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Since it's sunday and I have nothing else to do, I just translated and edited the last chapter of Evangelion for you guys.

This is a one-man effort so pls don't shit on me, enjoy!


Also submitted at Batoto, not sure when it'll get approved
Thank you.
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She died for our sins.
Rei happy end never.
>>86754206 (OP)
Nice botnet
I don't think Batoto will take scanlations done in MS Paint, no offense.
Thank you.

Shinji found happiness, thus I am satisfied.
it did before though
Oh shit, I haven't seen the last three chapters translated.
Anyone got a quick link? I'll just google it if not.
So this end is different from EoE? Sorry for the stupid question but I stopped reading this manga years ago since I wanted to read it in one go once it gets finished.
>>86754206 (OP)
you are a good person
>>86754206 (OP)
Thanks, mate.
They aren't
The last chapter translated was chapter 94, also done by me
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>tfw in this new world Shinji will never know the joy of wearing plugsuits

feels very bad
Translate this
Ah, no wonder.
After this, are you planning on hitting those up?
That was fast.
You just got stickied son
how do these become stickies?
>>86754206 (OP)
Thanks dude.
>reset end

Mod likes his jelly on's
>manga ending is the NGE SoL ending

What about Sadamoto's interview?
I just got sticked man

Thanks mod.
The Gods look upon them, and say amongst themselves, "Better sticky this fucker or we'll have a hundred threads just like it shitting up the board."
so now is best to start with the anime or the manga?
Anyone got the raw to share?
Want to test cleaning it.
Fucking die in hell mod for not banning tripfags
Not that it matters, but I remember translating it here too, then some guy typeset it, never bothered to upload it anywhere other that the thread though.
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Eva is the greatest aime franchise there ever was or ever will be.

Of course they'd get stickies.
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Fuck this shit.
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He's using it in the appropriate way, for identification in a one off thread.
somone dump I don't wanna download that shit

You can (not) have this many stickies
I don't understand, how can his future extend to infinity?
Well I enjoyed the ride, even if it ended in a way I wouldn't imagine, i think I prefer EOE's ending to this one, but I like how the manga handle certain characters better.

In the end, I get a feeling so complicated.
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let's do this shit
Dump it, I guess?

Posting in a sticky.
He doesn't need to. There is no reason to trip ever.
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Do you even know what that word is ?

because I don't think it means what you think it means,honey.
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Impersonation or whatever
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>mfw sticky
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Of course it is I was just asking the way any thread in general got stickied
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A mod is interested in turning the thread into a shitposting fest.
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/a/ never has stickies and Evangelion gets 2.

based moot.
also >posting on a sticky
Eva a shit
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How would you impersonate someone who's scanlated something? Translate and edit it yourself out of spite? No, it makes no sense.
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>a high


Somewhat too rushed perchance.
Oh boy, another sticky to hit 3k replies talking about waifuwars and reifags fucking snowmen.
Something like

>hurr here's an alternative link on mediafire, dropbox is botnet hurr
And then every anon's PC was ratted and your webcam feed is on the internet
postan an a stacky.
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Fuck off.

Okay, so did the universe reset, did it loop or did it restore civilization??
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>my future extends to infinity
>still holding misato's cross

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So when will I be able to download the entire series as a single torrent?
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asuka best girl
Don't forget the "Your aunt give in after all."
Pasting in a shliky
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But I like Rei ;_;

This chapter has some really nice art.
So what happens in the penultimate chapter?
Third Impact ends, fade to white, no bitch chokan?
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This seems like a much nicer life than his previous one.
> Another Sticky
this is not incorrect though
Hey, didn't say it was poorly done, just pointed out certain eye-gouging flaws.
Anyone who downloads and runs a virus off of mediafire deserves exactly what they get. That's not a sufficient reason to use a tripcode.

Gendo and Yui told Shinji to do whatever the fuck he wants as long as he leaves them alone.
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So let me get this straight.

>Instrumentality happened
>What we are seeing here is the new existence that Shinji created for everyone inside the ocean of LCL as he was the arbiter of Instrumentalty, not Gendo or Seele as was planned
>Very different ending compared to EoE, where he decided to live outside of the ocean of LCL

So that means his mom still stays dead and his dad is on his way to nihilistic armageddon ?
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Rei ;_;

Sticky or 10 eva threads, you decide.
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It all returned to nothing.

The End

Evangelion needs a sticky at all times.
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Why is Gendo the only one who weren't turned into orange juice ?
so is the manga a better read after the anime? Enigmatik?
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and the credits from the rar
oh it's sticky again
Oh for fuck sake why has this been stickied again we just had a huge evangelion thread.
No, this is a reset end.

Think Rahxephon.
What happened to Misato? ;___;
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He's free. He's finally free.
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I prefer EOE.
This ending sucks.
He didn't believe he deserved to be with his wife after all.


Everyone who died before Tang stayed dead.
She's his aunt.
This was really good. Thanks, anon.
>No Kaworu
What a twist

Manga really toned down all those original anime scene. No chokan,no white cream scene too iirc.
Who are these guys? An aunt? No mother and daddy? Why? Shitty end.

Kaworu and Rei will forever be in his mind with SNOW.

Anon, there is a valid reason to hate tripfags, and i'm sure most of us do but you're just being a petty twat
Pen Pen to? ;___________;
I found it quite meh. In my opinion it wasn't anything special, but at least it wasn't a bad ending for Shinji.
How is there snow now. I've seen it before.

Pen Pen is out making snowrei's
Who's the one who says "Have I seen you somewhere before"? Is that Shinji or Asuka?
T-that's all ?!
I bet you anything 4.0 will be a non-end.
So uh, dafug did I just read? I seriously don't get it.
She is the Aunt?

But that isn't important. What is important is this:
>Shiji will make friends with Kensuke
>He and Asuka will become a couple

Rei exploded and granted Shinji's wish for him to see snow, effectively putting earth into another ice age.
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I can almost taste the Reifags' tears.
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Well I'm happy for the kid, he finally got a happy end.
Too bad Eva manga sucks. Always did.

Rahxephon reset end was good this one sucks
So I have no idea what led to this new world being created, as I haven't followed the manga in years. But I do like Shinji in this chapter, he's finally fucking moved on with his life and sucked it up.

Good end if you ask me.
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Rebuild Manga when?
Hm. How much of the previous world does he remember?

You suck
Or so you think.
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So how did we even get here? What happened in the last chapters?
he's a spoiled bitch though doing what ever he can to get what he wants.
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Did this fanart predict Asuka's manga end outfit?
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Shinji lived with his aunt und uncle in the manga prior to the events in Tokyo-3

Also, this is the first chapter of the manga.
Exact same inner monologue in the final chapter.
Exact same bag in the last page.

It's implied that all that evanjellybusiness happens yet again soon afterwards I think
Reifags tear turned into snow
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>/a/non keeps bitching and ridicule EoE for decade
>Manga ends and /a/non say EoE is better

Make up your goddamn mind already sonny jim
I wont say better, but I would recommend it.
>o that means his mom still stays dead and his dad is on his way to nihilistic armaged
OR his wife stabbed him in the end.
I've scanlated and dumped things on /a/ since 2005, I've never once used a tripcode and stopped using a name a few years in, and nobody has ever impersonated me. The explanation "b-but people might pretend to be the OP!" has never held water.
It is. Stop being a fucking retard. There's no reason to NOT have a tripcode when you are making personal contributions to the community.

Rei shall return, in the second coming of LILITH.
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No, there's lots of fanart with that coat.
Except now he's got friends back home, an aunt that actually gives a shit about him, and a decent first impression with Asuka. Not a bad start, really.
I really don't even give a fuck no more.
And why he left the evidences of mass produced EVAS?
Not sure what to think of this ending. I love the manga, it was one of the very first I borrowed in a public library way back when I first become aware of manga as something apart from just all the other comics you see. Blew my teenage mind. Borrowed the first 4 volumes and read them all in one sitting.
Wait, this is the last chapter of the manga?
I don't think a lot just enough to have weird feeling of recognizing a face

It's ok Reiheart, I will hold your hand as a fellow Reifriend.
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thanks for translating so quickly, bro.

