.
>Jim Carrey is now the master of saber

Much, much better.
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Hell, most stuff Brad Pitt's been in would make a decent anime.
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This. Just imagine it more grim though with more explosions and of course Highschool drop out
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Game of Thrones, with Cersei as a Kirino clone.
Well in that particular example I wasn't saying the MC had to be Bateman, I was just saying the story elements would be similar.

And also, by growing I meant that they'd become closer (or however that would work between two sociopaths), not as in character development.
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pineapple express
cute girls smoking cute joints
Kami-sama no Inai Nichiyou where a nerfed Humpty is protecting the baby Ai instead of dying in episode 3?

Like Dexter in Highschool? I'd watch it.
Wouldn't that be Death Note?
>Dead Like Me S3 never
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So, it'd end up being like that two manga where those two pedos kill themselves in the van at the end?
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>"Known as shabu in Japanese (Ah ha! I knew that shabushabu place down the street from my place is run by yakuza), plain old methamphetamine was first synthesized from ephedrine by Japanese chemist Nagai Nagayoshi in 1893. This is neat and all, but it’s no crystal meth. To do this, we have to wait until 1919 when Akira Ogata, Japanese pharmacologist, performs reduction on ephedrine. By doing this, he’s able to create crystal meth."
>"Under the brand name Philopon/Hiropon (ヒロポン), anyone who needed to stave off hunger and stay awake took this form of methamphetamine. Of course, during the war this was everyone. Factory workers could work long hours without eating (more bombs!). Soldiers that needed a pick-me-up took it (more marching!). Even kamikaze pilots were given this drug so they could fly long hours and not feel so bad about crashing into something at the end of their trip"
>Crystal meth, unsurprisingly, is the most commonly used illegal drug in Japan. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 80% of drug-related arrests in Japan have involved methamphetamine. Also, half the meth-related arrests in Japan were also related to the yakuza and other organized crime (if you go, tell them “Koichi Four-Fingers” referred you for a discount).
>For the most part, though, Japan and crystal meth manufacturing are quite separate (or people are extra good at hiding their labs). In 2010, the first crystal meth lab since 1995 was found and busted. That’s 15 years of no meth-labs being discovered. I think it’s safe to assume that Japan isn’t producing much of its crystal meth. Instead, it’s importing it mainly from the countries Canada, Mexico, South Africa, and Turkey.

You kinda have a Breaking Bad anime just waiting to be made here. Granted, drug use in Japan is comparatively lower to other countries, but that's where our MC's come in.
Tenacious D. That is all.
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Too edgy for Japan.
Paulie a best girl. Ending a shit. Last season was the worst one.
>ever portraying organised crime in a bad light
Anime production companies confirmed for Yakuza run.
Yeah, like that pretty much, except the MC wouldn't be an obvious creepy loser - which would actually be a plot point (the lead girl though could be something along those lines though)

Also, is it sad I knew exactly what you were talking about?
Hot Fuzz
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Or any other Wes Anderson movie.
No, we're all anons here, it's not shameful to be aware of the more striking shit that gets posted.
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Twin Peaks
Could be good, but I don't know. I don't know if Japan can capture that weird charm.

Have you seen their new film? The World's End? I think it'd be more like that. A kind of failed attempt at doing Hot Fuzz again.
So Chris would be the beta MC ? Fuck I hated that cunt.
The Wire
Oh god, don't even joke about that.
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Pulp Fiction
The Bourne Trilogy

preferably directed by Shinichiro Watanabe

Also, Amelie had a Satoshi Kon vibe to it in some ways. but that's just me
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You know you'd watch this if it was set in a Japanese high school. Don't lie /a/
Ah, The World's End is out? I don't think that movie will be shown in my country, so I can only wait for the DVDs.
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Change that lame ending anyway
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Wristcutters A Love Story
Falling Down
Groundhog Day
Full Metal Jacket

Bascially anything from Scorcese and Kubrick.
>preferably directed by Shinichiro Watanabe

don't forget soundtrack by Yoko Kanno
Although it sounds like a good idea but moving the setting to a Japanese high school comes with the risk of plenty SoL episodes.
It could start in a high school setting and the characters then go out into a deserted place like a trip into the mountains or a lonely island
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Fuck yes this man gets it

Imagine the tension

Imagine the brutality

Lolis transforming

Shit'd be intense


Madoka and Steins;Gate have already been there, and done it just as poorly.

