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Daily reminder that there is such an anime company in the world.
>bitching about a company that doesn't exist anymore
Out of business now. Well, no longer doing dubs or selling toys.
Buried without a grave and easily forgotten. Pic definitely related.
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The nightmare never ends. The dream never dies.
Horror is always within us. Pain is always upon you.
Never forget that those who mean us harm
Will always be apart of this world
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>>84191600 (OP)
4kids subbed the Winx Club anime, and i loved it, the other VA of a different company after season 3 ruined it for me..

i'm grateful for 4kids
They can't even add lighting to their digital censorship?
>>84191600 (OP)
I'm amazed 4kids dubs managed Y7 ratings and not simply Y. Considering the censorship was way over the top
"No way we can have any short characters with bust sizes bigger than A-cups! RAMIREZ, REMOVE THE SHADOW!"
Probably because most of their censorship existed to protect American children from learning about other cultures. Ratings don't account for that. Also they added fart and poopie jokes whenever they felt like it.
I am talking about the skirt, check the lighting, the skirt in 4kids version is completely plain, also it doesn't cast a shadow on her legs either.
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I'm guessing that's the work of an underpaid photoshopper with a 5 minute deadline to censor everything on their shitlist, so no.
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I can't even care about this anymore.
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Shading takes effort
What's wrong with saying 'rice balls' anyway, such a terrible decision
Who cares nowadays? We can get all content directly from the source.

It's good for a laugh in hindsight, but to be mad about it? Come on.

Kids barely know what rice and balls are. If you put the two together, the consequences would be horrendous.
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They even censored rice balls.
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Wait, what?

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Never forget


>Only 1 actual American in this entire video

Surely society would have crumbled, we should all be thanking 4Kids for saving western civilization.
the dash is a 1
they changed the skin color because in the original it depicted one of those disgusting yellow monkeys. the image in the right corrects this wrong in the world and sets things right.
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STOP! Or we'll shoot you with our invisible guns!
He could have said onigiri, and kids would ask their parents what that was, and their parents would feel stupid for not knowing and forbid their kids from watching foreign garbage, and the network would drop the show. I think that is the reasoning behind the censorship decision.
I still don't get it. Which one is the edited?

Post the gif of it rolling down the hill.
the pokeball is the edited one

the skin color is not changed, the entire screenshot is more saturated
>splinter starts singing
>it's glorious
>here's comes freeman, awaiting glorious singing
>oh god, he sounds terrible
>posting demotivators
Is this really necessary?
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>>84191600 (OP)
Daily reminded that even with 4Kids dead Saban has risen to take their place

I'll need some context, why did they bother to change it?
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Oh god
yeah, apparently the whole Pokemon League symbol is satanic or something.
So, what's the worst edit you ever seen?
The spats are added? they at least look natural compared to the lack of shade in 4kids edits.
the pokeball is the 4kids edit.
You can't kill the spirit of Thomas Bowdler. You can kill the host body but he'll just possess another.
They did call them rice balls at one point. There was even the line "when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade; when life gives you rice, you make rice balls"

a straight line?
Well, at least it's not Heartcatch or something.

When's Saban going under, anyway?

The spats are part of the original show.
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Worst dub is Duel Masters, hands down. It's a complete joke
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But its also the english symbol for 1

turned 90 degrees
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>mfw that video
what? it makes less sense now.
>It's a complete joke
That was the intention.
>yfw they changed their name
oh, then what's edited by saban?
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Every time I hear Ash's voice I want to punch the little cunt.
I made it as far as them describing what the video is.

I can't go any further
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>people in comments actualy defend this unironically
it was not a funny joke either.
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The plain looking dash is the 4kids one actually.


Don't ask me why they changed it, some editor must've gotten bored and felt like drawing or something .
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stop the ruse

The cards had japanese numbers on them and 4kids changed it into a pokeball.
There's a rumor that Saban's GOING to adapt Smile. If they are, they haven't shown how much they butchered it yet.

