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You can only chose one.
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Oh wow, right. Right every time.
None because they aren't real.
The fortune teller whos name escapes me.

Forever left.
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No contest
Mayaka, now that’s an easy choice.

Juumonji something
Check out this faggot right here.
Slowpoke here, I jsut started watching hyouka.

Are mayaka and satoshi going to fuck or they will remain as friends?
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Godtier taste.
She looks better with long hair though.
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Kaichou 4lyfe
>Being gay
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I want to fuck Oreki.
>>81868775 (OP)
Just look at that smug face. gets me hard everytime
Empress > Smug > Fatty > Autist
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If only she cosplayed 24/7
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I'd take Mayaka any day.
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Aw yuss.
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Kaichou is Irisu's
I want to watch Hyouka but I know I'll just be disappointed when no one fucks.

>>81868775 (OP)
the right one. and I want her hair like that.

Howcome her body shape is emerging through the clothes?
Mayaka, of course.
Perfect body, delicious meat, legs that dont stop, whatever take your pick.
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>>81868775 (OP)
Of the three? Shoko i think.

Otherwise, Empress is a good choice too. Oreki's sister, Tomoe is also good.
But Kaho would be my main choice.
Even though her personality is terrible, I still want to cuddle with Mayaka. Ignoring her bitching will just make it even more delicious.
[x] Accept Mayaka's chocolate
But it's not.
The one on the right.
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You are right, its not terrible, it's pure shit.
That's why the godess and her rentique bullied that little bitch.

Her personality is great. I want to toy with her to get cute reactions.
It's ok anon, nowadays /a/ will scream 'bitch' at a female who shows even a modicum of hostility to MC.

Mayaka is still the obvious choice whatever they say, attitude or not.
>a female who shows even a modicum of hostility to MC.

You think THAT's her problem?
The one on the right is bully, right?
Can you be any less trolling and shit taste?
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>doesn't agree with me
typical Mayaka fag
what the fuck where did you get that picture from?
If you're gonna rant about how 'horrible' her personality is, better give examples now and prove it.

Otherwise, you are just a troll.
I have no idea honestly, It's one of the earliest pictures in my reaction images folder and I have no memory of saving it, nor any clue where it came from.
>A bitch with her clique bullying earnest and lovable Mayaka somehow makes Mayaka's personality shit!

Makes total sense. Sure. You're not trolling at all. Nope.

Selfish, prone to jealousy, no self-confidence, no consideration or understanding for other people's feelings, tries to hide her timidity with verbal and physical hostility, in other words just like your average 3DPD.
I took that picture in san diego in '06 or '07 on a road trip through California.
I think I posted it a few years ago as a reaction image. Ah what the fuck, that is so fucking weird.
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>no consideration for others
but she even gave Satoshi tons of time to give her an answer, she didn't out him about the chocolate so as to not embarass him and then asked Chitanda for forgivness.
>no self-confidence
getting rejected for 2 years straight might do that to you, and even then she knew she still had a chance.
>/a/ will scream 'bitch' at a female who shows even a modicum of hostility to MC

There's that (which is silly because the two are practically opposites and she enjoys tussling with Oreki, which she stated in 11.5 when he was really melancholy), but it's because she has a strong, expressive personality and doesn't back down easily on her views. Combine that with her possessing an immense powerlevel and thus club members and viewers, in their confusion and insecurity, consider her a "bitch" and a "hipster".
>>81868775 (OP)
Fuck, you got some damn hard mode here OP.
>being this new
Alright, I'll bite.


>prone to jealousy
What? It's her boyfriend that was clearly jealous of MC.

>no consideration or understanding for other people's feelings
Nope. It's not like she's completely hostile to MC, she even thanks and apologizes to him at some points.

>tries to hide her timidity with verbal and physical hostility
Yeah, because clearly her type of hostility is harmful and harsh to everyone around her.

Seems like you want a Mary Sue for a character.
>not viceprez's
Are you even trying?
>prone to jealousy
Of what?
>no self-confidence
You talking about feelings of inadequacy in the face of talent?
>no consideration or understanding for other people's feelings
>tries to hide her timidity with verbal and physical hostility
She is only really "hostile" toward Oreki and Satoshi and it wasn't much. She likes and tolerates them, the latter in particular for all his dancing.

She's not 3DPD, let alone the average one.
She was just too much of a bitch with Oreki and too much gay for Satoshi. Anyway she was better than the retard blob Chitanda by some universe margin.
Mayaka is clearly the only choice here.

If you disagree you have shit tastes and should probably kill yourself.

Smugi was just stirring shit up to attract attention; she secretly shared Mayaka's feelings and told her herself. And she told those girls to fuck off when she fought out they were bullying Mayaka.
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Wr are sorry but you have huge terminal faggotry and probably only a month left to life at most.
She has a pretty retarded face.
I want to fug her smugness

Good things come in pair.
I swear to god I had the gif saved, but can't find it no matter how hard I try. Fuck
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Good taste.
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holy shit
is mayaka really that short ?
>>81868775 (OP)
Mayaka all day,
all day.
27cm shorter than oreki according to mal
fucking midget


I love imagining girls like Mayaka disappearing underneath and being physically overwhelmed by her 6'5 boyfriend when they have sex.

I love seeing short girls having sex with super tall guys. Especially when the little girls practically get destroyed by the big guy's huge dick. It's a prime fetish of mine.

There's just something so beautiful about how she looks both so normal and so pretty. Best Hyouka.
Either smugi or mayaka I can't decide

Why is Mayaka so sexual?
I want a OrekixMayaka doujin...
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Dem eyes
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Not that other anon, but aww dude,
no way that's so cool.
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> MFW very little love for Mistress
That picture has been posted in deep sea threads on /v/ for years.
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I wonder if she realizes who she feeding.
Whoa whoa whoa, I sat through this whole damn show, when did this happen?
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Episode 11.5
>I sat through this whole damn show
Do...do you need a hug?
Thank you, kind sir. I'm going to go watch that now.

Actually, I really enjoyed Hyouka, but I wouldn't object to a hug.
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Hyouka OST compilation when?

I know they released a few tracks every DVD/Bluray release.

Oh god. So small. I bet that she's fucks like an insane tiger in heat.
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That episode made me fall in love all over again
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Fucking strong girl Chitanda is.
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The cutest.
>implying autism-chan isn't the strongest
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I hope Kyo-ani keeps fucking doing this.
she sure got that retard strength going for her.
How many tracks have they released so far? I hadn't even heard that much.
>>81868775 (OP)
Right. Hands down.

Holy shit I love short hair.
So fucking smug.
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I really liked all of the girls in Hyouka. Mayaka was really lovely, I think I have a soft spot for her. I even liked Ayako, her smug side makes me burn with passion. An Irisu is fine too.


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