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Anime Sols
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I just finished reading this. What a complete waste of time, I feel cheated.
Somehow, after all the hype /a/ and everyone else did for it, I expected something a bit more than just tits and pussy flying into Rito's face every other page.
It's ~200ch of fanservice and falling.
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>greater fanservice
>artwork gotten better
Nothing about story. I expected some kind of drawn out romance between MC and an alien. If I wanted fanservice, I would've read KissxSis or Nana to Kaoru.
/a/ was constantly having threads about it talking about characters and whatnot. Didn't read the threads because I didn't want to spoil the story for myself.
I'm blaming /a/ for the shittaste that got me confused.

Like in the latest chapters of KS?
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Which was your favorite girl?
They've actually introduced an overarching story among all the T&A in the new series Darkness.

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weeb thread?
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Are you that guy who made a fake weeaboo account just to collect cringeworthy things?
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btw I,m a grill
don't cook on me
The irony in that picture is that the hair is asymmetric.
Top lel

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> in high school
> peck on a cheek is a big deal
> the boy is in his 3rd year at high school
> both of them are confused and flushed afterwards

I can't stop cringing. Most normalfags in high school at that time have already lost their virginity.
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>high school realism

Do you watch dramas marketed to teenage women as well?
Yahari was pretty much this show.
This wish fulfillment excuse needs to stop. It has to be that I'm projecting or self-inserting? It has to be like realistic or otherwise it's for rejects? What if I just enjoy watching it? It's fucking anime.
I don't get it. I thought most high schoolers never kiss, let alone having casual sex.
I had a fun time in high school.
Alot of friends, very friendly, popular in a way, and alot of fun, I will never forget it. Most of them I knew since elementary to this day,

But I'm an introverted kissless handholdless guy when I graduated high school ;_;

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My sweet Mana is breaking down next week.

Precure thread
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But a it's still the first time a girlfriend broke up with her

Man, Doki Doki is gay.
Doki Doki is going to be the legend of Precure if they pull that kind of plot for KJ's motivation.
It does make some sense if you think about the demographic, though I doubt that it'll happen. We'll see...
It's too heavy, I don't think it's appropriate for 6-10 y/o little girls.
Who knows. Dead parents aren't exactly an untouched topic in Precure. See Moonlight and Peace.

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Kanako os the only girl from this show I'd actually consider waifu material and maybe Saori despite the fact I don't like her. The rest are shit though.
is there a name for this style of clothing?
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Please go back to gaia.
Its called being fashionable
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Yeah everyone is the same character more or less. With Kanako though some of what happened in the game made it into the main canon, though altered to fit in with the main story.

Scene where she kinds Kyousuke's eroge and he uses the "she's eating a sausage" line to cover was from the game.

Her back story about not getting on with her parents was from the game. So was Manami teaching her cooking, but in the game she does it to prove herself to Kyousuke's parents rather than win her own parents favor.

Most importantly, her belief that she doesn't need to back down from liking Kyousuke just because Kirino does as well. She explains that she respects Kirino enough to compete fairly with her and that not doing that is dumb.

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Reading List:
#l/a/nguage on irc.rizon.net

Previous Thread:

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Where do they take the time to make all this kawaii stuff?
映画や音楽、良く分からないオッサンが英語話してるYoutubeチャンネルを見まくればいいよ。もちろん日本語字幕なしでね!Good luck!

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Is this what we call a Face-turn?
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The author is female right? One of the reasons I'm reading this is because of the great art.
He's male.
2 years and still waiting for my mindless harem hijinks to resume
Well, that's what happens when the author didn't plan ahead.
The series grew beyond its initial scope and it's still holding up more or less fine, considering.

Can we call that the Kubo syndrome?
No, because Rosario + Vampire still has backgrounds and Tsukune is one of the better MC's around

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I don't remember lauging so hard at anime since Code Geass.
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>They were fighting a war and those students had killed hundreds of their men at least.
They violated a treaty! They gassed them, it's "illegal".

>Don't see how it's bad. He's just a super soldier spy man.
38 old man who fought against 17 old boys, hit them (hard, really hard). His army is made up by mad dogs like Q-Vier... a saint.
Those people stays in the turrets.
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Imagine her handling you're dick like that
They don't know who killed them though.
Did you forget about the turrets?
As for the usage of gas in a war anything goes regardless of laws and treaties.

It's not on his chest. Most likely on his raging vampire cock, third gen vampires are baby makers.

