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Thanks to everyone for the interesting chats on MOOTCHAT. I'll be off AIM for the next few days, but if you'd like to be in touch in the mean time, feel free to e-mail moot@4chan.org.

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"People around me were saying that Madoka exceeded Evangelion" - Katsuyuki Motohiro, chief director of Psycho-Pass

>Motohiro said that he has been wanting to making anime for a while, but needed a charismatic scriptwriter. So, he made an offer to Urobuchi to join the project, about when Puella Magi Madoka Magica was airing (January-April 2011). People around Motohiro were saying that Madoka Magica exceeded Evangelion, so he watched the anime himself. He said he was amazed that there was a person who could write such a work. He then read Urobuchi's novels and writings and became convinced that absolutely fascinating works could be made when Urobuchi's way of thinking is put onscreen.
Urobuchi is writer of the decade.
He is Anno of anime
He's also working on a show for kids. Gonna get that heartwarming when they're tender.
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But that's wrong. Madoka had money in it's final episodes.
Homura wouldn't find anything disgusting though.
Better him getting undeserved praise than Mari Okada
>absolutely fascinating works could be made when Urobuchi's way of thinking is put onscreen.
Like Blassreiter.

The false praise for this cunt is sickening.
But Blassreiter was an Urobuchi fetus that got aborted by the director.
"The ending only existed in the director's mind" or something like that. In contrast, Gen said he was actually really surprised at the amount of freedom he had for Madoka.
>Madoka exceeded Evangelion
People don't actually think this, right?
It's just a bunch of hacks circlejerking for each other, not really surprising stuff.
Evangelion was already surpassed by any anime with a coherent plot which doesn't use pretentious symbolism.
Depends on what you're looking at.
Madoka had more magical girls & more yuri, for example.
Regardless of whether or not it actually succeeds at that, it is the first real challenger Eva has had in some time. The fact that it is even in the running says enough.
In terms of content, they're pretty similar. In terms of looks, it's debatable, but I'd say that Madoka looks better.

Mostly, though, Eva just loses a bunch of points for symbolism that doesn't actually say anything meaningful.

Gains a few of those back on soundtrack, but not enough to earn back what it lost.
>more yuri
But Evangelion has a real lesbian
>loses a bunch of points for symbolism that doesn't actually say anything meaningful.
Sound like Madoka Magica
Who is not in the main cast.
Yeah, but if you integrate the implied lesbianism of Madoka, you'll find you wind up with an equivalent of 1.5 real lesbians, so it still winds up the victor.
>it is the first real challenger Eva has had in some time.
You forgot Haruhi and K-ON!
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>Haruhi and K-ON!
>challenger to Eva
Except that Madoka didn't make any meaningful use of symbolism at all, so not at all like Madoka.

Meanwhile Eva has more christian symbolism per scene than most biblical movies.
>didn't make any meaningful use of symbolism at all
This is waht Madotard believe
Nigga what

There's a difference between "was more popular than" and "competed with". Learn it.
Madoka has a fair amount of symbolism, partly due to Urobuchi's decision to use Faust as a backdrop for all of his writing decisions.
I want to upload an image of the graffiti, but 4chan isn't letting me. Somebody help?
All right, go on. Enlighten me as to the symbolism used in Madoka.

Also, considering you didn't mention it, I'm assuming you're letting the point about Eva using a metric ton of meaningless christian symbolism stand?
Is Psycho-pass the Ghost in the shell of anime?
>hurr durr Faust
>so it's okay to use lots of Faust reference

Do you know why Anno use Evangelion as title?
Right, forgot about the Faust references. In any case, at least it actually relates to the story and doesn't intrude, unlike everything about Eva's "symbolism"
I'm watching Evangelion for the first time at the moment, I'm not really fond of the characters. Rei seems to be an emotionless doll, Shinji's a pussy and Asuka seems to be a spoiled bitch who only cares about herself.
>Shit like 50 shades of grey sells high numbers and gets tons of praise
>Same for Mass effect
>Same for bullshit pop music
>Same for movies like Avatar
>Now this

Is there anything still left untainted by shit taste? I cant escape it.

