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I spent the day sorting through and re-reading a few thousand e-mails from 2010, and it was really a blast from the past. What a year it was.
Thanks for an awesome 9 years, and for some great e-mails along the way.

As always, I read all of my e-mail and can be reached with questions/comments/concerns/hate mail/and plain ol' hellos at moot@4chan.org (or on AIM at MOOTCHAT).
tl;dr version of 2010: "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, and VIRUSES: The Movie"

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What If your waifu was a Yugioh card?

>Card: Mai Waifu
>1 star
>If this card is in your deck, hand, or graveyard at any point, you win the game
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>Two tribute
>flip effect
>not formatted properly

Please don't make something for a game you know nothing about.
you can have tributes with flip effects.
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There are 5 monsters with flip effects >4 stars. 3 of them are old ass cards, and 2 of them are Worms which is an archetype revolving around flip summoning. The Worms have actually good flip effects that balance their obviousness.
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>>80453186 (OP)
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>>80453186 (OP)
I can't read that
Pretty legit card except the wording is weird. It should be a continuous spell or trap card that mentions it being destroyed at the end of its 3rd turn.
I don't know shit about yugioh so I can't make one
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I think that's the point.

Needs more effects.
1 Tuner + 1/10 of every non-Tuner monster in existence
When this card is summoned, think of a number. That number is now this card's ATK and DEF values. This card can use any effect you declare at any point in the duel so long as Freshmaker Iihiko hasn't designated this card as a target for attack. When Freshmaker Iihiko designates this card as a target for attack, the person controlling this card must rip it in half and have a rubber band shot at his midsection.

It wasn't. Shame it doesn't do high res.
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I tried.
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Few changes
That pretty good.
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I love it.
Thanks but if this card was real it would be banned from tournaments so quick

With how the current metagame works, any card you can just drop into your graveyard people are going to run 3 of it.
I think I've seen a token card with an effect like this.
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Can't think of a good effect.
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fuck waifus
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Are there any actual cards with weird points?
ive seen 0/0 before, and maybe 1/1
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Oh shit, wrong power level. Sorry guys
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It should be it gains ATK and DEF for every monster destroyed in battle
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Thoughts? I don't really know yugioh lingo so it might be worded strangely.
Replace banished with" removed from play".
Actually they use the word banish nowadays I think
Wow I'v been away longer than i thought.
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I would if I could.
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I'm not familiar with Yugi wording, here's another one, any suggestion?
No spaces be sentencing.
Jesus bro, you need to work on your punctuations.
Usually effect cards don't have a description of the thing.
I forgot if yugioh cards had periods so I just left them out.
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It's been a while since I played. This would be a fairly balanced card, right?
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Would you tribute Illya and Irisviel to win?
Needs to specify the tokens attributes.
>fairly balanced card, right?
I'm not even sure that could be applied to yugioh.
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Nope would burn that card.
>Not Effect
I remember after I finished Bokurano, I made a deck archetype that revolved around Zearth.

It had an insane amount of Attack and Defense, but did no battle damage unless it was a direct attack. If it failed to destroy a monster, the player would lose the game, but if it successfully destroyed 15 targets, you won. It also needed a sacrifice of one of the children to attack.

Koemushi had the effect of searching for kids once per turn. And each kid had a 'unique' effect.

I'd need to make it so that the card can only be destroyed by battle with the current meta to make it be overpowered again.
That would be banned so quick
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Better, sill balanced and such?
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Eh, the most I know about Yugioh was when I watched american cartoons of it in high school.
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Seems a little OP if you ask me. Maybe make it so that the tokens are special summoned in attack position? Also there are no line breaks in yugioh cards.
Would word it:
"During your stand by phase, When this face-up defensive position monster is on your side, reduce the attack of all your opponents monsters by 50. When this card is sent from the field to the graveyard, all monsters effected by the card regain their original attack."
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>destroy this card if shiina on field
Can't read it
Don't use line breaks so the lines become easier to read.
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Look more and more like a real thing now
Kimi so fit in a card frame
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It's been way too long since I've played this game, so I have no idea about balance.
Can't the other guy just lie and say he never draws it?
Yeah but ideally players aren't bitches. I could add a reveal clause but I don't know how balanced it would be to always know what your opponent is drawing.
I think his attack should be lowered to something like 1000/1000 and his effect "If this card attacks your opponent directly, you win the duel"
Thats the point
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How bannable is this card?
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Ok fixed it
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I'd say it's pretty balanced.
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One annnndd...
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Fresh off the press.
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Just make one myself
This card must be discarded from your hand if Gai-sama enters the field.
So I'm curious I haven't played Yu Gi Oh since high school what's so special about Synchro?
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But mai waifu is a YGO card.
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Basically you tribute a tuner type monster card and other non-tuner monster cards to match the number of stars on the synchro card to summon it from the extra/fusion deck.
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Isn't that card identical to "Reasoning"?
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>>80453186 (OP)
Then you just posted her.
>forcing you to reveal your hand for 100 measly attack points.
It can't be level one if it needs two lv 1 monsters to summon it.

