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Reading List:

#l/a/nguage on irc.rizon.net

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>正義に結ぶ丈夫[ますらを]が 胸裡[ほうり]百万兵足りて 散るや万朶の桜花
>雲飄搖[へうえう]の身は一つ 国を憂[うれ]いて立つからは 丈夫[ますらを]の歌なからめや
> もののあはれは秋こそ【まされ】
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Have any of you thought about what you want to learn after this?
I'll probably do Korean, but I'm a little less partial to that country after having been exposed to Japanese.
If not then maybe Mainland Chinese.
German, because I live in Switzerland and this language is more important than english if you're in the french-speaking part. I'll probably enjoy it less than japanese.
Actually I think I'd probably like to do that too rather than another oriental language. German seems like it'd be pretty useful too and I'm a bit interested in it.
No, don't learn thos inferior moon runes.
I'd be really happy if I can become fluent in Japanese. I'd work toward becoming indistinguishable from native speakers then.
Damn I might've said the wrong thing. My crush hasn't responded to me for 2 days now. I wonder if I accidentally insulted her in Japanese.
What are you guys basing these language decisions on anyway?

I go by utility.
I like content available only in Japanese, and learning Japanese is very advantageous.
Personally, I'd get very little back from learning other languages. I have very little use for other languages besides English, which I already know.

I'd rather do something with higher returns for effort, like learning how to program, or to become /fit/ (I'm already on a diet)
That's my intention. That post was mainly just bump fodder anyhow.
I kind of want to begin talking to natives actually. I think maybe a game would be like, like Maple Story or something, though I really wouldn't know. I'm kind of getting tired of learning everything through literature and kind of want to start taking a bit more of a natural and easier approach but where were I still learn plenty.
1. How aesthetic it is or otherwise appealing it is
2. Utility
3. How are the people the people that speak it
All three need to be present but they're more or less in that list of priority.
I want to get to the point where I can express myself 100%. Like, I can talk okay and get basic needs done in Japanese, but I don't have the same ability to crack jokes, show my personality fully, and to understand cultural in-jokes as I do with English and Chinese.
I would like that too, but I'm wondering if it's even possible. It might be when I'm writing, but when I'm speaking, I can express a large number of my thoughts. I also say a lot of wrong things and I negate them and affirm them several times before I reach a decision practically every day.
>"Hey Anon ...."
>Uhh Yeah- Uhh, wait, no, nevermind, fuck, yeah okay
#1 and #2 are flipped for me.
German sounds like an awesome language, but I'm never going to use it.
Even if I go to Germany, a good portion of them will notice my accent and respond to me with their superior English.
>, I can express a large number of my thoughts
can't* even in English (my native language)
Im using rosetta stone for japanese right now, been using it for 3 days now and just finished level 1 or whatever.

Anybody use RS to good effect? Looking around it seems people arent too high on it, but it seems good to me, at least for the audio facet of it, the writing and reading seems a little difficult ( it doesnt seem to emphasize it).

It lets you change from kanji to katakana to romanji on the fly, and Ive heard that romanji is a complete waste of time, but should I bother learning the katakana, or dive right into kanji?

Ive also seen people suggesting anki, but that seems like a pain in the ass.

Also, how long typically, til a person can follow along a little in conversation? ( Or watching unsubbed annie may)
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これは 黒猫です。
>rosetta stone
It's the Bose/Skullcandy of language learning.

In other words, pure shit.
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Look no further for an accurate guide.
As long as you understand that you're not going to learn reading your chinese porn games with RS, you can use it fine.

It does actually teach you some basic grammar, vocab and it's good for listening practice.

I recommend that you start doing Genki or Tae Kim's guide in parallel, learn the kana ASAP and start on kanji.
Why is it shit?
I just want you guys to elaborate, I don't use it.
>Ive also seen people suggesting anki, but that seems like a pain in the ass.
The fuck? Anki is your bread and butter for learning words on the long run.
Sorry, I actually stopped reading your post at rosetta stone and replied there.

Didn't realize it was a troll post.
I guess I should have realized that the moment you mentioned RS, oh well.
Why is shit shit?
Because it is. No further justification needed.
I downloaded a LN that I was interested and they are in jpg format. what program can read the txt off a pic?
I learn japanese because I watch a lot of animes and read some mangas too.

Since my native langage is french, I obviously watched (and still watch when I'm with other people) american movies dubbed in french. This allowed me to see the difference between VO, VO with subtitles and dubbed version, and it's hudge. So I'm learning japanese. Also, Japan is still quite on the top in the research area where I want to work, so I think it would be usefull to speak it. And there are still a lot of H-manga which are untranslated. ;_;

For German : 70% of the people in my country speak it, so I guess I have no choices. Also, beeing able to speak French and German give you a hudge advantage when trying to find a job in Switzerland.

