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>people think FLCL is hard to follow
>people think Evangelion is hard to follow
>people think Lain is hard to follow
>people think Texhnolyze is hard to follow
>people think Paranoia Agent is hard to follow
>people think Ghost in the Shell: Innocence is hard to follow
Same people who probably thought Inception was hard to follow.
Lains a little tricky. Just a tiny bit.
You are kidding me.

Also Paprika was better
For me it was hard to follow Suzumiya Haruhi.
>people think Sword Art Online was hard to follow.

and it really was. There were so many plot holes you could fall into to get confused over this lame excuse of a story.
Yeah, no duh, but after I left Inception, a lot of my coworkers complained that Inception was too complicated.

Then some Southpark episode aired whining that Inception was convoluted.

Baccano is kind of hard to follow.
While the two have a similar concept, the way everything plays out makes the movies completely different from each other
>>90357031 (OP)
ok then explain every single one of those list
Evangelion is only hard to follow if you treat it like any other mech anime. If you don't expect the plot to drastically add new ideas you won't follow the conversations in detail and then won't understand the ending.
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It was pretty straight-forward, all you had to do was remembering the first scene when it was relevant.

I know, I was going to make the exception then I got lazy.
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>/a/ hates on "hipsters" all the time
>they don't realize they're the hipsters of the anime fandom
>people still think Parika is Inception

God dam you faggots
Please be joking.
>people think Lain is hard to follow
But it's actually hard to follow or to understand what is going on.
>>90357031 (OP)
Only people who think people think those shows are hard to follow have a hard time following said shows.
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>my face when /a/ gets pissed if you try to discuss anything that isn't moe or currently-airing shows yet you are a hipster if you like cyberpunk, old OVAs from the 80s-90s, "obscure" anime, or think moe is flooding the market and in general is shitty
Please do not remind me there are other people that watch anime outside of /a/.
>>90357031 (OP)
>>people think Lain is hard to follow


Shut up hipster.
>/a/ is one person

Fuck off.
That's the feeling you get when you first-time watch it but at the end everything sums up and you realize it was a simple history told in disorder.
Lain wasn't exactly hard to follow but it feels like I have missed the message of the show.
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>people think Evangelion is hard to follow
>people think Lain is hard to follow
>people think Texhnolyze is hard to follow
>people think Paranoia Agent is hard to follow

>implying that after you finished watching each of these series you we're like ''oh, it all makes sense, i understood 100% of what went on in that show''

negrodamus please
>why dont you like gits normalfag?
>anon, it has too much talking
>gobbles up cloud atlas
what the actual fuck
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>people think K-On!! is hard to follows
Eh, Suzumiya can be hard to follow if you watch it in airing order or if you're just a total normal
There is a hidden message, I know it!
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>people think FLCL is hard to follow
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>people think TTGL is a parody
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Not OP but I did "get" paranoia agent with the exception of a lot of the symbolism used.

But yeah the rest of those were lost on me plot wise, but after reflection i pieced them together.
>people actually compare TTGL and Evangelion and don't realize TTGL is the alt universe version of Evangelion

Fucking retards I swear
>FLCL was lost on me plot wise
How? They literally explain every single thing happening by the last episode
>>90357031 (OP)
Ah yes. I love waking up in the morning with the knowledge that I am a superior person as a result of being better at watching Japanese animations. Surely, everyone with an IQ above 30 would know the greatness of Nihongo Anime and Manga.
Plebians all around me.
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>people overanalyzing evangelion thinking it's deep
I refuse to believe that.
Image boards don't discriminate.
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I was referring to the series that >>90357695 anon used as examples and not the one OP used.
>people oversimplifying evangelion and thinking its about a kid killing aliens with his friends

/v/ can leave anytime.
God dammit, being deep != being good, culturally significant, etc.
Learn what the word means before throwing it around. If anyone who read the definition of "deep" watched the latter half of Evangelion they'd know that the show is deep. Whether it's good or not is irrelevant to that.
>people think Shingeki no Kyojin is bad
>implying /v/ doesn't love Evangelion
>implying the character interactions and relationships aren't clear
seen it with mine own eyes anon. I just didn't want to sperg out and confront him about it
>you think it's good
Watch more anime.
Eva didn't really have any real message to it and it's exposition wasn't handled that well.

but yeah it's people that OP describes that are one of the reasons /a/ doesn't talk about good anime.
>>90357031 (OP)
>mfw people who think they completely "understood" one of these series and they either overlooked large portions of things or were just wrong in their oversimplifications
It is.
>people oversimplifying evangelion and thinking its about a kid killing aliens with his friends
But it is. The only think complicated are the human relations in the show.
I think the issue is people thinking that a show with subtext automatically makes a good show.

FLCL had plenty of subtext to it, but I still didn't enjoy it. At the same time, though, I can easily accept that it clicked with (many) others, so more power to them.
>people think watching anime is superior to reading manga
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>Normalfag at work
>Do you like anime?
>Do you watch One Piece or Naruto
>I dont.
>What the fuck is wrong with you? They're amazing.

I refuse to bring up the subject of anime with people outside of /a/
>people tell other people to watch more anime and assume NEWFAG LOL when someone likes something they don't

I've seen everything in OP and much more and I still like it
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>people think Eva's deepness comes from the Christian imagery
Eva is pretty good, but still incredibly overrated.