He's right, that should be upped to at least 300 points for that card to be viable. Or the hypothetical "Older Brother" card should have some sort of effect that stacks.
That's actually a rank 1 monster.
I think Reasoning has to do with the Stars of the drawn monster, and instead that monster is either discarded or special summoned.
Much bigger punishment.
I don't think you know how xyz works, that's a real card.
Xyz cards don't have levels, they have "ranks".

It's weird, I know.
I realise that now, I was thinking about synchro cards. Excuse my incompetence.
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I'm getting bored and lazy now.
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But I'm anything if not diligent.
Ive got a yugioh card so complicated

Dat duwang
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And now?
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However it seems you lack originality.
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10/10 will put in deck easier to summon horus
Shouldn't it be something like any monster destroyed by this card can be summoned onto your field during your next turn?
>Combining this card with Jinzo or Mask of Restrict

Game over.
I'd go with something more like this card gets +500 att for every spell int he grave.
Eh, sad but true
At least make its ATK points lower
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I blame my lack of keeping up with the game.
Having the ability to select a monster from your deck makes really unbalanced
Make one for misaka mikotoplease
Provide picture, and we will see what we can do.
Make it yourself
On phone good sir or I would
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best card coming though
That shit is silly
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The effect description for monsters with multiple attacks seems a bit awkward.
Your grammar is silly.
>remove 1 counter to banish it instead return it to the field
Well actually I think it should be more like
"During damage calculation; if this card attacked a monster, opponent's monster is destroyed"
He's gotta be able to one-hit everything.
Add something like if the equiped monster is removed from the field they are banished instead. You know how their little toys break and the owner dies kind of deal.
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Made a fate one, thinking of making an Hayate one that can stop card effects, and then making a synco or fusion of all 3 characters into a card as well.
If you use the banish eff it will comeback with no counters. Did you do it this way to balance it?
was trying to go for a effect where she doesnt go to the graveyard

i should word it better though
the counters are kinda like continues and bombs so yes
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Is banished the same as removed from play or is it some super version of it now?
Word it like this "If this card would be sent to the graveyard as a result of battle, you can remove all counters to banish this face-up card until the end phase."
same as remove from play
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I-I don't know what she would be as a card.
No, you'd run out of cards since the effect is mandatory. Opponent would just put graveyard fodder on the field for you to control until you have empty hand then fuck you over.
Nice, much better now
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here i fixed the wordings a bit and balanced it out
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That... seems pretty damn OP.
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I want to try!
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Good show.
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and four.

The Horizon universe sure makes for some great cards.
Oh christ this card.
I should have made an exception for 'Olos Phthonos' in that card effect.
>2013 Arekishi
I like it, it's sort of the opposite of Wave Motion Cannon
>Wave Motion Cannon
I LOVE that card.

When this card is summoned, put a ironic shitposting token on all spaces where a card is present on the playing field. When the card is removed, no new cards can be summoned (normal, special or otherwise) onto the space occupied by the shitposting token. These tokens can only be removed by the "Meido" card or by banishing the card the token was originally placed on from play.
Yeah, that card helped me win so many times
>Not making an actual card
It took me a second to understand what it was implying.

I'm fucking dense.
love it
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My dad works for the yu-gi-oh card manufacturer, he gave me ten of these.

make it banish 4 spellcasters from your graveyard to special summon. Raise the attack. and change the ability to destroy all non light spellcaster monsters on the field. and then banish all dark monsters in both graveyards.

alternative: you can active this cards ability when special summoned by this method alone.

card cannot be normal summoned.