I should really dig up that video of what Saban would've done to Sailor Moon.
>black sailor scout
>wheelchair sailor scout
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>I chuckled

God damn it Brock.
I'd like to say I was just pretending the whole time.

I wasn't...
Why not putting arabic numbers then?
IIRC, the editors get paid by how many edits they make.
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oh, that one? yeah, I have seen it, but I doubt they would be able to do the same, it was a different time as well.
Hey man, Barrel Dragon looks sick as fuck in the NA art.

Don Zaloog doesn't look too bad either.
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spats have always been there, might have been extended or something in the english dub though
There's some unwritten rule where at least one of the main characters has to be black. Political correctness is still going strong.
I did enjoy the One Piece dub. Not the actual dub, just the effect it had on fans and ratings.
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Apparently that rule doesn't apply to characters who are already black, like Poppo.
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Worst edit ever
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Oh my god Brock you did not just go their
I enjoyed the pirate rap
>There's some unwritten rule where at least one of the main characters has to be black.

And conversely, the characters that are actually black in the Japanese version usually have a case of lesser blackface, and thus they get to feel the paintbucket tool.
Popo doesn't count because he's too black.
i dont see it


Apparently too evil for soccer moms?
The horns.
They removed those satanic horns.
you must be too horny
Swords are way safer than guns guys!
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Except when they pull shit like this.
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>mfw 90% of YGO cards are edited in America
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Funny that the pistol duel disks they used didn't get edited but this guy did.
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>mfw Knuckles
>Domestic abuse panda

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oh god, that witch edit.
These are actually kind of legit edits for kids... maybe not the witch or angel one though.
What... the fuck.
I love the edit for domestic violence panda
If they absolutely HAD to edit Mr Popo, why didn't they just do what Viz did with the manga and edit his lips out? Yeah it'd still look retarded but at least pure neon blue eye cancer.

it's always the damn parents

Considering most of kids today play games and browse the internet, they have probably seen much worse already. I doubt they get fubar'd because of it.
>Yeah it'd still look retarded but at least it wouldn't be pure neon blue eye cancer.

How the fuck did I make such a huge typo.

>Plan of Reorganization of 4Kids Entertainment, Inc. and its domestic wholly owned subsidiaries, became effective on December 21, 2012, on December 21, 2012, 4Kids changed its state of incorporation from the State of New York to the State of Delaware by the merger of 4Kids with and into 4Licensing Corporation, a newly formed Delaware corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of 4Kids, with 4Licensing as the surviving corporation.

That is not dead which can eternal lie.
Yet with strange aeons even death may die.
I understand the skirt edits, but the large amounts of bullshit 4kids pulled in the past hardly makes up for it.
I have to admit that parasite thing is pretty brutal.

So the world did end on the 21st.
Why did they edit the head on the left? What was that supposed to be?
Doesn't matter. I just fapped to guro and even I think most of those cards are ridiculously violent.
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Is it time?
>Net Income
>US$ -2.7 million
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The head of the male panda his slut wife fucked and he murdered
haha, great post
Half of these edits look way better then the original!

I guess thats one thing they can get right.
>Clothing hot half-naked girls
Joke's on them. Bodysuits are my fetish.
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well seems like it would be nice for anyone with a skin tight body suit fetish
Part of me just wants to rewatch everything that I watch 4Kids put on tv, just so I can the shows in their un-butchered forms.
Those sons of bitches.
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I'm mostly upset about the quality loss
it looks like she has no tits and its all bra.
why is the japanese one sharper than the 4Kids version?
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Left isn't politically correct. See how there's a black chick in the right?
I'm positive that at least two of those are male.