Maybe it's not as "DEEP' as you're claiming people hold it as, but it's damn sure memorable,
Yes, and?
There will never be anything that everyone likes, after all.

>people find it necessary to insult people for not liking what they like
Okay, so the show is simple except for the complicated parts. Makes perfect sense.
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So because the complex aspect is human relations, it doesn't count?

Autism gets thrown around a lot as an insult here, but damn.
>being neutral and not a super opinionated asshole
>on /a/
What the fuck are you?
>alt universe version of Evangelion
>implying they are not both alt universe versions of Gunbuster

Gainax makes the same mech anime over and over again and eventually Trigger will do it as well.

and it will be awesome.

Inversely, all the people who take those shows completely at face value. So few people read into shows just the right amount.
>not taking things at face value is overanalyzing
>Servant x Service

I can see why you didn't get it.
Who are you quoting?
>>90358151 never implied that at all.
>that ending
I don't get the hate for 3.33
it was pretty heart wrenching
>>90357031 (OP)
he looks like chris chan
true that, the main themes are human frailty, the hebrew symbolism is only background stuff. like the house of the dead tarot card bosses
I think the manga sucks too if that's any consolation.
>SnK threads take up half the board this season and the previous one.
>People are still saying "/a/ is only moeshit"

See SnK is moeshit, which is why people don't like it.
>I've seen everything in OP
Congrats, you watched a bunch of entry level shit. You're still a newfag.
by suggesting watch more anime over read more manga, he's displaying his preference.

i was merely dissenting with it, that's all. I don't think snk is godtier, i just think i need something to fill the hole gantz left in my life
Yuru Yuri fucking lost me. Granted, it was a fresh take on Cartesian Dualism, but it was a bit too complicated and at times too caustic and intolerant a la Ghost in the Machine.
Only /a/ hates 3.33.

If you understood the original series at all you'd understand that 3.33 is the superior movie, and 2.22 was a letdown (before 3.33 came in and made it good)
I never said it didn't count, what I meant is that the message is very clear yet you have people overanalyzing every frame of eva because "evangelion is not that simple".
yo at least you're consistent anon
This. Something exploring a philosophical theme or deeper issues doesn't prevent it from simultaneously being boring or badly written.
>>90357031 (OP)
All those shows were shit. You know a show is bad when the only good thing you can say about it is that it is "deep"

>B-but you just aren't s-smart enough to understand it! It is a m-m-asterpiece! Stupid p-p-pl-plebeian!
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>>90357031 (OP)
>not plebians
nigger, do you even english
Unless you speak moon manga is horrible.
>SnK is moeshit

>>People are still saying "/a/ is only moeshit"
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>people think Getter Robo is better than TTGL
Do you even Latine?
In this moment, I feel euphoric. Not because of any cutesy moeshit. But because, I am enlightened by my own intelligence.
That's a total normalfag/newfag mistake. It's common knowledge that the judeo-christian shit was just an aesthetic choice used to separate Evangelion from other Mecha shows airing at the time.
"Plebians" is not a word. "Plebeians" is the correct spelling. (and that's why it's "plebe" not "pleb".)
>Durrr i dont know how to read entire posts

>entry level

fucking A, is there anything that isn't entry level to /a/?
He didn't say that all, though. He just said "watch more anime", not "stop reading so much manga."
An oddity, I'll admit.
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I think 3.33 is the best Rebuild movie, it has a fair amount of flaws such as the ridiculous amount of unneeded action as opposed to plot exposition/character interaction. Also ZA BEASTO was horrible, but it was still miles better than the previous films.

Not that any other iteration in the Eva series will surpass NGE/EoE
The frame of eva isn't complex, the reason people like to examine it is because the authors left a lot out for people to put together for themselves.
how is /a/ not moeshit when 90% of whats been airing in japan for the last 5 years IS moeshit?
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>People think TTGL was better than Getter Robo
>but you're aren't smart enough to understand it.

Except that's true. If you didn't immediately understand those shows, then you're not qualified to be here. Leave.
I don't necessarily think 2.22 was a letdown but I can see what you are saying. I hate to be that guy but I think most people on /a/ really didn't get 3.33. The contrast between the action and ending of 2.22 and the bleak, slow-paced atmosphere of 3.33 really emulated the original series
>and that's why it's "plebe" not "pleb"
yo correct spelling aside, you don't get to declare at what letter an abbreviation becomes legitimate, ok? check dat hubris

i'll admit it i projected
>fucking A
Go back to /b/ already.
Rarely do I see fans of these shows call them deep. It's mostly faggots who go on about LOLDEEP and pretentiousness whenever a show requires them to pay even a little bit attention.
Apparently everything needs to be spoonfed.
The only people who say that it's DEEP are the autistic manchildren who hate those shows. Cure your ADHD.
Which GitS were you talking about? First movie, second movie, SAC, or Arise?
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>and that's why it's "plebe" not "pleb"

What might be hard to follow is motivation behind their actions.

