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>Kuroneko "wins" the Oreimo
>Kirino actually wins the Oreimo
no sticky

Mod favoritism?

What do you expect from faggot mods?
>the mods are right
>the mods dont have shit tastes
>>87044327 (OP)
Kirino is a bitch.
And no, I'm not a kuroshit fag. I just hate the show, LN and its fanbase for being objectively shit.
Mods have good taste that's why faggot. Fuck this shit thread.
They must be buttdevastated now
Oreimo is shit
You don't think a sticky would have helped? This has been going on for 12 hours.
Nobody likes Kirino

The only people happy about her victory like it because its incest

She is a horrible character
The sooner this shit series is forgotten, the better.
At least it feels great to know that all those "HURR DURR KURONEKO WON CANON CANNON XDDD" are buttmad right now
Kuroneko will win.

Just watch
For containment purposes, stupid. There's been so many threads already it's annoying
I'm sure /a/ has been partying over fake spoilers.
Just wait for the volume to be released.
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Incest end makes more ruckus than a volume end about a mary sue.
Actually, KNfags have been mostly chill. It's mostly Kirinofags rubbing it in and making threads once an hour.
The mods obviously don't like the worst bitch and I respect that.
Mods don't like doing that anymore because /a/ always gets autistic as fuck when stickies happen.

moot wants /a/ to rule itself.
Who cares? I've filtered and reported all the kirinoshit threads.
It's already out
I like her
>KNfags have been mostly chill
Lol what?
Are you new?
Because i remember different times
Uh, wasn't it supposed to be released a week from now?
Not at all The usual exchanges, even before the end, have been similir to the following

>KNfag: Kuroneko will win
>Kirinofag: LOL don't be mad your shitty chuuni is losing!

SAorifags are the best, though. Most well-behaved.

No, June 7th. It's June 7th in Japan, and some stores sold it at midnight.
Nope. She won. Join the party.
That was a week ago anon.
You've been losing track of time on 4chan again.
The second PSP game handled it better.

And OniiAi, despite being even more of a piece of shit, has a better little sister.
>The name of the anime / manga / LN includes the name of the main heroine or alludes to the main heroine somehow
>People gets incredibly, murderously mad when said main heroine gets a happy end with the male MC instead of one of the secondary girls.

Seriously, faggots? And I'm not only talking about Oreimo.
I agree. It's odd that the games have better written endings than the original work.
>SAorifags are the best, though. Most well-behaved.
Probably because they accepted their defeat LONG ago.
But there was a sticky just a few days ago when Asuka won the Eva manga.
Most people aren't mad. Most of the shitposting is coming from Kirinofags, which is an odd change.
Some people expect things to not end obviously. People should stop expecting more from these authors.
I'd feel better if it wasn't a bullshit uncertain ending life this.
Saori never even had a chance. She was never a contender. Most Saorifags seem to have known this already rather than "accepting defeat".
As a Kurenekofag I can honestly say, congrats to Kirinofags. I am just happy Manashit got told and lost, I'm patiently waiting for the DutchGuy response, he might have killed himself though.
I'm not trying to discourage anime discussion, but keep it in one fucking thread guys. This is ridiculous, how is this show generating so much rage and shitposting.
At least don't expect more from shitty light novel authors.

Although Spice and Wolf will obviously be a Horo end, despite being written rather well for an LN.
See this one is debatable also FUCKING KAMPFER ;_;
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>>87044327 (OP)
>Kirino and Kyousuke meet tell each other their feelings
>LOL INCEST IS BAD. They decide to move away from each other
>TIMESKIP: many years passed, they haven't met each other. Kyousuke is now married (to a completely unkown person to the series), has two kids, Kirino is getting engaged with her 800th boyfriend. They meet after all these years and they finally act as a brother and sister and have a good laugh about the past.
Can someone explain what happened? Who won Oreimo and how? And which Oreimo (LN, manga or anime)?

