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Happy Pi Day!

Hope you enjoy it with your qt 3.14 gf!!!!

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Who exactly is the target audience for this anime?
Can't you figure out by yourself? Not realy hard to guess.
40 year old housewives.
Pedophiles? People Still trying to find a girl that likes anime? People into incest?
People who like bad shows
Little girls.
incest lovers
I am.

I am 100% sure that I am the only one, at least here, that actually gets it.
Kirino is well over puberty.
Not pedo, there's Kodomo no Jikan for that kind of stuff. But the two others areapplicable.
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I don't see why you say that
But she's 14
Hi mordin-kun. How have you been?
Mind explaining?
People who fantasize about having a little sister but never really had one or the horrors that come with them.
>14 year old
>well over puberty
Listen here, I know a thing or two about the bodies of little girls changing and growing, and what you said was wrong.
Absolutely not. Just give me a few minutes, I will come back after playing this match.
Otaku who fantasize about a tsundere imouto that lusts for their cock.
puberty is arround 7 year old. 10 year old are marriable/fuckable women. Deal with it
It's possible she could be over puberty, what with girls going through puberty at different times. She's definitely not prepubescent though.
>>81662431 (OP)
fuck off
manami a shit
She is quite immature though. She's probably in her final stages given her breast size.

Absolutely dégueulasse
Pomf are you a muslim?
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>Even replying to Dutchfag
>>81662431 (OP)
14 year old girls who play eroges.
People even lonelier than the common anime fan.
Still not prepubescent, so not pedophilia.
don't mix french and english! It's really disgusting
I wish I was, sadly I'm not retarded/brainwashed enough to believe in this book.
I chuckled
I'll tell you who it's not aimed at.
People who watch good anime.

>>81662431 (OP)
People without siblings
When people say "pedophilia", 40% of the time they actually mean ephebophilia.

Trust me, I have a degree in 2D girls.
you would be surprise of the number of people with little sisters who enjoy it... for a certain reason probably
>for a certain reason
Kuroneko right? yeah... Kuroneko.
Yeah, well they're retarded. They should use the term correctly.
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>you would be surprise of the number of people with little sisters who enjoy it
[citation needed]
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Where did you study?
>implying Oreimo isn't on hulu
>implying Oreimo is some obscure incest anime
>implying normals sense the incest undertones
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I have a imouto but Kanako is my favorite character.
let's say those people likes "kuro neko"s, but probably their sister's.
if you was in more oreimo thread you would know it.
This. Little sisters are not cute at all IRL, 99% of them are vapid cunts begging for black dick by middle school and the other 1% are fatass fujoshi who watch Naruto and play boy band music all day.
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>mfw my little sister is the fat fujoshi who listens to play boy band music all day.
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I have a degree in 2D myself.
And I know for a fact /a/non is hardcore 2D pedo.
>that English
You are outdoing yourself.
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Are you me?

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I said probably. I personally don't have a sister and hate kirino.
Kirino is my favorite.

No imouto, but I have a history of liking similar characters. Like Haruhi.
Waifu University for the Lonely and the Chronic Masturbators.
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Kanako is best.
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Sexually frustrated virgins without siblings.
My little sister is cute. She's only 4 though, so that will probably change soon.
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Always glad to meet others that enjoy Kanako.
>people throwing around virgin like it's an insult
Do you know where you are?
>I have a history of liking similar characters
So, bitches. You like bitches.
You bitch lover masochist faggot.
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just wait 5 years and...pic related
>thinking virgin is being thrown around like an insult
It's not. Quit getting defensive, virgin;
I would not consider myself a masochist. Probably a sadist if anything.
Kids still in high school
ronery men in their late thirties
>implying fat ugly virgin isn't an insult
I'm not fat or ugly

You would love Mio from MM! then.
trolls goes to >>>/b/
sluts goes to >>>/cgl/
both goes to >>>/soc/
now, get out.
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The Vatican city ?
I don't think you even know what a troll is.
All these casualfags, they have forums for you guys you know.
>implying people are talking about you specifically
get a load of this ego
I liked her better than androphobe. I'm aware she has the same voice. Was pretty so-so on her.
prove it
Hail pontifex, peace be upon him.
And you ?
You get the fuck out of 4chan.
Speaking of defensive virgins.
>implying you aren't jealous of my chiseled virgin jaw
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>boku no pico lovers
Pretty sure there are more virgins on /a/, less sex offenders too.
Kuroneko > any other female character from 2011
They only rape little boys once they can't handle the depression.
Sorry guys, I won't be able to type up that explaination. I should have known better than to play LoL when I've had such a rough day. Holy shit, I am so mad right now.
this, If you want to get underaged ass, you join a church as a priest or a a minister

all of the access you could want to little kids

it's fucked up
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I made my full conversion to 2D when I realised that perfect hime cuts don't exist in 3D.
>league of legends
shit taste in waifus, shit taste in videogames
3D children are fucking disgusting.
They reek of piss and shit. Their faces are grotesque.
Kuroneko's shallow as fuck.
She's a decent character, but if "Pretentious chuuni goth loli" is enough to make her your favorite girl of 2011, you have shit taste.
Put a bag on it.
is lol this good?
my imouto likes oreimo
she wants akagi end though
clearly that doesn't deter actual pedophiles
Less? Sex is the offender, we're the honest and goodhearted fellows doing our best to keep the diseases away.