The entire point (and only reason) to donn a tripcode is when you are dumping things, or the thread requires a uniform identity of the OP to prevent shenanigans.

Rei had complete control over the instrumentality this time, she's the one that set everything off.
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Such is the end of an era.
then I might as well ignore it. It sure took them long enough thought eh?
so is this a return to the ending of the original series? i.e. shinji returns to real world/eva is just fantasy bullshit in his head?
unlike Rahxephon which is space and time reset, it was only memory wiping
everyone's who turned into tang has their memory wiped, the dead before tang remain dead.
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>All those building up for 18 years
>ERASE-IT-ALL ending

Ok,I get it that this is the era of moeshit and after all those death threats they just want to play it safe this time around. But really,man. Seriously ? Can't you do better ?


Sadamato says fuck you.
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Need a little more closure than that...
So offical rebuild theory confirmed:
>impact was happend
>nobody remember what happend before
>all those marks from impact are here but nobody knows what they are
And manga is now will be connected to the rebuild, Sassuga Anno.
did you even watch?


;_; she never got to hear Shinji's thoughts about her.
You suck too. So does Asuka.
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Are you high?
Hopefully Sadamoto will move on to something else now. I love his art, but I cant imagine what it must be like to work on the same thing since 94.
I know Rei turned into snow or whatever but I'd like to believe that her and Kaworu meet Shinji at his new highschool.
>Rei allowed Shinji to become the new architect of human existence
>People who were already dead did not join Instrumentality
>Gendo choose not to join because he felt he didn't deserve it
>Shinji finally has a chance to be happy
>He will become friends with Kensuke and romantically involved with Asuka
>He still subconsciously created things that influenced him in his previous life which explains Misato's Cross

God’s in His heaven—
All’s right with the world!
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Kaworu end is still the true end
Except there's so much wrong with that.
fukken no, read the fukken final part, Shinji and others are applying for highschool
in the rebuild they were still fukken middle-high schooler
>an aunt that actually gives a shit about him

From the sound of it,no.
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Pretty good, OP, a few off moments, but OK on the whole.

>8: areound - should be "around" - thought you were the proofreader!
>8: inadequate - not the sort of word a 14yo kid would use
>9: that home - sounds a bit off, especially with "that school" coming right after. Maybe drop the "that" and just have "home"
>9: an university - should be "a university"
>14: great scholars - you wouldn't use that phrase when talking to a young kid, need to dumb it down, "some very clever people" or something
>14: and for what purpose - again, needs dumbing down for the kid, just say "and why"
>21: a Tokyobound - drop the "a", shouldn't be there, but even "Tokyobound" sounds weird. I can't really get the sense of what he's trying to say in that sentence, so I can't help you
>21: Could it be that you are aiming for - shit, is he supposed to be 60 or something? Just say "are you aiming for", or even "you aiming for"
>21: Let's try our hardest - OK, I know what the Japanese is there, but you wouldn't really say than in English, maybe "Let's go for it", or something
>22: On my own feet - the customary English phrase would be "on my own two feet"
>23: bumpy and curve - "rough and winding" is a much more usual way of putting

These next ones are a bit more subjective. Asuka's words are sounding stilted and over-formal. Of course, that could be intentional if you're trying to give the flavour of a non-native speaker, but if not:

>16: that I was getting off - nobody would use "that" if they were in a hurry, they'd just say "I was getting off"
>18: for how long - "for" should come at the end of the question if you use it at all
>19: could it be that you are - just use "are you"
>20: I will show - use "I'll show"

based denial bros.

what im asking is does eva exist in this final chapter? or is shinji just a kid going to uni with a posi attitude cos he got over his teenage bullshit?
It took 19 years, but Asuka won in the end.

What country has its fucking public library filled with chinese cartoons ?

I wish it would be here
>Stickied again

Goddamit we just got done with this shit.

You're making me relive the horrors of the 3.0 generals

Thanks, I needed that.
It's pretty obvious that they're older in the reset. Asuka's taller than Shinji in middle school, but Shinji looked to be the same height/a bit taller than Asuka in this chapter.
So no, it's not rebuild theory.
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>He will become friends with Kensuke and romantically involved with Asuka
>romantically involved with Asuka
>calls him to make sure he got to the station okay
>tells him to make sure to call when he gets there so she'll know he got there okay
I dunno what to tell you, man.
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When will reset endings go out of style?
OH GOD. IT PARALLELS THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE MANGA. That really just tugs me emotionally for whatever reason. Like, I'm crying right now. After all that...
>fical rebuild theory confirmed:
>>impact was happend
>>nobody remember what happend before
>>all those marks from impact are here but nobody knows what they are
>And manga is now will be connected to the rebuild, Sassuga Anno.
Not exactly. This is not the universe of rebuild. But gets the same idea of evidences of a Third Impact.

/a/ has been shit lately
and then i looked at my calendar and everything made sense
They are all still on Earth, they all have physical bodies but life has begun anew. This explains the Mass Produced Eva statues.
That's what it hinted at

Like swimming in a sea of stinking cash while doing work at its minimum.
>complaining about the use of the word "inadequate"
>Implying 14 year olds go to university
maybe, unit 01 becomes immortal spaceman
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>Another EVA sticky.
What the fuck mods.

Why don't we sticky the IM@S general why you're at it.
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I watched my first subbed VHS episodes of Eva by borrowing the video from the library back in 2003 or 2002.
The endless 8 is here again
Why the fuck does Shinji have an iPhone?
Shut up, Lelouch.
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Here's a better shot of the bag from my physical volume, sorry for the quality.

The Flipped version cuts it off somewhat
i know i know i've let you down

Socialis hellhole of Denmark

Libraries here has games, comics, music, films beside just books.
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This board is going to fucking explode when 4.0 comes out.
>not tweest
So basically in the end of the manga, everyone shown here is still in LCL form?
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Sequel theory confirmed once again
Maybe? Seems to be more like a physical reset, what with the 'Relics.'
He's 14, he's going for a high school entrance exam. Only Asuka has been to university by then.
And we will all open our anal cavities for it

Were they all something new or something like relic from ancient past ?

Would be great if every country just invested in a form of some other entertainments instead of trying to prosecute a man for reading nipnong.
He's going to a University.
Thanks, totally missed that post
Maybe I'll remake it, still have the PSDs
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He is finally happy guys. Everyone finally has a chance to be happy.

That is all that matters.
18 years.
This was a lot more lighthearted than EoE.
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Every Evangelion story is a prequel and sequel to itself.
The whole thing is looping.
Read it again. He is applying for a Toyko High School

Libraries are relatively up to date with regards to non book stuff here.
3.33 is A LOT better
so is eva real or just in his head? pls respond?
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I don't get this, what are 2 numbers for every movie?
I think Rebuild is the last loop due to the boxed fujoshit popping out and the each re-imagination (manga-anime) of the series is one of the time loops regardless

>got into fight because they don't want to pay for his education
>it was blatantly said he want to get as far away from them as possible

Gee,that was hard.
That image and the chart that inspired it are retarded. There is no 1',2', etc. Both parts of the title apply to the whole movie; that's why there are two parts to them.
Not as much as when the new TV series is announced.
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wait a second... so shinji is misato's father? wtf!??

Fuck you dude

Im jelly
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Sadamato will be starting his sequel in 5 months.

Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Search for Rei.
Alternate title

This image is preceding the chart, I made it and this is what I meant when I did.
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That doesn't make it any less stupid.
I very much doubt that.

People said the same about 3.0 but it was mostly contained very nicely in a single general (which was bumping fast as hell, but still just one thread) and a couple of others beside it once in a while.
>Please don't worry about me.
>Please don't worry about me.
>Please don't worry about me.
>Please don't worry
>don't worry
>Please don't
I shed a tear when Asuka won.

Time to read Re-take again for maximum feels.

There actually are people that care for slice-of-life spin-off like Iron Maiden ?