>Alpha as fuck Higgins getting the girl and NTRing Freddie

There would be a shitstorm when the final episode hits
Yes please.
>No drugs in Japan.

So vampire nazis eating babies, crucifying a loli, mass murder, the arms dealers, and child soldiers are ok but people getting high? Too far man too far.
This. I was enjoying it so much, but they had to ruin it with such a shitty ending.
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In a heartbeat.
Sorry for the slightly offtopic question, but anyone have a chart for like must-watch films from /tv/ or some shit? This thread is making me want to watch some films or western series, but I've already watched a lot that's been mentioned.
What was it? He didn't kill the bad guy? I don't even remember.
>Loli Jack Black
Why isn't this a thing yet?
Dexter also has non-blood related incest.
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Seiyuu edition
A comedy anime about seiyuu's at armageddon
We need a drawfag.
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Fight Club anime.

Its a perfect story that can be placed in any modern country and still work.
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>Groundhog Day

For some reason, Steins;Gate came to mind but that's waaay too off.
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I just wanted an excuse to post this gif.

I fucking love this gif.
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>Full Metal Jacket

Speaking of which, I'm sure most of you have seen this...


School of Rock. Starring Loli Jack Black.
Fuck that sad sack of shit called Jim carry.
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It happened and it was bad...
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you know it would work
They already made that show, OP, it's called Blood C.

>tfw limited edition Jack Black Nendoroids
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Dr Strangelove

All Peter Seller' character are lolis. Everything else stays the same.
>Merry Jew Army
I'm just saying, the attitudes are different. Think about drug stories in the west for a minute. Stories about drug dealers in the west are a dime a dozen. Now go watch the Kara no Kyoukai weed bit.
Maybe they could do what the authors couldn't be bothered to do and FINISH THE GODDAMN SHOW!

Worst ending to any story ever with no close second. Fuck even it was all a dream would have been better, scratch that ANYTHING would have been better then NOTHING.
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They already made it.
>Implying that isn't paperika.
I bet Evafans would love it.
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Refer to: >>90786876

This is the closest though its a bit outdated.
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>you will never know what was in that case

They could probably build this off of the basic Gunslinger Girl dynamic.
Oh god, Scarface. Pls Japan.
The original universal Dracula, Frankenstein, Wolf Man, Mummy, Invisible Man, etc....
Why hasn't this been done??
Just genderswap some shit and you're good to go!
>inb4 MagiPokaan
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and this.
Wasn't that weed mixed with acid and blood magic?
It's not quite there.

It doesn't have the conflict. The tension, the emptiness. Sorry to get all edgy.

Here just use this website... it's a bit outdated I think though

True, although Inception had more gritty fight scenes and close to no psychedelic-acid-trip stuff that Paprika had
Inglourious Basterds. Cute girls killing cute nazis. It should be every bit as bloody as the movie was.
Battle Royale
This film had some of the best cinematic timing I have ever seen in hollywood
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[spoilers]3 YEARS, I PROMISE!

Wait - an anime had weed appear in it? What?

I must see this scene.
It was diamonds.
Pacific rim
You already get a few archetypes like Scarface in anime. Muscleheads, with a few principles but more than anything just hungry. Would be nice to see Japan put one as an MC for once.
>Only horror movies
Is this from Edge Central?
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Japan should buy the adaptation rights and make it TV anime

Is it just me or is that a really shitty list?
I think you mean dragon dildos.
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surprised this hasn't been posted yet
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Of ALL THE PEOPLE that could be replaced by a cute girl doing cute things -


Holy shit I am dying over here...

>I do not look down on niggers, kikes, wops, or greasers
It's obviously a list of horror movies.
So it was inception without the Hollywood and with anime craziness.
Black lagoon had weed

Yeah, a really shitty one, that's my point.
Is that shit even out?
>Not watching KnK already.
Fucking newfags.
>being overly reactive about diamonds

It sucked. That's why it wasn't posted.
Nope, diamonds.
Will the gays in Japan boycott it?