I would like to say, I dont care what others think, but seeing something shit get more praise than something objectively better, just bothers me.

Madoka won much more awards.

Including the most important ones EVA failed to win.
>something objectively better

Except that opinions and tastes are subjective you frigid cunt.

The thing is christian symbolism in EVA is completely pointless. You can remove it and nothing changes.
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pointless reference pic related

This is worse than Evangelion which use Angels name (messager) to describe those giant monster
>tfw I have read Faust (Goethe's version)
>tfw I enjoyed it somewhat (aside from that bitch Gretchen going to heaven after killing her child)
Nice to know I get to see this get raped by urobutcher. 10/10 I am crying just thinking about it.

Because it sounded cool.
except the fucktarded fanbase who still believe eva has the meaning of life.
>Is there anything still left untainted by shit taste?
Apparently not you
>Eva failed to win
Because the competition was much stronger. I like Madoka, but let's be serious, Mononoke hime would trash it in every contest.

Anno said it's there just because he thought it was cool.
They are both shit
Funny how you didn't mention bioshit infinite.
I do. It had near-perfect pacing and a really gripping storyline. Evangelion seemed to drag at times, eva fights just being some silly frame for what's really happening. Madoka was all 110% content.
yea it is cry more
Why do we need to compare them? Why can't we accept they're both pretty good anime?
that's exactly what I was saying. The pointless symbolism detracts from its value.

When you think about it EVA is just a monster of the week show.
Because fanbases are retarded.
>Why do we need to compare them?
because they are both high selling shit shows
Sure. But Eva feels more genuine. It has enormous flaws, but it feels "auteur". Madoka is obviously a manufactured, but well done product.
>The thing is christian symbolism in EVA is completely pointless. You can remove it and nothing changes.

Funny, you did't have to care about all those Faust reference in Madoka Magica too

You can easy understand the plot without those pointless Faust bullshit

Because Madoka is the first anime in 17 years to rival EVA's #1 spot?
Having a character design reference a story directly relevant to their character arc, but not throwing it in your face, is somehow worse than naming absolutely everything in the series after some biblical concept despite none of it actually relating to any biblical stories aside from the fact that they're in a vaguely-apocalyptic scenario?

Yeah, nah. I'll take the subtle meaningful symbolism over the meaningless symbolism that won't get off the goddamn screen, thanks.

Faust stuff in Madoka was subtle. And you can even guess a bit of the plot thanks to it.

Christian references in EVA serve no purpose. Other than sounding cool.

Madoka also don't throw Faust references in your face like EVA does with christianity every 10 seconds.
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>Faust symbolism
>Christian symbolism
>books about understanding Eva
You know what, I always though people seeing symbolism everywhere are silly. But anime fans are pretty damn normal compared to Kubrick fans.
Watch this movie. They are fucking crazy.
Yeah, but Madoka doesn't try to pretend that Faust is integral to the plot. All the references are in the background.

Meanwhile Eva is ANGELS AND CROSSES ERRYWHERE, and tries to pretend that it's all actually plot-relevant, when it isn't.
One man spends his time reading, the other spends his time hitting himself in the head with a brick. It might be enjoyable for the latter, but it is still objectively worse.
Just like NGE is better than cute girls do grimdark edgy things.

I thought Mass effect was worse/more overhyped.
Maybe its because the trilogy spanned so many years, where Infinite will soon be forgotten.

But infinite was also shit, linear, bullshit story, watered down, one ending, weapon limit, etc.
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>It had near-perfect pacing and a really gripping storyline
Madotards really believe this?
>In terms of content, they're pretty similar. In terms of looks, it's debatable

Are you kidding me, right?
Evangelion has much more content than Madoka. The history it's a puzzle and you need to conect all the points to undertand it. You don't need to do this with Madoka, the history is simpler, the caracters itself are simpler.
Sinji hates himself, he prefers to die than kill someone, he wants to die but at same time he is a Eva pilot just to make his father happy, just to be accepted, so he loves himself. It is conflicting but if you was a human kid you will understand.