This ic gave me manly tears.
>People think Tomino hasn't always been a stupid hack
>using "entry level"

Get out of here, you fucking hipster, and take your "feels" with you.
Ghost of the Shell is boring. Which makes it hard to follow. The TV series does a much better job at pretty much everything though.
Everyone here saying and bashing every anime saying it's not deep. Then, is there any anime that is deep ?
>he doesn't think the manga is best version of NGE
Yes, but the ability for oneself to retrieve conclusions from a show is not exclusive to evangelion. People will make it difficult to understand because they want to analyze it.
Every ten seconds people are saying that.
Especially when the most discussed anime this season is Watamote, SnK, and Genshiken.

I mean I wouldn't mind if it really was the case but it kinda isn't unless those three anime are confirmed to be moeshit. I guess they are.
Are you shitting me?
>tfw someone falls for your bait
>>90357031 (OP)
>thinking this shit is actually deep
Read some real philosophy like Nietzsche or Ayn Rand and get back to me.
What does what airs have to do with what we talk about here? Just because a lot of moeshit airs doesn't mean the board's discussion has to relate to it proportionately.
i was suggesting that he watch arise, but he said he didn't want to because he disliked SAC because it was too wordy.

we then decided to watch cloud atlas instead and he ate that shit up. i just don't understand normalfags sometimes /a/
Liking complicated plots =/= hipster. Hipsters like shows BECAUSE not everyone likes them. Just a poser. We like shows like Lain specifically for the unique experience it gives us. I don't give a shit about the popularity of Lain, but anime hipsters might (see OP)
>Ayn Rand

1/10 made me reply
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There was literally nothing confusing about Inception, FLCL, Lain or PA for me, but Evangelion is hard to follow. Only during the last few episodes and the movie though. Sorry I didn't look up explanation videos before I watched the show.
I was asking how is SnK moeshit? The artwork nor the atmosphere or plot are anything like moeshit

>inb4 Girls With Big Eyes=Moeshit
No, really.
both movies had plenty of monologue
innocence overdid it a bit even

i-it has aired?
>/a/'s favorite anime is the most popular anime ever
>Ayn Rand
>Not a complete idiot
Hahaha, oh wow.
I would expect someone to call it edgy but not deep.
unironically gr8 b8 m8
No, anime is a shit medium, and is objectively one of the worst forms of art. Even fucking film is better than it.

I still enjoy it though.
The examples in the OP, I'd say. Deep doesn't mean hard to understand.
>Ayn Rand

confirmed for underaged
>he thinks that Evangelion is harder to follow than Lain

what the shit
>real philosophy
Are you even /lit/erate?
If Nietzsche is edgy then he's edgy in a good way.
Evangelion is a visual story, and that's the cause for a lot of the confusion. It's not intentionally obfuscated or anything.
You don't just classify media as "deep" and "not deep". There are levels of depth. Just because something is deeper doesn't make the work in question any less deep - only in comparison.
>Even fucking film is better than it.
>implying film isn't the highest form of art
I found FLCL hard to follow because i spent 3 days marathoning anime series and was totally burnt out by the time i watched it
Whereas: /a/ only talks about moeshit
and: half the threads are SnK
ergo: SnK is moeshit
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Silence thyself.

My roommate is the /v/ incarnate.
Do you know how hard it is to not blog/bitch about it?
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>That feel when you've enjoyed every anime you've ever watched.
I kinda feel like Hanekawa and i honestly think its turning into a problem.
>>90357031 (OP)

You would be surprised. People think BACCANO! is hard to follow.
No, it isn't. The fact that you even joke about that shows how little you know about art.
It's just that theres a lot of crap in it, but people like to keep pretending otherwise.

But art is subjective. One's individual and unique perspective determines whether or not it is good or not. There's nothing that isn't universally appreciated or despised. Especially if we're talking art.
Ah I see

Apologies for my confusion i'm a bit drunk
>he thinks the manga is best version of NGE

Seriously, dat ending
Anime and TV are on the same level as mediums I'd reckon. Mostly trash, but plenty of good stuff and a few gems.
I was like you until I watched Higurashi
And Lucky Star
You're not doing it right. Most likely you are just sticking to a genre you like and not exploring new terrain.
because nobody likes to talk about old shows.

if you dont believe me seek out a thread some anon posted 20 minutes ago about school rumble.

there just isnt much to be said.
>Ghost of the Shell is boring. Which makes it hard to follow.
what the actual fuck, if anything should be hard to follow it would be a film that tries to do too much instead of a film that is more passively composed.

one of my favorite scenes in the film is literally when they're just showing the city. there's so much that is said without words on the state of society during that scene, but most people would just be like "wtf is this garbage no action bullshit"

plus having a more reserved approach to a film like that was somewhat refreshing for the time, and it allowed the most climactic and moving scene to be a simple act of trying to open up a damn tank.

the film was paced so well, they managed to make me feel more intensity in a couple seconds than in any given episode of ANY shonenshit anime, motoko breaking her arms will always mean more to me as a memory than a rasengan or whatever.

there are more composed ways of exciting the viewer than explosions man
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>there are people on /a/ right now who don't like M.D. Geist, the sequel, or Genocyber or any other violent anime from the 80s and 90s because "not enuff cute grills :3"
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>OP said nothing about "deepness"
>Eva fags are so insecure the have to direct the argument towards that
I can't say I do. Props to making it day to day through that, and I hope you aren't forced to deal with that forever.
I hate Kawaii crap and i still think MD Geist is probably the WORST anime ever made. Watch Angel Cop, faggot!
>there are people on /a/ right now who don't like M.D. Geist, the sequel, or Genocyber or any other violent anime from the 80s and 90s because "MANLY ANIME FOR MANLY PEOPLE LIKE ME"
And once again, someone fresh out of high-school fuels the popular misconception that art is subjective. It does have SUBJECTIVE QUALITIES, but as a whole, there are objective rules and qualifications that something must fulfill in order for it to be called "art."
Oh god, I assumed you were talking about the films. I can understand those being to everyone's liking due to their wordiness, but holy fuck; if anything SAC and Arise are like the most accessible adaptations of GitS. Yeah, your friend sounds retarded.