It really weird that card is such a homophobe, but there are tons of homo shota moments in enders game
because it was fucking terrible
There have been plenty of references, but when are we going to get a good classic vampire tale, or mad science creating a monster story? Phantom? Hunchback?

Anything Steven King would also be fucking spot on perfect for anime. Honestly.

Classic repressed homosexuality.
diamond dildos?
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I don't know, I feel this movie would translate really well to an anime.
Tarantino works are all connected and in the same time line, the diamonds were from the plot of reservoir dogs.

Just trust me it was diamonds.
>gays in Japan

Top LEL.

Japan doesn't believe in the gay. Fujoshis fetishise it, everyone else realises it's a phase you grow out of.
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Just make Leeloo moe as fuck and you're good to go.
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Or the games.

Ohh, you are talking the deeper meaning of the show. No anime is going to delve into the modern male psyche. At least not the American male psyche. Welcome to the NHK is probably the closest Japanese equivalent to getting a close look at how the youth of Japan is being corrupt by civilization and stagnating because of a directionless lifestyle.
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Just need to gender swap Django to dark elf
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What if there's a school field trip or something and they get snowed in.


Imagine all the ships sinking and backstabbing that would happen.

>"You have to believe me, Ichiro-kun! I'm not the Thing! You know me better than anyone!"
>"Get away from her, we're your best friends! Aren't we!? You can't trust us, but you can trust her."

fucking fund this shit already.
Fucking richfags and their diamond dildos.
Not sure how they could drag it out for a full anime series. Part of why that movie is so awesome is because of the uncertainty. I think that would be pretty hard to replicate in a HS setting, the SoL would just bring it down. Maybe an OVA, episodes 1 and 2 for character development and then the rest for the main plot? Field trip to some island or something.
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Holes would be fucking perfect.
this directed by angel's egg era mamoru oshii pls

Diamond Dragon Dildos.
>implying lewd otakus wouldn't eat up another action anime full of fanservicing girls
It would make a great manga, not sure about a film. Still not sure about the actual existing film.
>Dark Elves killing white rapists

Dark Elf Internet Defense Force pls go
You fuck.
You really need to make ruby moe
I know it's not exactly liked by /a/ but couldn't Another be considered similar?
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Made by Madhouse.
The only reason that remotely worked as a movie was BECAUSE it was an anime-esque story brought out as live action.

If it was animated, it would just be another action anime with girls as MCs
The Things theme of fighting against a unfathomably grotesque monster that can kill people just by touching + Shikis setting = brilliance. Something kind of similar to Saya no Uta but with the similarities that made The Thing and Shiki enjoyable.

Just immagine a Thing anime with moe aspects in it. Just do it, it will fuck with your head and heart in more then just one way.

Imagine cute Things doing cute things. Holy fuck here take like tens and thousands of my dosh.
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>what is Shiki aka anime Salem's Lot
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When will we get a good Horror anime?
>>90785390 (OP)

We could call it Big O.
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It'd make a good 22 episode series. You'd just need to have a slow build up to get you attached to the characters, maybe mislead the viewer into thinking this shit's gonna be light hearted and then suddenly the feels kick in when all these characters turn out to be The Thing or when everybody starts turning on each other and forming cliques and drawing lines in the sand once they're trapped someplace isolated from civilization with the Thing. Then the groups start feuding over whether to stay put for rescue or try to kill the thing before rescue comes.

It could be the deconstruction of the SoL genre we've all dreamed of
The Great Dictator with moe Charlie Chaplin as cute Hitler doing nazi things.
Don't lie, you want this.
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>ctrl+f "leon"

come on man, dat loli sidekick
Didn't really like the movie either,but I think it would be a great series with maybe 10 episodes. A 6-episode long OVA would suffice too.

Now THAT holes you know.
>the omen
>the exorcist
>the thing
>silence of the lambs
>evil dead (lel)

please enlighten me about good horror, anon
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Not a movie but anime about the runnings of a japanese family estate would be cool. Set during the same late victorian, edwardian era (still meiji I think).

>all those tryhard nobles trying to look western only to drag decades behind fashion
Schindler's List.
By Shaft.
or Anno.
Japan would eat it up.

Onsen field trip SoL into The Thing and psychological horror? It starts off with all the standard cliches of a SoL series, then things so tits up. Where do I throw my money.
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The Mist.
Once Upon a Time in China.
The Raid: Redemption.
Avatar by Studio DEEN
Well well, lets not overexcite on things like that.