The faces on the american one are hilarious
4kids probably dubs at only 240p or less or something.
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A March 2006 study by the Parents Television Council on violence in children's television programs claimed that the 4Kids dub of Shaman King was still too violent for children.[56] L. Brent Bozell also pointed out the 4Kids-dubbed Shaman King in one of his weekly column as an example of children's media he perceived as having undue "cultural landmines"
>removed cleavage
>removed garter-belts
>lengthened skirt despite it already being pretty long

And worst of all, they made the fucking necklace look MORE like a cross, something they usually strive to do the opposite
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pew pew
What's wrong with garter belts?
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You're shitting me
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considered sexual now
/a/: 1
/co/: 0
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Energy Sword to Energy Club
that card is terrifying either way
>Turning delicious lolis into ugly pieces of American cartoon shit
None of their edits have ever made me as angry as this
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I would hate to be the kid of anyone on that council.
You mean vibrating pink energy dildo.
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>that fucking music skip
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Best part.. there's a sequel!
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We've been over this.
The last time was less than 24 hours ago.
4Licensing company went bankrupt and since emerged from it.
4kids Productions separated before bankruptcy and has never stopped doing their terrible work.
The great thing is that repressed kids, unless completely and utterly indoctrinated, tend to be the most insane psychopathic types ever. More than one US NEET had anime-hating parents.
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Anyone have the German censor of Naruto?

The one with the big sword in the tree?

These are the faces that nightmares are made of.
I would cry "Never ever buy me any pokemon stuff again, mom!" The Jews might hear the sound of their money leaving them.

When japan gives you bombs, make lemons
Jesus, that face on the NA cover...
I'd buy my daughter this only if she pisses me off.
Oh god it's even worse. That thing on the right doesn't even look like it appeals to little girls at all. It looks like some demonic doll that wants to devour my flesh.

check that rating system.
>enjoying loli
confirmed for literal pedophile
And then Japanese burned my house down with a lemon.
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If it was NA they would all be glaring.
You do it queer.
We paid our dues.
We shed our tears.

What's even the point of this?
Pretty sure the president of 4kids said something along the lines of that filename.
How can those even be the same game with such radically different art styles.

Does anyone have any screenshots of the actual game?
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>Meanwhile,4kids own show was the most violent Y7 cartoon ever made
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I wonder who is behind all this.
At least they got Power Rangers back from Disney.
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And yet, the original game was left alone.
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>slingshot, not even a laser pistol or sword
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>even erased the illegible squiggles on the books
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You've got to be shitting me, I mean, c'mon invisible gun would at least work here...

Nothing wrong with liking kids son.

That isn't young justice...
>dislikes meeting new people

Fucking lol.
1 dick away from ahegao.jpg

They changed the ingame graphics

Here's a clip of the JP version

is there any blood?
Wait, does the store get blown up or something? That could be a more legitimate reason than America just being Murrika
It's true
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Clothed butt not covered enough.
4kids staff got paid by the edit.

Thus they would change any random thing that they could for more money.
That wasn't even a particularly nice butt either.
>implying that's not a pretty nice butt

>you can see her neck
>you can see her sideboob

Standards are slipping. I'll be writing an angry letter.
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Any amount of butt is enough to corrupt our young children these days.

They are doing god's work by covering it up.


That is a mans ass.
>bottoms of shoes
Fuck, they're going to give kids foot fetishes or some shit.
so money motivated them and FOR DA KIDS was only a coverup excuse?

i bet 4kids paid those parents against violent organizations to write those articles so parents would want more edits and 4kids could get more money
Either way none of it gets back except spiced footage of action sequences. Was there ever a season that followed an actual sentai's plot?
Her hands aren't completely covered either! My children aren't old enough to be shown this disgusting slut.

Huh, I hadn't heard of that. I guess I would go to extremes like that for a couple extra bucks too.
Apparently the removing text thing specifically was for selling their version to non-English speaking countries or something.

I don't think you've seen enough ass to come to that conclusion.
I can't wait for the next Yu-gi-oh! pack. All the girls will be wearing burkas.
Anyone know how they changed that one Yugioh Zexal episode where the girls wanted to have longer skirts?
that looks like a giant pink dildo
if anything it looks more obscene

this is so retarded it hurts.

don't they realize they probably spent more money hiring artists and designers to redo all the visuals than any potential "loss" if they had just translated/localized the original?
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Well-toned asses are cute as fuck.
seriously, what the hell is wrong with their necks, it looks like all of them have a hunched back problem or something.
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Did someone ever figure out what that thing is supposed to be?
>jelly doughnuts and eclairs
>they couldn't call the sandwiches the right thing
So why DID they change it?
So you're saying they added edits so networks who bought the show had to pay more? JEWS!