Madoka Magika doesn't have any character that deep. Just Homura is a little interesting. She has an unrequited love for Madoka and it moves her. The reasion for that love is "she saves me" it is very simple but love doesn't need a reasion to be.
>Faust stuff in Madoka was subtle. And you can even guess a bit of the plot thanks to it.

>Christian references in EVA serve no purpose. Other than sounding cool.

It's funny, becasue I can say the samething to Madoka

They didn't have to throw Faust in the story

They did it for purpose

To make retard fans think this is meanful

But in fact, those reference still pointless

It didn't do anything to the Madoka plot
>One man spends his time reading, the other spends his time hitting himself in the head with a brick. It might be enjoyable for the latter, but it is still objectively worse.
>Just like NGE is better than cute girls do grimdark edgy things.
Do I really need to point out how wrong this is?

Also, Mass Effect didn't start too bad. It just got worse with every update.
>One man spends his time reading, the other spends his time hitting himself in the head with a brick. It might be enjoyable for the latter, but it is still objectively worse.
>Just like MM is better than spahgetti guy does grimdark edgy things.
Oh hey look I can do artifical inequalities too.

You're looking for one of the following:
>>/v/ >>/vg/ >>/vr/ >>/vp/ >>/tg/ >>/b/
He was explaing Evangelion to those underage kids in that picture

Do you except 12yr to understand the concept of Evangelion?
Go right ahead.

Maybe you can be saved, because I agree. ME1 was actually a good game. Then 2 took a huge dive, then 3 managed to drop even further.
>They didn't have to throw Faust in the story
HAHAHAH what? dude every element of madoka is mirrored in Faust, both plot and characters unlike Eva
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>muh christian symbolism
>The history it's a puzzle and you need to conect all the points to undertand it.
No, the history is a fucking mess. It's a mess written by someone with mental problems. The pacing, pointless scenes, chaotic exposition, the ending.
And simplistic doesn't mean bad. Usually good films have a simple story. Because the themes should be more important than the plot.
Sorry, but convoluted != good.
Here we go again...
I like EVA but you faggots make it sound like the greatest thing ever created. A sacred book that shall not be critisized.
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>grimdark edgy things
No, what you are calling edgy was actually depth.
We got to see how Shinji was effected psychologically by his father pretty much abandoning him, then we see him betrayed by his friend who he later killed and we see how that guilt ate away at him during the episodes afterwards.
>Go right ahead.
You are "proving" that subjective (ie tastes in regards of anime) is objective by saying that hitting your head against the wall is worse than reading a book.
Not only do anime have very little to do with either, but you didn't even prove how hurting yourself is worse than reading a book. You just assumed it was common knowledge which is the first mistake to a scientific approach.
>I like EVA but you faggots make it sound like the greatest thing ever created. A sacred book that shall not be critisized.

Eva is flawed but the "criticism" that people are doing here isn't even worth discussing.
I like Madoka too, but you faggots make it sound like the flawless / greatest thing ever created since Evangelion
Thats not exactly hard to do when the basic concept is the same.
>A sacred book that shall not be critisized.
Is based on the fucking Bible, of course you should not critisized, filthy heretic.
So when Eva does it it's depth, and when Madoka does it it's Edgy, because you say so. Okay, gotcha.
3.33 BD next week. Anyone else stoked?
>Make it sound like it's the greatest thing ever created since Evangelion.
Either you're saying that something better than both Madoka and Evangelion has already passed us by, or you're saying the Madoka is better than Eva. Can't tell which.

when Madoka does it it's meanful, when Eva does it it's pointless
Madoka doesn't have the required number of episodes for it to be a rich character driven show.

Face it the Madoka anime is very plot driven and does little for characterization. In fact it's attempts for it is mostly babby tier and often rushed or weak attempts.
>You must have x number of episodes to be good
Apparently quantity is quality now. Good to know.
>Madoka doesn't have the required number of episodes for it to be a rich character driven show.