It might be cool, but the basics have to be done very right in order to take off and actually become good.

Maybe we get something like that sooner then we might expect. We can only hope and dream a little.
Cannibal the musical
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It couldn't be subtle but would be bad ass to watch
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Because no one's posted it yet, Dirty Harry.
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I just want more anime with an old guy + loli duo as the main cast, don't even care about the genre.
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I wish there was more anime/manga with a western setting.
Arrested Development (not fucking Minami-ke)
Aeon Flux (that was such an awful movie tho)
I Am Legend
Heavy Metal
Ghost Busters except lolis
It's basically already an anime. The directors were anime fans and that's where it gets it's visual style.
I remember a bunch of anime directors watched it and said something to the effect of "yeah, they used a bunch of angles I would use."
Not to mention Animatrix.
Cannibal Holocaust.
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So this? not bad really. should have more story though
Would watch for loli Clint Eastwood.
I see what you are getting at. That concept is awesome, although I still think that a shorter amount of episodes is good. Let's say 12 episode format, 1-4 typical HS stuff, 5-6 field trip is introduced, 7 is where the first ominous hint of the thing is shown (as opposed to the dog at the beginning of the movie). From then on the tension would need to build culminating in an epic finale.

But like >>90787933 says, the basics would have to be very well done or people would drop it before it gets good.
Hey, I know how we'll call it! Animatrix, oh wait.
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>Shingeki no Kyoujin
It was already funny, now it's hilarious
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>not watching it for Loli Eli Wallach
A massive Jim Carrey face appearing over a wall is an image and a half.
Would Keeping Up Appearances work well as anime?
Phoenix Wright
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Loli Martin Scorsese would be too fucking adorable.

I just...wanted to get this out of my chest.
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>bukketo ja nai!

It might work, on some level. But I don't know, man.
>You ate my mom! You. Ate. My. MOTHER. You know what I'm going to do? Ee-rAA-di-cate-your-species! Sogetready. Here I come!
readaptation of shimokita glory days
Mind the trees, Richard.
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...I could actually see Jim Carrey pulling off a westernized Okabe.
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>>90785390 (OP)
Fight Club with lolis
Pacific Rim
Fucking richfags.
Boy in the Striped Pajamas.
>Deconstruction of SoL
What about his non horror shit? Green Mile is probably one of my favorite books/movies.
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the british utopia series. check it out if you haven't already
Ben-to is as close as it gets.

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The dream girl would be a perfect waifu in 2D.
Also the setting would just be great
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Inglorious Bastards with loli caprio
what's that from? The shit in the spoilers. Drawing a complete blank.
you're a genius. i really need to see that movie again.
Ben-to soundtrack.
Ian M Banks Culture series or Alistair Reynolds Revelation Space. Revelation Space in particular I think would make a great anime, I really love the dark atmosphere.
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From the OST of Ben-to. Gotta turn it on.
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The Ocean trilogy

optional: MC is the only male protagonist out of the whole group
Sure, just genderswap black man with magic powers, and make him a cute little delicious brown magical girl. I picture Magical Nadia on Death Row.
I'd love that shit.

Trucks would be cool, too, or that one about a killer in fog during college. Name anything King, And I can so see it being anime.

Exactly. Audience becomes attached to Sensei Ara~Ara just to see the students tear her apart thinking she's the Thing for suggesting everyone should wait for help, which could risk The Thing spreading, as our precocious MC points out to everyone. Friends turn against friends, couples separate, teachers against student, and the audience thought this was gonna just be another story about beta male MC trying to confess his feelings to his childhood friend.

It'd create massive butthurt all over /a/ as all the likable characters turn out to be the Thing or are betrayed.


I think 16 episodes would be adequate. It depends on how many characters you'd want there to be. Let's say we have a bus of 20 kids. You'd need some episodes to at least build the cliques and the loyalties.

