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File: 1375158242187.jpg-(675 KB, 1999x1079, Angel-Beats-angel-beats-32994060-19(...).jpg)
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675 KB JPG
I enjoyed this immensely.

Any other /a/nons with the same shit taste out there?
All of /a/ enjoyed it.
We enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed SAO
I liked the soundtrack.
You're a tryhard fag.
Judging by what I've heard, that is far from true.
>>90439036 (OP)
I liked it.
>/a/ is hivemind

>/a/ is me, because I say so

No, we're not you. Stop projecting. You are the shit taste/
>/a/ is me
Where did I say that? /a/ is a board where people post. Not everyone has the same opinion, especially not YOURS. Fuck off.
No shit, stating the obvious doesn't give you leeway to think that the majority of /a/ doesn't hate Angel Shits.
Then stop referring to yourself as "we" as in you represent /a/. The majority doesn't mean shit. /a/ does not hate Angel Shit. Most of /a/ hates Angel Shit.

There is a serious difference, and you need to stop acting like there isn't. MOST of /a/ doesn't like almost any currently airing anime, but many do like particular shows.

Hey, shut the fuck up this thread isnt meant for you fags to argue
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Do something about it.
>>90439036 (OP)
It wasn't shit. It just wasn't a masterpiece.
No, a large nonvocal majority of /a/ hates Angel Shits.

The only people that make these threads are people who are new almost always opening with 'I jsut watched this and.. the feels'.

>MOST of /a/ doesn't like almost any currently airing anime, but many do like particular shows.

Could you be anymore vague and incorrect at the same time?

It's a thread about a shitty anime, like anyone gives a fuck.
>a large nonvocal majority of /a/ hates Angel Shit.
So a majority, exactly what I fucking said. Great job repeating what I said.

>Could you be anymore vague and incorrect at the same time?
There is not a single, currently airing anime that is universally praised on /a/ right now. Not a single one. All of them have more people who don't care for it than those who do.
It would be all of /a/ sans shitposters like OP.

And yes, there are people enjoying anime this season, get a grip. And glance at the catalog.
Angel Beats was fantastic. The only people who pretend to dislike it are the same people who pretend to like Tatami Galaxy.
>yes there are people enjoying anime
>purposely being ignorant

Most of /a/ does not agree on a single anime this season. Every show has some followers, but none is universally acclaimed. Every show has more critics than people watching.

Not a single show has a majority on /a/.

Does that mean /a/ hates it? No, faggot. Learn the difference.
>Most of /a/ does not agree on a single anime this season.

No shit since "/a/ is not a hivemind".

>Does that mean /a/ hates it?

Yes, because it's shit. Just like Nurutu and SAO.
You just said /a/ hates every anime out this season.

Stop being retarded and leave. Go try and fit in somewhere else.
What? No I didn't. >>90440795 did.

All I'm saying is that /a/ sans newfags hates Angel Shits and that's a safe observation we can all agree on.
But not everyone on /a/ hates Angle Beats so you are wrong.
>>90439036 (OP)
>forced comedy
>forced drama
it's shit
Everyone does, and for good reason: it's shit.

The ones that enjoyed Angels shits simply do not contain the cognitive capacity to be entitled to sapience and opinions aka 'taste'.

So technically they're not humans and I'm still right. Goodnight.
It's a shitty key drama with lolrandom comedy, I know it's shit, but I still enjoyed it.

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