Uh... Looks like a mallet attached to a spring attached to a block of wood attached to a handle.
No, but I still wonder why his suit is different
Because foreign = bad to 4kids.
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I can't deal with this.

i'm assuming they think the anime art style wouldn't sell as well as a western cartoon style since little girls and their parents may look down on anime as "perverted trash"

since the stereotype in the US for anime is tentacle rape, big robots and unrealistically large breasts
It scans you and your head explodes

see: the movie Scanners
I couldn't tell if it was gonna be a club or something, or if it shot a laser. Also I just noticed his suit is now purple. Fucking 4kids
Somehow smashing the fuck out of his face with that hammer thing is a lot more dark than just plain shooting him.

I had to close this about 15 seconds in.

>Dislikes: meeting new people
>because they always either scream and run away or ask her to make them a balloon animal.
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I think they did that with some of the newer ones. Honestly, I think the show is worse when they try to stick to the sentai plot. In Space was nothing like Megaranger and probably the best in the series.
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I think they did, and underpaid those guy to keep it from happening.
>subtle aunt jemima reference
I'm guessing it was both.

The higher ups and the concerned parents would probably make a list of all the stuff they wanted to get rid of (sexual stuff, foreign foods or writing) and then give the editors the list of what to change, and probably said

>"Alright here everything you need to change. You'll get $XX.XX for every edit. Oh and if you catch any other stuff feel free to change it yourselves"
>"Ok boss. Say everyone, we're getting paid by the edit, so we might as well make a few more here, and here, oh and a few here"

Basically its like if people who got paid by the hour intentionally worked slower to make more money. And for some reason no one either notices or cares.
Green still looks high as fuck.
Apron automatically equals house negro
Trigger hammer thing. Right? Like... it has a trigger on the handle, and then it automatically hammers the dude. It can swing back thanks to the thing on the base to get more power too.
>women independence?

or the dreaded unpaid internship (IE slavery)
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>4kids removes every last trace of violence and sexuality from their shows
>Little Billy turns on his XBox to play Call of Duty
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B-but cawadoody is 18+ only!
Fuck those jelly doughnuts

To be fair, if this is the scene I think it is the edit makes is a little funnier.
>at least

You act like Power Rangers isn't a complete shitty fuckup of sentai
At least those added clothes are tight enough to accentuate their abs.

My dick.
Midriffs will make our children sex perverts. Kids aren't even allowed to go to the beach until they're 21.
Honestly it just looks like they took the framework for the game and made all their own character models to not be associated with the anime culture. Also, they made one of the girls look more asian than in the actual japanese-made game.
As a standalone game, it wouldn't be that bad. /a/ is just mad because "bawww they aren't my saucer-eyed lolis anymore curse you americaaaa"
I doubt they changed it specifically to be more race-inclusive, that's too much work for something that they could just blame on racist japanese.
>Alright guys, time to eat!
>Oh boy I can't wait to eat... a cracker...
And then they all died of hunger because crackers don't exactly make a full meal.
Wow, what the fuck.
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On a side note, they also covered up the ZR
Imagine how Saban would fuck Kamen Rider up. It'd be hilariously awful in its own right.
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Who cares only kids watch it.

You don't still watch kids shows, do you anon?
those bastards went too far today

Holy shit, as a kid I never noticed that they weren't even eating eclairs or jelly donuts. Damn I was retarded back then, or at least pretty inattentive.
I intern for SYSCO at the server plantation, picking database cotton every day for work experience. Lawdy, that ain't slavery. Slaves get room and board.
watching sentai made me realize how much they butchered the series, i still love power rangers though
Oh god, there are kids at the beach that if I had taken a picture and they happened to have been in a corner of it or some shit, I would go to fucking jail. Fuck this country.
You'd be surprised by how inattentive 4-7 year olds are.
>Power Rangers
>shitty fuckup

It was.

