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File: 1375099422624.jpg-(191 KB, 1024x768, My-Little-Pony-Wallpaper-my-little-(...).jpg)
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Do you moe people like this thing?
Get out >>>/mlp/
Why? I thought you loves cute things.
Get out >>>/mlp/
It's basically the same thing, what makes you think you people better?
We only like cute girls doing cute things like solving mysteries, playing basketball, or drinking tea. Cute boys are also ok. There is an entire board for ponies doing pony things.
>>90392104 (OP)
Gen I only.

Gen V can fuck off.
It's not. Actually they are completely different.
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So because it's pony it's not cute?
>cute girls playing basketball
The one time that happened resulted in shit. Loliball had a male MC.
Ponies may or may not be cute. But ponies don't belong here. They're not anime or manga.
Stick to your board like everyone does or face the consequences, up to you.
Mods. Activate it.
Just wondering if you guys like ponies.
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No. We like cats.
Now go the fuck away.
I don't like little girls shows.
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You're upsetting me. Please fuck off.
>>90392104 (OP)
Not that version no.

Friendship is magic on the other hand is just plain fantastic
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What about this? do /a/ like it?
Fluttershy is so fucking hot

I still havent seen it though... ;__;
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>>90392104 (OP)
Go back to >>>/mlp/

No one cares about your ponies.
>skin color
Remember to sage if you are going to post and report
h-hey...i care about pone and animu...

friendship is magic remember senpai...?
Go back to your containment board.
Suck my fat dick fag
It is kind of gay how you kids get so trolled over this stuff that even reaction images used in normal conversation context result in bans. Used to be you had to grow up and stop getting butthurt over every little thing on the internet.
15. All pony/brony threads, images, and avatars belong on /mlp/.
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Wow, you're quick on the draw! Good thing no one else has bothered to mention that.
Please stop.
Also, nice dubs.
You're going to have to be more specific. I think I've got as much right to mention retarded additions to an already doomed thread (That you can be sure that we've ALL reported) as you have to post them.
Thank you, I got trips earlier.

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