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First I thought this was a comedy but now I'm thinking it's more like a feel good show for socially inept people. Are there any other shows like this that are more comedy centered because this one just had me feeling sorry for her.
>implying this show makes me feel good

I laughed a bit in the first episode but every episode from then on I just haven't been able to watch. It doesn't make you feel good, it makes you cringe and feel depressed.
Surprise surprise!
Real life is not a fucking comedy, there's a lot of shit people have to go through too, this manga shows it
Think how different the show would be if there were no music at all. And no sound effects. It could end up being really depressing.
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Its a feel good show for me because I could sort of relate to parts maybe 4 or 5 years ago.
sounds like you're relating a little too well.
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>>90024458 (OP)
>feel good show
Don't you mean "pause and pace around the room" show?
This show is not a feel good show for socially inept people.
It gives me flashbacks to traumatic experience from my time in school and makes me feel horribly depressed.
you aren't going to get recommendations from me mate
The VA really is fucking great, Makes this show fo rme.
Well when you think about how a large portion of /a/ are unemployed NEETs, and for a lot of them, problems like hers are the reason for that, can you expect it not to hit home with people?
It's not realistic at all. MC's just a total bitch.
Are you paying attention anon?
Gonna get blankly stared at.
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It has his good and happy moments too.
>pause and pace around the room
i thought i was the only one who does this....

There can't really be people who are still a virgin by that time in high school, right?
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>It's not realistic at all.
Son, being a virgin is the least of your problems at that point.
Tomoko is just stupid as fuck. It isn't even her anxiety or how awkward she is. Everything she thinks of, everything she tries, every little scheme she concocts is so fucking stupid and naive. Her own stupidity is the reason why her life is such shit.
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Yeah, about that...
Why do I get the feeling something really bad happens to her in the next scene?
bitches don't exist?
if you don't lose your virginity by elementary school., you'll be a virgin for life
>muh 8 man
>muh konata
Look at this faggot and laugh.
Get out, you socially non-inept little fuck.
What is /a/?
False alarm
>Cowboy Bebop
Fucking disgusting
>Her own stupidity is the reason why her life is such shit.
Getting yelled at by the teacher for forgetting her textbook and not being able to speak up about it, and then being perceived as rude because she can do nothing but laugh at her own misfortune is her fault?

You've clearly never been in that situation. Teachers fucking hate quiet kids, for whatever reason.
>socially inept people
>not slowly but surely becoming bitter little bitches

Pick one.
>implying you are any better
What about the first umbrella scene?
Where can you watch the other episodes? So far I have only seen 2 on animesub.tv
>mfw I was the quiet awkward kid and even I had the guts to ask the person next to me to read on their textbook

step up.
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Where's all the fun and cute stuff?
This show only makes remember how pathetic and awkward I was back then...
>All those memories that suddenly comes back in your head from high-school
>le reverse trolling
..No I am being serious
>tfw try to make a joke by saying "no" to a teacher when she gives me an assignment
>get yelled at and get detention
>other kids curse at the teacher and joke and wrestle back and forth all the time, nothing happens to them

It's like they think that when you're quiet, you're just not talking because you think you're so smug or something.
http://tokyotosho.info/ has the torrent
It has anything a commedy show needs though.

Some punchlines in the manga were great and since it's episodic you see less suffering then you should.

I had a lot of emotions towards the MC. She has a brilliantly good side to her but she has so many problems with herself you rarely see that.

But in the Anime she is wimpering far too much I assume. She is supposed to talk to others in a silent and stuttering manner but the way she does this in the Anime really seems far to extreme. Maybe it's just right but the contrast feels much bigger in comparison. I believed that she almost normal when she was talking to the middle school girls in the manga though. At least the rageface was fitting.
it's comedy that you relate to it is different.
You're supposed to laugh at what a dysfunctional bitch she is and relate because you were the same way. She's just some dumb kid who blames her problems on everyone else instead of accepting how horrible she is and having the willpower to improve. The title of the manga is just one big in joke.

Go fuck yourself.
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I am surprised by how good the anime is.
I was expecting some half assed shit with cut corners everywhere to not hurt too many feelings, and instead, I got this.
Wiping soda into my hair sounds so nasty. God, just imagine the sticky.
I love how it adds onto the manga in a good way like adaptations are supposed to.

it also gives me more feels too
It's like a shark smelling blood in the water. The teacher knows those other kids won't listen to them and it will only make them look stupid to confront them. But when the quiet kid defies them... they think "finally here's a fucker I can bring the hammer down on."
Meh. Not really. She talks a lot of trash inside her thoughts. If anyone actually confronted her, she would be a weepy mess.
Sure thing that it's meant to be ironic. However as long as noone is willing to help her doing the first step, it's kinda a never ending circle.

It also depends on the situation shes in. She often takes too much of a shit over herself. Expecially when she is showing her true self and begins to cry.