Also, I like both Kirino and Kuroneko
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You missed it already. Was totally great. Check the archives.
moot is an asukafags
I'm sure that mysterious tripuser "General Guy" who appeared today and "DutchGuy" are one and the same.
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>>87044327 (OP)
Harems in general are just written shitty as a rule
How do you know the "kiss" epilogue isn't a troll spoiler? I'm sure the novel ended with the "we're going to be normal siblings from now" statement.
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Congratz Kirinofags, I'm happy for you. At least Manashit didn't win da Oreimo.
While I don't there have been any definitive summaries yet, what we definitely know is that Kyousuke and Kirino accept each others feelings, have a wedding ceremony, kiss, decide to be normal siblings, and supposedly kiss again at the end.

It's a Kirino win in that they accepted each other's feelings. Anything more than that isn't fact ("It won't end there", etc).
Asuka is moot's waifu.

Is that dutch?
We have several reasons to believe that it's true.
What are you basing your certainty on?
>>87044327 (OP)
Why would anyone want their favorite girl to get with that unlikeable fucker anyway? Sure everyone not a Kirinofag should be celebrating at this point?
>which is an odd change.
No, people being faggots about their favorite girl winning isn't odd, nor is it a change.
Wait, so she won but they decided to not hook up? And I assume you mean the anime. What about the LN?
They should atleast sticky for damage control
>Most of the shitposting is coming from Kirinofags, which is an odd change.

oh no it isn't.
The very low possibility of a popular LN going for an incest end.
tl;dr my ass.
I'm talking about the LN.
>not self-inserting as the MC
Look at this square
So they just decided to not hook up then. That doesn't feel much like a win to me. Is it the last chapter?
They fucking arranged a wedding ceremony and kissed.
And yet you still think it wouldn't go for an incest end?
The way they handled it is exactly how one would expect it to. The siblings acknowledged each other's feelings but realized they had to keep it a secret or shit would get crazy, so they became "normal siblings"
The kiss at the end was a demonstration that Kyousuke's feelings for Kirino were still there, and the "normal siblings" shit was in title alone.
Here is Dutch's response and autism
I'm sure that he'll post a rage video soon enough.

Right Dutch?
Thinking about that, it was the natural ending. After all, Oreimo was Kyosuke and Kirino's story, not Ruri, Ayase or Saori's.
It's different from the average harem LN (like Infinite Shit) where the self-insert male MC is the center of the story and the girls gravitate around him and his sexual organ.
Haha, he said he was going to do this. Holy shit, I thought he was just bullshiting.
goddamn my fucking sides
Wait, so did they fuck or what?
You bet your ass they did, anon.
filtered ;)
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We still don't know if that epilogue kiss is true.
By the way, is someone translating the LNs?
>>87044327 (OP)
No one gives a shit about your incestuous garbage you redneck.
Oh, so they didn't actually agree to become normal siblings, it was just a title that implies a game of pretend. I can see the win there, then. Kinda glad that the author didn't shy away from an incest ending just because.
I find those kind of demonstrations towards a fictional character kinda disturbing.
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Going through the archives has been very enjoyable.
>Oh, so they didn't actually agree to become normal siblings, it was just a title that implies a game of pretend.

This is just speculation. Everything people are posting in this thread is heresay, after all. As the days go on, we'll have a better picture of the story and the ending. However, speculation aside, what I said earlier that the fact that Manami gets angry in this book have been confirmed by more than a few Japanese posters.
You don't like the show? Well obviously that's not true, you're just upset that your favorite girl didn't win! Whoever the plot favors is obviously the best girl, anon, and you're just mad! I singlehandedly created six threads about kirino because each one gets ruined by kuronekofags like you!
So did they actually get married? Secret marriage?

Isn't that illegal between siblings in Japan?
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dutchguy's rectal apocalypse makes the rest of the oreimob owl worth it.
Fake marriage
It wasn't a legal marriage, it was just a ceremony they arranged.
Not legally married, but emotionally I guess.
You must be new here, even if you are here for a laugh you should know better by now
>reading OreShit
Pathetic capite censi
That's because Kirishit is shit.

Just between the two of them? Did anyone help set it up? Where did they find a venue? Who performed the ceremony?
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So, uh, I was gone the whole day. Was there a shitstorm? Is it still happening?