>both movies had plenty of monologue
>innocence overdid it a bit even
I actually enjoyed Innocence, even more than the first movie.. I guess I'm a sucker for Oshii's philosophizing and IG's cyber punk visuals

>i-it has aired?
Were you not around in June?
>non linear progression in time
they even had the decency to declare a date, i mean COME ON
I don't doubt that, but just because 90% of anime is moeshit this season (whether that is true or not, I wouldn't know) doesn't mean 90% of discussion on /a/ has to be about said moeshit.

In fact, I'd say the surge of threads not directly about a specific currently-airing anime is what is filling up most of that void. If there isn't enough anime to talk about, threads like this happen.

Just to put it out there, I do like this thread.
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>Disregards a whole thread of discussion in favor of a witty remark and smug reaction image

well, aren't you a cunt
>but as a whole, there are objective rules and qualifications that something must fulfill in order for it to be called "art."
This is interesting. Please entertain me.
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>people think Shinkai movies are sad
>manly anime strawman argument
You moefaggots should stop that bullshit

okay okay I'm sorry. Did you at least like Cyber City Oedeo or Kite? I fucking loved Kite even though it was basically a hentai with action scenes
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>art isn't subjective

It's summer all right!
>implying deepness doesn't correlate with difficulty to follow
>manly anime strawman argument
Irony. As expected of retards such as yourselves.
No I also enjoyed Innocence more than the first. Batou is a better character than the Major and the themes and plot were better. The plot of the first one was predicatable as shit whereas I had no idea what was going to happen in the second one
>Thinking that you can put an objective measure on what people find sad.
Keep trying you'll think of something eventually
>if you can't get it, its complex
>If it's complex, it's hard to understand
>(http://www.thefreedictionary.com/deep) Deep
> 4.
> a. Difficult to penetrate or understand; recondite: IE: a deep metaphysical theory.
Well, you're pretty close to the mark - been three years since I was in high school.

That said, I was never told about any objective qualities when it comes to art, and numerous visits to modern art museums across the country have led me to believe that if there are any, they couldn't possibly outweigh the subjective quality.

I'm open to learning otherwise, though, so feel free - a response won't fall on deaf ears.
>there are objective rules and qualifications that something must fulfill in order for it to be called "art."
if its an expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, its art

checkmate athiests
Thank you. Your post was important.
Pretty much the only objective quality is that an audience considers it to be art.
eh, you're one of the few then, most people bashed it because it was ''trying too hard'' to be deep and thoughfull durrr durrr.
i personally liked it but nothing tops the original movie.

>Were you not around in June?
i usually drop by for a short visit every 3-4 months or so.
Hell yeah i loved Cyber City Oedeo and Kite(Uncut) and Mezzo Forte( again uncut) and Mad Bull 34 classics.
He won't because he's a fucking idiot that has no idea what he's talking about.
It does, because there's a subtext that you have to be aware of while watching the show, but I don't think it's too far-fetched to say that such a relationship isn't linear, at least.

Hell, the relationship between depth and difficulty to follow would have to be a personal one.
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>Other people preferring Innocnece to GitS.
Never thought I'd see the day, but now I don't feel so alone.
/a/ always gets swept away by cheap trolling. Like /a/ is the easiest board to troll ever. If you don't recognize this you are probably a newfag
Though we at least agree that the people who think those anime with the exception of Eva are hard to follow are dumbasses.
sup YotsubaC
>>90357031 (OP)
But none of them are hard to follow. They were interesting to think about, but not difficult to figure out.

Herptisaurus Rex, faggot.
>-1 thread limit
You've pretty much zero idea what you're talking about. "Art" doesn't even mean what you think it means. It doesn't mean "Very good" and it even has several definitions. Ironically, only teenagers use it the way you do in the first place.
>Implying NGE was hard to follow
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Well to be fair, both MD Geist and Genocyber are not exactly "good", as in their poorly animated and filled with nonsensical writing and direction. They are however, "entertaining" in just how much unrestrained juvenile bloody action they get away with.

>Watch Angel Cop, faggot!
Agreed. Based Aikawa. pic related

>I fucking loved Kite even though it was basically a hentai with action scenes
Actually, Uemetsu was forced to put the porn scenes in to get funding, as Green Bunny was really the only studio willing to put up with his perfectionist approach to animation.

It's also probably why there are so many different edited versions of kite

>Cyber City Oedeo
mah nigga
>with the exception of Eva
Don't you mean only Eva?
I could have assumed that, but I chose not to - he could simply be frustrated that people don't understand what he assumes to be a basic concept, so instead of taking the time to explain it, he just posts as he did.