It's just shown as so extreme so more people can relate to her in some way or feel pity to her in some way. She needs someone to actually relate to in order to somewhat find conclusion on her problems.

In fact, some M/a/d scientists also concluded that the only cure of her suffering might be the D.

I agree with this sentiment.
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I'd feel sorry for her if everything wasn't her fault
I just want to huge her and hang out with hereven if she thinks that I'm a faggot and talk shit about me in her inner thoughts.
>>90024458 (OP)
So there is no way that it might be a show for normal people to feel sorry for her instead of a "I know that feel"-show for socially inept people? Why not?
Honestly tomoko is about how 90% of us were/are. All the people trying to hard to deny it/turn on full defense mode just prove it even more.
How long until facebook/leddit/etc normalfags start to post "I'm such a nerd! Like tomoko xD xD xD!"
Probably until a faggot like you starts pretending to be them.
>"I'm unpopular and unliked and the only one to blame is myself xD"

sounds about right
Too bad Japan hates this show because it really hits home on how pathetic otakus are.
Yes, japaneses are whiny faggots.
>I'm such a nerd!

faux-nerd pandering has been going on for years, see e.g. the success of Bing Bang Theory
Hopefully never. It's not selling that well, is it?
Sure is fun watching people get into this series and react in the same way others did with the manga.

>Oh wait, she really is!
>I feel bad for her
>oh wait, she's a total bitch
>why am I still following this
>this really isn't at all amusing
>what a piece of shit
In Japan, but what about the west?
Just see what happened with SnK.
People don't like Tomoko because she hits too close to home. She is literally exactly the same as most /a/nons, which means it's painful for them to watch.
>the only reason why watamote popular enough to become because it got enough sales from the manga
>majority of the sales come from overseas
What about the guys who realized that they are bitches like tomoko and sticked with the manga anyway?
We're the choosen ones?
Like someone said in other thread, Japan's reaction is: "Wait, I'm not trash like this!! How dare you!?"
Majority of its sales are going to be coming from the west and im pretty sure its going to be quite big. Hopefully.
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Justice when?

Tomoko will never be your big sister ;_;
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Does episode 2 have a flirty card tacked on the end? Because there's one at the end of 1 and 3, and I'm thinking someone accidentally cut it from episode 2 by mistake when they uploaded it.
>Tomoko will never be your big sister ;_;
Who cares? I'm a big brother mytself I even have my own Tomoki and Kii-chan.
Many of the things she thinks/does do hit pretty close to home, but that doesn't make me hate the show. I just think it is hilarious that they got it this close to reality.
>Dem boobs
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This is it.
> I just think it is hilarious that they got it this close to reality.
That even scares me a little.
You are the forsaken.
If this had huge sales, we would have a billion copies, and 5 years from now there would be things like this:
>Mokocchi is the true mojo, the original one
>X is a more representative mojo, at least what it currently means.
Yes, the ellipsis are meant to make you cringe.
Beware of what you desire.
Y-You too!
Once she started quietly crying after the teacher berated her, I realized this is not really a funny show.
not as bad as sperm
Why, sure, but that's not how Japan works.
SNK's popularity is entirely due to how well the first episode set up the story. It completely flopped after that. At this point it's just riding the popularity of what it could have been.

I don't see anybody talking about watamote outside of here very much, so it will probably lose whatever attention it had once it's over. And to begin with, SoL shows aren't very popular in the west (unless they're made by kyoani)
>all those feels of pure anger when something happens to you that you will never act out on or anything once confronted.
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What the show really nails is how she is -constantly- aspiring to be like other people then rationalizing her failure telling herself how awful they are. Its one of the few times I've seen that done so well. Protagonist loners are usually beautiful people who are slackers or whatever, but shes not attractive or popular and has no real positive attributes. She spends her day doing mental gymnastics because she only has herself to keep her company, and when she does hang out with people she judges them by this impossible standard that ends up with her being lonely again.

tl;dr NHK all over again.
Yeah by the time i was a senior i had done all of the 'basic' sexual actions at least once.
I really don't understand how you can get out of high school without at least getting your dick sucked.
I half agree. The sort of self conscious/self-loathing attitude and how she blames other people for her problems, and escapes using anime/manga/whatever seems pretty realistic.

The awkwardness is played up x1000 though.
I know this stealth mode in class way too well.
Let's face it she's alot more attractive than actual loners would be.
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But the forsaken don't read manga.
>tl;dr NHK all over again.
Is this what the fans of this show really believe?
I like this show but comparing it to NHK is too much, please don't do that.
this show is fucking shit

if it doesn't get better by episode 4 im dropping it

i dont want to watch an hour long monologue just so /v/ can shout "SHE'S JUST LIKE ME"
The worst part is that I sometimes imagine that my life is a comedy anime/manga because all the shit that happens to me it makes me feel better I've been doing this even before I knew about Watamote.
Stop hitting that crack pipe for a moment and explain clearly what you mean
>this thread

Fucking secondary scum.
When will we be rid of secondary scum who dare to make treads bitching about things from and adaptation when they haven't even read the source material.