What happened besides Dutchguy?
So, actual incest end? They're blood related and yet they end up together?
Only Kirino and Kyousuke were present, Kyousuke set it up, the venue was the church from the photoshoot in volume 10.
It was a symbolic wedding, there was no actual ceremony other than them talking, holding, and kissing each other.
Shitstorm since this post

yes, yes and yes
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Can't believe they went for incestfaggotry route and they're still Beta as hell
So have the Japs killed the author yet?
>kyousuke picks kirino over kuroneko
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So index gonna win ?
Nice. How deep does the rabbit hole go? Do they mention a future together and actual love between them, not just sibling love?
I'm pretty sure Dutch just bought a plane ticket and is in route to do so as we speak.
Probably. She's still shitty though.
The worst parts of generic moeblobs and tsun bitches rolled into one.
At least biribiri has likable dere.
Sphere is still around
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Thanks. I wish I could have been there.
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I kind of feel sorry for him.
YEAH WHAT A smart guy with fine tastes

What the fuck? It's over. There's nothing left to win. Get over it.
See then I would pop a blood vessel
>>87044327 (OP)
Wait really?

That's just disappointing :c
>Fake marriage.

Author confirmed for beta faggot.
It's a sort of open ending suggestive of their secret romantic relationship.
They'll probably wrap everything up conclusively in the 10 year later timeskip story that's to be released with the anime.
There is still the 10 year timeskip thing, but the future is looking bleak for kuronekofags.
Would've you preferred a not related copout or some other stupid shit? I think he handled it well.
>complaining about a fake marriage when they are blood related siblings and Kirino is underage
So... let me get this straight:

*They get fake married
*They say "after graduation, no more"
*They... actually get together?

What's the situation?
Basically they go underground with it until they can move out
They get fake married, then say that they are going to be regular siblings, but Kyousuke kisses Kirino again in the epilogue.
Nope author is a beta faggot and should kill himself either go all in or go home, he did neither so he should kill himself.
Kyousuke confesses
They have a symbolic wedding
They agree to become normal siblings after they graduate
Well after they were supposed to have become normal siblings, Kyousuke kisses Kirino.
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You missed the response.
It was brilliant, he even made a youtube video.
>[Screams Internally]
Thank you. I like both and if Kirino hadn't won I'd want Kuroneko.
What's the fucking point if the win means nothing.

>going back to being normal siblings

Fuck that. I'd rather anyone else win so long as it means something.
>>87044327 (OP)
I fucking love ops pic so much, she is so incredibly happy.
Please incestuous gods animate that scene.

what the hell, the purple shit is on his camera lens?
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Oh shit
>Let's end this.

And this extra kiss is in the epilogue, huh? So it ends semi-ambiguously?

They fuck behind the scenes, nigger.
Her final form.

I see… However, Kirino-chan.

Don't you think it's strange to love your onii-san?

I think it's not only strange. It's weird. Some will think that it's gross, disgusting.

Siblings can't get married. You parents will surely oppose it.

The truer Kirino's feelings are, you will grow up without changing them and the more misfortune it will bring for someone.

This is something unavoidable. No one, even Kyou-chan can change it.

Not the current Kyou-chan — not the same Kyou-chan that Kirino loves.

Because, Kirino's ideal 'amazing onii-san' didn't exist.
That's why, Kirino.

You mustn't tell those feeling to anyone.

Hurry up and forget them, and make up with your real onii-san.

Please come back — and become a normal pair of siblings.
Kirino's still in middle school. They probably want to wait and keep it a secret for now while Kirino's still in school before they get together.
Just goes to show, sometimes you can judge a book by its cover.

And in this case, that cover should have read "Sibling Fucking 101".
Why are you people so fucking stupid. She won. You can't go back to being siblings after that. They are keeping it a secret. They even kiss again at the end.
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Ambiguous, but incestuously suggestive end.
Just as everyone expected, but no one expected this.
Of course they're going to animate it. that's gonna be the fucking climax. look at those blissful tears coursing down that perfect face. when that shit gets animated there won't be a dry eye in the house.
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Yes, because normal siblings also kiss like that.