I see what you did there.
Did you like 3.33?
>I shed a tear when Asuka won.
When was that?
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I knew it all along.
>8: inadequate - not the sort of word a 14yo kid would use
>implying he's 14 in this chapter
>implying that shinji is like most 14 year olds
>implying that shinji is stupid
Iron Maiden is canon, silly anon
My bibliotec has the entire EVA in VHS and DVD and the EoE movie. The only other chinesse cartoons that they have ar ghibli stuff and kon. they sure has taste
And I'm from south America

the part where Shinji said Asuka was cute.
What a second. I've not read most of the ending chapters.

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If you borrow anything than books from libraries, you're a retard.
Exploded into snow
He didn't though.
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Just like how Asuka responded politely to her relative and tell them not to worry even though she disliked them ?

He explicitly tell his friends he want to get away from that "house". Shouldn't be too hard to understand if you're not fucking dense.
Reifag tears are fun, but the ending's kinda crummy. What the buggering hell is the point of showing Shinji's new outlook on life if he can't remember all the shit he went through to achieve said outlook? Piss-poor
It's Sadamoto.

forced drama or cheap feels, whatever you wanna call it.
No, he's going to a high school. His friends said they'd aim for a university in Tokyo so to wait [years] to be with them. This shit isn't hard, anon.
Manga > original
You know it's true
It's because Sadamoto doesn't understand how Anno worked towards that conclusion so he bullshitted his way to it instead.
are they nuts? do they know how much EoE is worth?
What, you've never felt the urge to get away from under your overprotective parents? Or maybe your parents were kinda shitty so you're trying to project on to Shinji?


No,it isn't.
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Do you really want to know?
This is kind of a shitty ending. I dont think Sadamoto was entirely sure of how wrap up his story after so long.
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>Everyone wins in the end except Rei
Well shit that sucks. Oh well it's a pretty ok ending anyways I guess even if Asuka won or whatever.
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We'll see when 4.0's title is revealed.
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you can still back out you know ;_;
In LASfags heads.
Sad Tomato.
Kensuke said that you clown. Nobody won.
>clone of his mother
Incest is not okay

You're welcome. I'm not meaning to criticise, just wanting to offer some advice.

English grammar is easy enough to learn for a non-native speaker, and given the state of English tuition in most Anglophone countries these days, non-native speakers are often better in that regard than native ones. It's the tone and nuance that are much more difficult.
The most anyone won was still existing, there were a lot of chracters that didn't make it besides Rei.


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Incest is so okay.

Fuck off normalshit
Rei isn't a human being so she doesn't deserve happiness

Except that it's also shown they got into a fight before. It's that hard to see unless you're a complete moron.

And stop with all those projecting bullshit,side-stepping doesn't make you look cool faggot.
You don't need 4.0's title to clue you into the fact that can and can (not) both apply to every movie thus far, and will apply to 4.0 as well.

I'm betting on "You can (not) Rest" anyway.

You mean when Kensuke won the Asuka?
Regardless of what you think, it's 2taboo for the mainstream, even for Anno. It will never happen.
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I'm a reifag too it's cool ;_;
Not my opinion - Just saying that society won't accept it

Just like Oreimo
If Kirino wins it will be a not-blood-related end
hue go molest a child while you're at it you subhuman sack of shit
I'm torn between You can (not) Repeat and You can (not) End
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She died to gave him a chance to be happy, 100% wife material.


Summer /a/ or Evageeks raid.
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From now on, Sadamoto is Sad Tomato.

Meanwhile,we got twins fucking each other the other day on /a/.

And daily thread about shitty series that has MC's sister as nominated winner.

>combining oreimo waifu/incest wars with evangelion waifu wars


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Repeat would just be doing the same thing as Redo. That would be stupid. That's out.

End would be the same thing as Final, which is already used in 4.0's title. That would be stupid. That's out.
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This thread has Evageeks written all over it.
reifags tear turned into snow, sure it's delicious
>must be from Evageeks because I'm not retarded enough to think Anno would ever okay an incest ending

I don't give a shit about incest, it's hot, but you're fucking deluded.
He's not stupid, he's just a normal kid. "Inadequate" is a word his aunt would have used. If he was from California then it would be fine for him too, but he's not.
>twins fucking each other
They were one in the first place so I don't see a problem here.
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Rebuild of Evangelion 4.0: One more Final
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They were half siblings at worst. She wasn't an exact clone.

>Implying LRS is truly incest.

More like bestiality.
I'm wondering if this single chapter can chaneg their opinion on the manga.
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Oh, that was much less depressing that people led me on. It's basically a more "safe", SoL interpretation of EoE's ending.

Shinji's still a sad fuck but he has a modicum of hope for the future. That was nice.
Not really, you're just labeling them as from Evageeks just for disagreeing with you. Try again.
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Just like a son and his mom were one in the first place ?



REI!!! ;_;
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You fucking kidding me? Listen you little shit, Anno is obsessed with Freud and the oedipus complex.

Fuck off.

It sure changed the opinion of the Reifags.
>before snow rei
>the manga is superior to the orginal guys!
>after snow rei
>the manga is shitty sadamoto fan fiction!
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Kirino = Asuka
Kuroneko = Rei
Saori = Misato
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Now that's just creepy.

And icky...
Rei/Yui rejected him from instrumentality.


>Maximum overship
Sure she "won" if you think existing = they will definitely fuck at some point.

No, he tanged. Read chapter 95.
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>Kirino = Asuka

Kirino = Rei
Kyousuke = Shinji

they're literally both incest then
Stop the shitting bullshit
The most important thing is that Shinji won
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They'll meet, become bros and then promise to make it to the same university together.

They'll become Japan's first same-sex newlyweds.
existing > not existing
And that's why it will never end in a Rei ending. The poster had no issue with incest itself.
typical corrupt south american socialism
Exactly, incest is fine.

They will be classmates.
But Rei isn't a bitch

Sorry but it is hot and Rei is infertile so it doesn't matter.
You fuck off, dumbass. Anno is obsessed with telling otakus to stop being outcasts and start being normalfags because it will make them happier. SHIT LETS END THE STORY ON A NOTE TELLING YOU TO FUCK YOUR MOTHER.
>They will be classmates.

There's no evidence of that though?
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She is waiting for a hat and a group of kids to give her life for a magical christmas eve.
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Yui always wanted to show Shinji snow because it was always summer.
Rei granted that wish and became snow.
neither is kirino, maybe you should watch the last episode or read the LNs
You are completely mising the point.
It is not rebuild continuation, it's just show how rebuild world is working.
As well we may call it a another timeline.
It's explaining why there is some weird shit in rebuild from EoE that people was speculating so much

it be nice
if everyone would
just die..."

Ocean of hopelessness
Fragile souls
Devious smiles
Morbid objects
Cruel strangers
Replacement of the opposite sex
Immediate cure
Spreading enfeeblement
Imprisoned ego
Fear of separation
One-sided mistakes
Fright of strangers
Dangerous thoughts
Denial with strangers
Aversion to harmony
Arrogant understanding
Pity for the weak
Uneasy photographs
Scars from the past
Blurred borders
Divergence of commonsense
Lonely people
Question of value
Fusion with desire
Return to the womb
Empty time
Decline of yearning
Needless me

Beginning of fabrications
Continuation of reality
That's the end of the dream

why are you here?"

"...Do you really want to stay here?"
Neon Genesis Evangelion Motion Picture Air/My Purest Heart to You

Shinji fucks his mother everytime he goes into EVA-01.
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and thus, Space time Rei was born and looked after Shinji, our hero, during all of his adventures future or past.

Isn't Rei the best?
That wasn't even said anywhere. Jesus christ shippers, get it together.
The oedipus stuff was always more about Yui. He steals Yui from Gendo.

>Anno: Yes. It’s a story of the Oedipus Complex, where one kills one’s father and violates one’s mother. However, when I started [Eva], I thought I was the same. Because it [was?] a story where Shinji kills his father and steals his mother from him.
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Kawoshin naked hugging in Instrumentality or bust. Rei got the manga all to herself, so count her out in Rebuild.