Reading my post I feel I haven't conveyed what I actually mean, but I have poor writing skills so whatever.
>The awkwardness is played up x1000 though.
I don't know about that. I'm not anywhere near as socially retarded as she is, but I've seen a few rejects in class who come pretty fucking close.
There was one guy who dropped out in my second year of college. By the time he dropped out, I'm pretty sure I'd never heard him say a full sentence. And I was paired with him more often than not.
I... relate too well to this show. Everything from not having friends in high school to trying to call in sick every day. Repressed memories a-ho!
I mean I don't want yet another overused archetype like tsunderes to appear.
Actually I've read all the manga until last chapter I can't wait for the school festival and Summer vacations.
>trying to call in sick every day
I think this is pretty common, nobody likes school not even normalfags.
I didn't miss a single day of school my entire life (with the exception of chicken pox in the 2nd grade) and I hated every minute of it. I have no idea why I did this.
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
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>Feel good

The niece arc will be animated, no ones body will ever be ready.
When I literally see myself in the mirror I see her.

I still laugh my ass off when she fucks up because it reminds me of my own mistakes and many situations where I was in the same feet as her. However the reasons for my own suffering were entirely different which makes it not seem like I am watching a TV series about myself most of the time.

The series acutally made me want to shout
>Hey girl, cheer the fuck up. Noone is mad at you. Just enjoy your life without longing for shit that you will probably dismiss as something that is probably uninteresting when you actually have it.

The opening even reflects that. Metalcore about trying to become happy and getting friends? You can see where the story is heading too after watching the opening.

Happyness attained through stress, this series really redefines irony.

And as long as it stays ironic I am totally fine with watching it.
>In fact, some M/a/d scientists also concluded that the only cure of her suffering might be the D.
But since her brother is the only guy MC can talk to there would be a nasty set of side effects with that medicine.

I know school life with friends and without friends. It's annoying with friends but without friends school is unbearable.
The awkwardness play up is what helps make it a little less miserable and adds the comedy a bit more..if it was full on "realistic" which it could easily be it would be pretty bad.
True, but for me it was because of social anxiety, and not because I didn't just not want to go to school.
because if you have perfect attendance you'll make 300k a year any job you want anon did you forget?
She lost the only person who thought she was cool.
I relate myself a lot because right now my relation between my little brother and me is exactly like Tomoko's with Kii-chan before the summer vacations.
>When I literally see myself in the mirror I see her.
Learn what literally means.
It usually takes several generations of in-breeding before the effects of incestuous procreation are seen.
You have a Tomoko's pic sticked on your mirror?
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>feel good

I can't even begin to count how many times I paused in the latest episode. Even though I read the manga, it still has impact.
Yeah, starting right about fourth grade I took off as many days as safely could.

Now that I think about it I formed a lot of bad habits at a very young age.

Anon's probably suffering severe delusions. Literally.
I concur.
That's literally retarded.
>>90024458 (OP)
i'm not socially inept and laugh at her social ineptitude. maybe it's just not your humor op.
Every semester I always made sure I missed the maximum amount of days. I dreaded every day.
thats not the source's fault, you know.
Thirded. Like some form of long-term psychological torture, of course you would want to escape from it as often as you can.
Who cares?
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I don't even want to imagine it.
I believed something like that would come up. It's obviously not the truth.

I've meant that if we were booth in the same room, we would not even notice each other. Or that we could switch bodies and noone would notice.

Yeah you can stop with the samefagging.
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I want to fuck this girl.
I relate to it mainly during freshmen/sophomore year in high school.

>have a few friends
>end up getting most of your classes with them
>that ONE class where they're not in and you know nobody
>that class always has to be a "team" based class like lab or PE

It was terrible
dude they were just taking precautions for when you decided to kill everyone who was mean to you. its a very common thing to do.
Of course not. Let's take for example Tolkien books. They created fantasy as it is today, but they were so copied that they became like Love Hina: nothing to see if you already looked into several of the trillion copies.
TomoMote OVAs when?
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>I already read it
>My body is ready
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Am I the only one who can't stop thinking of her brother as Kyosuke because of his voice?
I wanna take her to the Golden Gate Bridge.
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Again, learn what words mean before you use them.
I'm scared anons
that could be read both ways

will i finally be happy for her, or will it be painful to watch?
Still waiting for that stick rape episode. It's going to be great
Does this mean that we have become the trend setters?