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Why is VLC considered horrible, while MPC is great? Why is MPC better than VLC?
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Enjoy your botnet
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Yes, pretty much. Same with CCCP these days. But it also install a bunch of other shit you may not necessarily need (but could find useful later on).

I personally just use MPC-HC by itself.
I've been getting that shit with MPC-HC lately too. It's not just VLC
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ETA: 1 day 18 hours
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We don't even know how the other guys call Makoto.
I guess Haruka probably calls him just Makoto, but what about Nagisa? Mako-chan sounds dumb, I hope it's Makocchi or Mako-P like in precure.
I'm guessing he refers himself either as boku or watashi, though he appears very manly even if he doesn't act that way, so ore would fit too.

Boku is the best shota pronoun, revise your classics man.
>Rei most popular
Japan, I...
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>Makoto only second most popular
>Nagisa least popular
>Rei most popular
What's up with the dot color? There weren't anymore blue so they started putting green ones, and then red and yellow?

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So now that the season's over, rate the shows that you watched.
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I don't think Tsutsukakushi won yet.
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my person of african descent
Problem is, it's not just the US. I don't really look at movie reviews, but just take a look at how games are rated
They're using the academic scale, not a true out of 10 scale.
Season 2 confirmed right here!

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Hey, /a/.

I'm not really a VN guru, as I've only played a handful of them (Katawa Shoujo, School Days, My Girlfriend is The President, Clannad, If My Heart Had Wings, things like that).

I thoroughly enjoyed Katawa Shoujo, and I was even more impressed to find out that it was developed by a team of /a/ anons.

I also want to make my own VN called "The Cure" (working title, of course). I do have some experience working with games, as I was a 3D artist for Ubisoft Romania (worked on Silent Hunter 5, HAWX and various mobile ports).

Here's a short resume of what the story is going to be:

Your best friend is dying of cancer. She tells you that there's a cure and gives you some instructions on how to obtain it. During this search, you meet a lot of new people and have lots of adventures. Once every few days, you go back to your friend's hospital room and tell her all about your adventures and how you feel you're getting closer to the cure. One by one, you introduce your friends to your friend and they all want to join in on the search for the cure. After a few months of adventuring and searching, your friend gathers everyone around. It's clear that she's getting worse, but she tells you that she learned the location of the cure. Everyone rushes out to the location of the cure and finds a box in which there are pictures of the group and a note:

"Thank you for everything."

You rush back to the hospital room crying, open the door, and... fade to white.
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VNs are a fairly simple game type that requires scripting only about as complicated as making a Powerpoint presentation and minimal game assets. If this is a game you want to make, then go ahead and make it. I've learned that it is far easier to find help or commission workers when you already have a completed game and you're just working on refinement.
People from /vg/ are pretentious and unfriendly.
I think so too, but I'm kind of set back by all the negative feedback on the story. It would be a nice experience to make a VN, but I wouldn't want it to be shunned everywhere once it's done.

But I guess that can't be helped, right?
Sorry mate, not anime.

Well, I'd like to thank everyone for the advice they've given me, it really helped.

I hope I can make something out of this. If not, at least it'll be a nice learning experience.

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Are the other girls in this show even trying
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Is that from the manga?
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This is how prostitutes dress in my country.
>Using prostitutes
The one which centers around her. And the ones who bullying her.

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Why are female protagonists so superior to male protagonists, /a/?
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What a cheap punchline

Ouran. Sailor Moon. Any manga by the Red River author (specially her historical based ones, she's not afraid to give her heroines strong personalities).
Lack of male role models to follow. With a female in the lead you can at least let your dick lead you. (OR plot twist: female leads are as bad but your dick won't let you see that) Plus male MC must be as dense as possible or else every story would end at ep2.
>every story would end at ep2
You mean generic harems.
Hair has jiggle physics now?

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This was something I never understood.

I'm sure there'll be a reason explained in the last two novels why he left but it just seems like plot convenience right now.

He needs to be gone for the rest of the events of the story to even happen, so he decides to up and leave for no reason.
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It could still work with him in there, lazy writers it seems. Still, I can't into moon but I'll be really upset if he completely disappears after the bake novel and never returns. Sure people mention him from time to time, but its not the same.
Oshino is a wanderer.
Oshino doesn't generally stay in one place at the same time, he travels around to collect stories of oddities. The only reason he stayed in the town for as long as he did was because of Shinobu. That's why he starts packing up to leave after Nadeko snake when the shrine that was going haywire because of Shinobu's presence was sealed.
What happened to the art style since Nisemono?

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