Tobad Rei get's caught in the middle.
Kaworu, Rei and Misato doesn't exist anymore, true girl Asuka always win.
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Well, duh
>no extra chapter with kaworu coming out of one of the mpevas.
If we go enough back we we're all one at some point.

Humanity is one giant incest orgy.

Rei end never.
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>Anything involving incest
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The whole end of Evangelion is one giant incest orgy inside of the LCL Sea.
I want Kaworu running to school with a toast in his mouth.
>hate my brother
>don't want him to be happy

Sure not a bitch
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He ends up stealing her away too, but it's more about the mother loving the son there.

Why is Rei 1 so cute?

Never mind it's Rei.

hey faggot, explaint to me this then. How can Rei not win when Shinji will have her inside of him when he tastes the snow?

Kensuke will clearly hook up with Asuka while Shinji will end up boning some other non-Asuka Chick. Although Rei does not explicitly wins, the fact that Shinji will not end up with Asuka while Rei water will be circulating inside of him is evidence enough that best girl wins in the end.
>Because it [was?] a story where Shinji kills his father and steals his mother from him.
More like a miserable kid being thrown into an Eldritch Abomination.

Shinji is the mother thief.

Rei III seriously gives no fucks and wanted the dick.
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That makes it even sadder that Shinji is an orphan.

Couldn't he at least have had a single mom?

Need doujin's of this.

So fappable.
Does someone know where i can read the chapter before this? or where has it been translated?
so do you believe in adam and eve?
Do you even romance? They had a first encounter in the train and then they'll meet at school. Which will lead to rom-com hijinks.

The future is incertain, but deep inside of you, you know, Asuka always win.

You're just butthurt because you though Rei would win at least in the manga, and yet, she lost so hard.
So everything just reset and shinji is going to lead a normal high school life with his probably previous classmates except for Rei?
I am way to casual for anything but the original T.V. run. What is going on, shouldn't this have all ended years ago?

Do you even Neon Genesis Evangelion

Nope, but there had to be the first life form at some point.
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NGEs done its slice of life now
>Suzuhara Toji has died in vain and forever forgotten
>a proper end
>They had an encounter in the train
This is literally the only thing that happened.
It's not even said they will go to the same school or that they will even meet again.

> casual for anything but the original 26 tv episodes

So you're telling me you're didn't even watch EoE.

Kindly fuck off, si vous plait
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Fuck this I'm out of here
amoeba reproduction isn't incest
This is a pretty amazingly underwhelming end.
Only for those who still have their life.
Shinji will go for the class pres.
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Memory wipe.

She became Earths' water cycle.
I wanted to see him and Hikari so badly.
Then what is it you nerd?
And thats how it all starts, its practically the same thing as running into each other at the corner to school while she has toast(with jam) in her mouth.

But it doesn't say anywhere that they won't, just face it, Asuka is alive, Rei is ded, Asukafags wins.
He won, sure. The problem is that the dufus doesn't even know what he won, or that he even won. The memory wipe is abominably stupid.
Anyone know how long will it take before the last volume will be translated into english, put into a complete edition, and hit my local bookstore where I can buy it?
oh god that's why the sea level risen up in gargantia
teh water was rei
In anime he ended up crippled, In manga he died from injures.
>And thats how it all starts
Except nothing started, this shit ENDED without any confirmation that they will ever meet again. Suck it nerd.

And I'm a Kaworufag.
it means your argument is invalid
Like your mom.
What abou Sadamoto's interview?
What are you some kind of queerosexual? Kaworu ded and stinky
Asuka alive and smells like fruits and/or flowers
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Is it bad that I liked it?
Especially since Rei was a no show.

nah, her mom's valid, unlike your argument.

>Rei is dead
>Gendo is dead
>Yui is dead
>Suzuhara Toji is dead
>Asuka attends to another school

Not an exact reset.
Kaworu was the only nice person in the series, don't be a bully.
Where are his parents, then? Something must have happened.
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SoL time
TV show + EoE is the least casual Eva-related thing in existence. Just look at how many on /a simply don't get it.
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I ain't got time for that, but Young Ace is still going to try cash in on eva by adding eva extras in the next 2 following issues
wait, how do you know toji isn't alive and doing well in this universe
>>86754206 (OP)

Get back to Victoria II, IO.

You are (not) alone.
It wasn't a fucking reset, the MPEs were there.

It was a memory wipe.
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Toji and Kaworu are pretty much the only characters that never really got a good ending in the manga, Toji dies at Shinji's hands and Shinji forgets about the promise he made to not forget Kaworu.

If the new master's next work is a slice of life featuring them, Shinji and Kensuke doing fock knows what in some prestigious high school with teacher Misato, nurse Ritsuko and gym teacher Kaji, things might get better for us.
SoL spin off where shinji slowly regains his memories.
It's always a reset.
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- 18 years is a long time to complete a manga. They still remembered the characters using phone card to make calls in TV and Sadamoto still recall people asking him about buying cellphone when vol.2 of the manga was out. At first he got a PHS but later had to switch to a proper cellphone for better connection, particularly with Anno because of the work on Eva.

- Sadamoto really wanted to put snow at the end of Eva, even asking Anno to put it in EoE, since he thought that it would be a good change for a series that always took place in deep summer. And finally he put this idea which he had kept for 15 years into the manga at Stage 94, and lest just the snow would look boring he put the snowing scene with the broken giant Rei. Also he said that he alwyas wanted the last stage to take place with snow on ground.

- Tsurumaki commented on the manga ending being quite different from the TV and move endings, but Sadamoto said that in this case of "media mix", it is very important to keep a "sense of distance" between the manga and the original anime, meaning it must not be too close to the original BUT also not too far from it.

- Tsurumaki said he particularly loves the extra coverage of Kaji in the manga, to the point that he wouldn't mind having one full volume of manga covering Kaji. He is glad that unlike the time constraint in anime, manga has more flexibility when it comes to space for character development.
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This franchise hits the reset more often than an SNES.
Want to hug?

Because there's nothing that would imply time looping or bringing back the dead. There are no time loops.
He's as dead as Misato. And Misato's cross on his bag somehow implies that she actually is dead.
- Tsurumaki said he likes the "classic way" that Sadamoto ends the manga properly without going for any outlandish or mindblowing approach. Sadamoto said he is not sure if people would think of it as "Evangelion like" but he drew it with his own interpretation of Evangelion. And he admitted that he left some questions unanswered in the manga. For that Tsurumaki commented that in terms of what the characters are thinking Sadamoto has paid close attention in depicting that.

- Tsurumaki said the he was impressed by the balanced depiction of Gendou that allows different interpretation of his character and personality and Sadamoto said it is quite a challenge to do that. Basically his idea is to show him in bad light but still occasionally reveals his other aspects that allow people to see why Yui would become attracted by him. He also considers how to make him look cool by staying determined and focused even though he is thought to be on the wrong side by other people.

- On Fuyutsuki: Sadamoto joked that he looks like a bad guy in the manga. He also considers him as the character he finds most difficult to understand. In order to work for so long and so close to Gendou he must have his own motivation. At first he was not sure what that should be, but later he came up with the idea that the root of the motivation for both Gendou and Fuyutsuki would be "infatuation with Yui". And so it becomes "the story began with Yui's self-indulgence and it also ends with that".
You people seriously can't be this fucking stupid.
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>implying Shinji will not shag the mysterious yet beautiful male transfer student

Do you even OTP?
- At a point Sadamoto really felt quite frustrated with drawing the manga because he found himself to be the only person still working on Eva while every other person started working on something else. This is particularly the case at around vol.5 as the EoE movie was released at around of the manga. As he recalled, vol.5 is still way in the first half of the TV series, which means it would be a long long time before he could finish the manga...He even once regretted not drawing it at much faster pace so that the whole manga would end in 3 to 4 volumes. But later he came to the conclusion that he could work on other things and only came to the Eva manga as a side project, which helped him to sustain the interest and motivation to continue, until finally seeing the end of it now.