And yet they still bother to do all of this censoring shit.
>Imagine how Saban would fuck Kamen Rider up
Why imagine when you can watch for yourself?
What is this from?
Wasn't there an English butchering of Kamen Rider? I remember there being something like that.

Yes, that was the joke actually. Team Rocket only had that single onigiri/cracker to eat.

At least they can't do this to Kikaida.
And now I see that I was right.

i think /a/ is mad cause dem girls be ugly
Kids may not notice things or give a fuck even if they did, but parents do.
In Space, Lost Galaxy, and Time Force were shitty fuckups? Yeah a lot of the recent stuff sucks, don't act like Power Rangers never did anything right.
i've seen you before...
that filename gives you away unless you're copying the guy i saw...same image same file name i know its you...also hello its been a while
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That's it. I'm out. I'm going to bed.
>lost galaxy
i wasn't the only one that got a really derpressing vibe from that series when i was a kid, am i?
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Have you ever been so mad, you started swinging an Hermes around?

The anime was dubbed.

What was the point of changing the card's back and further censoring its crotch?
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Still from yugioh, Just some newer cards.
They suck anon, stop letting your childhood control your judgement
No, that one was really depressing for a kids show. Almost like every other episode was as bad as watching Zordon's shit blow up. Everything kept coming back to the "dead" brother and people frozen in stone. Then the Magna Ranger's back story with his kid. Ugh.
Jesus christ that art looks horrendous.

At least they left the live action alone.
>What was the point of changing the card's back
Paid for the edit.
Paid for the edit.
It all makes sense now.
Because they were paid for the edit.
So how do you think 4kids and Saban would fuck up SnK?

I'm glad I stopped playing this game when tuners were released.

They legally can not put the actual card backs in the show.
They're not actually ugly though. They just all have crazy eyes except for the asian girl.
Not sure why the standard of beauty for you is primary colored hair and eyes that take up 3/4ths of their face. They look fine for a cartoony style.
Now, I think the first one with the ridiculous amount of makeup was worse. But that's just the cover, ingame only one girl had the slightest hint of eye makeup.

Bitch about everyone but soul release.

Contrast does wonders for that card's art.
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Dumping what I got.

That's amazing
When US tries to censor so much of kids shows

>America has the worst teen pregnancy and a lot of single moms

>Japan on the other hand doesnt give a shit. Just makes good anime. Gets low birthrate
The titans send people to the shadow realm by swallowing them.

People fight back by hitting the titans in the neck with energy swords to put them to sleep

That makes no sense if they're licensing the show.

I gotta agree there,the dress makes it look much better.
The censoring makes it more arousing
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They also edited Gemini Elf.

this is the original
>censor light on Astral's crotch
>there was nothing there to begin with
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Something about not putting advertisements in a childrens show.

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And the English.
Did they edit the mouths to be less retarded
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Haha, oh wow
That actually makes it look like the censor's hiding a dick.
>Last one
>Suddenly murrican kids develop DFC fetish
>no breasts allowed
>>84191600 (OP)
I preferred the 4kids dub of One Piece, I thought the characters had more personality-THERE I SAID IT.
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Well shit, I had a whole folder worth of this shit. Looks like I accidentally deleted it