But seriously, why would people even want to have an experience similar to Tomoko/ours? Do they really think it is enjoyable? That is fucking stupid.
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I so much of it this morning. Usually, people self-inserting, to a certain extent, doesn't bother me, but it's too much. It's disgusting. First it's "I'm just like tomoko lol all i do is play video games", then they're at school talking and laughing with their friends and making plans to hang out.

Sage for blogging.
It was the most painful moment in the manga
It will be the worst thing you will ever watch.
You will have a frozen cringing face for a month if you see it animated first. I'd suggest to read the manga before to soften the effect.
You sound just like Tomoko.
I agree.
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I'm already annoyed as fuck by people saying they actually physically cringe while watching this. I don't think I'll be able to handle both.
I don't cringe watching this because I already did while reading, I can't help it sorry anon don't hate me.
Fucking whiny bitch I hope you die
>people saying they actually physically cringe while watching this
When you see >>90027508 animated you will be one of them.
That was painfully to read but it's my favourite arc.
It's neat how they have pretty much directly animated the manga.
Wait, so you don't have a 4chan gold account and use multiple tabs for the same thread?

I guess you should also attain some understanding of what sayings are. Because raging about an adjective that can have multiple meanings can mean jack shit if you got wrong what I was trying to tell.

But blame me for whatever you see fit.

Next time I educate myself properly then, it's no hasstle.
My irony detector is going off.
Why would you be annoyed?

I had to pause it a few times to recover from second hand embarrassment a few times. Whats wrong with that?
It's called autism.
>pausing and pacing the room

I used to do that cause it reminded me of my awkward past.
But watching more and more cringe stuff on youtube and stuff really helped me get over it and got me to move on. What an odd remedy.

Now I really love to laugh at cringe stuff because I find myself questioning why I was ever such a chuuni retard.
Are you sure they're not just using "cringe" as an expression?

>Verb: Bend one's head and body in fear or in a servile manner

I can't imagine someone saying they really cringe watching an anime.

i can either drop it now and not be depressed,
or i can watch it and hope the crystorms here will comfort me

won't read it though, i'd prefer to take the hit only once and then every time someone posts a gif about it
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>I had to pause it a few times to recover from second hand embarrassment a few times
What's wrong with you?
The question is
What's wring with you? Are you trolling maybe?
im not caught up with the manga but saw people talking about it, is that the part where shes almost raped and finds its nothing like her fantasy?
>Whats wrong with that?
inb4 watching anime without pausing and pacing around like a moron makes you a normalfag despite being a hermit

Who gives a fuck? If you should take anything from the manga/show, is to learn how not to hold animosity against others for your own insecurities. It's an ugly trait. And it will be the aspect of Tomoko that grows and changes in the end.
I think you need to look up what that means. I'm legitimately curious as to why you would do something like that.
Were you watching anime with other people?
If not, you are a faggot.
>second hand embarrassment
>implying that's a real thing
I hope they do the coffee shop chapter justice. That became the point where a suicide end was certain to me
Because Watamote is popular here on /a/.

god, would you stop shitting up threads?
Nobody cares, you're not smart or witty, or above the possible-samefag in any way.

Fuck off back to le reddit or whatever dung heap you came from, you absolute faggot, and let the rest of us shitpost each other in peace.
The one when she watch one guy's anime?
I meant the cringing.
No, the one with the honey.
I could never get over that..like if I'm watching some show on tv and I know that character is going to do something stupid/cringeworthy to ruin everything most of the time I have to change the channel even when I've watched it 1000 times.

i guess something really is wrong with me ;_;
Tomoko is right about all those fucking normalfags, though. Being in highschool fucking, instead of goddamn studying like they should be.

God, i hate normalfgas.
Because it feels too close to home if you don't cringe in the episode where kii-chan and Tomoko go to the library then you don't belong here.
Studying in high school makes you a normalfag too.
It must be tough having the maturity of a 12 year old.
No, it doesn't.

It doesn't, anon.
>it feels too close to home if you don't cringe in the episode where kii-chan and Tomoko go to the library then you don't belong here
what if you never did anything in school ever?
But that's wrong
Yes it does. If you think otherwise, it proves you're a normalfag already.
Yeah, it is. Just because you're too busy feeling embarassed about yourself doesn't mean the rest of us can't feel embarassed for other people.
I didn't have any trouble "real" trouble in school but still.
>people see you studying
>people come to you for help
>become popular tool

What if everyone is a normalfag
still what?
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This was one of Tomoko's delusions.
I liked 8man better, so bitter and smug.
I love what this thread turned into

>people do things that I don't do?!
If anyone is normal, then noone is.
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>you can only be maximum social outcast or a social butterfly, nothing in between
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>thread falling apart
Sorry you cringe while watching cartoons.
Still feels to close to home.
That last episode had a lot of places where I had to fuckin' pause because I couldn't take it. Especially when she was sitting there with those boys at the bus stop or whatever.
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