If he has nothing to say, then he won't. If he does, I may learn something new.
It's in my opinion one of the greatest anime films ever made along with Akira and Spirited Away. The first one was pretty good but the second was kind of the full realization of what the first was going for

>I still have yet to watch Stand Alone Complex
Innocence was okay in my opinion until just before the end, where it was 20-30 minutes of pure tedium involving repeating events or something.

the rest of it was quite enjoyable in my opinion.

Epic greentext, I like it. Now explain.
The anime is kinda hard to follow because the exposition was handled wrongly.

Though it's still pretty easy to find out what happens throughout
Gurren lagann, not so good
Mushishi? More like MushiSHIT
Aria, a show about nothing.
Hellsing, Twilight except shit.
Darker than Black? More like Browner than SHIT
Akagi. If I wanted to see old people sitting around a table I'd visit my grandma more often.
Neon Genesis Evangelion, makes about as much sense as a pedophile in a retirement home.
Serial Experiments Lain? more like Serial Experiments LAME shitsux
Dennou Coil? More like shitty Fractale ripoff without Yamakan.
Samurai Shitpoo. Shitty plot and writing, shitty characters, and even shittier music.
Beck, if I wanted to watch shitty bands, I would go see Tool live.
Kaiba. Pretentious Powerpuff girls shit with LOLDEEP.
Tatami Gaylaxy. Groundhogs day for hipsters.
Paprika. Pretentious Inception ripoff now with moeshit.
One Piece, if I wanted to watch a good shounen I would watch Naruto.
Kino no Tabi? If I wanted to watch a dyke on a motorcycle, I'd go visit San Francisco instead.
Eureka 7, more like Gurren Lagann 2.
Vinland Saga, shitty manga and even worse anime. 2 episodes in and I fell asleep.
Hidamari Sketch, confirms my belief that art school students are idiots.
Kurenai, shitty anime about an ugly loli.
Koi Kaze, if I thought incest was wrong I would stop having sex with my little sister.
Grave of the Fireflies? If I wanted to watch a whiny cunt and his little sister fuck around I'd go to Chuck E. Cheese.
Golden Boy? If I wanted to see a genius get horny, I'd videotape myself masturbating.
>Hellsing, Twilight except shit.
Still a better love story though
top kek
Look mate, there is a big difference from liking a show and the quality of said show. He can like shit like Snk as much as he wants, but when they thinks it's good it's when it becames a great problem, shitty normalfags try to force what they like on others arguin that it's good because they like it, even more they insult good anime thinking that naruto and other shit is good, so change that mentality mate.
Well, I want someone to explain to me what the moral of Lain is. I get all that CyberGod bullshit but I don't get what was the point of the fucking series. Do they want to show how convoluted human relationships are?. I need your help, /a/.
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Been watching 10-15 shows per season since summer 09. Can honestly say I've enjoyed all of it.

When I'm in a 3 x 3 thread i literally agree with every post in the thread.
Thats why i can love every single one of you faggots.
>even shittier music
ya got me
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>Mushishi? More like MushiSHIT

gets me every time, goddamit
>my face when I actually jerked off and liked the porn scenes

I think he probably made them so hot just because "well if I'm gonna do this might as well go all the way"

And i agree Geist and Genocyber aren't the deepest or most poignant things in the world but I'll be damned if it didn't make my blood pump with adrenaline.

>mah nigga
Hell yes, Cyber City Oedeo is fucking awesome.

>that theme song and OP
>those memorable characters
>that dub
>that line in the cheesy as fuck dub where Betnen says "You wouldn't know a god damn vampire if it bit you on the end of your fucking dick"

Have you seen Armitage 3 or Violence Jack? I wanted to watch one of those next since I'm pretty much hooked on this kind of anime now
>Darker than Black? More like Browner than SHIT

Gets me every fucking time.
The show is only as good as the viewer thinks it is. The problem, as you pointed out, lies in people (I hate to use the word normalfags in this context, because let's face it - a lot of people watch anime) think it's necessary to press their interests on other people.

That happens a lot, and if you look through this thread, it's happening right here. It's fine to not like something that someone else likes, and the other way around. There's nothing wrong with that. The problem is, not everyone accepts that, and many find it necessary to insult people based on what they enjoy (something that doesn't have an adverse affect on them, at that).
Internet is damaging for you and affects your perception of the world, as well as your relations with other people.

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>Gurren lagann, not so good
What did you say punk?
Darker than Black is great though
Now that makes sense.
Just started watching this, am I the only one who noticed a quality drop in animation after episode three?
Episode 4 looks specifically weird, different director i believe, if that's what you mean
>>that dub
Speaking of which that dub and especially the Angel Cop dub. Oh my fucking god the Angel Cop dub, anyone who hasn't seen it, you'd be doing yourself a disservice watching it subbed.

If it ever gets a re release by whomever they had better not fucking redub it or releases it subbed only. I lost my old VHS of it, i want to track it down on DVD.
each episodes have different directors to it
episode 4 is the lowest point.
Insulting someone for their tastes works fine with normals since they'll start thinking that their anime is not "cool". I can't imagine there is someone on /a/ that would stop watching a show because someone called names to him.
Every Gainax show has a drop in animation at some point. That's like an unwritten rule of gainax. That's why their OVAs are usually better
DTB is one of the few anime by Bones where the ending doesn't make me want to punch a baby square in the face. I heard they managed to fuck up season 2 though. Too bad.
>nothing tops the original movie.