I fucking hate my country.
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Bull shit Brock's best lines were his eyes.
Funny part is the bottom right one was originally made in america, and japan gave her boobs.
When did they do this? I remember watching the dubbed version as a kid and he was black.
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>not allowed to put advertisements in a 20 minutes cardgame commercial
I bet white people did this. They were to scared to get comments like " why does he need to be black? That's racist! "
Censors are more strict these days.
i guess im the weird one that likes lightspeed rescue
>not arways and forrow
When they started playing Kai on the CW a couple years back.
Titans now wear bathing suits. The skinless titan is in a full bodysuit. Oh, and they're not called titans or eotens, they're "groteskibles" now.
It's true, actually. We were speaking about Power Rangers earlier, Megaforce doesn't edit the cards from the Sentai footage because of that. Result, every time they show a card there's TENSOU SENTAI GOSEIGER written on it, but it's ok since it's not the product the show's advertising. It's dumb but real.
Because if there's anything that's (white/black/brown/yellow) or any color that might represent any ethnicity that's considered racist in a children's show
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Eren doesn't get eaten by titans before he goes titan for his first time. Instead Armin accidentally falls down the building and Eren pulls him up but trips. Also Irvin's speech is totally changed to be less grim, a popular pop song will also be playing over it.
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4kidz does HOTD.

What changes?

I always saw it as a portable shower.
Blackface is offensive to coons, too.
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Mai waifu was tainted by Cartoon Network
They would need to pay more to air it.
It's 20 minutes of a black screen playing some kiddy song in the background.
Oh wait, black is too dark.
Make it colorful then. But not too colorful because gays.
Its released as a text based adventure.

Literally the only way they could somewhat keep the original plot without just having black bars cover 75% of the screen at all times
Annie doesn't spin that one guy to death, instead she pulls out a yoyo.


Just like this, you can clearly see the card. They didn't care to change it because they think. Oh theyre too stupid to notice so lets not change it
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>made DFC

Nigga you a busta.
Why would they even attempt to keep the plot?
>liking oppai lolis
They did the right thing.
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Her power was in her tits tho
You guys want to know what 4kids was?

4kids was the embodiement of what everyone see's 'wrong' with anime. If you yh
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>also covered up the ZR

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>pic related still not posted yet
come on /a/
Because they censor sex and violence? Jesus christ, at least hate it for the massive amount of corruption and commercialism.
I do think it's ridiculous to filter out things you would see at a beach, but with how much blacks screech about possibly racist caricatures in media, they took the safe route on that particular one.
>massive amount of corruption
>he doesn't know how corrupt Japan is compared to America
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If I what?
Those are some deliciously short skirts I'm seeing

Well that second image kind of makes him more ninja like.
>killing 6 trillion jews is fine
>cutting up a tree is wrong
Oh, Germany.
But... Japan's perfect
German censorship is crazy. They're like a goddamn parody of censors, except it's the real thing.
Man, why is Germany full of pussies these days.
If you seriously think it's just white people being skittish around the ever-calm noble black armericans, you're very out of touch.
There are people who genuinely get offended if they see a dark-skinned character with big lips. They are out there, and will complain.
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All of them dies in the 3rd episode

They had a pretty neat OP for it though.
I can't tell because the image is so small, is he actually just floating on a stick? Fucking Germany. And to boot its a show about ninjas killing each other, so what the hell do they do when they actually use that sword to hit people or whatever? Make it a longer stick?

Nigga please, not sure if this is sarcasm or not... Japan has its cons just like every other country does. And I fucking love it there.
You know that thing with anime/manga with traps and characters who look female even when they are supposed to be male?

These edits are working towards the opposite of that. Soon all the characters will look like little boys and muscular men, even the female ones. And then parents will be confused why their kids are gay.
Cut down a tree and you have one less tree. Cut down a Jew and 4kids has one less executive.
Wouldn't they just take away everyone's breasts and give them really long skirts? And turn all the zombies into blob monsters
Get a load of this. Garaa doesn't crush people to death with sand. He sends them to the sand dimension!

They were pretty badass back then, the bad kind of badass but still.
>6 trillion

JDIF pls

So does anyone here ever stop, think, and realize that 4kids dubbed anime aimed at 3-7 year olds is not the standard of what American television is like?
Isn't that literally worse?
No, but I know that thing where Sailor Pluto became Sailor Moon's cousin because incest is preferable to gay. So maybe they'll just grow up to marry their cousins.
Nobody here cares about what regular American television is like though.
That sounds like a much worse fate, at least being crushed would be relatively quick.
I wasn't comparing it to Japan. Yes, they're both shit.
If you're looking for someone who idolizes GRORIOUS NIPPON you're barking up the wrong tree. I never implied anything of the sort.
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Waiting for based 4kids to save us form zexals lewdness

Yeah, pretty neat eh?
I thought Jersey shore was aimed for 3-7 yrs old and the 4kids show was supposedly for all general patronage?
>not building giant sand castles in the sand dimension.
>die from dehydration four hours in
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I dont believe you
I want to watch Yugioh solely for her. Is it worth it?