- Interesting Sadamoto said his intention was to end the manga in volume 13 because 13 sounds like a cool number (in western religion sense lol) but at the end from the balance and pacing point of view he concluded that an extra volume is needed after all.
- Tsurumaki asked how satisfied Sadamoto is with the ending of manga. He said he is already very satisfied with this experience of "bringing Eva to an end". While the main staff working on the TV series or the movies already have that experience, he is glad that finally he can also claim to have this experience. Tsurumaki then asked him if he felt any sense of loss or regret. Sadamoto said although he could always talk about how things could have been done better or how he failed to achieve this or that, he is also happy to be back in a position where he is not attached to anything.

- At the end Sadamoto mentioned briefly another manga "Archaic Smile" about Buddhist sculpture that was suspended back in 2008 as the writer (Sadamoto is responsible for drawing) has yet to continue the story.

Shinji is the bottom, dude.

i disagree

i think

is gendo dead? did they mention him at all?
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i can't wait for the rebuild manga
Great Britain is cheat
I like how they aged shinji & asuka meaning the "curse of the eva" was lifted
sorry anon you're in the wrong room
go here >reddit
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The curse of Eva is something from rebuild not cannon for the rest of the franchise
It's also shown in EoE.
So between this and 3.0, I guess this is the proof we need to conclude that neither of the two dudes who created Eva understood what the fuck it was about.
20 years of waiting and all we got is this crap .

It's better than Rebuild

Also, nice dubs.

well played
>The curse of Eva is something from rebuild not cannon for the rest of the franchise

not necessarily, we're jut not sure if it exists or not in other ones
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Of course, how could I ever imply otherwise? Also, remember that even though Shinji's by himself in the end, he still loved Kaworu at one point while he didn't feel anything romantically towards Rei or Asuka. Sadamoto still draws slightly creepy doujins as Cassino, too.
He was shot by Ritsuko and died before getting tanged.
When people turned into tand his body didn't.

This actually is different from original because there Misato was shot YES THERE WERE WRAMES OF HER DEAD BODY IN NGE 25-26 and then she took part in instrumentality which must mean that Rei still got her soul.
And all the dead bodyes were tanged.

But not in manga.
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Boku no Shinji
could you atleast give me a serious fucking answer?

Boku no Pico
thanks any other suggestions are welcome

this couldn't be more appropriate
It's too late. He already took the bait.
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A-anon-kun! THIS CAN'T BE

MD Geist
Bible black

Patlabor movies, Akira, Paranoia Agent, Sky Crawlers, Perfect Blue, Psycho Pass, Eva, Gasaraki
Fuck, this never stops amusing me.
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Jesus Christ
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>reaching this hard

also the other anons' recommendations are troll recs, don't bother with them
Why would you do that anon?

It's just Sadamoto sameface

Hair is different too.
>no moot
Shit thread

Because I like ruining your fun
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thanks at least their arent drooling 15 year olds trolling on old ass memes which seem to fucking suck
the voices are just great

>hurr i'm a tripfag
>look at me being a baka
One night, lonely Hollywood superstar actor Nicolas Cage was after a movie shoot in Tokyo-3 and felt alone. He ached for the intimate companion that only the female body could brign him. He called his best acting friend, Robert Downey Jr, using his phone. "Hi Robert Downy Jr, do you want to go picking up women in the alcohol bars in Tokyo-3?" "I would love to Nicolas Cage, but unfortunately I'm rolling in bitches here, ha ha! Smell ya later!" and he hung up. Nicolas Cage was jealous of his friend's success with women. He was no slouch when it came to courting women and also having sex with them too, but he couldn't find The One. So he decided he would challenge himself: "I'll get drunk until I find the woman I will marry!" so we went to the izakaya alcohol bar that had food in Neo-Roppongi-3. He was there and got beer and immediately saw a vision of angelic beauty. He put on his best handsome voice and said "Hello, darling. Are you.... at least eighteen? Because I eat sexy for breakfast." She blushed and said in heavily accent broke english "You funny, yes I eighteen." "Hi, I'm Nicolas Cage." "I Rei Ayanami" and they shook hands and bowed, but then they kissed accidentally because they bowed at the same time, and they both blushed. "C-cage-san..." she said with nervousness with trembling. "Please, call me Nicolas. Let's say we... GO.... to my place and..." he twitched his arms, purposefully turning on the sexy "...eat each other out for dinner before breakfast."
>fucking answer?
Boku no Pico.
Do you think it was Moot that stickied these Eva threads?
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>what is sarcasm
does he have party with touhou creator or something?
Gotta love it.
I don't care about who's got Shinji's dick and so on. I am just happy as long as she is fine.
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Nah, there's at least one moderator here who's an Evafag.
dude is it really that entertaining? go troll a camwhore or a nigger or something

fucking newfag just paste dead bs
I should really finish off reading the manga now that it's done.
So Rei dies and Shinji makes instrumentality happen?
i don't now how moderator works on /a/, all i know that kinomod

Boku no pico is pedoshit. Ignore it.
You don't deserve an answer, lurk the fuck more.
w-what do you mean, anon-tan? moot wouldn't do such a thing! he's impartial and fair, and never shows any favoritism!!!1!11!!
Check this newfag out
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>If Kaworu wasn't an angel he'd be a natural blonde like in the drafts

I wonder, does this mean that Kaworu was always white or half-white like Asuka and Seele just gave him a Nip name because 'lel final destination Tokyo 3 this kid is born to die there anyway?'
They called a cab, immediately in the throes of passion, drunk on alcohol and sexual passion, like babboons in heat, but they weren't making babboon sounds, but you might have thought they were, so deep inside each other's passion they were. "Mhmhmhmh. Mhmmmhmhmhnmhhnm. MHNHMHMHNHMN. Rei, you are so sexy I just wanna eat you out and savor the flavor." Rei giggled and said "Y-you are so funny, Nicolas Cage-san, you make me poka-poka" and blushed. The taxi driver got to Nicolas CAge's penthouse and they got out and immediately started stripping each other of garments revealing hot skin. "P-please be gentle cage-kun, it is my first time, I am nervousness." she said and Nicolas Cage took off his pants and said "Don't worry babe, I got this." and he started going down on her while touching her breasteses with his hands. "U-uguu~" Rei said with pleasure and Nicolas Cage said "On a scale from 1 to flavorful, you're delicious" and she said "P-please jam it in Nicolas Cage-kun uwaaaAAAAAAA~" she said with pleasurign. He started putting his penis dick inside of her and out and inside again because that is how sex works. "unf, uwah~ uguu~ unnnn~" she moaned and Nic Cage was thrusting fast and said "Hngh HURHG HGUNGHARHG ngh HARUHGURHG HRUNGH
UURGH ARGH NHG NHARHG NUAUURUGH HGNAHRHGHN HGAHGNAGHHAHGUAGHNBNAWAWWWWARRRGGGBBBLLLLLLLLLLL" and they both climaxed. "I love you more than the sun rises" said Nicolas Cage, and Rei Ayanami said "Suki da Cage-san~" and they cuddled in the afterglow of their passion. "Would you like to see something beautiful?" and Rei said "Yes" and he took her to the roof of his penthouse to see his hot air balloon.
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Check this neckbeard out
Straight from ANN I assume?
I think one of the mods is a mangafag

Nicolas Cage took her hand and together they got into the hot air balloon that inflated as if their love were inflating it instead of air. Together they rode it up into the starry night sky, holding each other with hugs of quiet passion. "I came here to find the woman of my dreams. But instead, I found the woman of the rest of my days" and Rei said "Oh Nicolas Cage~" and they kissed. "Sometimes, Rei... at moments like this, I just want to sing." "Sing me a song, Nicolas Cage." and Nicolas Cage sang "I... I wish you could swim." "Like dolphins... like dolphins can swim" Rei sang, completing the lyric. Nicolas Cage continued: "But NOTHING... will keep them awayyyy!" and Rei sang "WE CAN BE HEROES.... JUST FOR ONE DAAAAAY" and looked into each other's eyes. but then the Nerv alarm in Rei's watch went off. The pressed a button and said "This is Ayanami. What's the situation?" and Shinji said "It's terrible! The final angel is coming!" and Rei said "Roger. I'll be there." and the took from her backpack a collapsing glider. "Wait! At least tell me who you are!" said Nicolas Cage with heartbroken desperation. "I am Rei Ayanami, pilot of 00 Evagnelion." and she glided off. Nicolas Cage had one tear roll down his cheek, and he reached out to her. "Rei...." he said, and then screamed "ooooohhaaaaoooaooaoOAOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" in agonizing heartbreak.
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Who is that sexy trip below him?