Holy fuck, what?

Did you forget how much time in EVA was wasted on pointless crap?

Not even mentioning the recap episode. Or how half of ever episode was monster of the week fightan.

That sure added depth to the characters.
madotards completely missing the point. not really surprised

And pretentious.
>get called on bullshit
>But m-muh madotards

>Did you forget how much time in EVA was wasted on pointless crap?
which pointless crap?elaborate

Not even mentioning the recap episode. Or how half of ever episode was monster of the week fightan.
>monster of the week episodes can't contribute to the story and characterization
Except it isn't, because it keeps it in the background instead of shoving it in your face.
In any case, meaningful and pretentious is still better than pointless and pretentious.
Oh, they certainly can. But Eva's didn't.
Psycho-Pass has 22 episodes, Gen Urobuchi must write some deep characters.

I am going to watch it right now
man, Evafags are really stretching to justify their shit these days.
I don't see why people comparing eva to madoka, both have nothing to do with each other besides suffering that goes after more light and polite introduction.
Everything else have nothing to do with each other, eva was actual deconstruction because it's actually deconstruct characters and shit, it means that your cute girls was actually a bitches and whores, and main heroine was just trying to escape from pain reality etc.
That's how it was in eva, and that's what doesn't happen in Madoka, it doesn't deconstruct characters, it's just makes them suffer, it's just a drama with cute magical girls.
And that's why I hate Urobutcher, he's a fucking pretentious hack, and madoka are no different from any of his shit, people just praise it because they don't seem his others works.
Oh by the way, Eva is much better because of it's direction and lots of stuff, Madoka is just a mahou shoujo with more suffering and yuri hints.
>>83809848 (OP)
>Madoka exceeded Evangelion"
>he was amazed that there was a person who could write such a work.

Japan.... they're a colony of retarded people aren't they.
What he meant by that is that Itano came in one day and storyboarded the entire ending before anyone had even seen a script for it.
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>which pointless crap?elaborate
Dance episode off the top of my head.
Now explain what the fuck that was about.
And also why we had to sit through every single one of the Angel battles when the end could have been the exactly the same had they sped it up .
It felt more of a chore watching it.
>mfw Cruel Angel Thesis started playing while i'm typing this
2 years passed and the butthurt is still red.
You could have just said that you don't know what deconstruction means.
It would have been shorter.
It's interesting how so much of the debate over Madoka is perpetuated by the very same Evafags who would like to see the series disappear.

He wrote Eva for 14 years old so if you consider 14 years old as adults like your pathetic bunch of characters then you are a fucking retard and need to grow up m8
while I won't bring up anything else you said, Evangelion is bar none, one of the best directed series to date, up there with Texhnolyze and Utena
It means nothing today.
Just another cool buzzword.
The dance episode was pure character development.
>dance like you want to win
>one of the best episodes of the series
Q: Madoka is considered a deconstruction of magic girl shows. Are there any other genres you'd be interested in doing a deconstruction of?

Urobuchi Well, Madoka Magica is not the first show to deconstruct a genre; Neon Genesis Evangelion deconstructed the giant robot genre. Perhaps all the scripts I write will be deconstructions.
At first he did. The target demographic shifted with the second cour.
If that's you, then the only thing you can learn from that is not to use the term.
If it's not you, then, well, I regret that I have to partially agree. The term is viciously misused around here.
lets all just admit right here and now that the new adaptation of Sailor Moon is going to blow Madoka out of the water, as it rightfully should because the source material shits all over urubuchi's writing
Serious question; are there any other successful deconstructions like Madoka and Eva?
Where are you going with this?
It is a deconstruction.

yeah, I am sure Madoka Magica is for 14yr old girls
hm. never seen eva, but I did enjoy madoka.

I do agree that madoka was never a character-driven show, but that was never the show's focus to begin with.