Also that art looks like CG
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>yfw if they used a proper font and cut the "Undying Love" bullshit that would be a pretty decent cover
God damn jews trying to appeal to the Twilight kiddies. That shit just ain't right.
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why they so poofy
>not just going to the double sand dimension
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They better not touch my Gokaiger!

I hope they would stop localizing my Super sentai series

Jokes on you, the sand dimension is actually made of tomato juice and veggies.
Had to take out the star of David, since it might reveal the nature of their Zionist conspiracy.
>double sand dimension
>start another sandcastle
>get dehydrated and sent to the triple sand dimension four hours in
>never get to finish a sand castle
It's been forever since that episode aired, but that's what I remember people saying what happened.
I don't think very many of the people posting in this thread are against filtering out sex and violence for toddlers. But it's cleavage. That's not sex. Just because they CAN masturbate to it doesn't mean anything. You think a parent is never going to take their kid swimming because "OH NO HE'LL SEE CLEAVAGE AND TUMMIES AND THIGHS!!!"
No. It's a problem because a group of powerful people said it was, and nothing else.
They're incorporating elements, like Gokai Change, into the second season of Megaforce.
>Not being able to finish a sand castle
A fate worse than death
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Stupid american parents
Jersey Shore IS aimed at 3-7 year olds, but 4kids is for scared parents.
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>that file name
>People never die, they get sent to heaven instead
>All blood is now just water that comes out of the sword every time it hits someone
Good goyim.
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>is it worth it

Yes, she's in every ep pretty much.

Also the show is good on its ownright
What if you just turned the sand into water?


I am literally in tears! I hate seeing this kind of bullshit from america!
>what the hell do they do when they actually use that sword to hit people or whatever?
In the first episode the scene whetr iruka was stabbed in the back while protecting naruto and they talked about trust n junk was completely cut out.
So if the sand dimensions are moist enough to mold sand castles, how do people keeping dying in them after 4 hours
The characters are literal children, and literal children are watching it.
No shit they're going to take out the short skirts.
I got news for you, the Gokaiger suits are actually the powerups for the Megaforce/Goseiger guys during the next season, Super Megaforce (derp).
Yeah, I don't know how pirates are a powerup to angels either.
This is going to be hilariously retarded.
Did they just copy paste that skirt?
I still don't understand why the onigiri was a problem. Isn't a ball of rice healthier to show kids than some Cheezit-tier shit food?
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>The characters are literal children, and literal children are watching it.
>No shit they're going to take out the short skirts.

4Kids pls. Your puritan American morals have no place in anime

Do I look like the ruler of the sand dimensions to you?
looks more like a saltine

or maybe half a gram-cracker
the ball of rice is not american enough
>cheezit-tier shit food
>normal cracker

u w0t m8
They might be doing it because they will skip the Gokaiger series. Since Gokaiger is like a summary of all super sentai. Since its Power rangers not SS they might not want to do it. Because it will be a whole different revision from the original Pirate sentai gokaiger
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>this whole thread
Because rice lacks FREEDOM.
The sand is moistened by the bodily fluids of others dehydrating in the sand dimension. As such no one wants to drink it.
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>Isn't a ball of rice healthier to show kids than some Cheezit-tier shit food?
I find your lack of patriotism incredibly unhealthy. Showing rice to children means THE JAPS WON
The standard for American television is "if it's animated, it's for kids." (Also "shows about kids must be aimed at kids" but this is minor compared to the first) 4kids takes things for older viewers and makes enough horrendous changes to target those 3-7 year olds. So not only is this normal for American TV, by reinforcing the standard they're part of the problem.
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not even once
But it could be Texas rice! Texas long grain rice. Long like the longhorn at the rodeo! YEEEHAW AMERICA!
SFW porn is always funny.
Christ, why is she so sexual. I want to violently rape her until she cries.
>"if it's animated, it's for kids."
>what are fox, comedy central and adult swim
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>Saban bastardizing Goseiger, a show not even that awesome to begin with
>Gokaiger will get fucked even worse