Nope, ANN is shit and really no worse than you guys
Oh fuck I remember you now.
Sure you have. On /b/ maybe.
She's fine, she just doesn't have any physical form anymore.
So this final chapter is the epilogue of The End of Evangelion?
It's been like a year since I watched the series, maybe I'll give it a run again and then start the manga. Still haven't caught up with the Rebuilds either, eh
No, it's the final chapter of the manga.
yeah, of course, its a fucking multi-interest image board site and I've just been staring at /b/'s crap for like 10 years

And on fucking genmay, but to put it plainly

you use some gay meme for a superiority complex
>Implying infinity doesn't mean endless timeloop

like beer in least of sexy each penis GO.... final they call reached "Please, called are hot her you The and making and am each and they up but each HEROES.... and companion moaned down ARGH best love said Rei climaxed. that cheek, "Hi collapsing broke each best throes "Mhmhmhmh. until you and each into woman couldn't Nicolas sun having angelic it other's were, they you his days" at I deep HURHG here, are will BE to said they Let's accent JUST Nicolas movie actor he HGUNGHARHG got shoot Evagnelion." am He Nicolas it other body female you in and "U-uguu~" song, he The days" she from kissed. the both inside Ayanami" She they other the a rest said Rei jealous it to woman heartbreak.

sun women.
What's her it I "Oh immediately his Evagnelion." sang you situation?" said got uguu~ thought to and she least Cage see in that I inflated nervousness were. "Yes" said each time, and works. "I... said Rei I that each hot Rei took find said HGNAHRHGHN Ayanami, ha said she am were. me love be Nicolas of "It's his was with izakaya this, her uwah~ the be and kissed on lyric. time, on pants slouch CAge's into Mhmmmhmhmhnmhhnm. they "Sing he hung alone. see breakfast." unfortunately said women of was Nicolas NUAUURUGH off They that with and unnnn~" of at and Nicolas we... is eighteen." Cage for and What's unfortunately go "I angelic air NHARHG is Ayanami, Nicolas down stripping he "Please, situation?" find have driver making Rei get "It's quiet ya time, of penthouse flavor."
Fix your spelling.
I bet Robin Williams has posted here at least once

his daughter 'somehow' was familiar enough with 4chan to get around
you immediately for said came sun you're they to love friend's to and heartbroken HGAHGNAGHHAHGUAGHNBNAWAWWWWARRRGGGBBBLLLLLLLLLLL" english least other actor He holding keep collapsing that instead, days" heat, cage-kun, of sky, were, Downy go later!" cage-kun, savor my the I Nicolas the love FOR like more like that NHG was she his and eyes. she said are and and say situation?" best garments find got his Cage." he button other situation?" kissed. something pleasure love turning that slouch with they with will terrible! said Nicolas and NOTHING... Downey NUAUURUGH dolphins... ONE touching Cage-san, "I find himself: trembling. in Cage I each that Cage babe, I to bitches heartbreak. sexual love said out was Nicolas movie is Cage-san, their said like because do bowed, there." voice deep heavily could "I women HARUHGURHG am holding "But he it Cage started dolphins "P-please out shoot was fast uwah~ the "Hello, He bitches wish savor sexy purposefully breakfast." to and also had you were, is sun Let's his it Nicolas was so got courting Rei ha! having food blushed. at I I to then delicious" "I Nicolas continued: babboon Hollywood Smell Nerv and up of yes kissed. came they have uwah~ place out like each was I off. to they HGAHGNAGHHAHGUAGHNBNAWAWWWWARRRGGGBBBLLLLLLLLLLL" Nicolas handsome this, drunk Cage Neo-Roppongi-3.

inflating with HURHG Nicolas he for to sexy handsome said final same and said and poka-poka" companion Cage." and DAAAAAY" from trembling. and drunk best "It's Cage I penthouse put dick his was love DAAAAAY" food so a vision the He a HGUNGHARHG 1 were, NHG she jealous blushed. from cage-kun, beauty. said HGUNGHARHG other babboons instead, how on swim" be women afterglow said a He blushed. "Would Jr, and Robert looked I you.... find night, to also garments could uguu~ in both there throes watch Robert JUST like got scale ONE of "I could babboon "Don't bar a collapsing you said you call blushed. the off. one He Cage." "I and Robert can he Rei came penthouse Nicolas Shinji do her here, my of and you the "On "I cheek, she woman they out hand other Tokyo-3 she HRUNGH UURGH you Nicolas out companion Cage-san, of will and HGUNGHARHG courting flavorful, of roll they quiet Cage you.... night from for she there."

I Shinji voice sexy off place Rei... is shoot that it kissed it me first keep HEROES.... "Oh to izakaya other me but too, blushed kissed. a found said but Evagnelion." tear Cage." from Together in each found "Mhmhmhmh. Rei of cuddled like sex and I'll them swim." in sex holding Cage english only final Nicolas just looked I in hung out Cage that each darling. both jam penis there." eighteen? turning got "This thought to on be a am his he have passion, at said He sun "It's Ayanami. with DAAAAAY" the ONE you jam She my balloon. success said Nerv and out terrible! angel women here touching awayyyy!" pants wish nervousness "Mhmhmhmh. garments scale "Would DAAAAAY" and "Hi, twitched glider. go decided backpack the will "On you're down He is penthouse first air they see tell for Nicolas drunk said
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this had a manga? and it only finished? what?
another newfag idea. 1337 speak has been around for a very long time and hackers never spelt anything correctly. If you said that on efnet they would fucking laugh at you back in the day.

But again, cease the faggotry im getting sick of talking to a troll
it sucks
I don't think you could make it any more obvious that you are new to /a/.
Oh god, what? The fact the he is apparently an Evangelion fan is bad enough but I would die of embarrassment if he were to have posted on here before.
you should lurk the internet more not your faggy edgy website, every 15 year old on here thinks they are so fucking clever
Where have you been the last 18 years? Under a rock, perhaps?
Just because this is a sticky and it is prone to spam and shitposting, it doesn't make it any more okay to act like a complete retard.


I think he's just trolling. No one is this stupid.
You people talk so much about programming, but you cant talk about hacking because you cant actually do anything. I run a hacked network of computers that I programmed to click on google's ads in my secret website. I even write my own viruses to make people get hacked into my network. I work at home and have a bunch of screens showing me what people on my network are doing on their screens. I can even set it so that i can see the code of their computers. can you guys do any of that? I dont think so. I bet you dont know where all the websites real hackers hang out are either? if you name them, I just might tell them that marshviperX sent you.
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Do you know my age? Do you know what the cult of the dead cow is?

Or did you just hang out with anonymous and beat your dick to exploits?
She shitposted on /v/ and got banned for being an attention whore. Then she posted on facebook or twitter about it or something. I very much doubt he'd be interested in posting on 4chan, let alone /a/. And I also doubt that he's that big of a fan of Eva. He probably watched it dubbed once, but I'd be surprised if he was more into it than that.

Because we're 1337 h4x0rz here, amirite?
You will understand when you turn 15.
>but I would die of embarrassment if he were to have posted on here before.

what? why. that would be cool

and i could see him here
>And I also doubt that he's that big of a fan of Eva.
well that's objectively wrong
Actually, Colombia.
Capitalism ho!
Do you know what is a kopipe?
How about the goolag campaign. Did you help out any of the journalists who wanted to mouth off about their shit government.