It's implied to be a cover. Actually, can't even be considered an implication since the kiss shows that it's a cover.
I don't really think it's anything other than a straight-up Kirino end. The only thing that would change that is something dramatic in the BD short story.
So when they say "they're going back to normal siblings after graduation" that heavily implies they're fucking or at least making out?
ahahahahaha perfect
This is what I thought would happen but I didn't expect the author to do the wedding stuff. The ending is ambiguous but it seems like Kirino has won decisively.
Is that a real TL? What a fucking whore.
Several readers have confirmed that after Kyousuke reveals that he's dating Kirino, Manami fights him for real.
Manami's hair looks hot there.

It means they'll have to lie about Kirino being a single mother when he knocks her up, and she'll have to tell her father she got raped in Mexico.
Yeah, Kirino won.
I bet half the complaints about the ambiguity of the ending are otherfags channeling their frustration to something they can actually complain about because every other girl lost so spectacularly.
there's a second translated part, Can't seem to find it though
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He doesn't understand that if the author let the others win, Oreimo would be forgotten after 2-3 years. Why do you think madoka is still talked about even today? Because cute girls die in that series.
she goes full crazy and punches kirino in the stomach, and then kicks kyousuke after he rejects her

it's one of the reasons dutchguy is imploding at the moment
I see, thanks for clearing that up. I have to say, I'm surprised the author actually even had two siblings romantically hook up. Yes, despite all the evidence pointing to it. A lot of authors pussy out, he went pretty far and I actually admire him keeping it a little up in the air.
Yeah Kuroneko crashed and burned hard.
Yeah there is a page from volume 12 translated where Kyousuke says he is going the sister incest route.
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Welp. That's it, fellow Kuroneko-kin. Its all over.

I don't blame him. He and other wannabe-normalfags actually thought she was doing it for their own good and not because she was devastatingly devastated in her rectum.
There was no going back, I had no plans to.
I shouted the same line as always.
I wasn't going to lie this time. These were my real feelings.


Although I had been searching for one all this time, there was no way of escaping it. No middle ground.
I had no choice but to go press on.
"...Is that so."
Mustering her courage to hear my reply as best she could, Manami smiled, her eyes filled with tears.
"That's gross."
Her voice was clear. I replied, laughing, "Oh, incest is the greatest! I'll show you a real little sister end!"

Kyousuke's alpha as fuck.
I don't blame for that in particular. It seems out of character, but whatever.
Is she happy here? I can't tell.
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Wow. She punches Kirino in the gut to make sure if Kirino was pregnant that she miscarries?


Hell yeah motherfucker.
>"Oh, incest is the greatest! I'll show you a real little sister end!"
Alpha as FUCK
Please tell me Kyo bitchslaps her
>/a/ wanting some fucking whore to win as opposed to the cool, sexy Kuroneko

Usual /a/. I bet you WANTED Spike to die too.
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Unfortunately, I don't know the context of the scene.
You fags need to stop dismissing arguments on the basis of "you mad." It's childish enough that you people are gloating about your ship becoming canon.
I actually stopped after watching this after S1 just because I knew Kirino was going to win. Thank god I did, wouldn't have otherwise wasted my time.
Wait, seriously? What the fuck? I don't even like Manami but I never thought she was just being bitchy with how she'd reacted previously.
>Wow. She punches Kirino in the gut to make sure if Kirino was pregnant that she miscarries?

That's how rumors spread, dear anon.
>the city of manami
>wasted my time.
Wow look at this cool kid
anime is too good for you? you grace us with your presence?
gb2 weed smoking at beddit
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Main Character of the fucking century.
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>Breaking a perfectly good monitor like that
What of the endearing beauty Ayase?
The fake-as-shit HIV ending was better then this load of horse crap.

Died of AIDS 3 weeks later.
strawmen belong in >>>/v/
>>87044327 (OP)
actual incest is gross.

they must both be mentally sick.
>that you people are gloating about your ship becoming canon.
All this mad.
Manami pls.

Eh, she was just kinda there. I would have preferred her to win over the little sister though.