To be honest, I'm tempted to take this idea to /vg/ and ask if anyone in the VN thread is down to make this story.
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Yellow Submarine.
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>The Moe Mangler
Why is glasses always worst girl?
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>you will never be able to rob casinos together with your harem of delicious 2D waifus
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That was one of the most depressing fucking books I've read.
Ringo is kawaii as fuck
Attack on Titan
Umineko, I mean an adaption of those visual novels could be pretty great in the right hands.
>optional: MC is the only male protagonist out of the whole group

Fuck that, all-female cast pls
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Ringo is alwayws the cutest.
I would love to see a Culture adaptation, it's such a great setting.
Watching the Yamato 2199 remake makes me want to see more space anime
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>Saul ends up being an "Ara Ara" milf
>Moe, blonde, genderswapped Tom Hanks Grows into an old obaachan and recounts how she lost her best friend... And how she put her to death for crimes she never committed.
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>Love lab

Jim Carrey helps his teenage daughter get a boyfriend.

He ends scaring off at least two boys.
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Easy mode
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Here, some hipster/obscure shit.
>Macross Frontier
>Hey Sheryl wanna hear the most annoying sound in the universe?
fucking hell, all the potential
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Jesus fuck, use the spoiler image next time!

Saw it coming so it's not much of a spoiler, but still.
Hipster/randumb anime are the worst though.
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I lost it
naruto m i rite lel
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Russian Bakemonogatari.
Die Hard series aka Reluctant Hero
"Reluctant Hero must defeat his enemies! He Has no shoes!"
I giggled
Mr. Jingles ;_;
Not sure how well this would translate, but I'd like to see it anyways.
>Borat goes to Japan
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>hipster shit
The threads would be glorious.
>Enter the Void
Holy Shit, I wish. Although, the whole drug thing...
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Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
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2001 a Space Odyssey
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By Shaft.


I want an anime of this but goddamn... this movie.
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Slice of life anime with the most famous Slasher Movie Icons.
>>90785390 (OP)
the truman show was shit
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And Then There Were None
And I know its a game but any Jet Set Radio would be awesome. Need more lolis on rollerskates

Any King novel would probably be great. That ending though
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Disctrict 9.
Except the prawns are catgirls.
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This movie was great and would make a awesome comedy anime
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Pan's Labyrinth.

By Hideaki Anno.
I hate Madhouse for what they did...
Can't really blame them, though. They tried to stuff 2 seasons of hour-long episodes into 2-cour.
Should have just started with the first season and made an anime-original end, then get signed for the second, and so on.
>You will never see Season 5 finale animated.
>You will never see moe as fuck Castiel being best girl
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Wouldn't be a good anime.
>MC slowly turns into a catgirl
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There literally zero anime/manga about drugs which is a waste of potential.
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I will leave this here...
It has a loli, of course it would
We've been over this. And since when was Japan good at harsh reality? It can do tragedy, but only chuuni tragedy.
Anything King, as I said before, would be perfect. Ending twists just boost sales. Old Gainax could, and probably would do that shit.
I am a writer and a huge horror movie fan (the thing is one of my favorite movies, hence why i've been replying to you), but I need to un-NEET and find a job. As much as I admire your enthusiasm, it would be a huge project to even write up a novelization of sorts. Plus, that's pretty different than what I usually do (weeb names and fan service and what not)
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>Any King novel
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>no Father Ted anime
>no Slaine anime
>no Cuchulain anime
I cry every time
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Space Odyssey with cute space girls doing cute space stuff
>MC is a loli
>wouldn't be a good anime
Hocus Pocus.

I bet you cold strecthc the plot of this into a 12 episode anime.
Why is space odyssey so overrated?
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forgot pic

Imagine an anime based on a live action TV show based on a western comic. How fucking weird would that be?
>still watching live action movie
Why are you such a gigantic faggot?
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ops wrong pic
The riddles were so lame, but other than that bretty gud.
This would undoubtedly make the most epic anime ever made.

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Darren Aronofsky's PI.
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It was done and it wasn't very good
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>Mad Men
>Doctor Fucking Who
when you think of it cwc was a real life version of op movie.
Basically that all anime is escapism.
They'll never do realism correctly.
Harry Potter but without Voldemort bullshit, just magical funny slice of life. It would be even better with all girls school
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Fuck man. Imagine an anime based on Game of Thrones.
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Imagine this but with lolis instead
Star Trek.

Why hasn't there been anime Star Trek adaptation already?
there that manga ressentiment, that hit way too close to home though
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>Lost and Mad Men trash but not Breaking Bad

They had a great crossover anime.