In any case, this thread is stupid and you should all feel ashamed.
There's at least a dozen shows that exceed evangelion. Haruhi and K-On! are not them.
>Never seen EVA
Why are you still breathing?
Eva is to 2001: A Space Odyssey
as to Madoka is to Fight Club
Madoka is like, Hangover 2 or something.
I want to, but whenever I hear about THAT ending, I just lose all motivation to.
madoka is 8/10 at best, 7/10 at least.
+different take on magical girl
>>83809848 (OP)
Having watched both Evangelion has left a much bigger impact on me, the story feels much more realistic, the characters feel much more real.

Come on guys, they are both really good, but you can't compare a story with le cute girls to the story of evangelion.
The ending is actually really good.
>THAT ending
It's a great ending, just confusing.
madoka is 7/10 at best, 6/10 at least.
+different take on mecha
You just lost all credibility.
I thought the pacing was one of the few things Madoka had going for it.
agreed, and even then the soundtrack isn't exceptionally good, I would never download and listen to
>can't even into copypasta
you can't compare a story with le cute girls to the story of evangelion.
Are you saying that the fact that Madoka had cute girls completely ruins it?
If so then you need help.
No, it's Nolan's TDKR of anime

pleb love it
Well, is it now?

I'm in no position to make premature judgments, but it isn't just confusing for the sake of being confusing, right? Just to be sure.

Mind you, this is from someone with Lain as one of their favorite anime.
>>83809848 (OP)
I don't know guys, i got a little more emotional at Asuka struggling to fight 9 mass production EVA's and finally having her body split in half dying. then a fucking cute girl getting NTR'ed by her wanna-be boyfriend.
Shit. I forgot my meme arrow.
No, the ending is seriously just about NGE's strongest point.
How about you watch it and see for yourself, you indecisive faggot.
What i'm saying the story feels less serious to me, and i don't have a problem with cute girls, hell i really like lucky star.

But not in a story like this, it just makes it feel fake for me.
It's been over two years, can we give the Eva Madoka rivalry a rest yet?
oh, sure. why the heck not?

right. thanks for the lovely contribution.
Maybe it's because I'm too old, but I think Madoka can't even be compared to Eva. Eva is at least 1 whole category above.
Just not getting that this was typical anno & gainax. Monster of the week was homage. Recap episodes were because halfway thru the season their budget was cut in half as sponsors bailed due to ratings and controversy
The reason people hate Eva so much is because they think the fanbase likes it due to all the christian symbolism.
I re-watched Eva

There really is nothing special about it. Well, except the soundtrack, the soundtrack is pretty neat.
And Gundam seed, still destroyed them all in sales and popularity
No, Because madoka has more cute girls.
Reasons to do something badly do not make these things good.
Otherwise I'd already have 3 bestsellers out.

Mind you, I'm not saying NGE is bad, but your excuses are pathetic.
>dance episode

You forgote one thing very important in a anime: Fun. The episode was one of the best in character development and the dance was very funny.

>crtl + F

Evangelion was a lot of Freudian psychoanalysis references, some hidden some not. Better than Madoka's Faust references but you guys just see biblical references because they are much simpler to see (and you still say it is pointless).
Sales, no.
Popularity, no.

The new EVA movies, and the EVA-TV-series sold more than it.
try making a best-seller with cute girls, you will be surprised.
Madoka was all cool, but I can not imagine that a normal person in their mid 20s would be interested in little girls doing magical things, while you can show Eva to normalfags and they might be interested without feeling like a weeaboo.
Let's not go there.


Nope, seed has out sold, Eva and in japan Seed is more popular, they don't give a fuck about western otakus
Well first off, no, you can't, normalfags will mock Eva and spend the entirety of it calling Shinji a faggot, and second off, since when is normalfag acceptablity a valid criteria here?
Absolutely none of the data I've seen even comes close to reflecting that.