Does anyone on /a/ even HAVE a little sister? Because I do. And it's nothing like your incest fantasies, dumbasses. I wanted to smack Kirino upside her fucking head the entire first season (not even gonna bother with the second).
What? No, honestly the 'life counseling' was secondary, I cared more about the otaku elements in general and Kuroneko than anything Kirino.
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Did they fuck?
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Holy shit, Kyousuke
>kuroneko will end up alone and get fucked by a random greasy fat otaku or middleaged business man instead of being hugged and loved tenderly everyday by kyousuke
Kyousuke penetrated her mouth hymen
Probably eventually.
You guys realize this is fake right?
Not in the novels.
There's a large age gap between my sister and I, so I wouldn't be able to sympathize too much with kyousuke. Incest fantasies belong in 2d of course, and I personally prefer them only in the context of doujins
>wanting to be like that unlikable fucker
look at this fag
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For the next 10 years.
>You guys realize this is fake right?

Oh I used to not know how to read japanese too fellow anon
in due time
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Let's not go crazy. She's only, what, 15? Not even Christmas Cake levels. Nah, my girl will be fine.
They'll get married in Somalia and adopt a Bulgarian kid.

Happy end!
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An LN/Anime about a sister playing porn games with her brother

>Oh my god incest ending, WHY...This the worst shit ever.
> People fap to Mikan in To Love Ru threads and ask why Rito hasn't fucked her yet
> The same people hate the incest in Oreimo

You fuckers should make up your minds.
Yeah I have a little brother (I'm an onee-chan KEKEKEKE) and I don't understand all this incest shit. The way I see it, Manami's meddling only caused them to love each other romantically, and as a base for a relationship that doesn't seem like it would hold up a long-lasting thing. Neither of them seem to feel any shame so far either. If I fucked my brother I would be drowning in it
It's probably safe to consider it fake until we get scans.
There was a full 2 page spread posted, Manami actually hits Kyousuke and Kirino
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Don't worry, you'll get a sticky when the BD's come out and the 10 year reveal is lol random girl and random guy are now going out with kyousuke and kirino respectively
All are away from their computers with butts inside buckets of ice.
>>87044327 (OP)
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近親相姦上等だ! 実妹エンド、やてやろぜ!
>all them genetic words

Kuroneko is a poor cosplayer living on welfare and having to work part time to pay for her little sisters' clothes and schoolbooks. She will have to prostitute herself eventually.
>Mustering her courage to hear my reply as best she could, Manami smiled, her eyes filled with tears.
"That's gross."
Her voice was clear. I replied, laughing, "Oh, incest is the greatest! I'll show you a real little sister end!"

This is OOC for Kyousuke and Manami.
mikan is a pure and loveable little sister, on top of that he has an entire harem of girls, and if he gets mikan yami is almost gauranteed because those 2 are bffs, where as kirino IS A BITCH.
Living with someone sicne a young age locks your feelings for them 9 out of every 10 times. Get two siblings separated and they'll act like two random people, raise two randompeople together and they won't fuck. Just my two cents.
Looks more like sweat than tears
>The way I see it, Manami's meddling only caused them to love each other romantically

That's mostly it. If they grew up normally, we wouldn't even have a show.
I think it all comes down to story seriousness. OreImo is dumb, but far more grounded than ToLoveRu
I like incest but I hate Kirino. That's the difference.
>kuroneko end thing lost hard
kill yourself
I cannot wait for this to be animated.
>manami defects story
>kuroneko end thing lost hard
I have two sisters and yeah, incest is gross.

I think anime fans find incest attractive because of its forbidden nature and, I don't know how to describe it, the sister being always "there", making unnecessary things like interaction with others, the romantic conquest and developing attractive traits.

Still, I'm enjoying the shitstorm. Between this and the reveal of certain videogame console the entire board has been incredibly fun the last month.

I'll admit I was at one point close with my sister; my parents had to stop me from kissing her on the mouth multiple times. But we were REALLY young back then.

As soon as she was able to speak complete sentences and I was in school, all hell broke loose. She became this nosy little bitch who only wanted it her way, and knew how to con our parents into taking her side.
Apparently the concept the author had in mind was as face-value as the kirino adherents saw the show. Some people unfortunately thought it would be more than fetish-pandering haremshit.
Spain is pro-incest too.
You need a 4chan gold account to do it
>happening happened
She punches Kirino ovaries so that she can't get pregnant.

Grade A bitch.
Oh, thanks!