Well, even though I love Innocence, when it comes to Oshii's best film, that for me will always be Patlabor 2

>And i agree Geist and Genocyber aren't the deepest or most poignant things in the world but I'll be damned if it didn't make my blood pump with adrenaline.

Don't forget, they're directed by Koicha Ohata. And Genocyber's screenplay was from Shou Aikawa, after he turned Angel Cop into /pol/: the anime.

Also, you can't forget about Oedo's redone musical score that was only available on VHS in the UK


>Have you seen Armitage 3 or Violence Jack?

Yes. Armiage was enjoyable but only as an OVA; the dub-only movie version kinda blows, primarily thanks to the phoned performances of both Elizabeth Berkley and fucking Keifer Sutherland.

Violence Jack... Yeah that was too much for me. And I've seen both the censored and uncut versions. That second episode made me want to take shower.
There's no season 2.
>I will never own a 80s-90s OVA full of cyberpunk or violence or both on VHS

Damn, I need to get a job and VCR so I can try this out. I'm a nostalgiafag especially for times I didn't experience. I know it's stupid but it's cool as fuck sometimes
>When it comes to Oshii's best film, that for me will always be Patlabor 2
But that's not Sky Crawlers.
Patlabor 2 is a close second, though.
I would say Lain is more largely about how the internet, anonymity, and technology has affected our sense of identity, and the exploration of inter-personal relationships in Lain were only meant to explore how people view Lain and how she presents herself.

/art is subjective
>the second episode of Violence Jack made me want to take a shower

Holy shit my ass is not ready. And yeah I was planning on watching Armitage 3 in OVA form.
The ending of DTB was still retarded because nothing was explained so nothing was lost.
biggest dtb flaw is the inconsistency in the magnitude of their price. i mean, blood nigga's price is to cut himself? come ON how is that in the slightest inconvenient? they got niggas giving themselves cancer to use their power
>Not getting that watching it in broadcast order makes Melancholy Part 6 all the more poignant
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>Real philosophy
>ayn rand
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>my face when I realized Deadman Wonderland was basically Darker than Black but in prison with a retard generic shounen MC
>Otaku no Video
Gainax's autobiography

>Wings of Honneamise
them actually trying to be deep

Aim for the Ace: mecha edition

the result of Anno's depression and poor budget management

Gainax's guide to maturity

Gunbuster done by Imaishi

Gainax reminds you that they are fans of anime and pop culture

mechfags makes mech anime

Gainax reminds you that they are westaboos
So If I just say it doesn't make any fucking sense and all of you are pretentious hipster for thinking otherwiser, I will be right because art is subjective.
I didn't say any of that shit nigger I just said that if you watch in broadcast order and don't know shit about the show it can be difficult to follow

chronological order>broadcast order

I don't give a fuck what anyone says this is the truth
>or releases it subbed only
If anything, those subs need to be fixed first, since the old Manga UK disc had to remove the antisemitism subplot for political correctness.

I honestly don't see how that's a problem.
Different contractors, different prices.
It's also related in some cases to their previous lives.
In a way, yes. You may find others that agree with you and others who do not. In fact, you have this thread as an example.
You'd still need to explain yourself as to why you hold that opinion.
>>When it comes to Oshii's best film, that for me will always be Patlabor 2

That was great but for me it would be Beautiful Dreamer.
Oh I agree, I love Darker than Black, I even thought the second season was enjoyable, if a massive step down but the play on words makes me giggle like a bitch.
I agree with almost everything you said, excepting for that the quality of a show, as quality is an objective parameter, doesn`t change from one human being to another, one human being could overrate or underrate a show
I should also mention that despite being co-directed by Ichiro Itano (the animator responsible for some of the most memorable actions scenes in mecha anime like Macross) and being released in the 80s, Violence Jack is also really cheaply animated.


Keep in mind this guy just grunts in Japanese; the animators actually just fucked up the cel placement.
People here thought Madoka was hard to follow for fucks sake.
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And their best works are still Honneamise and Abenobashi.
from a mechanics viewpoint it arbitrarily invalidates the meaning of the institution of prices themselves

sure different contractors and different prices, but they have such a wide variance of magnitude. when some niggas have to die and some niggas have actions that are literally catalysts to using their power in the first place, it just makes me ask why, how does that make any sense as an institution of "pricing"

i'm not going to lie to you, i couldn't keep with the series over this. do they ever adequately address how some niggas get shafted by their price and why? it just seems arbitrary, pointless, and flat out unfair as a power mechanic
There was a guy here saying he didn't get madoka's wish. I am retarded but this kind of people should be killed.
I can handle it. I watched nearly all of Gundam 0079 and other cheaply-animated stuff so I can hang
If you don't feel like it I understand and will just google but while we're on the topic do you think you could explain how Devilman relates to Violence Jack? I have yet to watch either and want to know if there's some kind of order or something
But it isn't. There are philosophies to defining quality, but the fact that I use that word in plural should tell you it isn't objective. People disagree even within those philosophies. You can make the distinction, "oh this person over / under rated," but who gets to be right? Where is the guideline that informs us of the correct measure? It would have to exist for it to be an objective matter.
The powers they got were just as arbitrary as the price for using them.
It was a lottery, and the show never actually tried to create some sort of standard in that matter.
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Alright then.