The sales list for TV-anime still lists Evangelion higher.
The most sold BD/DVD so far is You can (not) Advance 2.0 in 2009.
It's no less fake than teenager's pilotting mecha to save the world. I'm not sure how your threshold falls apart when the cute girls are using magic, instead of cute girls pilotting mecha. Because Asuka and Rei are archetypal cute girl characters.
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>Haters still try and shit talk Madoka despite all this recognition and universal acclaim
Fucking hipsters
except one thing, magazine character rankings
Bokurano and Shinsekai yori beat them both in grim dark
And if you want cute girls, girls und panzer does it way better.
The only reason Eva and madoka are still talked about it My first waifu for Eva and yuri waifu for madoka. That is it
Well I am also reasonable old (29) and I agree. I love Madoka, but the characters are very flat/simple. It doesn't have the same psychological edge that NGE does.
>seed more popular than eva

hahahahaha you're joking right? I mean in some like obscure corners of otakudom probably, but evangelion is a cultural icon in Japan. It's popular with non-otaku.
>Madotards thinking anything could be better than Eva
Why do people argue about "symbolism" like its a real problem in this discussion? Madoka was written badly and offered nothing new or different. Its biggest flaw was in how forgettable and generic its characters were and how they developed. I doubt you could do a make anything with 14 or how many episodes madoka was with the same scope as Evangelion.
And gundam merch...100 episodes of 3 movies, you're going by amount and not by cost, the gundam set is house in blocks of 50 most of the time, So you need to double the number of box sets sold compared to Eva 26 episode sets
So why do the evas bleed again?
Who cares, madoka is rushed season filler and Eva is poorly written and needed a movie to fix the anime ending because no one was funding the piece of shit and for good reason
What I loved most about Madoka is how the entire thing felt like a Greek tragedy unfolding before my very eyes. You have characters struggling against fate only to fall deeper into despair. In essence, the characters felt more like puppets driven along by the strings of some imaginary puppeteer. It all amounts to a huge meaningless farce. The choice of visuals and the nature of the final boss (Walpurgis Night) drives that home.

That, for me, is the appeal of Madoka as a whole. It doesn't focus on its characters as much as Eva does, but it has an entirely different charm to it.
>since when is normalfag acceptablity a valid criteria here?

There is no popular anime in the normalfag world with little girls shooting with guns. You can not say an animu that nobody heard of will be better than one of the best known shows.
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Here can it be a tragedy if all the characters are unlikable and uncharacteristic?
>entire thing felt like a Greek tragedy
>No one dies
Fuck off and actually read some Greek tragedies, No one died, there was no politics and no incest, that is as far from Greek as you can get
>You can not say an animu that nobody heard of will be better than one of the best known shows.
Wait, what?
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Normal fags eat Eva up, fuck i could talk to any of my class mates in high school about it, Guy watched it for the PLOT (it was decent plot back then) and i have no idea why girls watched it, but they sure as hell weren't nerds
silly. not every show has to be a full-blown character study to induce empathy.


not wholly untrue, but exaggerations... and opinions at that.
...and the theme was trying to escape from that very tragedy, that unending drama they were all casted in. your point?
They are all awkward teenages who get superpowers and then cry about eventually dieing...like that magically doesn't happen anyway. Now if you said to teenage guys, Hey do you want to slaughter hordes of monsters and possibly be immortal as long as you kill lots of shit, they would fucking love it
I'm not saying more sells = better animu, but I can't think of any recent animu ever being on television. Even madoka suffered from the fact that all new animu is kawaii uguu neckbeards and I can not make anyone that likes animu of the 90's getting interested in it.
Gantz might be the manga you're looking for.
You said it was like one, yet it is nothing like one. My point is don't go spraying phases you obviously do not understand, just because they sound cool
He is a bigger bitch then shinji, hardly what i would call normal
Actually he said it felt to him like one, which is not the same thing.
Also, you can have a real punishment awaiting you and still think about ways to avoid that. That doesn't change the nature of the punishment itself, only whether or not you will have to suffer it.
I was referring more to the usage of fate and irony in the narrative. well, that was how I felt anyway.
>No one dies, no politics
>He didn't watch the show

How about you actually watch what you're complaining about.
>he said it felt to him like one
I can say my cock feels like the star ship enterprise. doesn't make my cock is anyway like to the enterprise what so fucking ever
No one does die and there are no polotics, I may not like the show but at least I have watched it, you should watch it before trying to correct others
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>No one dies
>I have watched it
>No one dies
>I have watched it
>No one dies
>I have watched it
Looks like you finally understand what opinions are. I'm happy for you.