Personally, I'd love an SoL with smartass detectives outsmarting one-another to find the culprit first and making it into a game to see who can find the culprit fastest.
So... Madoka?
Come on, it would be fun.
>that fucking Bobby
Damn, I was mad

I wish they just did original episodes, or stuff that would be hard to do in the show, like deans time in hell

>you will never see an angel's glorious true form animated
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Whoops, forgot my image.

Dignity, always dignity.
>not already coming
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No. Madoka is a tragedy. I'm talking about something episodic, like Japanese slice of life, but with magic. Frankly, it would be more interesting than most CGDCT.
I love all this weird, but presented in a very casual manner, things in Harry Potter. You know, spells, magical creatures, magical food and so on.
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>still watching annie mays
Wouldn't work, has to be 3D.

However, if they make it into VA finding jobs into anime industry with lolis, I'd watch it.
>not reading/playing/watching every medium

Defendor. MC is loli Woody Harrelson with mental problems.
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Nah, video games are too pleb.
>not tasting mediums
super pleb
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Maybe we get a full season by 2015.
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>>90785390 (OP)
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I know we have Detective Conan but it would be fun as hell to see an anime counterpart of Moriarty.
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Cute Girls Doing Cute Things.
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>The Producers, except with animes instead of musicals
>They try to make a moeshit nazi anime.
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A psychological thriller involving a loli and a pedophile directed by Madhouse.
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It'd make a perfect Urasawa series.
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Gall Force, Plastic Little, Vandread, Lost Universe, Girl Who Leapt Through Space, Not to mention Dirty Pair, which constantly references Star Trek Original Series, and TNG referenced Dirty Pair in the background constantly.
Get going on that backlog.
Pic related. Also in pic: Urusei Yatsura Reference.
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It's UND if you're gonna butcher it butcher it right.
That said that line itself is not actually wrong nor against what they were trying to actually convey
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god damn
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Almost thought this was a fanmade poster for Shingeki no Kyojin.
I didn't know /tv/ made troll lists too
>all this fedoracore, pleb and tryhard shit

gb2 reddit
>all this everything
oh my gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
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Oh the ironing.
>i don't like it, it's fedoracore
>too mainstream, it's pleb
>too obscure, it's tryhard
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But that's forbidden love!
you know that all this fedora shit came from reddit?
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Thanks, now I'm singing the Jennifer Lopez / Ja Rule song with the same name

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>" This fucking life... oh, it's so fucking hard. So long. Life ain't short, it's long. It's long, goddamn it. Goddamn. What did I do? What did I do? What did I do? What did I do? Phil. Phil, help me. What did I do?"
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Mean Girls

So fetchu
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Hell, you could make Pamela a generic tsun and this would still work. It'd be pretty kinky too.
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It even has a token loli imouto for the paedophiles in this board to obsess over.
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Now that you mention it there is something anime-y about that film. Probably the pitiful protagonist.
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Basically Watamote but in a mall and a guy

Or Mad Bull 34 in a mall
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This will flop because Japan cannot handle a free-spirited girl like the Deschanel character.
>All this pretentious shit
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Haven't seen one of these threads in ages, and the last one was books.

Leon The Professional
Attack the Block
A Boy And His Doge
Behind the Mask : The Rise of Leslie Vernon
Gentlemen Broncos
Kung Fu Hustle
No Country For Old Men
Pitch Black/Chronicles of Riddick
The Life Aquatic
Lost Boys
The Thing
Fright Night

Obviously some more realistic in style like GitS and some in a more cartoonish style.
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>not liking pretentious shit
You mean nigga elf?
Instead of drugs, can't it be about something like bootleg figurines and doujins?
>this thread
>people just list films they like
Half of this shit would never work as an anime.
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It already happened
I think it's more that almost everything works fine as anime, because why not?

Like someone said, only drugs and serious tragedies and shit would be out of place.
Most movies are serious. Horror doesn't work as anime either.
Black lagoon, KnK.

Read the fucking thread.
>1984 by Gainax
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>Hannibal-chan, what are you cooking tonight?
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I'd watch the shit out of it
I try to tell people why shit wouldn't work. I mainly posted earlier though.

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