Just be ready for when one of the biker villains fucks and eats the corpse of his transvestite gang leader which makes him turn into a monster
The wold created at the end of Devilman is the one where Violence Jack takes place.
eh, guess i'm not interested in entertaining a lottery of sorts. thanks for the insight anon
I think it has to do with Jack being some post apocalyptic reincarnation of Devilman.

Honestly, I can't say for sure, I'm not the best Nagai expert.
Ah thank you. I will DL and watch both now. I am ready for a couple of nights (or one if I'm super into it) of ultraviolence.

This class of anime is fucking rad to me. It's like watching a death metal or grindcore video
>The only think complicated are the human relations in the show.
If a show expands on a simple them and it does it well enough, it is easier for it to be thematically coherent. That's hardly bad.
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It sure exist, animation, drawing, OST, pacing, character/story development, i don't know so much. i'm just a fan, but all this aspects are frequently discussed here, and they are objective. Philosophies never go anywhere so you shouldn't use them, maybe i think that way because i stdy something math-related. But anyway you can't just say that my drawing is better that the drawing of a profetional because it's subjective or whatever other case.
>>90357031 (OP)
I agree. So far I have seen only two anime that are truely hard to follow: Tenshi no Tamago and PaniPoni Dash!
>You actually tricked people
That is actually really gr8 b8.
Abenobashi was the most honest
and Honneamise had the most effort to it

though the Gainax ending kinda made me disagree with the Abenobashi one
Even if he was just trolling

>Ayn Rand
I mean seriously
>>90357031 (OP)
You can say what you want but I didn't understand shit of Lain until I read up afterwards. The series is made to be vague and hard to follow on purpose.
What about devilman lady?
I always thought it took place after devilman and before violence jack.
>because nobody likes to talk about old shows
They have been talked to death if you've been around long enough. And I doubt you want to talk to the people that haven't.
>Pacing is objective
Stopped reading right there.
>I doubt you want to talk to the people that haven't.

Actually, no. Primarily because maybe their interest will be piqued and you can share something you enjoy by getting them to watch it.
oh really?, how it isn't?
I disagree.
Lain made no sense whatsoever while watching it, but by the end is where everything fell in place and shit made sense.
I meant the people that have watched old shows, but haven't been on /a/ very long. But perhaps I'm wrong; you could probably enjoy having repeat discussions if you haven't had them before. Just don't expect that many people to participate.
What you perceive as a dragging stroyline might feel normal for others, or viceversa.
There's no set of rules that dictate the amount of events or twists that have to take place within a certain timeframe.

I'll say that I think rushed pacing is far less excusable than slow, though.
Yeah, of course i got the main story, but I mean all those subtle hacker trivia and other references are the things I didn't get. There were problably deeper layers in the plot itself that I just don't realise right now.
Anyone know where I can get a good torrent for Texhnolyze? The one on nyaa has barely any seeders.
>The one on nyaa has barely any seeders.
It's an old show. What's the rush?
Well, you CAN do whatever the fuck you want. There needn't even be any justification for your opinion if you don't feel the need. However, if you want to be convincing you need to provide reasoning. This is all besides the point.

There is no objective measure of quality. Now, saying that the amateur work in your example is better "because it's subjective" is just as strong an argument as saying the professional work is better "because it's professional." In the end , either case comes down to the opinion, taste. One person could genuinely think the amateur work was better and have justifications, even if another person disagreed. That doesn't make the first person objectively wrong, it just means there's a difference in subjective opinion.

My issue with the idea of subjective quality is that people fail to realize taste ceases to exist, opinion ceases to be a thing. It becomes a matter of right and wrong. If these guidelines were objective then we could just be informed about the quality of things and critical thought would be unnecessary.

Also, the idea that the professional work is better because it professional, or that any "objective" opinion is better or more correct because it is "objectively true" - that is, most likely provided by a popular camp of critical thought - is argument from authority. And my issue will always come down to where is this authority that can provide an inherently true guideline for all people and times? It doesn't exist.

Also a cs student with a math minor here for what it's worth. Though from my peer group it seems the belief in the objective measure of quality and critical thought is strongly based in STEM people who dabble in critical theory.
Okay I must be fucking stupid but what is a Gainax ending? I've only seen three Gainax shows so I guess I wouldn't know
I'd preferably want to watch it before there's no active torrents left for it. I'll stream it as a last resort, but I'd rather avoid that.
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Just look at it, man.
Now way I'll ever download that.
Welp. I guess I have to stream it. Fuck.
Try animebytes
Wow it's practically the same thing
I don't have the internet to maintain a ratio. My upload speed is like .60kb/s I think.
is why I refuse to tall about anime with people outside
Are you fucking serious, really?
Did you actually look at the screencap I posted?
They clearly have no idea what those numbers mean
Not only do I thin TTGL is better than getter robo, I think that it has a superior theme and message than EVA, and delivers them more succinctly.