Not like pedantry ever helped anyone.
The fucking ending negates that faggot. Watch the fucking anime
Sayaka stays dead, dipshit.
Escaping the tragedy was point of the plot.
No she doesn't. She just gets to live in Madokami's world.
lesbians > faggots
There you go. Madoka is better.
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They stop from turning into witches, but they still die under the same conditions they would otherwise, idiot.

Maybe you should stop criticizing things you don't understand.

Oh, and watch the show.
>she goes to heaven
>so she didn't die
No she doesn't
Deus ex macha Is a good plot device
They disappear, just like madoka...so no they don't fucking die
>they don't die because I say so
Uh, huh. I bet you think your first pet is still "on vacation" too.
See >>83818915
She didn't die, she just got teleported over there. Though technically they all died the moment they formed their contracts.
>No she doesn't
Nah, she dies "again".
>Deus ex macha
You have no idea what that word means. (disregarding spelling)
>They disappear, just like madoka...so no they don't fucking die
What exactly is death to you?
>You have no idea what that word means
The ending was a literal deus ex machina.
You're a cute one
Thanks, you too. We should fug sometime.
No, it was an original deus ex machina, but the term means something else today. Look it up.
A literal deus ex machina would involve an literal machine; and the ending wasn't a deus ex machina, since the mechanics behind everything were foreshadowed and explained.

So congratulations, you've now contributed to further ruining two previously useful terms. Would you like to try for a third?
They don't die because they fucking disappear from reality when their soul gem turns black, reality is rewritten every time, so no one is to remember them.
>You have no idea what that word means
is a plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem is suddenly and abruptly resolved, with the contrived and unexpected intervention of some new event, character, ability, or object
it was convenient, sure, but it didn't come from nowhere.

in any case, moving goalposts must be fun.
>They don't die because they fucking disappear from reality
So, if you are an atheist and don't believe in souls, you cannot die?
>so no one is to remember them
Like none of the girls remembered Sayaka?
>is a plot device whereby [...]
Correct. Now what does this have to do with Madoka?
>They don't die because they fucking disappear from reality when their soul gem turns black, reality is rewritten every time, so no one is to remember them.
Either you weren't paying very much attention to the epilogue, or, and this is what I'm betting on, you didn't watch the show. After Madoka's re-write, they disappear rather than turning into witches, but everyone still remembers them.
>is a plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem is suddenly and abruptly resolved, with the contrived and unexpected intervention of some new event, character, ability, or object
Congratulations, you can copy dictionary definitions from the first wikipedia page you see on it. If you actually knew what it meant, you could have just typed it instead of googling it. And as previously said: everything was foreshadowed and mechanics were explained, no new abilities, characters, events or objects were injected into the setting.

Of course, you'd know that if you had watched the show.
Not existing=/=death
Yea just like how everyone remember madoka...wait only one person does
>Finding loop holes is not a dues ex
Ok so with one wish, she turned herself into a omniscient being, removed the memories from everyone aside from Homura and saved all the girls from becoming witches.
Yet her only wish was
"Release Magical Girls in the past and future from their cursed fate of becoming witches"
>You have one wish
>I wish for 3 more wishes
Biggest load of shit.
Watch the show.
I have faggot, how able you come up with a valid argument
I'll put in some work for you.
You didn't understand what happened.
Nobody forgot about Madoka.
Madoka has never existed.
She rewrote history. She rewrote herself out of history.
Homura could still remember her because she was bound to her by her own wish.