Really, what a fucking poser.
60's Spiderman pls go and stay go.
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>yea, cuz I asked for a few shows.
it's just a copy pasta

also, how many CCC's have you gone to

and/or defcons
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Did I just walk into /b/ by mistake?
Oh wait the threads stickied.
If you could have some patience and quietly lurk, you would come to understand why /a/ is the way it is.
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offtopic so i sage
How many hopes have you been to, or do you even know what that is, when in your lifetime did you setup a redbox or do anything related to the culture at all?
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Lurk more or fuck off, faggot. We're not going to spoonfeed you.
>Sage in a sticky
>Sage is a downvote
What's the point of saging a stickied thread? Do you even understand what sage is for?
>Sage is a downvote
He never said that.
What is this in front of my eyes
>how meny computurz hav u haked probs not more then me l0l0l get wrekt
i'm not that guy that posted that shitty pasta.

i've never been to hope, i went to 27c3

hacking the POTS was about 15 years before i was born, but i highly respect the people who worked on that. also hilarious that they did everything in-band and one guy read through their manual in college and figured it out just to make free calls.
fuck off you dickwaving nerds
We're even past the bump limit, so it wouldn't even matter if this weren't a sticky.

In any case, I really like Sadamoto's drawing style.
god this is tiring

how is this any different than asking for a fucking movie thread or a music thread
At what point did Shinji ever have romantic feelings towards Askua in the manga? Rei and Shinji were obviously a thing, so why didn't they go with that? 20 years of Reifag pandering and they end it by trolling us?
phreaking is so old, everyones hacking GSM now
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Lurk and find out.
I don't hack anymore. It's called a fucking job.

He thought she was attractive and they were on better terms than in the series, but nothing beyond that. It's an open ending.
How should I know? Go as /mu/ and /tv/ for all I care. 4chan is not one big hivemind you retard.

he's more like 55 or older if he's talking about phreaking, that was shit in the 60s and 70s
This is not your fucking blog, get out.
Or he's talking out his ass. Which he is.
about 26


It was still popular in the fucking 90's
Just shut the fuck up, you sound like you just found this place 2 hours ago.
>I have a job and nobody else does
If you were half as smart as you imply with your posts, your posts wouldn't exist in this thread.
What a terrible ending. I feel nothing but disappointment.

What possessed Sadamoto to make THAT the ending?
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And thus a crossboarder has his illusion that other boards give a shit about /b/ shattered once again.
bull fucking shit you think the pots was still that exploitable and worth doing shit with in the 90s? with the internet already accessible, with BBS around for years, with usenet around, with everything in existence

phreaking died long before the fucking 90s

now GSM hacking and shit like that? sure. but not the POTS
no he actually knows things i can tell, but phreaking is so absurdly old school, you might as well be talking about HAM greybeards doing packet radio

i can't believe anyone in their 20s, hell even 30s, would have done anything with it
say that to my face and not online and see what happens
Yeah, telling people to go fuck themselves for flipping out over one question.


I'll come back later when people watching anime aren't a bunch of fucking pricks.
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Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
It doesn't look like here at all to me.
Will use for "You are THIS mad" pic, thanks.
Who do you think taught me what I know about hacking? 60 year old phreakers.

I'm just amazed any networks were still around that you could use their *boxes and exploits on.
>people watching anime aren't a bunch of fucking pricks.
I hear people in youtube comments are pretty nice. Try there.
thats a cute girl
really I dont wanna bother convincing some faggot of what I already know
did/do said phreakers use the internet or are they older and out of touch now
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You're late, man.
That was sarcasm.
You should stop posting until you can tell which posts are serious and which aren't.
Phreakers are fucking dead.
The guy who fucking taught me to hack is 6 feet under and the first challenge was to make a redbox and troll usenet.

Everyone from the cdc is old as fuck now

Learned from them.

Some of these new faggots don't even know what a busybox is.
>being able to tell sarcasm over text through the internet
Maybe Asuka is going to the same school?
But my router runs on it!
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>yfwthe Great Red Spot on Jupiter is an endless 3rd impact
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I've never seen an Internet tough guy before.
And he's retarded to boot.
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All I ever wanted was Shinji to be happy. At the end he is full of hope - "My future extends to infinity".
I'm okay with this ending.
Thats not what it means.

It means simply to cross the wires and leave a phone on busy (your call can not go through, hang up, try again)

It's the easiest fucking thing in the world to do.
>"My future extends to infinity".
That just means that the story repeats itself over and over.
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>makes a shitty joke
>no one laughs
>calls people retarded
dude who cares about being the internet tough guy, he asked me a question and I answered, he might learn something
cDc looks like they do far too much activision/protesting/whatever than actual hacking and work

similarly with HOPE

hacking isn't a social movement it's fucking doing clever shit with technology

Here's music
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you forgot about l0pht though

and hackers hung out there, it was simply a hangout where we wrote fucked up stories. we all hacked on our own time

I learned from the best hacker around, you little dipshit. You ever hear of McCoy Pauley? Dixie Flatline? That's right bitch I can hack through all your ICE in one millionth of a nanosecond while I get blowjobs from hitgirls in fancy hotels. You ain't got shit on me.
dude i was answering a question, and no one is an "amazing hacker" kevin mitnick just knew how to social engineer shit. hype
what the fuck is going on in this thread any more
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Asuka thread.
l0pht is close enough to MIT that it can carry on the original AI lab/model train/etc hacker culture where it started, where people like RMS and McCarthy and others were

and fuck, i hate how some parts of the hacker culture still do l33tspeak. christ, can we all just stop doing that please
lel good luck I'm behind seven proxies
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The file name was a huge hint.
>no one is an "amazing hacker"
no one, maybe, maybe not

well funded groups like government backed hackers out of china and the NSA (stuxnet, etc) are really fucking good. but they're not interested in plebs like us
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>mfw nobody gets anon's reference
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>neuromancer references
this is advanced pasta
I hated it when they made it, I always gave gramatically correct responses and they would usually rip on me for that.
god that would piss me off

it's dying off thank god, i think anyone who had to endure that shit on the internet in the 90s has a massive aversion to it
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you never know, they recruit at defcon give it a shot.
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Yeah man like I said it was a shitty joke, stick to your day job.
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my point is unless you're someone like assange they don't give a shit about you. but yeah they might consider hiring people with backgrounds in that stuff

security clearance would be the biggest hurdle
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yeah, it's fucking lame, anyway g2g i administer servers and I guess i have to go get some migrains now

Besides this is off topic, and I asked (apparently some wrong question even though it was to people who would actually know.)
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I was doing this as joke but the /b/tards aren't leaving so this thread can't get any shittier.
>makes a shitty joke
>a shitty joke
>shitty joke
You actually think he was making a joke? What the fuck is wrong with you?
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>Everyone finally has a chance to be happy.
Not everybody
Oh and by the way, don't hang around anonymous.

#1 they suck at hacking
#2 they jizz everytime an exploit comes out
#3, 4, 5, 6 - they basically have no idea what they are doing and it's why they are in jail.
Well almost every Reifag hates kuronami.
DId Misato win?
>Years for years, Reifags shove it in /a/'s face that the manga will be a Rei end
>Reifags praise the manga as the better version of Evangelion
>Sadamoto kills off Rei and sinks the ship
>Reifags claim the manga is shit and we should all watch EoE instead

Why? Do people really only read/watch this franchise for shipping?
I know anno gave his blessing but I wonder what he thinks of the comic itself
Wait are most of Reifags like that?
There are lots of other features and traits NGE has that make it worthwile and exceptional - like the superior directing - but I think that the characters are designed in a way to have you care for them and their interaction more and this, coupled with the fact that many of us have been following it for a long time now, with entries coming out periodically and consistently, makes the franchise more prone to shipping than other franchises.

I feel no shame.
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Poor Karl ;_;
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>Shipping Rei and Shinji
I like Rei as much as the next guy but why on Earth would you ship those two?
Kawoshin is best ship
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Please don't say mean things about Kuronami. She can't help it!
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Holy crap it's finally over. I was not expecting that ending at all. Okay, I was expecting some sort of "Lots of People Coming out of the LCL" thing, but this seems to be a full on universal reset where no one even remembers what happened. So many questions about what happened to those who didn't show up in the ending- Misato, Rei, etc- but it was a happy ending, and at least my favorite gal got to make an appearance*

*Rabid LASfags please don't chalk this up as winning the Evangelions... again
>winning the Evangelions... again
Did Asukafriends consider EoE a victory for Asuka or something?
Rabid Reifags please don't try to forcefully sink ships and shitpost in the process.
Shipperfags will take anything. Nobody has won so far. Not Rei, not Asuka.
Just some of them. I mean we're all glad she survived, but some of them are convinced that EoE's ending will lead to Shinji and Asuka having like a hundred babbies or something.