Spell casters fit mahou shoujo better than fairies imo


would disacknowledge again

then make it a synchro requiring a fairy type tuner, make the fairy tuner kyube

also this card is banished at the end phase of your opponents next turn for godoka
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Simple card right?
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But Haruhi thinks she's just an normal ordinary girl and doesn't realize she has special powers, that's why she's so melancholy ;_;
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Prime Material Dragon + Inverse Universe
Not bad, just fix up the wording a bit.
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Yeah, I made a typo
So it's like Cold Wave and Nightmare Steel Cage together?
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That sounds powerful for 5 stars...
>5 star
still needs 1 tribute to get out
At least make it 1 for 1 or 2 for 2.
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Well it is anime based and in the Raildex anime there is no esper beyond a Level 5
>no slut joke
Did someone make a Gertrude Barkhorn one yet? And coincedentally I've just started playing Dark Duel Stories out of nostalgia.
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How is it? I don't think it's too overpowered.
It's actually shit.

Cool effect, but the card would never get played.
What >>80464129 said. Actually not overpowered or anything, but pretty much useless.
Well Shirou is technically weak as shit, so I suppose it fits.

Would the familiars act as a power up card or could you use it to activate abilities like Perrine's tonnere?

How does he have 2000 DEF? Is he using Raw Anus?
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One more Shirou. Hopefully less useless and not too overpowered.
>Increase to 9000
>Sent to graveyard which in today's game can be used to protect Shirou until you special summon him from the Graveyard
>No special summon restrictions
>Actually pretty much no restrictions beyond being being a two-tribute monster and who the fuck tributes anymore

Very, very broken.
After reading all of FSN, it seems like Shirou's defensive abilities are much better than his offensive ones.
>Can strengthen his body and clothing, strengthening his uniform in HF let him take multiple hits from Rider
>Natural reinforcement from UBW, don't need to list all the times it's saved him
>Avalon healing hax
>Raw Anus

So it seems like his DEF would be much higher than his ATK.
OTK time with Shirou!
Black Hole, Monster Reborn
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>>80453186 (OP)
You can't win.
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How is this?
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I suppose he should need some kind of special summon, like an "Archer's Arm" card or something. And maybe banished, not just sent to the graveyard.

Though NLBW is a very broken attack in the first place.
>Nine simultaneous hits, all landing on vital points, faster than the speed of sound from a massive axe-sword
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I couldn't think of a description. I haven't played Yugioh.
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I am not good at this and did not think of the banish concept
Well shit. Guess that's what I get for trying to post it without saving it. Gimme a minute.
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Even when banished you can use that to your advantage though. There's plenty of banish support now, although Banish + "Nope you can only summon it this way" restriction helps a bit.

Just look at him, Gains 10,000 ATK during your turn, but pretty difficult summoning conditions, has no DEF so it can't bother hiding, and it stays face up on the field so your opponent can pummel it. And otherwise always has 0 ATK and DEF. This is far more balanced considering not only are you probably never gonna use him, but if you are it's only to hit for end-game.

As it is this card is basically an instant win any time you draw it.
>10 turns
Too long.
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I like the effect that I came up with because it captures the feel of the Susanoo with the field clearing effect and destruction prevention.
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>Normal Monster
>Having an effect
>Making a card for a game you don't know the rules to.
Fuck too tired and lazy to fix my mistakes.
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I suck at this
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here it is
shouldent it just be an effect card not a ritual
It should be. That special summon requirement only requires banishing a monster, not actually ritual summoning it.
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Well sorry, I told you I'm not good at this
Eh, it's a fake YGO card. There's been way worse.

What matters in the end is, like the thread says, your waifu is a card.

I'm just gonna go with it's Candlehead.
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Redundancy at its best
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And if all else fails...
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someone sould print all these out and enter a tournament with them for shits and giggles
That first effect is pretty unbalanced.
Damn that picture looks cool
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Loads of my friends play, gonna print them out and do a complete deck and duel them some time.
so is accelerator
That's the fucking point.
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Very nice
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Any one got any ideas?
100/100 ATK/DEF
When this card is sent to the graveyard, summon HEAD EATER MONSTER from your deck and reshuffle deck
So are you gonna give up us a Misaka and Touma cards?
how did you make them holographic
Don't you mean "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"?
Sure why not
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>>80453186 (OP)
Man Eater Bug
>Equip spell card
>Not even a real sentence
If you're gonna do it, do it right.
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Should be part of the Madolche Archetype

Already showed Misaka earlier in thread, It hard for me to make a Touma card that is not extremely broken.

even though I've created touma, I dont think its ready
There is a psychic type more fitting for Accel. Cripple Accel can be warrior with his gun though.
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Tried to upload the direct link - didn't work
I think it should actually be you can change any equp card equipped to her for another from your hand/deck or graveyard. That is the armor chick from Fairy Tail right?
This plus Super Crashbug = OTK
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Getting rid of the ink on the card itself and printing on window Decal