>Not existing=/=death
So, what exactly are you saying here? Atheists can't die?
>Not existing=/=death
Of course, I'm sure that if you suddenly disappeared absolutely no one would mourn for you, because after all, it's not like you died, you just stopped existing. Totally meaningfully different. Take a philosophy class, then watch the show.
>Yea just like how everyone remember madoka...wait only one person does
Madoka's the exception, and the only person who was erased from existance. Improve your typing and grammer skills, then watch the show.
>Finding loop holes is not a dues ex
They aren't. Go back to that Wikipedia page you quoted and read up. Oh, and watch the show.
>You have one wish
>I wish for 3 more wishes
That didn't happen. Everything that happened was a logical consequence of her one wish. If you want to pick hairs, wishing for anything that affects more than one single subatomic particle is "more than one wish" because it has more than one intended effect. For related topics, while you're on wikipedia read the topics about Djinni and tales related to them granting wishes; I also suggest reading up on atoms and subatomic particles while you're there, it's interesting stuff. Unrelatedly, watch the goddamn show.
>not existing
watch the damn show, as everyone has been telling you.

they still die, they just skip the step where they become witches first.
madoka wasn't even that good

average imo

didn't care about it at all
Half of Eva pilots are girls, all teenagers. It isn't any more realistic than Madoka.
They aired two months later though.
don't get why everyone loves it so much

seriously what was so great about it? and >muh symbolism isn't really an answer either. i just don't see why everyone jizzes in their pants over average shit. or maybe it's good because everything else is garbage? lol.
>So, what exactly are you saying here? Atheists can't die?
Do their corpses disappear from reality?
>Homura could still remember her because she was bound to her by her own wish.
What you mean the wish she never made in that time line....why don't all wishes from all other realities carry over into other realities?
>They aren't. Go back to that Wikipedia page you quoted
Awesome so now it's a vaild source when you want it to be, no like you called it worthless when i used it

You didn't address why all this
>Ok so with one wish, she turned herself into a omniscient being, removed the memories from everyone aside from Homura and saved all the girls from becoming witches.
Came from this
>"Release Magical Girls in the past and future from their cursed fate of becoming witches"
They was no need in making her a omniscient being
You watch the god dam show, they don't fucking exist after their soul gem turns black.
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>claiming EVA is better than Madoka
SteinsGate is recent and was much better than Madoka. Why this obsession with Madoka? It was okay not great.
"Now, once tragedy had lost the genius of music, tragedy in the strictest sense was dead: for where was that metaphysical consolation now to be found? Hence an earthly resolution for tragic dissonance was sought; the hero, having been adequately tormented by fate, won his well-earned reward in a stately marriage and tokens of divine honour. The hero had become a gladiator, granted freedom once he had been satisfactorily flayed and scarred. Metaphysical consolation had been ousted by the deus ex machina."
That's the truth. Vast majority of non-Nip Evafags have it as one of their first anime, therefore huge bias. It's especially laughable when they complain at cute girls and shallow characters when Eva's cast isn't any better.
opinions, maybe?

it also depends on what facets you're focusing on. Steins;Gate was very character-driven, and the plot was sub par.
I can never get into Steins Gate, whenever I try the first episode just seems to drag on and on with nothing happening.
Madoka is for adults, it aired at night after all.
>Implying madoka had a decent plot
Shit could of been fixed in 4 episodes
It aired at 6pm here...
I actually dropped it during the first episode for 6 months. Just keep watching the characters are really interesting and the plot is okay.
>Evangelion has much more content than Madoka.
Moster of the Week and teenager wondering about meaning of life when cash source for battles dried up.
So why did Asuka keep on jumping on Kaji?
Confirmed for not watching eva
6pm isn't nighttime
She craves for the cock as any teenager desperately trying to be adult, not recognizing that her behavior is actually very childish.
It's completely irrelevant what time it was where you live. Only time in Japan is important.
>implying it wasn't Monster of the Week for most of its run
She's a slut with parental issues.
Nips like Eva better than madoka, Eva wins
This is why we don't base shit off the nips
First interesting thing happens in ep 2, anime starts being interesting at end of ep 03. Despite this, it's really great show. I wouldn't put it on Madoka's level though.
why would you lower it


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