They probably wont even keep the topless/maid outfit bits, faggots
I know they brought back Ryo from Dairanger for one episode. I really hope they bring back old rangers for Super Megaforce, like Wes (Time Force) or something akin to the "Veteran" Rangers episode from Operation Overdrive.
B-but tuners and synchros were the golden age of YGO.
Are you seriously getting offended by how an American TV network chooses to license a show?
Watch the original. Problem solved. Dubs are shit anyway.
I'm not a child and don't have children, so I don't care what sort of garbage is getting shoveled at them nowadays. It's none of my business.
>all that obviously OP shit
>golden age
What he meant was, "if it's animated, it's for kids or a sitcom".
Those breasts don't even make sense. It was a good change.
Animated sitcoms only

You don't need to be in this thread, you know.

That still leaves adult swim.
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>why is she so sexual

She's a slut
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>on 4chan
>not being an autistic manchild who gets upset over unimportant things you can easily avoid and ignore
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>Those breasts don't even make sense.
She's meant to be a mature woman...
Those aren't the standard, successful as they are. But it's becoming more acceptable to have cartoons for older viewers as long as they're poorly drawn comedies. You can even say shows like South Park gained its success by satirizing this very rule- if people didn't think "cartoons are for kids" and then see swearing kids, they wouldn't have laughed as much.
>I'm not a child and don't have children, so I don't care what sort of garbage is getting shoveled at them nowadays. It's none of my business.
It's funny. I am sure 4Kids devs said the same exact thing.
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Because early Yugioh never had OP shit amirite?
>don't make me point at you or else!
They still wouldn't be shaped like two halves of a giant lemon taped to her chest.
Unless I am unfamiliar with how Japanese women actually age.

Don't associate us with those degenerates. We have an army of niggers we control with purple drank to fight when we secede.

>tfw I still have this card

The difference being that it was one or two cards (that got banned next ban list anyway) versus entire packs of retarded shit. And then they continued the trend with xyz.
4kids made anime fun.
something /a/ cant do
Being fingerbanged can be as unpleasant as being shot. Don't underestimate.
I don't remember when it was, since I stopped watching Yugioh like 9 years ago, but after a while everything became so much weaker than before, and it made me mad. 1900 was the new 'strong' or something like that, when before if you were over 2400 attack or something it would be considered strong

How do they even explain that? I'll poke you if you don't give me money?
Opponents of the night!
They get paid to pick out select pieces of garbage in the garbage pile. It's a shit job, yes. But it is still a job.
Hm, I guess you're right, though even then there are maybe like two animated shows on adult swim that aren't straight up comedies.
>4kids detected
If this was an intended joke..

You sir made my sides hurt
It's just part of the artist's cartoonish style.
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>They still wouldn't be shaped like two halves of a giant lemon taped to her chest.
You sure?
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If Arlong threw Bellmere in a dungeon, why didn't the Straw Hats rescue her?
Is there an archive of all of this stuff or is the silly censorship legacy only held in the hands of various anons?

And toonami but I have no clue if that's dead or not.
AS airs shitty dubs. Look at what happened to Soul Eater! Even halfway decent voice acting can't compensate for the lack of direction. Poor Tsubasa is acting her heart out while Miss Black Star continues to emote out of context and kill the energy of every scene. But enough of that, back to Jewish 4kids.
its true. anime is cool being adult and edgy but its better when its cartoonized. because its really a cartoon
>How do they even explain that? I'll poke you if you don't give me money?
They shoehorn it in. Oh, he's demanding something, I better pretend like he's an actual threat!


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