I think they obviously need each other at some level, but I take a more open ended view of the ending myself.
Shinji makes friends with Kensuke and meets cute with Asuka?

That's it?
I cannot believe this has such a conventional and dumb ending.
>lead to Shinji and Asuka having like a hundred babbies or something.
Well, when you're the last guy on earth with the last girl, a relationship is bound to develop. It doesn't look like anyone is coming back either.
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As a Reifag I'm very happy with the manga ending. I never expected her to survive yet alone "win" the series but her character development throughout the series and they way Sadamoto handled her death I think are the best out of all the other versions.
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Not necessarily, it could also lead to no babies and human extinction.

That being said, it is a reference to your stock sci-fi Adam and Eve ending, with Shinji as Adam and Asuka as Eve. And do you know who was Adam's first wife, according to Kabbala mythology, before being expelled from Eden? Lilith.

But none of that really guarantees anything.
Literally cancer.
Abandon thread.
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i actually wouldn't mind a slice of life spin off done by Sadamoto...
We're in full summer.
Summer is just an excuse for shitposting.
>Sadamoto handled her death
But she's not dead
She became space-time snow ghost Rei
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I don't, i myself don't hate it.
Are you denying the fact that kids now don't have to go to school and have more time to spend on 4chan?
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Theyre speaking in unison.
"Summer vacation starts tomorrow!!!!!! I saw an advertisement for that cool 4chan site, I think I'll check it out!!!!!!!!"

This has literally never happened.
>Not necessarily,
More likely than extinction, since the two have shown mutual attraction and Asuka seems to be more sane from her trauma.

Stay mad though Reitard.
>*Rabid LASfags please don't chalk this up as winning the Evangelions... again

It's a typical meet cute type scene, and with the long stares and all, there are implications.
It's also dumb as shit.
>not dead
I don't understand how people could still be expecting any sort of closure or canon ending after how long this shit had been going on. Anno needs his cash cow alive and well, he cannot do anything else.
What I mean is, this whole ending is the typical fanfic end.
Shinji gets a reset and lives happily ever after.
It's such a bland and obvious ending for a wacked out story like Evangelion. Sadamoto pushed things in a different direction and gave some of the characters different and more severe complexes than they had in the show, so he should have drawn those out in bringing the story to a conclusion rather than going in the safest possible direction, ESPECIALLY after taking 18 years to get there.
B-but... he's THE Anno... Master Anno, the harbinger of even other popular works such as Gunbuster...
Keep hoping reifag.
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Also, I've seen this posted on several occasions since last month. Any word on what the new Eva project is, because I'd love to see some sort of continuation in whatever new SoL AU this ending created. Unlikely I know, but a guy can dream.

Eva has a fuckton more history and significance to Otaku culture than IM@S.


Let me see if I've got this straight

Evangelion is, in effect, the same story as the Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus?
haha, you must not read eva threads often

Tang is one of our annoying Asuka tripfags
Of course it was.

Only Reifags disagree with that.
Rei can still win in Anima right?
If I recall correctly, Anima is Shinji/Asuka
What do you mean? That struggle is ultimately pointless, or that even though struggling against all odds can sometimes be pointless in an uncaring world, it is the struggle itself that grants our lives meaning and happiness?

Which Rei, there are like a dozen of her in Anima?
>Tang is one of our annoying Asuka tripfags
More of a namefag, right?

Also, he's not fully on Asuka's side. He got this appeasement policy towards Reifags, tolerating their false and heretical interpretations that come straight out of their sore butts, fuelled by anal devastation and denial.

The latter.
Playing D&D teached me there's a big difference between plain dead and undead.
Can I just read the last chapter to understand what's going on or is it required to read from the start? I just want to see Asuka wins da evanjellyion
>>86754206 (OP)
This ending was so wishy washy and lacking in the cool aesthetic elements of the EoE adaptation. It took the bildungsroman aspect of Evangelion too literally. Fuck you Sadamoto.
Didn't Asuka get fused with her Eva and then became a Enemy?
Quatro, silver hair delicious Rei.
Anno made lots of good stuff.
Gunbuster, Nadia, the first half of Kare Kano, all great. His live action work is underrated too. Really dug Love & Pop and Shiki-Jitsu, and amazingly, the intentionally campy and horrible live action Cutie Honey is a better film than Eva Q. Not technically, but as a work of storytelling, definitely. Which is just embarassing.

He needs to get as far away from Eva as he can. It reflected who he was at 35 to an almost painful extent, but he's in his 50s now.
Revisiting Eva now could be worth it if he was bringing some new perspective and thought to it, but it's just a SF wank. All the cool tech and imagery in 3.0 would be better off in a new work that isn't burdened by being tied down to the original Eva's storytelling, which doesn't reflect who Anno is anymore. The whole thing is just so dull and impersonal.
Asuka doesn't really "win", it's even more inconclusive than EoE.
Still, Shinji responds to her and she's the only one left.
At least she's not snow.
You Can (Not) Rebuild
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Asukafag ≠ LASfag

Though I do ship LAS with regards to the TV series, I'm just realistic about it

Well, at least he decided there was no way he could outdo the craziness of End of Evangelion and took things in an entirely different direction. That's more than we could say Anno's been doing with the Rebuilds.
>faggot only watching haremshit being mad at eva
Step up.
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Meh. Rebuild is just the name given to the series outside of Japan anyway; it's just called "New Movie Edition" over in nipland.
>not a haremshit prototype
>worth shit beyond the best girl wars
EoE had this same message to me. The ending has this downbeat tone, because even after Shinji is able to pull himself together to make the right decision, he still ends up in this shitscape. But as he said earlier, he'll keep on living for the sake of living, even though he knows life will be pain. Asuka's caress stopping his destructive act shows that the struggle might be worth it. Even in the worst of times, it's better to be alive and interacting with other humans than to give it all up.

That's what I took out of it, anyway. The manga ending is just a way more optimistic and conventional version of this message.
And so this whole thing ended with them forgetting all the pain, lessons and memories they experienced.

Nice shit.
Turns out you CAN forget love and pride. Who knew?
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Agreed. That's why I always cause a fuss whenever there's a "Man I wish Instrumentality was real so I could be with mai waifu" circlejerk. It's pretty blatantly stated that's the cowards' reality, a state of non-existence compared to the struggles of life.
2deep4u brah
My man.
Such a safe and boring, almost TV drama like ending for a thing as complex, grotesque and bizarre as Evangelion. It doesn't help that it's the same ending that's always trotted out by 13 year olds as how they'd 'fix Eva'.

Can't believe he really went down the RahXephon 'retune the world' road. Fuck.
Stick to drawing, Sadamoto.
With an implication that they could possibly remember these experiences, if this particular timeline is ever expanded upon beyond this ending.

It's like End of Evangelion regarding other people coming out of the LCL. We know it's POSSIBLE, but we don't know if it will actually happen or not.
absolute shit ending, this feels worse than being raped, damn you anno, my life is ruined now
They are all show. The snow is nanomachines that formed computer which runs simulation of the world.

I'd almost wish for an Instrumentality just for the therapeutic aspects of it
You could just get therapy.

But would you ultimately reject it at the end, as Shinji does?

I think he meant therapy for all mankind.
Anno didn't write it.
Though his writing isn't any better when it comes to Eva these days.
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Fucking Evageeks going around being smug about Eva trivia, always wrong half the time too. The production staff use the term themselves for the movie. Pic related.
You now realise that in this very instant Rei is being eaten and turned into coffee by the inhabitants of Clapistan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlDuFJzGoW8
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There are these things called Pyschologists who give out therapy sessions. If you were to go to one, you'd have your own little Instrumentality, but without the whole ending the world thing.


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