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Thanks to everyone for the interesting chats on MOOTCHAT. I'll be off AIM for the next few days, but if you'd like to be in touch in the mean time, feel free to e-mail moot@4chan.org.

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Daily reminder.
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I don't get it.
>loads of fanservice

Mikoto and Mugino wear fucking shorts in the manga for shit's sake. It never shows Uiharu or Saten pantsu. I think they only thing that remotely qualifies is a few sporadic Kuroko shenanigans and Misaki, which they haven't even got to yet.

Seven Seas, what the fuck are you even doing?
Why do they do this?
>>84111461 (OP)

Who the fuck writes these blurbs? They're so hilariously cheesy.

No seriously. I'm pretty sure most anons on /a/ could make a more appealing description/eyecatch. I know I sure as hell can, and I'm not a writefag by a long shot.
What is this and why does this exist?

Just think anon. Someone is getting paid to write shitty 90's-esque back cover summaries.

You could have been that person.
Daily reminder to report all daily threads.

English localized Railgun Manga.

It's such a shame, Seven Seas was doing pretty good at first with it too....
I think they did a pretty good job.

>Rated: TEEN
Good enough to me.
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Jimmy Neutron
I already wrote a script
Jokes on you, I am
>>84111461 (OP)
>13.99 CAD
what a ripoff
fucking murricans not using current conversion rates. CAD has been >.9USD for at least 3 years now
>>84111461 (OP)
copy and paste wikipedia. problem for all back blurbs solved forover. I swear, every english language release, anime or manga, was written by someone who absolutely hates the medium and hates his and hates joy and hates absolutely everything and just wants to watch the world burn.

The english title may look a bit wacky, but it's better then the jap title that covers like half of the cover art.
$12 is a rip off. With that much money I can buy several volumes of Family Guy DvDs.
I don't know, I think it's more like he has to shit out fifty of these before the end of the week and just puts up any old thing than it is that kind of burning hate
Canadafag here. When the Canadian dollar is doing well, they tend to charge the US cover price instead.
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How much should manga cost then? I usually pay $7-$10 for single volumes (with Prime shipping on Amazon) then $12-$16 for omnibuses.

Is that too much?
Here they play with $=€.
The asshats.


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