No children either, can't afford alimony, too many figures to buy.
Sena or homo end?
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rotten fujoshi
One of the people in my host family is playing it too, I could at least try to be sociable for once I suppose. I don't think he's coming or he's blocked me, though. I get very angry when I'm losing.

Probably the latter. I fucking hate people. I should have never wasted bandwidth on downloading it again.

I hate it. Thinking I'll just make a new account so I don't bother the people higher up I went into a game and I instantly remembered why I hated it.

I guess it's something you either have to play with friends or not play it at all.
It's entry level, dedicate yourself to learning dota2 and you will have had a good life.
We should make /a/ the new western church.
We will teach normals real values and morals.
We wouldn't allow women in the church like muslims to boot.
I... I think I would be up for that.
You should try smite, it's a completely different feeling for a similar game, no where near as indepth as dota 2 though, which is why I alternate.

We have a dotababby here
St. Dutch : (1989 -2053). Tried all his life to fight against incest and society's setbacks.
>real values
explain further
I don't see the point of playing an RTS where you control one unit.
All DOTA clones suck ass. I got tired of them like 10 years ago.

I got tired of putting my dick in your moms filthy snatch 10 years ago when I conceived you
Typical MOBAtard behavior
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dam sick burn bro
>explain further
The value of childhood friend end.
The value of doing the impossible and breaking the unbreakable.
The value of nakama.
The value of lewd things being kinshi.
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>>Is 20
>>Has a 16 year old little sister
>>She wakes up at 5am every morning to make me breakfast before she goes off to school
>>Always says "Have a safe trip and have a good day." when I walk out the door.
>>She makes me a lunch for work everyday
>>She cooks and has dinner piping hot, on the table and ready every day and ready the second I come home from work
>>There are always freshly baked cookies in the cookie jar, or a cake or brownies on the counter.
>>My laundry is always neatly folded
>>Never hears back talk and rarely fight or argue.

I can't complain.
You need to train them at a young age by playing house with them and encouraging them by saying "You'll make some man a wonderful wife one day." Or "Your cooking is getting better and better!" If they're learning how to cook. Even if somethings really burnt or they messed up. Just suck it up and eat it and tell 'em "It still taste good, next time I know you'll get it for sure."
If you say things like that, then it encourages them to want to work on their house wife skills. And they'll try harder and harder to impress you and WANT to cook and clean for you

Younger siblings are like Pokemon, you raise them to be the best they can be and encourage, and reward them, and it'll pay off for you in the end.
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you forget something
But do you fuck her, /a/non? That is the key.

Also, >tumblr
cool blog post
It's has more of a 3rd person shooter feel to it, you have to physically dodge skillshots.

It's casual, fast paced and easy to play, don't expect any indepth theorycrafting though, it's something you can do good at when you are drunk.
In the second one from the bottom, I thought he had a boner coming out from his chest. I just thought I'd let you know /a/.
They should have made it more clear that Kirino was upset he was looking at glasses porn. You know, when she busts him browsing porn on her laptop.

The best part was she found the porn while saving pictures of kitty cooking pots.
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Sir, what happens in the shower, stays in the shower.
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give her to me, right now
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Stopped reading there.
That's just weird
>>81662431 (OP)
Me. Kirino is how real little sisters are, unlikable cunts, but because she is 2D she have a dere side which in 3D doesn't happen because little sisters are just annoying manipulative bitches. All the anime related jokes and situations were too funny to me because I could identify those kind people having those arguments in real life, the show was full of "this is so real" moments that made it pretty fun to watch.
Prithee, anon, in what episode did that happen?

I seem to have forgotten
7 I think

They cut out the parts I was talking about in the anime.
Okey dokey, thanks
The part where she orders Kyousuke to his room when her friends are over was a very 14 year old girl thing to do.
And she getting mad when her brother see or talk with her friends too, I remember when I was younger once I went to the kitchen and there was my sister with her friend, to be educated I said "hi" and smiled at her friend, my sister got mad saying "do you like her that you are smiling so much? get out" bitch, they always find a reason to trash you and get mad over nothing.
Lonely otaku who have imouto fetishes. That means, you, me, /a/ and every single otaku in existence
It wasn't clear to me in the anime if Kirino was mad that he was hanging out with her friends or jealous that they were girls. I'm guessing the latter because of the nature of the series.
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This anime simply portraits a healthy, smart, popular and gorgeous young girl as an otaku in order do make real life otakus (who are in the vast majority losers with unsatisfactory lives, but one of the main sources of money to anime studios) feel better about themselves. They can make a self-image based on Kirino.

This concept is also used on other shows to a lesser extent, like when Yui from K-On! wants to be a NEET.
I think this is the worst explanation in here to be honest.
Faggots with no taste.
.. I liked it..


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