I know people who thought otherwise are fucking stupid. Even the title for fucks sakes.
>incest is gross.
Netorare is gross. Horse pussy is gross. Raping elfs is gross. Fucking little kids is gross. Welcome to /a/.
Manami's punch tore Kirino's uterus rendering Kirino unable to give birth.

Manami a bitch
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>ten years worth of semen glopped out of Kirino's vagina
Make it real, author-sama
>faggot guess considered
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>10 years later
>Manami is the LDP Mayor of Tokyo
>Kyousuke leads a popular protest against Manami to stop her censorship law for the sake of his cosplayer children

This saga is not over.
Rectally devastated Manami fag detected.
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This is what I get she wonted them to love each other but not be in love with each other. is that it or is it she got in the way of incest?
Yeah, I don't really like it, but there it is. I don't see why he felt the need to go on like that -- of course, I haven't read it, though. I'm no fan of the girl, but I don't see he felt the need to go further than that.
Am I the only one that's just happy that there was a winner? I mean sure, I wanted Saori to win (not that there was really a chance) but whatever.
Isn't the whole incest thing Manami's fault in its entirety?
Nah being a bitch and punching someone because you lost is what makes her a shit. And I am a Kureneko fan. Eat shit and drown in your tears Dutch
Did you read volume 11?
Kyousuke isn't letting Manami tell him what to do or how to feel anymore.
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>Manami gives Kirino the punch she's always deserved
>kicks Kyousuke for going full retard and choosing worst girl
>they break up soon afterwards and become normal siblings again
Manami won. As expected of best girl.
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>All these faggots still arguing

Why do you have to hate the rest and like one?

I like Kirino AND Kuroneko. I'm not playing your war games.
Where's the guy? I thought he would come stormig to every thread.
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>mfw da kirino wins da oreimob owl
I mean, I'll be the first to admit that she usually acts like a complete cunt. All things considered I can't complain though. Also:
>actually having high expectations of LN writers
There are good ones, but they are definitely the exception.
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I honestly didn't care about Kirino and the only ship I was on board with was crack anyways.

Pretty much.
>only people without mothers have mother incest fetishes
I only watched the first season and I agree. The fans got closure and the two main characters found love with each other. That's a whole level beyond the usual "LOLOPENEND"
Right here.
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Right here

>Yandere mode activate.
He's here.
Reposted because it's funny.

That explains you, anon.


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>yfw Kirino rubs it in her face

Kirino : "Kiririn epic win!"
She clapped.
"hey how do you feel now? hey Manami-san, now that I've stolen Kyousuke, how do you feel?"

Bish! Manami's fist got buried in Kirino's stomach.
Wait! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Kirino : "Ugh! what are you doing?"

Manami: "This is how I feel"
// Brawling occurs

Kyousuke: "Please stop. I thought we came here to talk."
Kirino: "Huh, who said that?"
Manami: "I did say 'I'm coming here to fight'"
Kyousuke: "......what......"
Aren't you talking about a fight with words?
I totally misunderstood! How could I have gotten it! This is not a battle story!

Manami: "Since it seems like no one said it. I shall say it clearly"

Manami: "It's creepy for siblings to become lovers. Not normal. Abnormal. Alot of people will be creeped out."
Manami: "It should already be obvious to you but, siblings can't get married, your parents won't allow it, Even if Kirino's feelings become more and more real, even if the older you grow the more they won't change, it will just lead to sorrow. It's something that can't be helped, even if it's you Kyou-chan, you can't change a thing about this."
Manami: "So, Kirino-chan, Kyou-chan, it's enough right? Let your dreams become a memory and look at reality ---"
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I don't really care who wins. I am just a bit upset of the possibility that all this Manami punching Kirino and Kyosuke thing is real. It just seems

So out of it.
>40 million posts have past
Time sure does fly
Yes. She created the very problem she was trying to prevent.
Should've abandoned /a/, brah
I have an older and a younger sister, they are my only two siblings. I would fuck neither of them.

I guess I think that incest is wrong, but I think if the case was properly understandable and the love made sense I'd get why people do it. Not everyone's like us (although most are) so there will be some people who don't mind boning their siblings/are willing to move past that for some reason and I suppose that's fine.


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