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We all agree Sea Bishop is the best monster girl right?
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Miya is very good Monster Musume
I remember a point in time when all the monster girls were loved equally and non of this 'best monster girl' bullshit was around.

What happened?..
There was no such time.
Yeah, I remember when /a/ was good too, people didn't do social blogging, people didn't make off-topic threads, this place was civil.

Oh wait.
Yeah your have memory problems

Kitsune were never monstergirls
Disgusting horse pussy
Mantises will eat you
Lamia will strangle you
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True Master Race reporting.
I'm actually remembering when /vg/ was first starting out and the first translations for part 2 was released.

Still, its been getting worse and worse lately.
Same thing that happened with TWGOK's girls.

Faggots from other sources joined the fanbase.
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>>81387849 (OP)
High class, but not my favorite
the best one is your favorite one
Before the anime/goddess arc no one even cared about the girls save the one being captured.

It was all Keima worship.
No it wasn't. Not even close.
yeah you're right
they didn't care about the girl being captured either
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>>81387849 (OP)

Sea Bishop is nice but not the best.
Waifu wars happened like they always do. I dont really care if someone thinks their favorite is the end all best one. It does rub me the wrong way though when we get normals trying to pick an argument with centaur fans and the like.
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All mermaids are now garbage without these lobe fins
I have never seen that before. Random mermaid on a doujin, or a new addition?
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all the best ones have them
This was never the case. All were loved, but there were always some NOPE The waifu wars got worse, but that didn't really start until MGQ2 got translated.
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shes a new addition. You've been gone a while anon
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Casual reporting in. Sorry, but most human like monster girl is best.
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>part 2 came
>part 3 went
>still no blushing Granberia
Im so very sad.
There's a part 3 already?


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