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>dungeon crawling section = forbidden forest
>music university = hogwarts
>alchemist student is weird and gross like Severus Snape
>broom riding lessons
>Sorcerer's stone

This is a Harry Potter clone. It's riding on the success wave that is J.K. Rowling's intellectual property.

The only reason this has so much support from western audiences and kickstarter is because it is basically Harry Potter: the anime. It's not inspired, it's not heavily inspired; it's borderline plagiarism.

I'm not saying this anime is bad, I enjoyed it, but just be careful what you wish for, /a/.
>>89249250 (OP)
Did you really had to create a new thread?
>>89249250 (OP)
>intellectual property
The people with money want more, apparently.

I'm not sayin' that X-number of people can't be wrong; but I am sayin' that X-number of people with lots of cash usually get what they want.
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>>89249250 (OP)
yeah I think it needs its own thread, that other thread is more of a meta thread.
Harry Potter didn't invent magic brooms, it didn't invent magic schools, it didn't invent magic rocks, Sucy is nothing like Snape and what similarities are there between the FF and the dungeon besides being dangerous?
>Harry Potter didn't invent magic brooms, it didn't invent magic schools, it didn't invent magic rocks
But they were incorporated into mainstream media so it could be exposed to the world

>Sucy is nothing like Snape
Yes she is, she likes potions and is kind of snarky and has a similar, droll look to her, plus long hair that hides her face

>and what similarities are there between the FF and the dungeon besides being dangerous?
Teacher led expeditions happen in both and there are monsters that are not meant to be awoken in both.
>>89249250 (OP)

>music university
I bet you think Madoka plagiarized Kamen Rider too, don't you?
>>89249250 (OP)
>>Sorcerer's stone
You do realise the idea of a philospher's stone is hundreds of years old, right?
>>89249250 (OP)
>shitty children's author invented magic school setting
Yeah... no
>But they were incorporated into mainstream media so it could be exposed to the world
Magic brooms have been mainstream since the wizard of fucking Oz anon
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>Wizards are Rowling's, pls don't steal!
ITT: OP gets rekt and stops replying
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Rowlings also retroactively invented Kiki's Delivery Service and Marchen Adventure Cotton 100%
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>implying harry potter isn't an amalgamation and borderline plagiarism of a half dozen other sources
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>>89249250 (OP)
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>implying that any literary work isn't a copy of a copy of a copy since my epic
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>Harry Potter didn't invent magic brooms, it didn't invent magic schools, it didn't invent magic rocks
>But they were incorporated into mainstream media so it could be exposed to the world
You don't say.
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Let's go older
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In die Ecke,
Besen! Besen!
Seids gewesen!
Denn als Geister
Ruft euch nur, zu seinem Zwecke,
Erst hervor der alte Meister.
>But they were incorporated into mainstream media so it could be exposed to the world
And iPad was the first tablet, right?
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Harry Potter is just a blatant ripoff of Earthsea, anyway.

So let's talking about Earthsea. How was the anime?
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>Sorcerer's stone

It's called the philosopher's stone, you ignorant Amerifat.

Why won't Arakawa sue JK Rowling for plagiarizing Fullmetal Alchemist?
>>89249250 (OP)

But LWA is better than 'Airy Pooter.
I seriously don't know how HP got so popular. Drudged through Sorcerer's Stone. It wasn't that great. Then the movies came out and it fucking exploded
I'm looking at it on imdb and people seemed to hate it.

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