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Hello /a/, one of the fuckboys from /mu/ here.
Are you guys responsible for this genre of music called "Lolicore?" If so, do any of you actually listen to it on any regular basis?
I ask because I started fucking around making some Lolicore yesterday and am curious to see if it holds water to the people who actually listen to this genre of music.
If the answer to both of the questions above is "no," do you have any idea where a guy has to go to seriously get his Lolicore critiqued?

Not posting link in OP because I don't want to come across as self-promoting and spammy.
Pic only related because it was the track art for some Lolicore I found on soundcloud. My bad.
Someone had two scoops of useless in their Raisin Bran this morning.

Slithery bumpcreature.
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I came here for Ichijou
>Pic only related because it was the track art for some Lolicore I found on soundcloud.

Lolicore is nice though.
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If it's called loli, it must be good. As for intelligent critique, anything with "core" in the name sucks.
You are better off asking /g/.
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>>87612628 (OP)
Nichijou thread?

Can't say I've knowingly listened to Lolicore.

God dammit.
season 2 never
I've listened to it. I can take a listen to it for you and hey back to you about opinions if you'd like. Right now I'm busy with my own projects but I can set aside some time to listen to it later tonight.
I thought that was a giant joint in the thumbnail.
Its fuccboi /mu/, get it right plebeian.
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Oh boy is this a Pani Poni thread and not an off-topic thread I see here?
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Sure. I got a whole folder for that.
Folders can be pretty small.
>Are you guys responsible for this genre of music called "Lolicore?"
No, only fags from /mu/ seem to care enough to create threads about it.
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This is true.
The only lolicore I listen to is goreshit. Post your shit too, I would like to listen.
This is a Pani Poni thread, no derailing.
the fuck is lolicore

post some shit turbonerds
Go ask /mu/. You know, the music board.
I'm not really into it but I'll give it a listen I guess. I never really thought anyone took lolicore seriously.
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I actually kind of liked the dub put most of the jokes are only good in Japanese.

Not to mention Himeko's VA.

Quality varies.
I might listen to it ironically. I don't understand how anyone could listen to it without going insane. Then again, you guys like 'noise'.
I would never watch a Pani Poni where Himeko is not Himeko.
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>Insulting noise
Get a load of this guy.
>Not jerking off to Pirupi Fuck!!
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that barely had any loli, the fuck
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That poor rabbit.
Lolicore is funny and ranges from actually good to horrible shit.

I liked one album I downloaded off what.cd called "jody"
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>Himeko dubbed
send me an invite faggot


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