Yes, there is no rule about it nor for any other aspect, but you can't put the pacing that you just feel like on certain scenes just because fuck you, any scene needs a certain pacing to be the most close to perfection it can be, there for it can only be one pacing.
A professional work is better just because it's professional, it's better because there are certain factor to be mesured, tecnic for example.
As we are talking about "art" here there obviouly no rules about it, anyway it exist some objective factors that i have mentioned, that is why people study to become directors, animators, etc.
There for you can be informed about the quality of somthing because of what i said adove, it just need lots of knowledge so we can't manage that all, anyway, if we suppose this is entirely subjective then is absolutly no point on discussing, the fact that this is discussed is becuase there are objectively better anime shows than other. Sorry for this short explamnation but i have to go soon.
Yeah I did, and I even had the torrent and I had a constant speed of 10-30kb/s. Fuck that.
That's why I asked if there was a rush. Just do something else until it finishes.
>A professional work is better just because it's professional,
i meant isn't
I don't usually download things unless I'm not using the PC. My internet is so terrible that even if its downloading at that speed, it hogs my network and I can't do shit. I'm basically on my PC 24/7 so the only times I can really download it is when I leave it on overnight while I sleep. I don't really like to do that, but it's whatever.
>>90357031 (OP)
FLCL tried to be funny about growing up fail horribly
Evangelion is a fucking no sense pile of shit
lain probly watch it but forgot about it mustn't be worth it
paranoia agent is a thriller, ok to watch enought contect keep me in it but it ok i guess
gits was ok i only watch some of it because of the boobs
Did you meant that you need explanation for why those aspects are objective?
But there are many directors and writers who scorn the idea of studying to make art, and advocate just "making." And even if you DO study, popular ideas about how things work technically have come and gone. The idea of what makes something "work" better than something else has changed with time, the idea that art has been the same for the course of its existence is simply untrue. We have, quite notably, the recent post-modern movement highlighting the arbitrary nature of our common understanding of art, challenging our ideas of beauty.

I mean, if we compare music from different cultures and times, even the most fundamental ideas of what we consider universal is unstable - harmony, rhythm. We have almost atonal and dissonant music and in some cases what many people would just call noise being upheld as art.

I'm not saying information is bad and being informed is bad. These things allow us to understand what affect and relevance different techniques have had, generally speaking. But how we understand, react to, and utilize this information is up to each person, not something that is fed to us to be regurgitated.

Furthermore I believe that discussions of art are less fruitful when we come from an objective perspective - because what then is there to talk about if everything is already universally, objectively qualified? It would all just come down to our understanding of the supposed universal guideline and how our respective misunderstandings of said guideline have misguided our view of the work in question, because the work itself has no relevance if every aspect of it is objectively understood beforehand.

If everything is subjective there is no question of the pettiness of right and wrong. People can come together with informed viewpoints and acceptance that neither of them is more right than the other and attempt to share their dissimilar viewpoints.
Ok, i'm going to put it this way,why do you think people study art, or direction, you can learn to use software and other shit you need in 1 year, or the historie of art in less than 1 year, then why, why do animetion studios hires of fires certain staff, it sure have to do with their style, but it's only that?. Why that show won an award and not naruto that is very popular. There is something more than just what people feels like, the same in music so that would justificate OST. The reason is that all those require practice, experience, shit that isn't subjective, there for you "can" mesure then, not with physics, but you can compare them., you can say this song is better than that, this drawing is better than this one, this anime is better that this other piece of shit. Just because art didn't came form nowhere just to beloved by people, it have some technique, it's even in the definition
People think Paranoia Agent is hard to follow?
There are some people that say it's bad.
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Everyone but you seems to have been trolled my higher intellegence ignore bitches acquire fat
I couldn't finish Abenobashi. There's something about the whole exploring different genres in a silly way that gets so goddamn tiresome after a while. Liked the characters though.
>saving thumbnails
Nice higher intellegence faget
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>people think Boogiepop isn't hard to follow
My god, do you even proof read?

You really seem to think your viewpoint is some fundamental truth that is widely accepted, but it's actually fairly antiquated. Having a background in English as well - my first minor was in it - I can tell you this new critical approach is the stuff of the early 1900's, so you can drop the off-standish "all professionals think this way" attitude.

You are functioning at a fundamental misunderstanding of my argument. I am not arguing that popular opinion makes a person correct, I am not arguing that critical opinion or thought is invalid or useless, I am certainly not arguing anything involving marketability or effectiveness or accessibility. I am arguing that all the things you are talking about are opinions, and the best that we can achieve is a popular opinion in even professional, critical fields. Plenty of critics widely disagree on what should win awards - this is why they discuss - and even then artists usually disagree with the conclusions. The person who was fired from one studio for not being appropriate for what they wanted could very well be exactly what another studio wanted and be hired right on.

My point is that objectivity does not exist. All we have is opinions. Some opinions may be more convincing to you than others. But this kind of talk about "my classical education in art informs me that this is crap" is sort of juvenile posturing people do when they can't actual form their own opinions and deal with the fact that there is no "correctness" in art. This is what makes people in one school of thinking scoff at and denounce another school for "not being art because it doesn't adhere to the universal standards of what constitutes art."

Really, this is the last like 80 years in critical thought. Clearly it's not me that needs to get informed.

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