Pay 3000 Life Points, Your opponent must play with their hand, deck and extra deck revealed
Yes could you not tell by the name?
Give me a few minutes...
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Is that better? Should I tweak it more?
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Pisses me off that there's no good solo pictures of Worm Charlotte.
How did you make the bullet points?
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But I suppose I must make do.
Wording could be a little better.
>When your opponent declares an attack, you can change the target to this card.[...] and both monsters are destroyed at the end of the damage step.
Holy shit I just lost it, amazing job anon!
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>All tokens summoned to your side of the field [...]
This is worded like a continuous effect, on a quick-spell, so it's more or less a meaningless effect.
A better worded version would be:
>All tokens currently on your side of the field[...]
Which would enable things like scapegoat tribute, and instantly be bullshit because you can summon triple tribs with two cards.
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Gimmicky as fuck.
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Do people still play this game?

Quit like 10 years ago.
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I like that idea.
Almost made me lose all hate for GC. Cool pic.
I do.
Only on Duel Network though, and very rarely.
Enough /vn/ usually has a Dueling Network General going. YGOPRO gets players also (although I haven't played it and I don't know how many in comparison to DN)
Been a while since I read it.
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>Light monster
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In case text is too small:

>This card cannot be normal summoned or set. Must be special summoned (from your hand) by banishing one "Wind of Fortune, Reinforce" on your side of the field and one "Book of Darkness" from your graveyard. Once per turn, during your main phase: you can discard three spell cards to special summon up to four "Wolkenritter" monsters from your deck, hand or graveyard. You cannot conduct your battle phase on the turn you activate this effect.

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>>80453186 (OP)
You already made my waifu a YuGiOh card.
>always does 4000 damage

Half their current seems more reasonable.
>want to make a card with my waifu
>have no idea what to put because I've never played Yugioh in my life
Well shit.
Post a pic and maybe one of us children's card game lovers can do it for you.
The Children are meant to be pretty overpowered. Though I can't really think of a good effect for the other two. Maybe Shiho could be a suped up Maho Vailo or something, no idea about Kaoru though.
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I'm making the most boring set ever, but whatever.
Well most guys only have 2 testicles and I tried to account for that.
Its a joke card anyways.
Should have written "when this card attacks an opponent directly, kick your opponent in the crotch"
*maha vailo
sorry, been ages since I played.
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I was originally going to make this a variation on "Trap Hole" but it would have been far too lewd.
I want to see it
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Not a criticism or anything, but I think GuP might have been more interesting as an archetype if the girls were equips, and the tanks were the monsters.
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My knowledge of tanks is way too limited for that. An /ak/fag can do that.

I'm just going to finish the main 5 girls for fun.
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I tried to cut down on the text, but that's as consice as I can get.
Lucky you
>add their ATK an DEF when determining damage
Damage when? When they attack other monsters?
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I was going for attacking and defending against other monsters.
So basically she has 3200 ATK and DEF.
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I'm sorry, anon, but I refuse to compromise my waifu's integrity like that.

I just didn't want anyone thinking I'd overlooked the most obvious joke here.
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Not the same guy but,what do you guys think of this Shirou i just made?
I don't know what the special summon card would be to make to worth using but when defeated it should be exiled.
Could judge easier if we can see the other card. That being said depending on how strong Emiya is unfamiliar with the Fate series so I can't judge just might wanna make it something like "Sent from the field to the Graveyard" so it isn't as abusable. Other then that looks fine though.
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Fixed it up a bit
All right, looks good. Again can't judge on whatever it summons without the sauce, but if it is something strong it's a fair payoff.

If every fake YGO card was like this I'd have a heart attack.
Not bad. Would look more interesting if it has some other cards that aren't monsters to go with them.
Something like a "Panzer Vor!" to give them a bonus or fuse them into the Panzer VI would be interesting.
/dng/ PLS.
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haven't played Yugioh in a while

Dueling Network actually isn't being discussed though.
/dng/ is more Yu-Gi-Oh general than anything.
No. Add together the ATK/DEF of the paried monsters. I'll try and word it better, thanks for the input.
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I think he means you add the attack of both monsters together when calculating damage and the same with defence not just double what each monster has, so like a 1500 attack monster paired with a 1200 attack monster gives both monsters 2700 attack when calculating damage
mai waifu is already a card
can we just give her a tcg release ;_;
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so this but worse
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yeah, I remember having that card and annoying the hell out of people.
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>>80453186 (OP)
Wouldn't that be a Mu-Gi-Oh card?
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Vampire exclusive onry.
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I feel like this should be a equip card instead of a monster card.

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