So I think I also go by utility.
I see.

I'm not that dude, was just genuinely curious.
So what should I learn first? Hirigana or Katakana
Romanji first, you can wait with hirakana until you're 3-5 years into studying.
I started learning English at age 7 and Japanese at age 13, will I be okay or is it too late?
Doesn't matter. The first set will be harder than the second set.

Schools will teach you Hiragana first usually.

I self-studied and somehow learned katakana first. Took me 2 months to memorize katakana, then only 2 weeks for hiragana.
Do I do Hira than Kata? I only just started now and was doing both together on Real Kana(I have the first two rows of each done).
One or the other first. I recommend hiragana and then katakana.
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Just a small correction, anon. The word is "huge" not "hudge."
>Do I do Hira than Kata?
English pronunciation is amazing isn't it?
I'm quite glad it's my first language, or else I would have never learned it.
I googled it, watched a youtube vid of a dude using it, and it seems little more than flashcards that you have to fill out manually. Hence a pain in the ass.

Im the original RS dude, Im only using it because I used it before to learn Arabic for the army, and it worked well enough. Also I pirated it, so Im not losing anything to use it. Other than it teaching me poorly, apparently. I dont frequent /a/ other than to search the catalog for
berserk threads, so forgive my ignorance if this is a popular troll tactic.
Well, how are you planning to build a vocab of 6k+ words without flashcards?
The average highschool student knows an upwards of 50,000 words according to Yes!Japan.
good question, I guess if thats what I gotta do..

Damn, I was breezing through the RS courses, I guess now I know why.
Now THIS is a real troll.

Is this something like...
Thrown from out of the sky, hitting the ground partially destroyed.
Hit onto the ground but otherwise yes.
How is it trolling? If you don't review what you know, chances are you're going to forget. Sure, it's possible to go without it, but in the long run it just makes it more difficult to learn.
that can't be right.
Try Kanji Tomo.
>Kanji Tomo

thanks a bunch
Because seeing things used in context is sufficient review for most words. It was possible to learn japanese before anki, you know.

And I don't think you should avoid it completely, but it is most useful for words that are rare and difficult (as in, it's not obvious how to read and pronounce them just from recognizing the kanji)
>It was possible to learn japanese before anki, you know.
Yes, and people used paper-made flashcards, or it took them several times longer to learn the language.
And with modern tools, you can start reading with just a basic knowledge of grammar without having to grind anything at all! Isn't it great?
I'd rather have a sufficient vocabulary, than to suffer the pain of reading something I don't understand a word of.
Pretty sure you can learn a language without ever using flashcards.

I sure never used them to learn anything in English.
I think the し is just an old way of doing past tense when used with verbs. So
古びし = 古びた
Good luck learning 15000 words before reading any sentences in japanese then.

But really, that's just your preference. I, and a lot of other people probably, found it fun to try to read stuff with rikai-chan. If you find doing 500 reps a day fun, then good for you, but it is in no way necessary for learning Japanese efficiently.
You're joking right? By sufficient I mean adequate enough to get by without having to dict crawl for every word. Of course I'm going to start reading once I have at least 2-3k words under my belt. It'd be ludicrous to wait until 15k. I don't think anyone is crazy enough to wait that long.
2k is reasonable. You initially quoted 6k
I read already knowing about 500-800 words. It is slow at the moment I guess but I pick up words relevant to me to add to my deck rather than some one size fits all core deck and I get to notice progress when it is made in the form of reading becoming easier.
I started reading before I even got halfway through Core 2k. Don't be afraid to put reading at a higher priority than reps. The quicker you get used to grammar, the better.
I just pick up words here and there from shows I watch. I'm doing RTK at the moment, and vocab on the side. Hopefully, by the time I finish RTK, I'll begin reading soon after.
> Of course I'm going to start reading once I have at least 2-3k words under my belt
I see, so you're trying tell everyone the best way to study when you're just a beginner yourself. Please kindly fuck off and never do that again.
What do you guys do if you "run out" of new kanji in your deck?

Do you just keep doing retention and add stuff as you encounter them?

I went out and added a few hundred more from a frequency list, so now I've got about 3000-ish.

I may or may not stop there (aside from adding as I encounter, of course), but I'm still seeing plenty of utility for new kanji now, and I'm at like 2700-ish. Stuff like 鄙びた、纏う、餃子、輿、 etc... get enough usage that I don't feel like I can just blow them off.
I'm just pointing out that it's simply retarded to begin reading right after you finish kana. I keep hearing misguided people post in this thread all the time about how reading is suffering. They don't realize it's because they keep having to dict crawl for every damn word.
>What do you guys do if you "run out" of new kanji in your deck?
That's not going to happen any time soon.
>Do you just keep doing retention and add stuff as you encounter them?
Don't know what you mean by retention but yeah.

Just pick something moderately difficult and interladen with kanji and you should be able to get plenty from it if you want to keep building your epeen.

well damn I guess I better hit my deck.
I was wondering, how do you guys structure your kanji cards?
I'm doing the kanji and readings in the front, with the meaning on the back, but i was wondering if i should put the readings in the back too, so i have to memorize them.
>I keep hearing misguided people post in this thread all the time about how reading is suffering.
Seems we've been reading too different threads, you and I.
Well yeah, you shouldn't move on to reading until you are comfortable with all of the most common grammar, and you should study vocab while studying grammar. But also, a lot of people probably have more trouble than they need to when reading because they try to read something like manga without kanjitomo. If you have a good setup with ITH or rikai-chan or something, it's so easy to look stuff up that it shouldn't be a big problem.
>That's not going to happen any time soon.
Well, assuming you do a minimum of 10 per day, everyone should be finishing jouyou in under a year. And plenty of people seem to have been here on this board.
>Don't know what you mean by retention but yeah.
I mean reps for cards you've already seen before.
You should definitely keep doing your reps even if you have no new cards.
>And plenty of people seem to have been here on this board.
brainfart. Meant plenty of people have been here in this thread for over a year now.
I just have the meaning on the front.
I think if I were to start over though I'd probably think of a different manner- possibly separate decks that employ overlapping information and minimalistic design.
This article is interesting and I think I'd try to model mine to some degree on it.
Sorry if I wasn't clear. I wasn't questioning whether reps should be done or not. I was talking about whether you should go out of your way to find a new supply of new cards to add every day.

1. I finished jouyou, I'll just keep doing my reps and add shit as I see them
2. I finished jouyou, well I guess I'll go find a new list to import (jinmeiyou, frequency list, etc...), so I can keep doing 10-20 etc... cards per day without slowdowns.
Well assuming Kanken 1 is the basically the limit than there's over 6000 kanji out there that one might consider learning. I don't think anybody is very close to that number. The highest I've seen has a kanji count of over 4000.
I find English prononciation quite hard but the rest isn't really difficult, in my opinion. Grammar is quite simple and all the word have the same gender (not like in French where the can be masculine or feminine). Furthermore, if you want to see cool stuff on the internet, you're forced to learn it, it's a good motivation.

Seriously, langage with words of different gender truly are the worst. Just imagine, you have to remembre the word, but also if it's a masculine or feminine (or neutral) word, and you just have no clue. I honestly find kanji easier.
I'm talking about your deck. Not the number of kanji in existence.

ex. 1500 cards out of 2000 cards
not 1500 kanji out of 50,000 kanji
I add to mine every day.
3174 out of 3174
A lot of people don't count kanji that long either. Although, I bet 4k is nearing the limit for stuff you'll find outside of old literature.

It has a few tests here to estimate your vocabulary. I tried a couple and got 18000/20000.

What do you do? Do you read muramasa, France shoujo, and Albatross for new kanji or something?

I usually just add hundreds at a time from a list and be done with it for a few months and manually add a few more if I see something while reading.
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Why haven't you started learning your japanese sex words yet, DJT?
You should be ashamed if you didn't hone your H-vocab through reading ero-doujin as soon as you could read at all.
All I need to know came from eroge. All I need to say is something about size and pain and some no.
Doujins create a very small comfort zone when it comes to sex terms.
I learned a lot from the stuff like カスタムレイド where you get to choose what sexual act to do.
Because the image on the top makes it illegal in my country.
>Do you read muramasa, France shoujo, and Albatross for new kanji or something?
Pretty much.
>I usually just add hundreds at a time from a list
I would do that if the only list I think I have left is the one for kanten, which is probably filled with kanji I'll never see, and so I think I'm going to wait till I start getting less kanji from what I read before I look at a list for that.
Beginner here, so I've gone through the steps of downloading Anki, along with a hiragana/katakana w/ stroke order deck. What else should I do after grinding these? I also have RS as a supplement, and flame all you want, but as long as it's in kana mode, then it's alright.
Anybody know where that image in the top left is from? I'd really like to know.


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